Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Unity ❯ Crossroads ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

DISCLAIMER: I don't own Digimon. I only own the plot of this fic and the characters. Don't sue me, because if you do, when the world is mine, your death will be slow and VERY painful…
An hour later, Leon, Naomi, Renamon, and Palmon were standing outside the login room waiting for DJ. Finally, Naomi broke the silence. “What do you think DJ wanted?”
“I know what I think he wanted to talk about,” Leon replied. “But what are the odds he's in the same boat as us?”
DJ burst through the door from the login room (Betamon in tow), very much out of breath, and very pale. “Listen, guys, I think I'm going crazy here! I probably had too much soda last night, but when I woke up this morning…”
“Oh, do let me guess,” Leon interrupted. “You woke up to find Betamon sprawled out on your bed?”
“Well, actually, he was jumping up and down on my back, but how did you…”
“We knew because,” Naomi spoke up, “we woke up in roughly the same positions.” Leon blushed furiously.
“Did you guys also find your self wearing one of these?” DJ showed the twins a Digivice, identical to their own, save that it was a very deep blue.
“Yeah,” they said in unison, showing their own Digivices.
DJ glanced around furtively. “We should talk somewhere private…”
“What about the forest? Not many people go there, and that clearing where I found you was pretty secluded,” Naomi whispered.
“That's fine,” DJ replied. “You don't object, do you, Leon?”
“Of course not. You're probably right about the privacy thing.”
“Any objections from the Digimon?” DJ got collective `no's' from the group in question. “Alright then. Come on!”
The `clearing' was indeed secluded; it had taken quite some time to get to it. Once the six arrived, they each sat down on the grass (or in Renamon's case, perched on a tree branch).
“Okay,” DJ started. “Let's recap: This morning, each of us woke up with our Digimon somewhere in our rooms…” Heads nodded all around. “And each of us also found one of these on our wrists.” He pointed to his cerulean-colored Digivice. Again, he got nods. “Now, here's my question: What does all this mean?”
“Well,” Naomi began, “We think it means…”
“Oh, there's no way in hell you're this stupid,” said a voice. All three Tamers and their Digimon looked up in surprise. Standing on a tree branch was a very tall man, around 20, wearing very `Goth'-style clothes (complete with spike choker, trench coat and motorcycle boots) his shoulder-length black hair was streaked with dark purple, and on his wrist was… a pitch-black Digivice. He jumped down, landing with inhuman grace. “I can't believe you're supposed to be the other Digi-Destined,” his voice was cold, devoid of all emotion. “Not only are you lacking in the intelligence department, but by the look of it, your Digimon can't even hit Champion yet. How pathetic.”
Leon stood up. “And just who the hell are you supposed to be?”
The stranger smirked. “I am Cairn, the DigiDestined of Darkness. I must know… Just how weak are you?”
“Bet we're stronger than you!” Leon growled.
“That remains to be seen. You and I will battle, right here, right now.” Cairn pushed a button on his Digivice, and a light flashed out of it, revealing a bat-like Digimon with a skull mark on its head. “DemiDevimon, let's show these brats the meaning of strength!”
“Right! DEMI DART!!” The little bat Digimon threw a hypodermic needle at Renamon, who promptly dodged it.
“DIAMOND STORM!” Renamon responded with an attack of her own, sending hundreds of ice shards flying at her opponent. DemiDevimon crashed to the ground, pierced by the ice.
Cairn smirked again. “Well, you're stronger than I thought. Now, the real fun begins…” he pulled a card out of his pocket. It had a picture of a black D3 on it [A/N: The Digivices from Season 2].
That doesn't look good… Leon thought. Why is this guy attacking us anyways?
Cairn assumed a much more aggressive stance. “Now, let's kick it up a notch! DemiDevimon! DIGI-MODIFY!” He swiped the card through the slot in the side of his Digivice. “DIGIVOLUTION ACTIVATE!!!”
A bright light surrounded DemiDevimon for a brief moment, then dissipated. In its place was a tall, black Digimon with horns and enormous black wings. Cairn screamed from behind it. “Now, Devimon! Show them who the strongest Digi-Destined is! Attack!”
The devil Digimon nodded. Suddenly, he lashed out at Renamon. “TOUCH OF EVIL!” Renamon jumped out of the way. For the most part, anyway. Devimon caught her in the side, sending her flying off to the side. He strode over to her, and kicked her viciously, causing her to gasp in pain.
Cairn was smiling malignantly. “Now, Devimon! Finish her!”
As Devimon prepared for the final blow, a bright light suddenly erupted from Leon's Digivice. As he looked down at it, a card materialized out of nowhere in his right hand. It was perfectly identical to the one Cairn had used, except the D3 was blue.
What the hell? Leon wondered. Then he remembered what Naomi had said about the slot in the Digivice, and what Cairn had done with his Digivice. “Alright,” he said. “Let's give this a shot! DIGI-MODIFY! DIGIVOLUTION ACTIVATE!!” He swiped the card through the slot. The light appeared around Renamon this time. There were collective gasps around the clearing; Renamon was gone. In her place was a large fox-thing with nine tails with blue flames on the tips, and a red and white ornament around its head. Still awestruck, Leon managed to call out, “Renamon! Attack!”
`Renamon' nodded. She braced her tails in a fan-like arrangement, then screamed out, “FOXTAIL INFERNO!!” The flames at the tips of her tails flared brighter at once, then launched themselves at Devimon. The other Digimon was thrown back at once into a tree, which fell over. `Renamon' rushed in to land the finishing blow, but Cairn quickly pushed a button on his Digivice, and light surrounded DemiDevimon (who had recently De-Digivolved) and disappeared.
Cairn was furious. “You beat me. Congratulations, `Gogglehead'. That's the first time anyone's ever beaten me.
“It won't be the last,” Leon retorted. “And don't make fun of my goggles, or Renamon and I'll be happy to kick your sorry ass again! Why'd you attack us, anyway? We didn't do anything to you!”
Cairn leaned up against a tree. “I merely wanted to test your strength; I absolutely refuse to team up with weaklings.”
“Weaklings?! Team up?!” Leon was shaking with rage now. “What makes you think we'd want to team up with an arrogant ass like you?!”
“Because I,” Cairn paused to pull a cigarette and lighter out of his pocket. “Am the voice of experience,” he lit it, then placed the lighter back in his pocket. “You could use someone who has experience in battle, and you kids need a babysitter anyways, so you don't get into trouble. You don't know the first thing about Digimon, kid. For example, you keep calling that Digimon beside you `Renamon.' That is no longer Renamon, but Kyubimon, Renamon's Champion level.” He blew smoke into the air.
“Naomi's our resident expert on Digimon,” Leon jerked his thumb at his twin. “We don't need you, or want you for that matter!”
“Well, whether you think you need me or not, I'm going to follow you, kid.”
“And why is that? Why do you want to follow us?”
Cairn frowned. “Not them, kid. You. You beat me. Therefore, I am indebted to you; I won't be able to leave you alone until I even the score. In the meantime, I'm going home.” He logged out, disappearing in a flash of light.
“What was THAT all about?” Leon wondered aloud. Beside him, Kyubimon glowed with a soft light, then transformed back into Renamon, who sank to her knees, panting. “Are you alright?” he inquired.
She stood cautiously. “I am fine,” she coughed, before collapsing again.
“I guess Devimon got her pretty good,” Naomi said quietly.
{Kyubimon's POV}
Kyubimon was battling unconsciousness. Devimon's attack had taken a lot out of her, and the energy required to Digivolve had not exactly helped matters. She de-digivolved shortly after the strange human left, and promptly collapsed, sinking to her knees.
“Are you alright?” She looked up. Leon, her tamer, was standing over her. As she looked into his emerald eyes, she felt a hot blush rising to her face.
Blessing the yellow fur covering her body, she looked away and shakily stood up. She managed to choke out “I am fine,” right before she fell again.
Naomi, Palmon's tamer, looked at her concernedly. “I guess Devimon got her pretty good…”
Betamon squealed out, “DJ, give her one of those things you used on me after we fought Yanmamon!”
His tamer, DJ, looked bewildered for a moment, then took out a small cube object. “You mean a Power Charge? Okay. Hold still, Renamon.” He kneeled next to her, and pushed a button on the cube. It disintegrated in a flash of light, and Renamon felt a mass of energy flood her body.
Leon grabbed her arm gently, pulling her up. The second his hand closed on her arm, Renamon felt a lightening chill rush down her spine, immediately followed by a warm, almost… soothing feeling enveloping her body. What… is thisstrange feeling? She wondered.
Leon's voice pierced her thoughts. “You okay now?” That voice… Like an angel's… He smiled at her. Oh, gods… He… Smiled at me… She felt the uncomfortable blush run to her face again.
“I…” Her words died in her throat. She tried again. “I am fine,” she quickly turned away from him. “Thank you, DJ, for healing me.” She didn't even notice his response, as she was already lost in her own thoughts. Something is definitely wrong with me, she decided. I will speak with Naomi about this later. She seems to know a lot about Digimon; maybe she knows what is happening to me…
Next Chapter: `Girl Talk' and `Chocolate Therapy'…
Naomi the therapist. Need I say more? I think not.