Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ What It Means To Love ❯ Chapter 2

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 2

K:What is wrong with you?! Don't make me hurt my little koi!
EC: Awww! He's your little koi. How sweet!
T: Sweet enough for you to change your mind about this? *Looks hopeful*
EC: Maybe......
T&K: Maybe?
EC:.....Not. Sorry.
T&K: Damnit!
EC: Disclaimer any one?
K: Read last chapter.

AN: Sorry about the last chapter. It wouldn't put up .txt so I had to put it in .doc and it didn't come out right. Hope this look better.

On with the fic!

The longer Koji kissed Takuya, the more aggressive he became. Koji pulled back slightly and looked into Takuya's eyes. He looked as if he wanted to say something but didn't want to move or ruin the moment.
He decided to say something any way. "Umm.. Koji.. maybe we should be getting back now."
'Oh no, you don't.' He wasn't about to go anywhere but under him. Koji felt Takuya move a little and his grip tightened on his hips, he knew there were going to be bruises there tomorrow. "Koji. That hurts. Let me go."
"I'm not letting you go anywhere, little Takuya, until I'm finished with you." With that Koji kissed Takuya again and brought him closer to his body and ground his hips into his. Takuya let out a small gasp at the sensation that caused. Koji smirked and quickly thrust his tongue into his mouth. He sought out Takuya's and coaxed it out to 'play' with his. Takuya slid his tongue out to
battle with his, Koji ultimately winning the duel. Takuya moaned softly as Koji slid his hands up his shirt and played with his nipples. Koji regretfully pulled back from his succulent lips and took off his hat and shirt and latched his mouth onto one of his nipples and circled his tongue around the hardening brown nub.
"K..Koji... ohhh... that feels sooo good..." Koji smiled against his skin and slid his hands down Takuya's pants and underwear and cupped his buttocks and pulled them apart.
"Does that feel good too?" He said against his skin. Takuya groaned and bucked his hips into Koji's as he tickled his entrance. Koji had to fight the urge to strip Takuya completely naked and ravish his body until the early morning.
"Uhhnnn...yessss..." he purred out. Koji kissed his way back up licking, nipping, and suckling every inch of his chest along the way. He stopped on his neck and sucked on it then bit down hard enough to make a permanent mark on him. He kissed it and murmured 'mine' against his skin. He licked it to try to take the pain away before kissing his way up his jaw and back to
his mouth. Takuya pulled back and brought a hand to his neck and rubbed the mark. He looked into Koji's eyes that shone with love and lust. "What is this?"
'So innocent and naive..' "To show everyone that you are mine and I was the first to take you." he whispered against his lips. "Will you let me be the first to have you?"
Was he ready for this. His body was more than ready but was he? Would he regret it in the morning? Is Koji saying this just so he could get laid? Will he wake up to find out that this was all a dream? So many questions were running a mile a minute in his head and Koji noticed how distant his eyes had become. "Takuya?" Takuya focused back on him and saw the concern in his
eyes. He would do it for Koji because he wanted it. He loved Koji and Koji loved him right? So what was the harm?
"Yes, I want you to be my first." Koji smiled and kissed him with all the passion he could muster and slid Takuya down on the ground. Still kissing him, he took one of his gloved hands and slowly slid the glove off and circled the middle of his hand with his thumb and did the same to the other hand. Takuya purred softly into his mouth as Koji took off the rest of his clothes and rubbed his inner thighs. Koji noticed that he was too over-dressed for this occasion but he quickly changed that. Soon there was nothing to get in the way as Koji kissed his way down Takuya's body, tasting him along the way. Koji came to a stop when he came to Takuya's sex. He smirked and passed right over it and kissed his inner thigh, his cheek brushing up against it. Takuya groaned at the contact and tried to move so that Koji's mouth moved to what he really wanted him to kiss. He whimpered when his hips were held firmly down and he continued his slow torture down his leg and then the other one. Koji looked at Takuya's weeping sex, begging him to touch it.

"Please, Koji, touch me." he whimpered. He had been waiting to hear that for a long time now and he brought his lips over to his length and kissed from the slit down to his full balls and back up. "Koji!!" he groaned out as Koji took him into his mouth and sucked him like a lollipop. "Ohhh God..." Koji went faster with each passing minute until he felt Takuya tense up and fill his mouth with his warm seed. He drank it all up greedily and laid down on Takuya. He kissed Takuya, letting him taste himself, and pulled back. He watched Takuya as his breathing evened out and he slowly opened his eyes.

"Take me." A single command that Koji was all too happy to fulfill. Koji sat up and pulled his legs apart. He knew he had no way to lessen the pain Takuya was going to feel soon but he had to try his best. He fingered the tightly drawn rosebud until it loosened some and pushed his finger in. Takuya tightened up in fear and Koji rubbed his inner thigh to distract him as he pushed another finger in and pulled them apart. He felt Takuya relax as he took his fingers in and Koji pulled his fingers out till the tips were only in and thrust them back in. He continued to do that until Takuya was moaning out in pleasure. He pulled out his fingers all the way and chuckled when Takuya moaned out in protest and positioned himself in front of his entrance. "Ready?" Takuya gave a single nod and Koji plunged into his tight heat. His eyes rolled to the back of his head as Takuya's body flexed around him, trying to get used to him.
There were tears as Takuya felt the pain wash through him and he clenched around Koji tightly in pain as he tried to push him out. Koji felt this and wiped his tears away. "Shhh..... just relax your muscles and the pain will pass. I promise." Takuya nodded and relaxed his muscles as best he could. Koji had to steady himself from fucking Takuya now as his body adjusted to him. Koji moved as he sensed Takuya was ready and raised his hips some to get better leverage. Takuya groaned out as Koji hit something tingly inside of him that turned him into a massive blob of pleasure.
"Koji! Go faster!" He compiled with his request, making sure to hit that spot continuously and soon Takuya arched his back as he came with a cry, spilling his seed onto his belly. Koji groaned as Takuya's inner muscles clamped down spasmodically around him, trying to milk his cum out of him and he came into Takuya's waiting body and collapsed on to him. Takuya nuzzled his neck and purred softly before drifting off to sleep. Koji smiled and pulled out of Takuya's warm body. He cleaned them up and redressed them. After he was done he picked up Takuya and he buried his head in his chest as Koji carried him back to the cave. When he got to the cave, Koji kissed his forehead as he sat down with Takuya in his lap. He pulled Takuya closer to him. "Night koi." he whispered as he fell asleep.

Takuya awoke the next morning very content and very tired. 'Was all that a dream?' He noticed he wasn't sitting on the hard ground but in someone's lap. He looked up to see Koji's smiling face, "Koji!" Takuya sat up more and winced at the pain in his bottom. 'Guess not.'
"Try not to move too much. I see you're going to be sore for awhile." Takuya sighed softly and settled back down. There was something on Takuya's mind that he wanted to ask Koji. "Koji?"
"Do.... you love me?"
"Yes. I wouldn't have had sex with you if I thought you were just a very convenient fuck." 'Or maybe I would if you were giving yourself to anyone without regret.'
"Really?" Takuya smiled happily and Koji cringed. 'Why does he keep asking all these questions? Just drop it already!'
"Really." 'I really shouldn't be doing this to him. He doesn't deserve this. He never asked for this. He needs someone who will be able to love him for life. I shouldn't have had sex with him. That was a mistake. One of us is just going to wind up hurting the other in the end. I have to end this now. It'll be better this way.' "Takuya?"
"I think we should stop this now before it gets out of hand."
Takuya frowned, "Before what gets out of hand?"
"This relationship."
"But... don't you love me?"
"Yes. It's just that I think it'll be better this way if we stop this now."
"Oh..." Takuya got up slowly because of the pain he felt in his bottom and walked over to the other side of the cave and slowly sat down. Koji sighed and went over to Takuya but he held up a hand to stop him.
"Don't. Just leave me alone now. I need to think about all of this."
"All right. We're still friends right?"
"Yeah." 'That's all we could ever be. He never loved me. It was just an excuse to have sex with me. Why am I so stupid?' Tears were welling up in his eyes and he quickly blinked them away so Koji wouldn't see them. But he saw them. He knew what he did hurt Takuya greatly but it was for the best. Koji walked out of the cave to get some fresh air and as soon as he was gone Takuya let the tears fall as the love of his life walked out of his life.

Probably forever.

end chapter 2

K: How dare you!!! How could you make me do that!!!!!???
EC: It'll tie in at the end of the story so just wait.
T: You hurt my feelings
EC: Awww... you poor thing. If you weren't my favorite you wouldn't have to go through this because I love doing angst with my favorite characters.
T: Lucky me

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