Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ The Paladin of Darkness ❯ The spell is broken. ( Chapter 19 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
The Digi Destined… or rather, Digi-Knights charged like a raging army towards the Scubamon along with their Digimon. Only Wargreymon and Metalgarurumon were left to deal with Red-Ex-Veemon, and Shadow-Ophinamon.
Davis however just stood on the cliff looking down at the battle field, everywhere you looked there were swords clashing, Digimon growling, and eventually someone getting knocked off their feet.
“METAL WOLF-CLAW!!” KAPOW!! Shadow-Ophinamon got hit pretty hard, but then Red-Ex-Veemon snuck up on Metalgarurumon from behind.
ZAP!! Right in the side. “Ha, ha, ah, ah, ah! Forgot about me didn't you?” he mocked, but then suddenly he got hit from behind by Wargreymon, and the two engaged in a big wrestle.
“Red-Ex-Veemon, you have to stop this.” cried Wargreymon. “Don't you remember all the times we've all been through together, and how we looked out for one-another?”
“I remember them… and I can just as easily forget them to.” The two fighters split apart and Red-Ex-Veemon attacked. “RED-VEE-LASER!!”
Wargreymon was barley able to negate the blast, although he did get knocked off his feet. “Face it Wargreymon… this is what I am now. I have the power… I am supreme… and soon I will rule along side the Dark Ocean!”
Wargreymon quickly got back to his feet and continued the battle.
The others however now had twenty Scubamon to crush.
Yolei, and Sora saw two of them coming straight at them. “Double-Shot?”
“You're on!”
“BOWS OF LOVE!!” The two Knights got out a pair of matching bows and arrows and fired! The results were explosive, and the Scubamon got knocked off their feet. Sora and Yolei propped each other.
More Scubbamon were going after Mimi, and Lilymon.
“SINCERITY WHIP!!” Mimi threw a set of long strong vine-whips to ensnare and bind the Scubamon up tight. “You should get into tight wrappings more often.” She mocked.
Lilymon giggled at that joke, and then she attacked. “FLOWER-CANNON!!”
KAPOW!! Major Damage!
Matt and Tai drew out their Swords, and suddenly had an idea. “You watch Wheel of Fortune?” Tai said cheekily.
“Yeah… let's spin!”
The got together, back-to-back and began to spin while holding their swords out, like a wheel. The swords crashed against the Scubamon as they approached knocking them down like dominoes in a row.
The boys stopped spinning. “I guess their not game show fans.” Tai joked.
Garudamon, and Zudomon we're helping Cody and Joe deal with another row of Scubamon. “I say we fry them.” Garudamon said.
“I say, we Zap them!” added Zudomon.
Cody and Joe both thought that they just go ahead an attack them before they got the upper hand!
Meanwhile, Kari, TK, and the Angels were trying to bypass all the Scubamon so they could get to Davis, but the Scubamon just kept right on coming.
For each on they attacked two more appeared.
“There's too many of them!” cried Magna-Angemon.
“There's no way we can get past them all like this.” added Agnewomon.
Suddenly, TK had an idea. “Yes, we can.” he said. “I'll go by myself, it may be our only chance.” and he began to run off.
“What?! TK, NO!!” cried Kari, but TK had already made his way past Izzy and Mega-Kabuterimon who were battle more Scubamon, and finally he reached the bottom of the cliff.
“Give it up, Davis!”
TK drew out his sword. “I'm sorry it has to be this way, but Gennai says I have to destroy your sword to save you, and there's only one way to do that!” He leapt up onto the cliff where Davis was waiting for him, and the two engaged in a long awaited rematch since the dark dimension.
Their swords clashed and parried the other, each time more forceful than the last. It was as if they were really two fierce Knights fighting for… blood.
TK's sword even had the power to fire projectiles. “HOPEFUL FLASH!!” He fired his shots, but Davis merely dodged it. Then he merely used his cape to shield himself from the next few attacks.
Then he whipped out his Claw `n chain and attacked TK hard from a distance Knocking the Knight off his feet.
“And now Child of Hope…” Davis sneered. “It is time for me to destroy you once and for all. You've been a pain in my side for long enough.” he drilled his Sword of Darkness into the ground, sending a shockwave the knocked TK down again.
Red-Ex-Veemon could see what was happening up there. “Partner!” he cried. Then he gave Wargreymon a good “SKULL-BASH!!” sending him aside. “Hang on… I'm coming!”
He flew up, and hovered directly behind TK, who had recovered and was clashing swords with Davis again. “Heh, heh, heh… you're mine!” he snickered as he powered up his laser-attack.
“Oh, no you don't!” called Magna-Angemon.
“Huh?” He turned round just in time to see Magna-Angemon coming right at him. “AH?!”
SMASH!! “GAAARRRGGGH!!” Red-Ex-Veemon was hit really hard and crashed so hard onto the cliff that the pendant around his neck broke off and bounced away from him.
Davis looked behind him. “Ah! Red-Ex-Veemon!” even though he only looked for a second, that was all TK needed to catch him wide open him.
SOCK!! Right in the mask, causing it to fall off revealing his face. Then TK's Sword began to glow and he tossed it right at Davis. “YEEAARRGH!!”
The sword collided into Davis. “BAAH!!” causing him to flip over, and drop his Sword of Darkness near the Pendant of Black Chaos.
TK picked them both up. “It's all over, you two.” he said. “Do it, Magna-Angemon!”
Magna-Angemon nodded. “GATE OF DESTINY!!” The golden gate appeared and opened wide. TK tossed the two evil treasures into the gate where they were both digitized into dust.
Red-Ex-Veemon De-Digivolved back into Veemon, and all the evil left Davis' head in a puff of black smoke, and was destroyed. Magna-Angemon landed near his partner. “Well done, TK. We've done it.”
The others, after having knocked all the other evil creatures down for a while, this gave them all the chance to join TK up on the cliff. “We did it, guys. We broke the spell.” he said.
Everyone all smiled for joy, and then Kari and Angewomon walked over to the fallen duo. “Davis… Davis, are you okay?” Kari asked.
Angewomon cradled the poor little Rookie in her arms. “Please, be all right, my friend.” she whispered softly. The boys each let out a soft moan as they struggled to stay awake. Their heads were really spinning.
“Man… what's happened?” Davis asked all groggily. “And what the heck am I wearing?”
“It's over Davis… you're going to be okay.” Kari said trying to fight her tears of happiness. She even gave Davis a soft hug. “I was so worried about you.”
Davis couldn't believe it. Kari was actually hugging him. With his strength coming back he did hug her in return, but as he got up he and Veemon remembered everything.
“Awe man… what have we done?” Davis asked in shame.
“We musht've done shome pretty horrible shtuff.”
“Hey, guys… don't beat yourselves up.” Tai said. “What you guys did, you did it under the spell of the Dark Ocean.”
Angewomon looked down at Veemon. “But no it's over Veemon. Davis is free, and you know own the power to become a Mega level on your own. I could never be more impressed by how strong you've become.”
Veemon's cheeks blushed a bright red. “R-r-really?” he asked shyly. “Oh… well I…uh…”
Suddenly, the Scubbamon and Shadow-Ophanimon stirred awake and struggled to their feet. “No! I cannot believe it!” growled the ring leader. “They've broken our spell!”
“You bet they have!” Davis called down to them. The Scubamon could sense he was really pissed. “I got a little bone to pick with you flipper-heads!”