Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ The New adventures of Masked Rider ❯ The New fate: Part 2 ( Chapter 17 )
[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Last time on the adventures of Masked Rider…
Davis and Kari finally decided to give in to their throbbing urges for each other, and Davis had to break it off with Cassie.
Meanwhile, Gennai arrives and informs the Digi-Destined to come with him to the Digital-World which Count Dregon had taken over with an iron-fist, and turned it into a toxic wasteland.
Davis, however, did not attend with the group and is now separated from them, while they themselves are heading into mortal danger. Can they all find some way to overcome all these perils…?
Find out on the adventures of Masked Rider, next.
(Part Two)
It sure had been a while since the others had been to the Digital-World, but the mess they saw really turned their blood cold. “Whoa! Look at this place!” snapped TK.
Kari, Yolei, and Ken felt easily frightened. “It's even darker than the Dark-Ocean.” whimpered Ken.
The girls agreed, but their Digimon assured them that everything was going to be alright. “Um… if I may care to point out...” said Hawkmon, “We don't even know WHAT IS going on here.”
Gennai didn't know much himself, but he did know that all of a sudden, the inhabitance of the Digital-World had been enslaved by an evil force, and were forced to mine the grounds, realizing toxic fumes that would ultimately destroy everything.
This explained why they all had to wear their suits, but it was almost too shocking to bare. “But, how could this have happened?” asked Wormon. “Yeah, I thought all the evil had vanished when Malyo-Myotismon was destroyed.” added Cody.
Gennai didn't know anymore of this than they did. “I have been observing the Gekomon, and their ShogunGekomon leader, perhaps they will know the answer?”
The others agreed, and Gennai led them all towards the direction of the mine-sites that he had escaped from… but suddenly, powerful bolts came zooming from the skies and nearly hit the gang.
TK even fell off his feet, “TK, are you alright…?” asked Patamon.
“I'm okay…” TK answered, “But someone out there's using some pretty heavy-duty fire power.”
Then suddenly, Kari looked up ahead and saw at the top of a very large mountain. “Look!” she cried, “The fire-power's coming from that castle up there.”
More energy-bolts were launched, and the team decided to get the heck out of the way before they got electrified. They hid among a large scattering of boulders to keep safe until the shelling started again. The nearest anyone could figure, was the blast was being used to disrupt the surface and cause more damage…
“But who's firing at us, and why?” asked Gatomon.
“I don't know, but they're pretty close. I can feel it.” cried Hawkmon. “My feathers always ruffle up when there is serious danger.”
Gennai explained he too had been trying to discover the secrets of that Spider-Castle, so far without success. “We must find the Gekomon, immediately.” he reminded everyone. “Scout around for them!”
As the team began to search around, the Gekomon who were still mining the grounds near by looked up. “I think shee movement over there.”
“Let'sh go check it out.”
ShogunGekoumon looked up, “Now where are my friends going?” he wondered.
The mist was almost too thick to see through, and it even fogged up the visors of everyone's helmets, easily brushed off though. As soon as Armadillamon shook the dust off him. “Uh… guys… you-hoo…”
“What is it, Armadillamon?” asked Cody, but then he and the others saw why; And entire swarm of angry Gekomon were staring at them. “Intrudersh…!” they began to imply. “What are you doing here?”
Gennai approached them, “Please, we mean you no harm.” He tried to convince them, “We are here on a mission for justice and truth.”
The Gekomon did not believe them, mostly because they weren't able to recognize anyone with those suits they had on. “A likely shtory, but we're not that shtupid.”
“No, it's the truth.” protested Yolei. “We received messages and reports that this world was in danger.”
“Liar!” snapped the Gekomon. “We shent no meshagesh, eshpeshilly to the likesh of you.”
“You claim to be on a peashful mission, but we can shee right through you. You were all shent by Count Dregon to further enshlave our kind!”
That name struck everyone as odd. They had heard it before, when Kari was kidnapped at the Spring-Day parade. “Hey, hold on a minute…!” snapped TK. “We're the Digi-Destined. We don't even know who this Count Dregon guy is.”
The Gekomon were not interested in any more of their supposed lies, and decided to fight back. “NOW YOU SHALL PAY!” they all roared as they charged forward. It was in vain that the team tried to convince the Gekomon they didn't want to fight but now they had no choice but put up their defenses, at least.
The problem was, the Gekomon were Champions, and except for Gatomon, the others didn't stand much of a chance, yet something was blocking their Digivolution. “It's gotta' be this mist!” cried Patamon. “It's interfering with the Digital-codes.”
This meant that everyone would be at a serious disadvantage. Unless they were able to convince the Gekomon they meant no harm, they were in big trouble.
Davis and Magno-Veemon had come a long way. “Man, this fog!” growled Davis, “I can barely see where we're going.”
“And I can barely sense the others, Davis.” said Magno-Veemon. They both agreed to just keep going in a straight line, as it was their best chance. “I just their okay, wherever they are.”
The fights was getting way out of hand, and some of the Gekomon were starting to attack the humans as well. Despite their size, they proved to be quite powerful. TK held his ground best he could, “Stop! We're not your enemy. We don't want to fight you.”
“Are you not intruding in our world…?” snarled the Gekomon. “All intrudersh are our enemiesh.”
Gatomon seemed to have the advantage and tacked a Gekomon to the ground with her strength. “Look, we're all in danger…” she cried, “The ground is being disrupted around here.”
The Gekomon stopped fighting, “But… how did you know that?”
The Gekomon still refused to believe their stories, though, and continued on their assault. “Nothing you shay can shave you now!”
Little did the Gekomon realize that reinforcements were approaching them. “Davis… look!” cried Magno-Veemon. Davis could see just clearly enough to see his friends getting thrashed at by the Gekomon. “I'll fire a warning shot.”
“No, don't!” Davis snapped, “You might accidentally hit the guys too.”
Magno-Veemon knew he was right. Davis decided to go by himself and try to break things up. He hopped out of his car and told Magno-Veemon to standby if he was needed. “Ectophase, Activate!”
“A-YAH…!” He leapt over to the battle-zone. “Hold it right there!” he thundered.
The Gekomon gazed round in shock and confusion. So the others, “MASKED RIDER…?!” they all shouted at once.
“Another intruder…!” shouted the Gekomon. “He musht've been shent by Dregon too. GET HIM!”
All the Gekomon turned to charge at Davis. “Oh no…!” he groaned. “I was hoping have to do this.” but he raised his defenses at least and tried to convince them, “I'm Count Dregon's enemy, not yours.”
“LIAR…!” and POW! Davis got kicked hard., and pummeled from all sides, but he made no attempt to do any harm to the innocent creatures. There had to be a way to convince them he was telling the truth.
Dregon had been observing everything. “So, now Masked Rider has decided to join the party.” He hissed. “The perfect opportunity to wipe out all my enemies at once.”
Double-Face agreed, “All is ready to fire, My-Lord. On your command.”
Nefaria twiddled her fingers with sinister glee. “Finally, after all this time, Masked Rider, and any rebels will be wiped out. But what of the multi-colored humans who are there with them?”
Cyclopter growled in her face, “You need to ask? They side with Masked Rider and the rebel alliance, so they too must be destroyed.”
Gork nodded in agreement. “Right as I…
…The rebels must die!”
Dregon turned to his minions, “You will commence shooting now!”
Davis was being held down by many Gekomon, and the others were surrounded by the rest. “Why do you all continue?” The Gekomon asked. “Give up and go back to Dregon!”
Davis managed to break free. “This is getting us nowhere.” He grunted.
“What do we have to do to convince you?” asked Gennai.
Suddenly, more energy bolts flew down from the mountain and nearly hit everyone. Big explosions burst everywhere. “They're firing again!” cried Cody.
“And may I add, direct at us it seems.” said Hawkmon.
The Gekomon realized it too. “Wait a minute…! Dregon'sh Shpider-Cashtle is firing at all of ush. Even Dregon isn't low enough to jusht fire on his own sholdiers like that.”
“That's what we've been trying to tell you all along.” snapped Yolei. “We came here to help, but we've been getting blasted at since the minute we got here.”
The castle continued to open fire on them, and Davis got hit hard. “WHOA…! AAH-ACK!”
Kari screamed in horror. “Masked Rider! He's hurt!” she cried, but much to her relief, Davis was still able to stand. “I'll be alright…” he called to her.
The Gekomon were more than convinced now. “We musht sheek shanctuary!”
“TUNNEL DIG!” That's when a rock-wall burst wide open courtesy of Magno-Veemon using his powers to make a cave for everyone. “Someone call for a sanctuary?”
Davis shot him a thumb-up, “Way to go, Magno-Veemon! Everyone quick, get into the cave. We'll be safer in there.” Everyone heeded his advice and began to dash into the cave as the bombardment grew worse and the explosions kept following them.
As soon as everyone was inside, Davis took a glance up at the castle on the mountain. “Once again we're all safe… to fight you another day, Count Dregon!” then he disappeared into the cave as well.
Dregon was furious. “Incompetence! I'm surrounded by it!” he roared.
Double-Face tried to vouch, “But My-Lord… we are…”
“Silence! I'm not interested in excuses. You let them all escape. Send the Plague-Patrol and find them immediately or heads will roll!” he warned his minions. “Now be-gone, on your way.”
The minions bowed and left to join the search for the rebels. Dregon clenched his fists tightly round his scepter. “They shall not escape my wrath. Not this time.”
The Plgaue-Patrol was in pursuit; four monstrous warriors on horseback and armed with powerful lances and swords with shields. “Plauge Patrol. Move out!” shouted the leader, “Find the rebels and destroy them.”
“HERE-HERE…!” his men all shouted, and they all rose right past the cave where everyone they were looking for were hiding.
The cave would provide safety for them all, for a short while, and they were far enough from the mine-sites to remove their gas masks. “Wow… it feels good to be out of there.” Ken sighed as he drew in some fresh air. The others all agreed.
The Gekomon extended their most sincere apologies for treating the gang like enemies. They were just under a lot of stress ever since the Digital-World had been enslaved, and that a lot of their friends, as well as their King, ShogunGekoumon was still out there being tortured.
As for Masked Rider, he wasn't hurt too badly. “Are you alright?” Kari asked him.
Masked Rider gazed at her, “I'll be fine, Kari.”
Her eyes widened, “How do you know my name?”
Davis and Magno-Veemon decided it was time to show everyone. Magno-Veemon changed back into, “Veemon…?” cried Gatomon.
Veemon smiled and waved nervously, and then. “Masked Rider, Deactivate!” His suit disappeared and, everyone was speechless, even Gennai.
“No way…!” peeped TK.
Everyone else added their comments of exclaim. “Davis…?” chocked Kari. “You're the…?”
Davis nodded, and Kari felt so strange, she fainted! Everyone was silent for a brief moment after she fainted. “Well… that's an impression” Gatomon said.
To Be Continued…
Will The Plauge Patrol locate where our heroes are hiding…?
What do the others think now that Davis' secret is revealed…?
Will Dregon ever stop blowing his top, and the top of his castle…?
And will the Gekomon even gain their freedom back…?
All this and many more, on the next exciting episode of… MASKED RIDER!
Author's notes:
Another cliffy…
Heh, heh, heh… Ain't I a stinker…