Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ The New adventures of Masked Rider ❯ The New fate: Part 3 ( Chapter 18 )
[ P - Pre-Teen ]
On the last episode of Masked Rider…
The Digital-World had been turned into a toxic land by Count Dregon and his evil Plague Patrol.Meanwhile, the Digi-Destined and their Digimon were surrounded by a pack of enslaved Gekomon and mistaken for enemies.
It wasn't until Davis arrived that Dregonbegan to open fire on everyone, convincing the Gekomon to feel with the heroes into a cave for safety, whereupon the Digi-Destined learn the true identity of Masked Rider.
Will Count Dregon find the heroes, and make them suffer for their rebellion…?
Find out on the adventures of Masked Rider, next!
(Part Three)
Kari was waking up from her faint, but she and the others were still shocked and amazed to realize that Davis was the Masked Rider. Somebody had some explaining to do, that's what Davis knew was happening when everyone gave him THE LOOK.
Davis used his D3 to show everyone images that would help make it easier to explain and understand. He told them all about Edenoi, and how he and Veemon had formed an alliance with the Edenites in a struggle to stop the evil schemes of Count Dregon; Dex's wicked uncle who was once defeated by Dex long ago on Earth, but was only put out of action.
Over the years, Dregon had found his way into the Digital-World, and used bits of data from insect Digimon, and combined it with his own creation to form many insectotrons, mutant creatures, more powerful than Digimon were.
The Gekomon agreed with Davis; Ever since the battles with Maylo-Myotismon, the Digital-World had become peaceful without the need for more warfare and senseless battles. “Count Dregon was aware of thish, and during our time of vulnerability he waged an attack. We had never encountered someone sho incredibly powerful before.”
The continued to explain that because Digimon weren't able to fight back against Count Dregon's forces they were easily overpowered an enslaved to mine the grounds and pollute the atmosphere.
“Shome have esshcaped their captivity, but sho many more are shtill being held hoshtage.” replied the Gekomon. “Thish… is what has happened to our world.”
This was very shameful for the Digi-Destined, it was no wonder Gennai wouldn't let them in and closed the portals for a while. “Davis…?” asked Cody. “How did you come to be the Masked Rider?”
Davis showed more images and explained how he had once saved Dex, the original Masked Rider, from Dregon's newest monster. It became clear that even Dex himself was unable to face these new creatures, due to his lack of knowledge, experience, and connection to the Digital-World.
He, and his grandfather, King Lexian, had passed on the powers to Davis, and Veemon gained the powers to transform into a bike or car. It was only then that there was a fighting chance in the battle against Count Dregon and his evil minions.
“Dregon must never get his hands on the Masked Rider powers…” Davis explained, “For with them, he'll become invincible, and all of our world and the Digital-World would be at risk. Until the day comes when Dregon can be beaten for good, I bide my time doing my best to fight his monsters and thwart his plans.”
The others, particularly Gennai found that story to be really something. “Never before have I heard and seen anything so supernatural.” he complimented.
Yolei was a little baffled though. “So… that's why you've been running off?” she asked. “You ran off to transform into a giant bug to fight evil?”
Ken elbowed his girlfriend, “Yolei… don't call him a bug.”
“It's all right, Ken.” Davis said. “I had to keep the powers secret from you guys for fear of you getting involved. Kari was already involved twice.”
Kari suddenly realized it was true, the way she got kidnapped at the parade, and when Nefaria captured both her and Cassie to blackmail Davis into choosing between them. “Davis…?”
Davis nodded, “If you guys found out, the dangers would've been just unbearable to think. So I've been lying to you guys about it the whole time.” he began to feel really ashamed of himself, but much to his surprise, the others were more than forgiving. They knew he did what he did for everyone's safety, as well as his own.
They were still astonished, all this time they had been trying to figure out who Masked Rider was, and he was right under their noses. Suddenly, Kari realized, “Wait a minute… does this mean your going to have to…”
“Face Count Dregon…?” Davis said. “I'm afraid so.”
Veemon nodded with him, “We've been fighting long and hard, and… well if we don't do it now, we may never get rid of him.”
Now the others were starting to worry. “Davis you can't just jump into battle alone like that…?” cried TK.
“Veemon… you can't be serious.” added Gatomon, but he was serious. Gennai realized that at the moment, only Davis and Veemon had the power to stop Dregon, there wasn't much at the moment that they could do. “I'm afraid we may have no other choice…” he said. The others all gazed at him and tried to talk him out of it, but Gennai was against it. “We have all witness the outcome of the battles, and we ourselves are not properly equipped to take on such forces.”
Slowly everyone began to understand, but Kari was the most worried still. “Davis, what if you get killed?” she asked. “Remember what we promised each other…”
This lead to the others realizing that Kari and Davis had finally sucked up to their feelings and wanted to try and go at it, but Davis, not caring that the others were watching, held her hands, “Kari… take it easy. I'm not going to die!”
“But you don't know that…” protested Kari, trying to hide back her tears of fright.
Veemon leapt up onto Kari's lap. “Kari… you know jusht as well as everyone else does that Davish and have been through tougher things. Why should we let thish change all that?”
Kari turned back to face the others and they were all nodded softly in agreement. Davis had always been there, even in the most dire situations, he STILL managed to make it through when no one else could.
She turned back to face Davis, “Promise me you'll come back safely…?”
Davis nodded, and the others crossed their fingers hoping they would kiss, but suddenly the cave began to rumble and rock all about. Another mood spoiler!
The Gekomon all shivered in fear. “The Plague Patrol, they now know where we are. They will shend the Cogwartsh after ush!”
“Cogwarts…?” asked Gatomon.
“Vicioush toad-like creaturesh shent to attack by Count Dregon.” replied the Gekomon.
Everyone gathered to the front of the cave, and could hear the Cogwarts snarling at them to come out. “Here us, Masked Rider…!” growled the Plague-Leader, “You and your friends cannot stay in there forever. Come out before we blast you out.”
“HERE-HERE…!” cheered his men.
Yolei shuddered, “Eww… those guys really look gross.”
Davis counted up three Cogwarts, and four plague-warriors. All of them were blocking the way to Dregon's castle, high up on the mountain. “The Cogwarts are pretty much pushovers…” Davis said, “But the Plague-Patrol is out there too.”
Veemon was really growing frustrated, “We've jusht gotta get into that castle shomehow.”
That's when TK got this crazy idea, “Hey… I just thought of something.” he said, “We don't have the power to crush those guys, but we do at least have the power to stave them off for a while.”
Gennai and Davis understood TK's plan, and though it was dangerous, they liked it. “We'll distract the bad guys, so you two can get up the mountain.” said Patamon.
Also, because they were still inside the cave where there was no poison, it mean that the Digimon could Digivolve and stand a much better chance of holding the baddies back longer. “YEE-HA! We have a plan.” chirped Armadillamon.
“All right… let's do it!” Davis said.
“RIGHT…!” the others all shouted. Ken activate Wormon's ordinary Digivolution…
“Wormon, Digivolve to…; STINGMON!”
And the others decided it much better to use the Armor-Digivolution. They whipped open their D-Terminals, and activated their D3s for he armor best for the job.
“Armadillamon, Armor-Digivolve to…; DIGMON: The drill of Power/Knowledge!”
“Hawkmon, Armor-Digivolve to…; HALSEMON: The wings of Love!”
“Gatomon, Armor-Digivolve to…; NEFERTIMON: The angel of Light!”
“Patamon, Armor-Digivolve to…; PEGASUSMON:flying Hope!”
Finally, Davis and Veemon decided the would need a little speed to get up that mountain, since flying wouldn't be smart with the lasers, and the mountain was too solid to dig through. “Veemon, Rev-up! Mode-Blue.”
“Veemon, Rev-Change to…; CHOPPER-VEMON!”
“Wow… that was pretty cool.” said Nefertimon.
Chopper-Veemon flashed his eyes at her, “You should feel these wheels on a smooth pavement.”
Everyone shared a small chuckle, but then another call from the Plauge-Leader, “We warn you, Rebels. Come out, or we'll send the cogwarts in after you!”
The nasty cogwarts gurgled and growled hungrily, and that's when everyone came dashing out thought he cave with their gasmasks, and suits on again. “You wanted us, and here we are!” Davis snapped.
“Ha, ha, ha… fool that you are!” laughed The Leader, “You never should have left the security of that cave. Even with your new found Digimon at stronger forums, nothing will save you now.”
His men and the cogwarts all cheered and hissed, but Davis wasn't impressed. “That maybe so… but as long we still live, we'll continue to fight until you and Count Dregon and wiped out of the picture for good!” he said with pride. “You guys ready…?”
“YEAH…!” the army shouted. This started to worry the enemies, and then, Davis proudly raised his arm up high. “In the name of the planet Edenoi, Earth, and Digital-World--Ectophase, Activate!”
“Now villains! You shall know the power of the Masked Rider… and the Digi-Destined. A-YAH… HUGH… HUP… A-YAH…A-YAH!”
“YAAAH…!” Everyone shouted, and the fight was on.
Davis and Gennai went after the Cogwarts together. “ELECTRO-SABER 2!” Davis handed Gennai one of his spare swords. “Here!”
Gennai grabbed sword. “Ah-ha…! Hah!” Gennai was pretty skilled for a guy who no one ever seen fight before. Slashing at those cogwarts and clearing the way for Davis and Chopper-Veemon to get through.
“All right… let's get up that mountain.”
“Time to roll…!” chuckled Chopper-Veemon as they started off on the mountain trail. The Plague-Patrol were too busy to notice. One of the plague-centauries charged at TK and Pegasusmon. “You are about to pay dearly for your interfering!” he roared.
“Oh yeah… maybe you should come off your high-horse.” TK snarled, “Give it to him, Pegasusmon!”
“With Pleasure-- AQUIS BEAM!”
POW! “YAARGH…!” even though the attack barely did any damage, it did knock the monster off from his horse. “I'll make you wish you hadn't done that, both of you!”
Nefertimon and Kari joined them, “Try and get us, Ugly!” Nefertimon growled. Then she and Pegasusmon assumed their formations, “GOLDEN-NOOSE!”
Lassoing the monster hard they threw him around like a breach-ball keeping him distracted while Davis and Chopper-Veemon continued their climb up the mountain.
“TEMPEST WING!” roared Halsemon as his savage winds blew the warriors off their horses and through the air. Even the Gekoumon stood to help fight, they just stood where they were as a plague-monster charged at them, on foot. “ROCK CRACKING…!” Digmon had forced him to fall into a trap-hole. “Now don't that crack you up…?” Digmon joked.
As the battle continued below, Davis was getting closer to the top, but the slopes were getting too steep for Chopper-Veemon to roll. “It's no good, Davis. I can't go any further.”
Davis could see that, and the castle was still quite a-ways up, even for him to climb by foot. “There's only one other way.” He said. “Chopper-Veemon, I want you to head back down and help the others.”
“But Davis…”
“No, there's no arguing this time.” Davis replied. “Go down and help them!” Chopper-Veemon saw no choice but to do as he was told, and rolled down the mountain, leaving Davis to seek a way to get the rest of the way to the top, and the best he figured was to warp in, and there was plenty of cracks in the mountain. “Masked-Rider Super-Blue, Activate!”
Once he was transformed, he used his “WATER-WARP!” to slide into the cracks of the mountain and travel underneath all the way up past the castle-gate. “All right… I'm in. Now to find Dregon.” And he began t dash down the many halls and corridors.
Fact and Dregon, who were still in the castle-sanctum had been observing the entire thing, and were well aware of Davis' intrusion. “Fact… initiate the traps.” Dregon ordered. Fact agreed, and hovered off. “Hmm, mm, mm… come to me, my prey!”
As Davis continued to run, lights suddenly flick on, and Davis realized that all the walls had long thins tubes in them. “Uh-oh…!” The next thing he knew he was dodging for his life from arrows and lasers fired from the tubes.
It was a good thing his Super-Blue suit made him fast and nimble. “I swear I'll never think lightly of things again!” he roared. He continued to run down the corridors doing more traps, such as powerful axes and saw-blades racing out from the walls and ceiling.
He also just barley managed to leap across a large pit full of lava. “UGH…!” He continued to run. Then the was more trouble ahead, “Halt, intruder!” growled Fact.
Davis clenched his fists, “Outta' my way, Fact!” he shouted at the flying droid.
“Negative…!” Fact sneered, “Orders are to prevent you from proceeding any further. Activating Duplication unit.” Her metal body began to glow and suddenly there were two of her, then four, eight, sixteen. “Ah, man… this is just what I needed.” Davis grumbled.
All the Facts began to fire small lasers at him, and even though all but one of them were duplicate, the lasers were very real, and the actually did do small bits of damage and sparks. Eventually Davis would get hit enough times, and he couldn't let that happen.
“This is crazy…!” he shouted to himself. The only thing he knew he could do was seek out the real Fact and hit her with all he had; but… “Which one is it?”
The dozens of Facts continued to fire at him, and it impossible to dodge all of them. Then suddenly Davis realized he didn't have to search for the real one at all. If Fact could attack from all ends… so could he. “SUPER ELECTRO-SABER…!”
“You got that right…!” snapped Davis. “DISCHARGE, FIRE!” Swarms of lightning flared from his sword at all ends, brutal attacking all the Facts and cause just as many explosions.
The real Fact wasn't hit by the lightning, but she did get caught in the explosion. “WARNING! WARNING! DESTRUCTION IMMINENT! DESTRUCTION IM---” KAPOW! She was gone, blown into a pile of nuts and bolts.
“Masked Rider scores again.” Davis said with pride. Then suddenly, the sound of someone applauding was heard followed a sinister chuckle. “Well done, Masked Rider. Very well done indeed.”
Davis stiffened, “Count Dregon!” he grumbled.
This was it, there was no turning back now. Just Davis, and Dregon. But who would be the ultimate victor…?
To be Continued…
Will the Plague-Soldiers topple the Digi-Destined and their Digimon?
Will Davis be able to keep his promise to Kari…?
Where did Gennai learn to use a sword…?
And will Veemon turn back to help Davis…?
All this and many more, on the next exciting episode of…MASKED RIDER!