Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ The Invincible Digimon ❯ The Way to Spiral Mountain ( Chapter 10 )

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The Invincible Digimon

Chapter 10: The Way To Spiral Mountain

By Trunks MTK

Greetings this is Gennai.Last time the new digidestined searched for their digidestined.Mac found his but him,Joe and Izzy were attacked by Gravelmon.Mac had to use the digiaxe to free them from stone.Zero found his at the edge of a cliff,Brad and Eoin found theirs in a temple.And Karen found hers but it was protected by Elecmon.Then they all came back to me and I gave their digimon some food to help them digivolve.Now they're going to make their way to Spiral Mountain.

The digidestined had been walking for hours through a forest that didn't seem to end.

"Are we there yet?"


"Are we there yet?"


"Are we there yet?"

"Noooooooo!Brad we're not there yet."Tai shouted.

"Calm down,Tai."Agumon said.

"I know.I'm sorry Brad but it's just very annoying when someone keeps repeating themselves over and over and over and over."Tai said apologizing.

"I'm sorry too.I'm just very tired.Can we take a rest?"Brad asked.

"Later."Tai said.

* * *

"Can we rest now?"


"Can we rest now?"


"Can we rest now?"

"Nooo."Everyone shouted at Brad.

"Brad sure is lazy isn't he?"Racoomon said to Kachumon.

"He is a bit but it's just the way he is,I guess."Kachumon replied.


"What's that buzzing sound?"Mac asked.

"I don't know."Matt said.

(Buzzing) the buzzing was getting louder.(Stomping) there was now a stomping sound as well.

"Look up there!"Sora pointed at a digimon that looked like Flymon.

"It looks like Flymon,doesn't it."T.K. said.

"I'm MegaFlymon.My Brown Stinger attack is now much stronger it is now Metal Stinger.It will destroy you."

"Look there's three more coming."Kari said.

"And there's something coming out of those bushes."Eoin said.

"I am Minotarumon.My Darkside Quake and Bull Fighting attacks will defeat you easily."

Agumon digivolve to……Greymon!

Gabumon digivolve to……Garurumon!

Biyomon digivolve to……Birdramon!

Tentomon digivolve to……Kabuterimon!

Palmon digivolve to……Togemon!

Gomamon digivolve to……Ikkakumon!

Patamon digivolve to……Angemon!

"Hand of Fate"

"Lightning Claw"Angemon and Gatomon's attacks hit MegaFlymon right out of the air.

"Meteor Wing"

"Nova Blast"the attacks finished it off.

"Howling Blaster"

"Harpooned Torpedo"

"Metal Stinger"

"Help."Mac shouted,some Gazimon and Gizamon were chasing after him,Eoin,Brad,Karen and Zero.

"Get back here."the digimon shouted.

"Digishield activate!"Eoin shouted and the digishield came out of his digi-x.

"Digisword activate!"Zero shouted.

"Digistars,digiaxe activate!"Karen and Mac shouted following Eoin and Zero's lead.

"Digibow+arrow activate!"Brad said.

"Oh we're so scared."the digimon said and started laughing.

"You should be."Zero said and hit one of the Gazimon.

"Ouch."the Gazimon said."

"Metal Stinger"one of the MegaFlymon attacked Zero.

"Oh no you don't."Eoin said and used the digishield to protect Zero but the force from the attack sent him flying off a cliff."Aaaggh!"

As Eoin screamed his digi-x started to glow and bright light shined straight at Racoomon.

"Uh oh."Racoomon said."I'm coming Eoin."

Racoomon digivolve to……Wolfiemon!

Wolfiemon looked like a fox with a metal mask on his face and wings on his back.

"Cool he digivolved."the others said.

"I'm Wolfiemon.I love to fly but if you get in my way I'll attack you with my Mask Blaster attack."Wolfiemon said.

"Here I come Eoin."he said and caught Eoin on his back.

"Thanks Wolfiemon."Eoin said."Now let's help the others."

"Mask Blaster"Wolfiemon shouted and a copy of his mask went flying at one Gazimon.

"Take this."Brad said and shot an arrow at a Gizamon.

"Oh,that hurt."he said and started chasing Brad.

"Spiral Saw"

"Help me."Brad shouted and his digi-x started glowing and shot straight at Kachumon.

"I think I'm digivolving."he said

Kachumon digivolve to……Lelecmon!

Lelecmon had a yellow and orange body and lightning bolt tail.

"Hey I'm Lelecmon.My tail is shaped like a lightning bolt so I can use my powerful Thunder Strike."

"Thunder Strike"Lelecmon said and a lightning bolt came from his tail and hit the Gizamon.

"You're the best."Brad said.

Karen and Mac were attacking two Gazimon with the digistars and the digiaxe.

"Take that and that and this."they said and hit the Gazimon but they only made them angrier.

"Electric Stun Blast"

Karen and Mac's digi-xs started glowing.

"Lets do it."Satemon and Kitamon said.

Kitamon digivolve to……Felimon!

Satemon digivolve to……Pectumon!

Pectumon had orange and black stripes on his body but he had a blue head and gold teeth and two leaf like wings.

Felimon looked like a black cat standing on two legs with very sharp claws.

"I am Pectumon.My teeth are razor sharp and my attack Leaf Flyer will blow you away."

"My name is Felimon.My claws could kill a human with one scratch and my attack X-Claw hurts digimon a lot too."

"Leaf Flyer"copys of his wings went flying at Gazimon.

"X-Claw"Felimon scratched Gazimon with both of his claws.

Zero attacked a Gizamon with the digisword.

"You're gonna get it now.Spiral Saw."

"DemiAotomon help me."Zero said.

DemiAotomon digivolve to……Aotomon!

Aotomon had a yellow body but his back was black and had loads of spikes on it.He walked on four legs and looked kind of like a lizard.

"I'm Aotomon.The spikes on my back help me use my attack Rolling Spike Strike."

"Rolling Spike Strike"Aotomon rolled in to a ball and rolled right at Gizamon sticking all his spikes into him.

"Now let's all finish them off together."Zero said.

"Mask blaster"

"Thunder Strike""


"Leaf Flyer"

"Rolling Spike Strike"all the attacks hit the Gizamon and Gazimon and destroyed them.

"Woo-hoo.We beat them way to go everybody.Now let's go help the others."Eoin said.

* * *

Greymon and the other digimon had beaten all but one of the MegaFlymon and they were all getting tired when the others appeared to help them.

"Hey all of your digimon digivolved."Tai said.

"Yeah and we've come to help you guys."Eoin said.

"Okay let's get him."Matt said.

"Nova Blast"

"Howling Blaster"

"Meteor Wing"

"Electro shocker"

"Needle Spray"

"Harpooned Torpedo"

"Hand of Fate"

"Lightning Claw"

"Mask Blaster"

"Thunder Strike"


"Leaf Flyer"

"Rolling Spike Strike"All the attacks joined into one and destroyed MegaFlymon.

"We did now lets all have a rest."Garurumon said as he and the other champion digimon de-digivolved.

* * *

That night after everyone had fallen asleep up on top of the new Spiral Mountain Armageddemon was very angry.

"How could four ultimate digimon and five rookie digimon get beaten by eight champions and five rookies."Armageddemon shouted at Rectamon.

"I don't know sir.But they did and the digidestined are getting closer to the mountain."Rectamon said.

"I know that I'm not an idiot but they still have to climb it when they get here and don't won't be easy."Armageddemon said.

"Do you have a plan sir?"Rectamon asked.

"Yes Rectamon I have a plan that will get rid of those digidestined once and for all."Armageddemon said.

"Sir if you don't mind me asking what is your plan?And if you don't mind me saying all of your plans so far have failed.How do you know this one won't?"Rectamon asked.

"I do mind you asking and for your information I don't know that this one won't fail but I do know that it will delay the digidestined form reaching the top long enough for me to finish my other plan.This one is merely a diversionary tactic."Armageddemon explained.

"Okay sir in the meantime I'll send some more digimon to attack the digidestined."Rectamon said and left Armageddemon alone to work on his plan.

"Thank you Rectamon.Now it's time I start working on my plan."Armageddemon said and got to work.

* * *

The next morning Eoin was awake long before anybody else was.

"I have to be very quiet and be careful not to wake anyone else.Even though my watch doesn't work I can tell it's really early."Eoin whispered to himself.

He walked over to Wolfiemon but stood on a branch of a tree and it snapped and woke Matt up.

"Eoin what are you doing what time is it?"Matt asked.

"I don't know my watch doesn't work here but I'd say it's around 5:00-6:00 in the morning."Eoin said.

"What it's way to early to be awake I'm going back to sleep."Matt said and went back to sleep.

"Maybe I could get stuff for everyone's breakfast."Eoin said and went to look for food.

"Hey there's loads of fruit up in that tree."Eoin said."I'll just jump up and get some."he said and jumped up onto the tree and started picking the fruit.

"This isn't really enough I'll bring this back to the campsite and go find more."he said and left the fruit and went in search of more food.

"I thing I saw a lake over there I could catch some fish."Eoin said and ran to the lake and started to grab the fish out of the water.

"Okay that's enough fish.Now I'll go and get a bucket for some water."Eoin said and ran back to the others.

"Brad,oh Brad.Wake up Brad."Eoin whispered.

"What is it,Eoin?"Brad asked.

"I need a bucket,can you give me one?"Eoin asked.

"Okay."Brad said and pulled a bucket out of his pockets.

"Thanks Brad.You can go back asleep now."Eoin said but he was too late Brad was already fast asleep.

* * *

Later on Eoin had found loads of berries and fruit.Not to mention the fish and a bucket full of water.

"There that should be enough for everyone's breakfast.Now lets see what time is it.Judging by the sun's position it's about 8:00.I better wake everyone up so we can set off early."Eoin said to himself."Everybody wake up I've gotten us some breakfast."

"What time is it?"everyone said waking up.

"Maybe I shouldn't tell them the real time they might get angry.But I better get Karen's digi-x so she doesn't know I'm lying."he thought to himself.

"It's about 1:00.You guys sure slept late."Eoin said.

"Whoa is it that late?"Tentomon asked.

"Yep.Luckily I got us some breakfast so we can make up for lost time."Eoin said.

"It looks yummy."Patamon said.

"It sure does look tasty.A lot better than leaves that's all we used to eat in digiworld."Izzy said.

"Tuck in every body."Eoin said and they did.

They all ate until they couldn't eat anymore food without blowing up.

"That was one of the nicest breakfasts I've ever had."Mimi said.

"Yeah that was the best."Gatomon agreed.

"Well thanks."Eoin said.

"We'd better start moving towards Spiral Mountain."Tai said.

"You're right.Lets get going."Zero said.

"Look out Armageddemon here we come."Karen said.

End of chapter ten:Will the digidestined be able to make it to the Spiral Mountain and what does Armageddemon have in store for them when they get there find out next time on The Invincible Digimon.

To be continued in chapter 11:Armageddemon's Plan Revealed.