Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ The New adventures of Masked Rider ❯ The New fate: Part 1 ( Chapter 16 )
[ P - Pre-Teen ]
(Part One)
The Digital World…
If anyone had seen what it was now, they would freak!
The entire lands were purple and misty with a dense fog. It almost looked the way the planet Edenoi did when it was under attack. To make matters worse, a lot of the Digimon inhabitance, preferable the Gekomon, and their great King, ShougunGekomon.
All of them were wearing heavy duty gas masks, and digging up the grounds. Others were being drill-marched by wicked monsters of which they had never encountered before, but could not stand up to.
The monster leader rode up from a horse. “Look, ShogunGekomon…!” cried a Gekomon. “Another one of Count Dregon'sh plague minionsh. I'd like to pull hish hornsh off.”
The giant ShougunGekomon calmed his friend down, “We will get our chance someday.”
The plague-centaury waved his lance laughing at the slaves, “Ha, ha, ah, ah, ah…! The fool's. The Poisonous gases we force them to burry only hasten the destruction of their dimension. Dregon will be most pleased.”
In Dregon's castle, though he had no more monsters to unleash to attack Davis, the Count knew there was no need. “The Masked Rider, I expect, will come to us soon. I want all forces ready for attack so that we may put an end to this rebellion!”
Double-Face bowed to his master, “I shall see to it, that the Digital-World's entire population is enslaved.” he promised.
“And then I shall personally see to breaking all their will, Count Dregon…” added Cylopter. “Very soon we shall have the biggest fleet of slaves ever known to anyone.”
Gork bowed with honor, “All hail…
…We cannot fail!”
Davis had spent all of his free time the past week on Edenoi. Training and preparing himself for his oncoming battles. While it was true, all the insectotrons were destroyed, it meant that soon the time would come for both he and Count Dregon to engage a final showdown.
Davis and Dex were finishing up another spar-match that day. Davis was getting really good with his moves, and skills. “You are doing very well, Davis. Even better than I myself could have.”
Davis was glad to hear him say that, but he didn't let it go to his head. “I just wonder how tough the battles are really going to be.” he wondered. “I've never actually had to fight the final enemy myself before.”
Veemon, was meditating in the warm Edenoi hot-springs, to keep his energy fit for revving-up, “I'm sure you'll do fine, Davish. You've sheen me in action tons of times.”
That didn't make it any easier. “It's just not the same, Veemon.” Davis said.
Lexian assured Davis that he would do just fine. “You have never failed at a super-challenge before, Davis, and I know you will not let us down now.”
Davis smiled, and he knew he couldn't think the wrong way now. In the meantime he had to head back to Earth. He still had school tomorrow, and Kari and he had a study-date that night.
“Is something the matter, Davis?” Lexian asked, when he noticed Davis was zoning out again. This time he wouldn't hold it in, “You are caught between two lovely girls who you share a deep affection for…”
Davis wasn't mad about him reading his thoughts like that, but for once he just couldn't keep it to himself anymore. “I don't know what to do about it.” that was all he could say. Cassie and Kari were both important to him, or at least, that's what he wanted to think, but the Edenites saw right through him, so did Veemon.
“Davish… I think the firsht pershon you should be honesht with… is yourshelf.”
Davis snuffed softly, but he really wasn't sure how to work this out.
After Davis had got back to Earth. He was surprised to see both Kari and Cassie at his apartment too. “Cassie…?”
“Hey, Davey.” his girlfriend said, but she didn't seem too happy. “What's the matter?” Davis asked. His girlfriend hesitated and didn't answer, that's when Kari spoke up, “She had some bad news she needs to tell you, and she came here waiting for you.”
Davis didn't like the sound of that, “What's the news…?” but then he decided. “Look, if it's that bad, maybe you should wait on it. I mean… if it's making you upset.”
Whatever the news was, Cassie didn't feel like telling him anymore. “I'll try and tell you tomorrow at school.” She said. Then she hugged her boyfriend warmly and pecked his cheek. “I better go…” then she left.
Kari and Davis both felt awkward, and suddenly they didn't feel much like studying anymore. “I better go too…” Davis said as he headed for the door, but then he realized he was in his own apartment. He and Kari shared a small laugh, “No, I'll go… we don't have to study tonight.”
She started for the door, but before she reached it, “Kari… wait…!” he said as he grabbed her arm. “It's time to be honest.”
Davis hesitated for a minute, but he finally summed up what he needed to say. “Look… I made a total mess of things. I don't how I ended up with Cassie-- I mean… she's great, she's awesome, but… the truth is…” he held her hand warmly, “Kari… I love YOU. You're the one I wanna' be with.”
Kari dropped her books, and was blushing madly. “D…Da… Davis…?”
Davis felt really stupid. What the heck did he just do. “Look… if you don't feel the same way…”
“Davis…” Kari said to him softly, and she guided his hand and placed it on the flat area of her chest. “What do you feel…?”
“Uh… your heart beating…?”
Kari nodded. “It's beating for you.” She replied, and then went on to explain how she noticed Davis had changed and matured over the years, and to put it simply, “Davis… I've been in love you since seventh grade.”
Davis' grin grew wide as he gazed deeply into Kari's eyes, and she gazed back at him. Their faces moved closer, their eyes began to close, but Davis stopped at the last few centimeters. “No! Not like this. Not behind Cassie's back.”
Kari realized he was right, “So… are you going to have to break it off with her?” Davis nodded, “But it's not gonna be easy, especially not for her.”
Meanwhile, the poor Digimon were still being slave-driven late at night. Hardly given so much as ten minute breaks. At least they were given water, but the plague-centauries still threatened and scared the helpless creatures. “You there… put some back into it, or you'll feel my lance!” the leader growled. “Keep the poisonous-gas coming.”
“Undershtood…!” cried a Gekomon.
Suddenly, the enemies could see someone running away from the mine sites. “You there, halt!” roared the plague leader, then he ordered the Plague-patrol to charge. Lost of monsters on horseback began to chase after the escaper, but suddenly they lost him. “Where did he go?”
“Find him! Search everywhere…!”
“Sensors indicate the escaper has eluded the Plague-Patrol.” Fact chirped.
Dregon didn't care as much, “Keep searching.” he ordered.
“Count Dregon…” said Double-Face, “The preparations have been completed, and we have powerful cannons on the castle. All is ready to fire, your-highness.”
Dregon nodded, “Proceed…!”
At his orders, the Spider-Castle began to fire bolts of energy from it's mouth and arms to the ground below, horrible hurting the foundations and spreading more poison and dark energy.
Who knew how much more punishment the poor Digital-World, and the Digimon could take.
The next day at school, Davis was really not keen on telling Cassie what he wanted, and when they met at lunch. “Davey, you're putting ketchup on your cake…” she warned him. “Is everything okay…?”
Davis couldn't lie to her anymore. “No, actually. We need to talk.” he hesitated for a moment, “Look… it's not you Cass… it's me, I haven't really been a great boyfriend to you lately, and things just working out between us. So…” he paused, “Maybe… maybe we should be better off as…”
He knew she wouldn't like it, as all girls didn't, “…Just friends.”
Cassie's eyes were wide, “You're… breaking up with me?” she asked in disbelief. Davis nodded, “I'm sorry…” he didn't know what else to say.
Cassie felt her insides started to break. She gazed round at all the happy couples in the cafeteria, then her features hardened, “You… dumped me? I don't think so.” she muttered. Then she stood up and shouted so everyone heard her, “THAT'S IT, DAVEY! WE'RE THROUGH!” She threw her cupcake at his face, and then stormed off.
Almost everyone in the cafeteria was shocked and horrified. Davis and Cassie were such a cute couple. The only person who seemed pleased was Mina. “Well, finally…!” she said loudly, but that got her a hand full of food form each and every student thrown at her and telling her to shut up!
As for Cassie, she had retreated to the back alley's behind the school. She rested her back against the wall, slid to the ground… and cried deeply yet softly.
After school, Davis met up with Kari by her locker, he still had a hint of icing on his face from being slapped by the cupcake. “Man, that wasn't fun.”
Kari heard everything and saw it too. “Do you think she's okay?”
Davis knew Cassie a bit better than anyone, “she'll come around. I know she will.” He then sighed, “But why do I feel like I've made such a huge mistake?”
Kari took hold of his hand, “Davis, you did what you had to. Not just for yourself, but for me… and for Cassie.” She was hinting that it wouldn't be fair or right for Davis to keep dating Cassie when he loved Kari.
They were lost in each other's eyes once again, but suddenly they were interrupted by Davis' Dad honking his horn. “Davis… you gotta' come home quick.”
Kari and Davis sighed irritably, but when Davis caught a glimpse f his dad winking his left eye twice, that was his code meaning it had something do about his Masked Rider life.
Kari decided to let Davis go, “Just… hold that thought… whatever you do.” He joked with her. Kari pecked his cheek, and then Davis got in the car.
No sooner had he left did Kari receive an email from Cody, telling her to come to his place, quickly. Kari went off at once.
Davis got home and much to his surprise. “Dex…? Lexian…?”
“Greetings again, Davis.” Lexian said.
Davis wondered what they were doing in his home. “We have come to deliver to you a message of sheer importance.” Dex said.
Meanwhile, the others had all gathered at Cody's to find Young-Gennai there waiting for them. “Greetings Digi-Destined.” he greeted them. “Where is Davis…?”
The others didn't know. Cody was sure he sent him an email. Nevertheless, Gennai had come to deliver an important message and special equipment for everyone. “You're letting us back in the Digital-World?” TK asked.
“Wow… we're finally going home.” Patamon cried for joy.
Gennai, however, assured him that this was not going to be any pleasure visit. “The Digital-World is in grave danger, and I am unable to apprehend the situation alone anymore.” he explained. “That's why I require your assistance.”
The kids could understand that, “But why do we need these?” Ken asked.
Each Digi-Destined was given a special suit, much like radiation protection gear; each of course being their own respective color. Gennai had already worked on sending a blue one to Davis.
The Digimon were also given very special suits which would instantly resize to fit if they were to Digivolve.
Gennai assured them, it was most important. “Are you all certain you wish to do this?” he asked. “These dangers are nothing at like anything you have seen before.”
Taking risks never stopped the team before. “I say we do it.” TK said.
One by one everyone began to agree, and then slipped into their suits. Their voices sounded rather funny from inside their helmet-masks. The Digimon kind of looked cute in their suits. “Golly… this heap sure feels light for somethin' so strong.” said Armadilamon.
The others agreed. “Scrumptious…!” Yolei chirped, “I almost feel like I can walk on The Moon with this.”
Once they were all suited up, Kari made sure to send Davis and email first, it was time to go. Gennai activated his own suit, and lead the way in, “Mega Digi-Port, Open!”
Davis had received Kari's email, and it was a good thing Dex and Lexian were finish speaking to him. “You must go now, Davis. You're friend need you.” Dex said.
Davis nodded, and he and Veemon donned their suits that Gennai sent them. Before he put his helmet on he asked one last time, “You sure my powers will be able to function in the Digital-World?”
Lexian nodded, “Both you and Veemon have the power to accomplish what we could not.” He told him, “We have complete faith in your abilities, Davis, and Veemon. Now, go… and good luck from all of us.”
Then he and Dex vanished, and had gone back to Edenoi. Leaving Davis and Veemon to depart. “Hey, squirt…?” Jun called. “Do you think you can hook me up with that guy, Duke?”
Davis and Veemon rolled their eyes, “It's Dex…!” Davis told her, “And I'm pretty sure he's not your type.”
Jun made a sour face, but it now Davis really had to go. “Good luck, honey…” his mom said. “Try to come back safe, Son.” added his father. Davis assured his parents that he would. “Digi-Port, Open!”
As soon as Davis and Veemon warped to the, now, poisonous and dark Digital-World, which they had expected from the start as they were well aware of it… they suddenly realized, “Davish, Kari forgot to give ush the coordinatesh.”
He was right, and Davis realized they ha landed in an area where the others were nowhere insight, and they had no way of knowing which area they had landed in. To make matters worse, all this mist made it hard to lock onto any signals. “Well, we'll just have to find them the hard way.” Davis suggested. “Ready…?”
Veemon nodded, and activate his Red-Mode.
“Veemon, Rev-Change to; MAGNO-VEEMON!”
Magno-Veemon was hardly able to track the location of the others but he did find something. So he and Davis drove off hoping they weren't too late.
“Alert! Alert!” cried Fact. “Database reveals Masked Rider, and his partner are in the Digital-World and our proceeding to this very area.”
“We will not deal with my wayward opponent at the moment.” hissed Dregon. “I will deal will him when the time comes. Heh, heh, heh…!”
To Be Continued…
Will Cassie ever deliver her side of bad news to Davis…?
Are Kari and Davis ever going to officially become a couple…?
What nasty surprises does Dregon have in store for his uninvited guests…?
And will the Digital-World ever be restored to it's former glory…?
All this any many more, on the next exciting episode of… MASKED RIDER!