Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Wishing Well ❯ Back to the village ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Wishing Well

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha or Dragon Ball Z. Even my pants are on loan. Don't sue me.

Disclaimer: This is my first fic. Expect it to suck. Don't hurt me.

Legend: "…" = Speech

'…' = Thought

~~~ = Beginning/ending of flashback

Kagome vaguely heard Inuyasha's voice as Kirara flew her over an unknown part of the eastern forest.

"Please set me down nearby, Kirara, then you can go back to the village."


Almost as soon as Kirara touched the ground, Kagome raced towards the sound of Inuyasha's voice. She heard another male voice then a woman's shriek, and increased her speed. She ignored the branches that tore at her skirt as she ran into the clearing where she heard the voices.

The sight before her drew her up in a screeching halt.

It wasn't the fact that Inuyasha was there. It was the other person, the perfectly human-looking male, with the tanned skin of an outdoorsman, and a modern short hair cut.

And, of course, the brown monkey tail that was tightly wrapped around the form of modern-looking, tomboyish girl.

For some strange reason, Kagome's brain refused to process the information her eyes were sending. It seemed that the possibility of someone even remotely like Inuyasha disturbed her mind greatly, and it would not accept that data. In fact, it was so adamant in its refusal of what she was seeing that it wanted desperately to shutdown.

Inuyasha whipped his head around to face Kagome as he recognized her scent enter the glade. He watched her scan the newcomers, and then swore fluently as he saw her eyes roll into the back of her head. He leapt towards her and caught her before she could hit the ground. Even though she quickly recovered, Inuyasha was not ready to let her go.

Videl had stopped shrieking by this time, and she watched wide-eyed as the … dog-boy, tended to the female who had just come crashing into the clearing. She and Kagome's eyes locked, and both calmed at the sight of a normal human.

Kagome pried herself away from Inuyasha as Videl unraveled Gohan's tail from around her waist. Both males growled warnings as the females cautiously approached each other.

Kagome made the first move.

"Hi! My name is Kagome. That rude person over there in red is Inuyasha." Inuyasha glared daggers at Kagome's back, and turned to sit on the forest floor with a muffled "Feh."

"Well hi! My name is Videl, and that's Gohan." 'I think.' Gohan gave his classic Son grin, sheepishly rubbing the back of his head.

"Forgive my rudeness, but you both look too … modern to be here."

"Well, we don't even know where here is. There was a slight accident and we somehow ended up at the bottom of that well over there."

"Kya!! Not another well!" Inuyasha didn't move, but his ears twisted towards Kagome's voice.

"Another well? What's that supposed to mean?"

"It's a very long story. I think you should come back to our village and talk to Kaede. She knows a lot of stuff, so she could probably help you get home."

"Sounds good. Lead the way!"

Kagome liked this girl. She had a bold spirit that wasn't fazed by much. She also looked to be a competent fighter, like Sango. That thought made her giggle slightly. She hoped Miroku would behave, or he would be sporting two lumps every hour. Kagome turned her attention to Inuyasha, who now stood glowering at the newcomers.

"Inuyasha, I think it would be best if you give me a ride to the village please." Kagome's voice came out as a reedy whisper as she tried to keep her emotions under control.

Inuyasha tried not to let Kagome's voice affect him. She couldn't even ask him for a ride in her normal voice.

'She hates me that much.' His mind pounded the mantra into his heart, making him want to run away, anywhere but near Kagome.

"Feh. Get up." He turned his attention to Gohan. "You, can you run fast, or fly?"

Gohan nodded. "Both."

"Good. You and your bitch follow me back to the village. I'll try not to lose you." Inuyasha face contorted into his usual smirk at the thought of any non-youkai being able to match his speed.

Gohan set his face in a frown. This was like dealing with an immature version of Vegeta. He turned his attention to Videl, who was busy staring at a twitching furry vine that seemed to be attached to his back and wrapped around her thigh …

"When the hell did that grow back?!" he squeaked, scrutinizing the furry appendage that he hadn't seen since his youth.

Videl tore her gaze from the tail, and glared up at Gohan. "Grow back? You mean you used to have a tail?"

Gohan gulped nervously. 'Shit shit shit shit shit. She wasn't supposed to find out about my past. Not what I am, or who really defeated Cell, or anything!'

Videl saw the nervous thoughts flying across Gohan's face. She coolly studied him, and then grabbed his hand. "We'll talk later, Gohan. For now, let's just follow those two to their village. I think you should carry me, because I have a feeling I won't be able to keep up with you and Inuyasha once you two get started."

Gohan gulped nervously. Again. Carry Videl? How was he supposed to do that without being affected by her? He watched Inuyasha lift Kagome onto his back, noting the slightly wild look that briefly flitted across his face as Kagome adjusted herself. Except for that one look, Inuyasha remained impassive. That might be the answer.

"Ok Videl, jump on my back. I think you've earned a piggy back ride," he chuckled to Videl. 'In that position I'll be in less trouble. And she won't be able to notice anything.'

Inuyasha tried to breathe shallowly, anything to stop himself from drowning in Kagome's scent. When she was finally comfortable, he caught her under her knees and turned to the newcomers.

"Oi! Are you two ready yet?"

The wild glint in Gohan's eyes mirrored Inuyasha's as Videl settled onto his back. Gohan had just grabbed Videl under her thighs and he was starting to sweat profusely. None of this escaped the demi-demon, and he stored this information away in case he needed it later.

"Ready!" Gohan answered, as he rose into the air with Videl.

The two half-breeds shot off into the night, one bounding through the trees, the other zooming overhead.