Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ The Invincible Digimon ❯ Squidevilmon! ( Chapter 13 )

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The Invincible Digimon

Chapter 13:Squidevilmon!

By Trunks MTK

Mac here last time we were having a day of relaxation and fun when Octomon and Gesomon attacked us.Gesomon grabbed me and Karen and Octomon grabbed Zero.Our digimon digivolved into Mongomon,Cuckaburramon and ExAotomon.Together they beat them.MysticUnimon told us about what he thinks Squidevilmon's weakness.So we're going to find him and destroy his friend Minis-qmon and hopefully that will make him so angry that he won't know we're trying to destroy him.

It had been a few days since MysticUnimon had told the digidestined about Squidevilmon's weakness and they were all tired from searching for his hideout.

"Come on guys we have to keep searching otherwise we'll never beat Squidmon and if we don't the Digiworld is doomed."Tai said.

"But we're tired we've been searching for days.Why don't we just go to some beach and wait for him to attack us?"Mimi said.

"Because if he attacks us we won't have the element of surprise and will be less likely to destroy Minis-qmon before he grows jumbo size."Tai said.

"I've got a question."Karen said."If we're supposed to be looking for a digimon that likes water why are we looking in a forest?"

"I don't know.I guess I forgot."Tai said looking puzzled.

"Way to go Tai we've been looking in the wrong place for three days."Matt said.

"I'm sorry,I forgot but we'll just have to start searching at the coast."Tai said.

"We'll have to make up for lost time and search quicker,which means no stopping for rests."Matt said.

"Hey it's Gennai!"Izzy said.

"Greetings.I think I've found Squidevilmon's lair.He's on a beach on the East Side of the island.There's a map of the island on the Digi-xtremes stick one into the laptop and I'll download the area onto it."Gennai told them.

"Here,use mine."Eoin said.

Gennai downloaded the map onto Eoin's digi-x and then onto the other ones as well.

"There now you should be able to find him.Good luck,my friends."Gennai said and disappeared.

"Now that we know where he is lets go and fight him.If Gabumon and Wolfiemon digivolve we could get there quicker."Tai said.

"Are you ready?"Eoin asked Wolfiemon.

"Yeah."Wolfiemon replied.

"You too,Gabumon?"Matt asked.

"Uh huh."

"Okay digivolve."

Gabumon digivolve to……Garurumon!

Wolfiemon digivolve to……Houndramon!

"Lets go."

* * *

A little later on the digidestined were almost at the beach were Squidmon was.

"Okay now everyone better digivolve."Tai said.

Agumon digivolve to……Greymon!

Biyomon digivolve to……Birdramon!

Tentomon digivolve to……Kabuterimon!

Palmon digivolve to……Togemon!

Gomamon digivolve to……Ikkakumon!

Patamon digivolve to……Angemon!

Lelecmon digivolve to……Electramon!

Felimon digivolve to……Mongomon!

Pectumon digivolve to……Cuckaburramon!

Aotomon digivolve to……ExAotomon!


"What was that?"Squidevilmon said.

"Nova Blast"Greymon hit Squidmon.

"Tentacle Spikes"Squidevilmon spun round and hit Greymon with the spike on his tentacles.

"Greymon!"Tai shouted.

"I'm okay Tai get Minis-qmon."Greymon said.

"We'll help hold Squidevilmon off."Garurumon,Birdramon,Togemon and Kabuterimon said.

"Oh no Minis-qmon is growing!"Eoin said.

"Bubble Basher"Minis-qmon fired loads of giant bubbles at the digimon and sent all of them flying except Mongomon who managed to dodge the attack

"Mac,it's up to you and Mongomon to beat him now."Tai said.

"I don't think we can."Mac said.

"Of course you can just trust in Mongomon's power and your own then you can do anything."Izzy said.

"Claw Fists"Mongomon had already started to attack Minis-qmon and was now running at him ready to attack.

"Bubble Basher"Minis-qmon sent him flying back.

"Mongomon!Get up!"Mac said.

"Claw Fists"this time Mongomon hit him but it didn't even phase him.

"Bubble Basher"Mongomon managed to stand up against the attack this time.

"Bubble Basher"Minis-qmon fired again and knocked him back.

"Mac,I can't beat him I'm not strong enough to do it."Mongomon said.

"Yes you can you heard what Izzy said we have to trust in ourselves.I trust you.I know you can do it."Mac said.

Just then Mac's tag and crest began to glow really brightly.

"What's happening I feel really strong?"Mongomon said and stood up.

"My crest is glowing the same color as you."Mac said.

Mongomon digivolve to……UltraMongomon!

Mongomon's body was now covered with steel and he had a helmet on his head.

"I'm UltraMongomon.Because of all your trust in me Mac I was able to digivolve.The impact from my Claw Rocket attack will make you throw up your lunch."

"Wow,UltraMongomon you're cool."Mac said.

"Now,Minis-qmon we have some business to attend to."UltraMongomon said.

"Okay,let's do it.Bubble Basher."Minis-qmon attacked.

"Double Cat Claw"UltraMongomon burst the bubbles with his claws and hit Minis-qmon leaving him really weak.

"Finish him off."Mac said.

"Double Cat Claw"UltraMongomon's claws cut right through Minis-qmon destroying him.

"What just happened?!"Squidevilmon said when he saw Minis-qmon being destroyed."You destroyed him.Big mistake!"

Squidmon was furious and started hitting everything including Greymon,Garurumon,Birdramon,Togemon and Kabuterimon making them de-digivolve.

"It's time we destroyed him."Matt said.

"You're right."Tai said.

Agumon warp-digivolve to……WarGreymon!

Gabumon warp-digivolve to……MetalGarurumon!

"Metal Wolf Snout"

"Terra Force"

"Claw Rockets"all three attacks hit Squidevilmon but they didn't destroy him.

"Squid Laser"Squidevilmon said aiming nowhere.

"If you send his attack back at him and combine it with yours it should destroy him."Izzy shouted.

UltraMongomon ran in front of Squidevilmon's attack and knocked it back at him.

"Terra Force"

"Metal Wolf Snout"

"Claw Rockets"

All the attacks combined into one rally strong attack and destroyed Squidevilmon.

"No you can't destroy me."Squidevilmon shouted just before he disappeared forever.

Everyone de-digivolved now that the threat was over for now.

"Way to go Kitamon."Mac said.

"Thanks Mac but without you I wouldn't have digivolved."Kitamon said.

* * *

While the digidestined were all busy celebrating at Armageddemon's castle the other Dark Lords didn't know that Squidevilmon and Minis-qmon had been destroyed and were waiting for Minis-qmon to tell them what had happened.

"I bet Squidevilmon messed up and got destroyed."Sabertoothmon said.

"We'll see."was all Vampiressmon had to say.

All of a sudden a digimon rushed into the room where they were awaiting the news from Minis-qmon.

"What do you want?"Huntermon asked the digimon.

"I have come to tell you that the digidestined have destroyed my master Squidevilmon."the digimon told them.

"Why hasn't Minis-qmon come?"Vampiressmon asked him.

"Minis-qmon was destroyed also.The digidestined believed that he was the key to destroying Squidevilmon and they were right.He got really angry and started attacking things all over the place.One of the digimon sent one of his attacks back at him and combined it with other attacks and destroyed him."the digimon explained to them.

"I was right I knew he would get destroyed.What a fool he was."Sabertoothmon said.

"Don't talk about my master that way."the digimon said and attacked Sabertoothmon.

"Spikemon please dispose of this digimon for me."Sabertoothmon said.

"Yes sir.Saber Tooth"Spikemon said and grew huge and bit the digimon destroying him.

"Okay now that Squidevilmon is gone it's your turn to try and destroy those digidestined,Sabertoothmon.Please don't disappoint me."Vampiressmon said.

"I won't.I'll destroy them easily they are just kids after all."Sabertoothmon said.

"Okay now go.And have Spikemon tell us how you're doing every two days unless we say otherwise."Vampiressmon said.

"I won't even be two days."Sabertoothmon said confidently.

* * *

Meanwhile back at the beach the digidestined were getting ready to sleep there.

"When we've got this finished lets go find some food."Mimi said.

"How about half of us do this and half of us look for food."Tai said.

"Okay."everyone agreed.

"Sora,Karen,Matt,Eoin,Joe and Brad you find us some food and the rest of us will get ready over here."Tai said.

So half of the group went off in search of food.About one minute later Eoin came back with loads of fruit.

"That was quick."Tai said.

"There's a lot more I'll go get it."Eoin said.

Two minutes later Eoin came back with more food and a bucket of water.

"Is that seawater because that's too salty."Izzy said.

"No,it's fresh water I tried it myself."Eoin said.

"Will I catch us some fish?"Eoin asked.

"Yeah!"the digimon said.

"Okay give me a long stick and some string."Eoin said.

"Here's some string."T.K. said.

"Here's a stick."Wolfiemon said.

"Thanks."Eoin said and started to make a fishing rod."Okay I'll go get some fish now."

Later on after everyone came back all the digimon and all the humans had some dinner and then they all went to sleep.Mac and Kitamon agreed to be on first watch since they didn't know who would attack and when they would do it.

"You really were awesome Kitamon."Mac said for about the fiftieth time.

"Thanks Mac but you've already said it about a hundred times."Kitamon said.

"I know but you really we-"Mac said.

"Okay."Kitamon said.

* * *

Later that night in an area in the forest surrounded by trees with a small fort in it Sabertoothmon was busy planning with Spikemon how he would stop the digidestined.

"Sir it's really late we should get some rest so that we'll be refreshed when we're fighting the digidestined."Spikemon said yawning.

"I agree with you entirely you go and get some rest while I finish my plan."Sabertoothmon said.

* * *

The next morning after everyone had woken up some of the group were eager to find and defeat the next Dark Lord.

"Lets just go and find them now!"Tai said.

"We should at least wait to see who we're attacking first."Matt argued.

"Let's take a vote on it."Izzy said."Who thinks we should go?"

Just less then half of the group raised their hands.

"It looks like we're going to wait and see who we're fighting."Matt said.

"Fine,but I hope they attack soon whoever they are."Tai said.

"Well you won't have to wait long!"a digimon said and stepped out from behind a tree."I am Hornedmon and I have been sent by Sabertoothmon to destroy you digidestined."

"There's only one of him we can take him easily."Eoin said.

Ten more Hornedmon came out of the forest ready to attack.

"Never mind."Eoin said.

End of chapter thirteen:Will the Hornedmon beat the digidestined or will the digidestined beat them?Find out this and more next time on The Invincible Digimon.

To be continued in chapter 14:Sabertoothmon's Trick