Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Unity ❯ Shadow and Flame ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

DISCLAIMER: I own the plot, the human characters, and some Digimon characters. I will also one day own the world. Don't sue. And don't lock me up in the insane asylum either.
[A/N: Once again, this story will and already does contain relationships between humans and Digimon. If that offends you, please do not read this. However, if it does not, please continue reading, and let me know what you think. Finally, be warned, as this chapter may contain several sexual innuendos and/or perverseness. You have been warned.]
CHAPTER 7: Shadows and Flame
{Leon's POV}
Leon woke up very warm. He looked up at the figure sleeping peacefully next to him. Renamon, his newfound love, was lying beside him, arms and tail draped around him, holding him close to her warm fur. A slight smile played across her lips, and Leon knew why. The realization that they had been in love with each other had hit them both like a ton of bricks; after all, he was human, and she was a Digimon. Nevertheless, he was determined to make it work. He nuzzled closer to her, welcoming the warmth of her body, burying his face in her chest.
She stirred slightly, and opened an eye blearily. “Good morning,” she whispered, licking his cheek affectionately. “Sleep well?”
“Like a baby,” he smiled, and instinctively reached up, gently rubbing the base of one of her ears. She closed her eyes, loosing a deep, throaty rumble from her lips. “Renamon, are you… purring?” She stopped to look at him.
“Foxes don't purr,” she said playfully. For good measure, she also whacked him in the face with her tail. “How'd you know that the ears are the second most sensitive area of Renamon anatomy?”
Leon looked back. “I didn't. We used to have a cat, a couple of years ago, and it… really liked getting its ears scratched. It was just an instinctive thing.”
“Oh. Now,” she grinned wolfishly. “Who said you could stop?”
Leon chuckled inwardly, but resumed rubbing her ear. “Out of curiosity, what's the most sensitive area?”
She placed a single finger to his lips. “We should probably wait on that one, hmm?”
“Ah, you're probably right,” he replied, eliciting a slight chuckle from Renamon. She licked him again, sending a hot shiver down his spine. He would've come up with another response, but then he noticed the clock. It read 9:14, which meant they had 46 minutes to meet Cairn and the latest Digi-Destined. Leon cursed, leaping from the bed. “We gotta get going if we're gonna meet that new kid!”
Pajamas and tank-top were quickly swapped for jeans, goggles, t-shirt, and Aerosmith jacket. He brushed his teeth and ran a comb through his hair at top speed. Pulling on his motorcycle boots, he rushed downstairs and grabbed a pop-tart. Naomi was munching on some cereal that was most definitely pure sugar, and would thus give her the worst sugar rush in history. Okay, so there was that one time when she was seven and had eaten half her Halloween candy in one night. Now THAT was the worst sugar rush in history. Anyway, back to the present. Naomi looked up as Leon entered the room. “Finally, he joins the living! I swear, you are the deepest sleeper I've ever met! In case you haven't noticed, we have half an hour to get to Digimon Online! If you had an ounce of sense in you…” She continued to rant and rave. Meanwhile, Leon grabbed the keys to his father's old Mustang. Yeah, the car was from the sixties, but their father had a deal going with Leon; if Leon took care of it, he was allowed to drive it, and by his eighteenth birthday, he'd have a new car, but admittedly, since he'd watched `Gone in 60 Seconds,' the '65 Shelby Mustang GT 350 had recently become his favorite car. Maybe he could just get a paint job, an LD player (the damn thing still had a slot for 8-Track tapes), a decent air conditioner… He was getting lost in his car-dreams again. Naomi shot him a queer look. “Leon, you're drooling. So gross,” she shuddered. “Well, `Sleeping Beauty,' you'd better have a good plan to get us to the login room! Because if you don't, then I will personally-”
Leon interrupted her by pulling her out the door. He threw the cover off the old car. It was white with black racing stripes down the center. Such a dull color scheme. Now, blood-red with black stripes, THAT was a color scheme. The old girl could use a wax-job, too… There he went again. He pulled the goggles down over his eyes, and ushered his sister into the passenger seat, and they both pressed what Naomi had unceremoniously christened the `Porta-Lizer Button' (he really needed to watch his sister's sugar intake) to aid in transportation issues. The old car started up without an unreasonable amount of coaxing (the engine had been replaced a few years previously, so the car was in better shape than it had been when his father had gotten it), and soon enough, they were parked in front of the Login Center. Leon dropped off the money he owed to Alicia, and they managed to get Logged In with barely a minute to spare.
As they left the Login Room, a group of six walked over to them. DJ and Cairn, accompanied by their Digimon (and in Cairn's case, a lit cigarette). However, a figure behind them was leaning against the wall, shrouded in shadows.
“Took you long enough, brat,” Cairn said in disgust. “Next time, set your alarm clock earlier.”
“So,” Naomi pretended not to notice the Goth. “That's the new Digi-Destined?”
“Well, I reckon so, ma'am,” the figure stepped into the light. His eyes were a deep hazel, and a black cowboy hat was pushed back on his auburn hair. Leather chaps were strapped to his faded blue jeans, and he wore brown leather cowboy boots. He wore a denim jacket over a blood-red shirt, sported a black bandana around his neck, and spoke with a thick Texas twang to his voice. Every inch of his person screamed `Country Boy.' Without warning, he kneeled before Naomi, sweeping his hat off. “Why, miss, I've heard tell o' Angels comin' down to Earth, but this here's the first I ever heard proof of it!” He took Naomi's hand and kissed it gently. DJ and Leon both face-faulted in true anime fashion, and Naomi flushed red as a beet. “My name,” he stood, pulling the Stetson back on his head, “is Riley Jacobs. This here,” he gestured toward a small Digimon that looked like… well, there was no other word for it; it looked like an old-fashioned candlestick with a face. “This here's my partner, Candlemon. Pleased to meetcha.”
The little Digimon nodded. “Hiya!”
“You're a Digi-Destined?” Leon said skeptically. “Prove it. Where's your Digivice?” Riley flashed a flaming orange Digivice.
{Naomi's POV}
Well, needless to say, the newest Digi-Destined was an interesting type. He dressed, walked, talked, and acted every bit the noble cowboy. A little too flattering for comfort, but then again, everybody seemed to be warming up to him (except Cairn and DemiDevimon, but that was to be expected), and he was easy enough to get along with. Despite her suspicions, even Naomi was inclined to sit next to him when DJ insisted they grab a table in the lobby. In fact, she was actually starting to like the guy; he was in general unfailingly polite (especially to her, and any other female that entered the vicinity), and the rest of the group (once again, Cairn and DemiDevimon excluded) was soon perfectly comfortable around him. That is, until Naomi felt the hand brush against her ass.
She prayed it was DJ that was giving her a rub-down, but both his hands were resting the back of his seat. She nervously turned towards Riley. He flashed her a devious grin, and the hand slid cautiously into the back of her jeans. To the rest of the group, all they heard was the loud noise generally made when a hand made contact with bare skin, and then Riley was on the ground, hat askew, with a hand-shaped red spot on his face, and Naomi was standing over him, face redder than ever. “Y-Y-YOU PERVERT!!!!!” She then kicked him right between the legs, eliciting a bloodcurdling scream that made all males in the group (Cairn and DemiDevimon included, this time) cringe with sympathetic pain. It wasn't hard to figure out what had happened, and Riley was soon being berated by Naomi, Palmon, Leon, and DJ, while Betamon and Candlemon were rolling on the ground laughing, and Renamon sat, doubled over in silent laughter. Cairn, meanwhile, went outside to start in on another cigarette, and DemiDevimon followed. Before anyone could get an explanation out of the lecherous cowboy, however, a scream outside alerted the team to trouble outside. Cairn's voice could be heard faintly over the din of screams, crashes, and the occasional roar. It sounded pissed. Naomi stood from where she'd had Riley in a chokehold, and rushed out, Palmon in tow.
Cairn was standing outside, screaming at a recently-Digivolved Devimon, who was attempting to fend off a small pack of enormous, six-eyed black dragons. Naomi gasped. “They're Devidramon! Champion-level Virus dragon Digimon!”
“And what the hell does that tell us?!” Leon yelled back. “Why are they attacking the city?!”
Cairn was furious, to say the least. “WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING, GOGGLEHEAD?!” he turned to look at Leon. “WHO CARES WHY THEY'RE HERE?! GET THE HELL OUT HERE AND HELP!”
“On it!” he replied, pulling out his `Digivolve' card. “Renamon, time to kick some dragon ass!”
Riley pulled out a similar card, only with an orange D3 on it. “Don't leave me out of this one! Candlemon, let's bring him down!”
“DIGI-MODIFY!” the two cried in unison. “DIGIVOLUTION ACTIVATE!”
Candlemon and Renamon were surrounded in light. Renamon Digivolved to Kyubimon, and Candlemon was quickly replaced by a tall, humanoid Digimon engulfed in flames.
Leon squinted up at the new Digimon. “Naomi!” he called. “You're our resident expert on Digimon; what is that thing?”
“That's a Meramon, idiot.” Noting the blank look on her brother's face, she added, “He's a Champion-level fire Digimon!” He's totally hopeless, even in a crisis! Seriously though, if there are Digimon attacking the city, then that's in direct violation of the game's programming, which could only mean… Naomi gasped. A virus in Digimon Online!
Well, cliffhanger time again! A virus in Digimon Online, huh? This could get interesting real quick! (hehe… hopefully it's already interesting… if not, thanks for reading anyways!)
Next Chapter: Lost
More dark Digimon show up, along with a final DigiDestined, and the true nature of this `virus' is revealed! Read and Review! If you don't, I shall personally hunt you down AND SIC MY NEWEST MUSE ON YOU!!!!!
Renamon: Since when am I your muse? >eye twitch<
Since Naruto ran off.
Renamon: Can you at least take the leash off? I hate pink.
No. Pink is a very good color for you. The collar's not half bad either.
Bite your tounge! Bite it!
R: Do I look like some kind of dog?
R: >crash<
Who says I don't own Digimon?