Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction / Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ The Ultimate Threat ❯ Training for humanity ( Chapter 7 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Chapter 7: Training for humanity

Goku: Well we better get started.

Vegeta: How about we have our first training lesson as a fight. I want to see how powerful the 'almighty Janeba' is.

Janeba: Well, come hit me any time you want.

Vegeta: With pleasure.

Vegeta jumped up and uppercut Janeba in the face. Janeba performed a back flip and kicked Vegeta in the face. Vegeta was stunned. Janeba round kicked him in the stomach and went flying backwards. Janeba used instant transmission and hit Vegeta the opposite direction. Vegeta awoke from his penalization and hit Janeba in the face Janeba almost hit the ground, but fired a blast wave. Vegeta wasn't paying any attention and was felled.


Vegeta: Little pest!!

Vegeta and Janeba fought for hours yet in the normal world it would be seconds. Meanwhile Sora was resting at Capsule Corp.

Sora: OWWWW!

Bulla: Don't worry it's only a little injection. It will keep the bacteria out of your body while that huge wound heals.

Sora: How come Janeba didn't get hurt when he was hit twice?

Bulla: One thing for sure it's because he's a Saiyan. We're meant to be ruthless warriors until Freiza destroyed our planet. Goku and Vegeta are the last remaining, full-blooded Saiyans.

Sora: Hmmm....Wait a minute, what do you mean by "were"?

Bulla: Oh yeah, I'm half saiyan. Mother was a human dad was a saiyan.

Sora: Goku?

Bulla: No Vegeta.

Sora: Guess that explains the 'ruthless' part of a Saiyan. But why is Goku non-ruthless.

Bulla: He was raised from a baby to a grandpa on Earth.

Suddenly the door opened.

Scientist: Mrs. Briefs there's a visitor here and we also need to see you for a meeting.

Bulla: I need to look after this girl. She's in danger.

Janeba walks to the door around the man.

Janeba: I will!

Bulla: Oh...OH Janeba, would you look after Sora for a while.

Janeba: That's just what I said.

Bulla: Please.

Janeba: O.K, I said I would twice.

Bulla: Thanks.

Bulla walks out of the room.

Janeba: Does she ever listen.

Sora: *giggles*

Janeba: Are you feeling any better?

Sora: A little, but now that you're here a lot.

Janeba: Hmmm.

Janeba walked over to her and sat down.

Sora: Why are you in cut up clothes?

Janeba: Training...

Sora: .....

Janeba: O.K and fighting with Vegeta.

Sora: Just what I thought.

Janeba: He turns every moment into a stup....

Sora put her hand over Janebas mouth.

Sora: I bet he won't ruin this.

She kissed him passionately.

Janeba: Wow, you kiss well.

Sora: *more giggles*

Bulla: WHAT WAS THAT! (Nicely toned)

Janeba and Sora: Ummm.

Bulla: Well Janeba you better go, your mom called she wants you home, and Sora needs to rest.

Janeba: I don't think so.

Janeba pulled out a Senzu bean and gave it to Sora.

Sora: What's this?

Janeba: A Senzu Bean, eat it.

Bulla: It won't work; Senzu beans work on health not injuries.

Janeba: This is a specially bread type Senzu Bean.

She ate it was up in a flash.

Sora: I feel great, and my injury healed, Wow.

Bulla: All right, I guess you can go, BYYYYY!

They flew out the window.

This going to be an exciting adventure with Sora.