Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ The Invincible Digimon ❯ Armageddemon's Plan Revealed. ( Chapter 11 )

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The Invincible Digimon

Chapter 11:Armageddemon's Plan Revealed

By Trunks MTK

This is Lelecmon,last time we were walking to Spiral Mountain.Brad kept getting on everyone's nerves.We were attacked by four MegaFlymon.Tai and the others digimon digivolved to fight them.Meanwhile Eoin,Brad,Mac,Karen and Zero were attacked by Gazimon and Gizamon.We all digivolved to save them and then we helped the others defeat the last MegaFlymon.Armageddemon was angry and had come up with a plan.Eoin made us all breakfast and it was very nice.Now we're continuing to Spiral Mountain.

In Armageddemon's castle Armageddemon was putting the finishing touches to his plan.

"Ah,I'm finally finished my master plan to destroy those digifools,Rectamon."Armageddemon said.

"Yes master they won't stand a chance against us."Rectamon said.

"They might if they get their Digimon to the Mega level but that doesn't matter as this is only to divert their attention so that my other plan will work."Armageddemon explained.

"Of course sir how could I have forgotten about your plan."Rectamon apologized.

"Now all I have to do is bring them to life and send them after the digifools.Awaken my creations and find and destroy the digidestined."Armageddemon said.

* * *

Meanwhile the digidestined were making their way to Spiral Mountain to find Armageddemon.They were all talking with each other on the way.

"So,Izzy you're saying that when we're in trouble our digimon partners will digivolve to save us."Karen said.

"That's right Karen see with the power of the digi-x all that's needed for digivolution is an element of danger and the digimon has to have eaten.It all has to do with……"Izzy explained.

"That is so boring I hate that science stuff it's so boring."Eoin said to Zero.

"It is kind of boring but it's interesting to know where we came from and how we work.It's kind of the same with digimon isn't it Aotomon."Zero said.

"I haven't got a clue about that sort of stuff,why don't you ask Tentomon instead."Aotomon said.

"I see Izzy,that's very interesting.I'm going to go talk to Kari now.Are you coming,Pectumon?"Karen said.

"Yes."Pectumon who was talking with Tentomon but wasn't really listening to him."Thanks for getting me away from him he's so boring."

"Pectumon that's terrible."Karen said laughing.

"Everyone is talking to someone.Mac and Felimon are talking to Tai,Matt,Gabumon and Agumon.Karen and Pectumon are now talking to Kari,T.K,Patamon and Gatomon.Brad is talking to Mimi and Sora and all their digimon are talking to each other.And Joe,Izzy,Tentomon and Gomamon are talking to each other as well."Zero said.

"I know you'd hardly think we all only met a few days ago,would you?"Eoin said.

"I know but it's nice I only moved here and Armageddemon and those other digimon in disguise were my only friends but I've got all these people now."Zero said.

"Look at those two."Eoin said pointing at Wolfiemon and Aotomon.

"They're like best friends you think they'd known each other for years."Zero said.Aotomon and Wolfiemon were saying the exact same thing about Eoin and Zero.

"Hey everyone look up ahead it's the foot of Spiral Mountain."Tai said.

"Yes we're finally there."Brad said.

"It should be easier to get up it since there are no Dark Masters to fight."Matt said.

"That's what you think!"Armageddemon said appearing with four other digimon."There are Dark Masters but they're called the Dark Lords."

A big purple squid-like creature stepped out from behind Armageddemon.He had a green helmet thing on his head and held a laser cannon with all his tentacles.And spikes attached to some of his tentacles.He also had a smaller Squid with one eye with him.

"I'm Squidevilmon and this is my little friend Minis-qmon.I can swim quickly through water and my Squid Laser attack is extremely powerful."the first digimon said.

Then a beast-like digimon with scaly wings and sharp teeth and horns.He also had extremely sharp claws.A little bouncing head with one sharp tooth was with him.

"I am Sabertoothmon and this is my friend Spikemon.My claws can chop down up to ten trees all at once.My most powerful attack is Lightning Bite.It will send a shock right through your body."the second digimon said.

Then a big tall bear-like digimon with a bear trap and a chainsaw for hands.Inside the bear trap was his real hand.He also had a double barreled shot gun on his back.And a bear-trap covering his mouth.On his shoulder was a little grenade digimon.

"I am Huntermon and this is my friend Grenademon.I like hunting and with my Double Barrel Bear Shot attack I always hit my prey."the third digimon.

Then the last digimon stepped out.It was a female vampire-like digimon.She carried a scepter in her left hand.On her right arm there was a little bat-like digimon.

"My name is Vampiressmon and I am the leader of the Dark Lords.And this is my friend Battymon.My teeth can suck all the blood out of you when I use my Blood Bite."the fourth digimon said.

"Now that you've met the Dark Lords I shall leave you all to fight it out."Armageddemon said and with that he disappeared.

"Now then digidestined prepare to be destroyed."Vampiressmon said.

"Not likely."a digimon said and jumped out in front of the Dark Lords.

"Loremon,it's you.But what are you doing here."Sora said.

"I've come to help rescue you and I brought a friend."Loremon said."This is MysticUnimon.He has magical powers which he uses when he attacks."

"You'd better get out of here.I'll hide you from the Dark Lords now quickly run."MysticUnimon said and a strange mist came from his horn and made the digidestined invisible to the Dark Lords.

"You won't get away with this.Ink Jets."Squidevilmon said and he sent a blast of ink at MysticUnimon but he flew out of the way.

"Mystic Fog"MysticUnimon said and him and Loremon became invisible and left the Dark Lords really angry.

"They got away.Now what will we do?"Sabertoothmon said.

"We'll each take turns fighting them Squidevilmon you can try first.But have Minis-qmon tell us everything you do."Vampiressmon said.

"Of course although I'm sorry for the rest of you because you won't get to have any of the fun."Squidevilmon said.

"Okay now just go."Vampiressmon said."In the meantime we will go back to Armageddemon's castle and wait for Squidevilmon to fail."

* * *

The digidestined were running from where the Dark Lords had been when they started to become visible again.

"MysticUnimon's power is wearing off.I hope him and Loremon are all right I don't want what happened to Piximon to happen to them too.Knock on wood."Joe said and hit a nearby tree.

"I'm sure they're both fine.Now we better start thinking about how we're going to defeat the Dark Lords."Tai said.

"If they're as strong as the Dark Masters then we have a problem."Matt said.

"I've checked my digimon analyzer but it doesn't have much information on them.It looks like they've never been seen before."Izzy said.

"Guys cheer up we can beat them."Eoin said.

"Yeah they couldn't be that strong.I mean we beat those other digimon easily enough what makes these guys so diferrent."Zero said.

"The other digimon we fought were only Ultimates and Rookies.These guys are Mega digimon and only two of our digimon have been able to digivolve to that level,Gabumon and Agumon."Sora said.

"Well our digimon might be able to digivolve to that level.After all we haven't really seen our digimon in action or at least not properly."Karen said.

"Yes but there has to be a lot of danger for that to be possible.And when we're around our digimon can protect you as well."Izzy said.

"Then we'll go off on our own then our digimon will digivolve to Mega to save us.Simple!"Mac said.

"We can't let you do that you could get captured or even worse destroyed."Tai said.

"But our digi…oh I don't know what to do then."Brad said.

"We'll just have to go to Gennai and see if he can help."Sora said.

"Okay then we'll go to Gennai for help."Tai said.

"Did somebody mention my name?"

"It's Gennai on the computer."Izzy said.

"Centarumon and I have translated more of the prophecy.It says that Armageddemon will create new Dark Masters."Gennai said.

"We've already met them.We were going to ask you for help against them."T.K. said.

"Oh I see.Well I think…that you will need Mega digimon to beat them."Gennai said.

"Gennai!"everyone said annoyed.

"We already figured that out but none of our digimon have been able to digivolve that far."Kari said.

"Well then I don't know what to do.You'll just have to fight them as you are.You managed to beat the original Dark Masters you should be able to defeat these especially since you've got five more digimon to help."Gennai said.

"Okay then we'll try.Good bye Gennai."Izzy said and Gennai disappeared.

* * *

Meanwhile Squidmon was working on a plan to destroy the digidestined.

"Minis-qmon have the troops attack the digidestined when they get near the water."Squidevilmon ordered.

"Yes sir,right away."he said and swam off.

"Yes I'll weaken them with a surprise attack and then I can destroy them."Squidevilmon said to himself.

* * *

The digidestined were making their way to the beach they stopped at their first day in Digiworld.

"How much further away is it?"Brad asked.

"Yeah my feet are getting sore."Mimi agreed.

"Do you not remember where the beach is Mimi?"Palmon asked.

"Not really it was over a year ago."Mimi answered.

"There it is just up ahead."Tai said.

"Woohoo I love the beach."Eoin shouted and ran ahead of everyone else.

"Eoin behind you!Look out!"Matt shouted as a digimon appeared behind him.

"What?"Eoin said."I can't hear you."

"There's a digimon behind you."Matt shouted again but it was too late the digimon grabbed Eoin and threw him against the cliff.

"I am Crustaceamon.I'm the digivolved form of Shellmon.My Crustacean Claw attack will pulverize you."

Zero ran over to Eoin."Are you all right?"he asked.

"I'm fine but he won't be.Digishield."Eoin said and the digishield came out of his digi-x."Hey ugly over here."

"What?Why I'll kill you.Water Blaster."Crustaceamon fired a blast of water at Eoin but it bounced off Eoin and went right back at Crustaceamon.

"See I got him."Eoin said and ran over to Crustaceamon and kicked him."That is for throwing me against the cliff."

"Now I've got you."Crustaceamon said and grabbed Eoin.

"What.Let go of me or I'll pound you."Eoin said.

"Oh,I'm so scared help me."Crustaceamon said laughing.

"Nova Blast"

"Get him."Crustaceamon said and four more digimon came out and attacked.

"Wolfiemon help he's crushing me.Aaagh!"Eoin shouted.

"I'm coming Eoin."Wolfiemon said."Mask Blaster"

"Water Blast"Crustaceamon knocked Wolfiemon backwards.

"Aaagh."Eoin cried as Crustaceamon held him tighter.

"What's happening?"

"Wolfiemon digivolve to……Houndramon!

Wolfiemon digivolved in to a bigger form of his self.He was brown with a raccoon type mask on his eyes.His tail had a sharp edge and his wings were bigger and stronger.

"My name is Houndramon.My attacks are Tail Slash and Hound Blast."

"Wolfiemon digivolved to save me.Thanks Wolfiemon.Aaagh."Eoin said.

"Hound Blast"

"Crustacean Claw"Houndramon quickly flew out of the way of the attack.

"I'll finish you off.Tail Slash."Houndramon sliced through Crustaceamon and he was destroyed and Eoin fell towards the ground but Houndramon caught him.

"Thanks Houndramon."Eoin said."But you better help the others."

"Okay you go over to Zero and the others while I fight."Houndramon said and helped Garurumon and Greymon.

"Are you all right Eoin?"Mac asked."You sounded like you were in real pain."

"Well I think I'm all right although my ribs hurt from all that squeezing."Eoin told him.

"Hey,where's Brad gone?"Lelecmon said.

"There he is by the water.But what's he doing?"Zero said.

"He look's like he's gathering seashells."Karen said.

"Brad get out of there!There's a digimon behind you."Eoin said.

"Ha.That's what we were saying to you before you got caught by Crustaceamon."Zero said.

"Oh no he got caught by Seadramon."Mac said.

"I better help him."Lelecmon said and ran over to help Brad.

"Lelecmon it's you help me."Brad said.

"Thunder Strike"Lelecmon hit Seadramon but it didn't hurt him.

"It didn't work try again."Brad said.

"Thunder Str-"Seadramon hit him with his tail.

"Lelecmon!"Brad shouted."Help."Seadramon pulled Brad under water.

"He won't be able to breathe.Lelecmon get him out of there."Karen shouted.

"Thunder Strike"it hit Seadramon but he didn't come up.

"He's running out of breath."Mac shouted.

"Oh no."Lelecmon said.

Lelecmon digivolve to……Electramon!

Lelecmon digivolved to a yellow and orange bird with three lightning bolts for tails.And two lightning bolt wings.

"I'm Electramon.My attacks are Thunder Wing and Electro Tail."

"Electro Tail"Electramon stuck his tail into Seadramon and a charge of electricity went through Seadramon and he came up out of the water.

"(pant)You(pant) digivolved."Brad said gasping for air.

"Thunder Wing"Electramon hit Seadramon with his wings and Seadramon was destroyed.

"The other digimon have all been defeated."Matt said.

"Good,now maybe we can relax."Mimi said.

"Yeah I agree we can fight in the morning."Sora said.

"Okay.But we'll have to take it in turns on guard duty.Who wants to go first?"Tai said.

"I'll go first."Eoin said.

"Okay then after Eoin will be on guard for an hour then me,then Matt,then Sora,then Mac,then Zero,then Joe and last Brad."Tai said.

"Good night everybody."Eoin said and everyone went asleep except for him.

* * *


"What do you mean the digimon you sent lost?"Squidevilmon said to Minis-qmon.

"Two of the digidestined's digimon digivolved and beat the digimon."

Minis-qmon explained.

"Fine send more digimon in the morning they better not screw up this time."Squidevilmon said.

End of chapter eleven:Will the digidestined defeat this new threat?Will all the digimon be able to digivolve and will Squidevilmon succeed in destroying anyone find out next time on The Invincible Digimon.

To be continued in chapter 12:Relaxation,Yeah Right!