Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction / Sonic X Fan Fiction / Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ The Adventures of Alan and Jamie ❯ The Sword of light and Magic ( Chapter 10 )
Pokemon, Digimon, card captors, Medabots, Dragonball Z and final fantasy wasn't created by me.
The adventures of Alan and Jamie
Chapter 10 The Sword of light and Magic
Alan remembered what Sakura said to him before the darkness came and attacked him. That Kero had the third weapon. Alan remembered what Renamon said to him in his dreams. That Alan can digivolve by using the power of his digivise and the same with the pokeball.
In the living room Brock and Henry were planning to go back to Japan just in case the darkness attacked. Takato, Guilmon, Rika and Renamon were watching T.V about pokemon breeding.
Outside Jamie, Goku and Vegetar were training. Kazu, Kenta, Marineanglemon and Gargomon were watching them train and Ash and Misty were having a pokemon battle.
In the kitchen Medabee was drawing stupid pictures of Jamie being a donkey. Ikkie was on the phone trying to contact his mother and Sakura and Lee are helping Mrs ketchem make dinner.
While Alan was with Kero and the cloud book. Alan: "Kero where's my third weapon you said you bring it to me". Kero: "It's in the cloud book but it will only come out if you say the magic words with me". Alan: "Oh you mean like Sakura's magic words?"
Kero: "Yes but you're heart must be in the right place". Alan: "Okay". I know my heart is in the right place I believe in the light. Kero: "Are you ready". Alan: "Yeah am ready". Kero: "Put you're hand over the book and repeat after me". "Sword of light". Alan put his hand over the book. Alan: "Sword of light". Kero: "Sword of magic". Alan: "Sword of magic". Kero: "Help me defend the light". Alan: "Help me defend the light". Kero: And help me defeat the darkness". "Alan: And help me defeat the darkness". Kero: "Release!" Alan: "Release!"
The cloud book shot a gulf of light and smashed a hole on the roof. Then a sword came out from the cloud book floating in mid-air. Alan reached for the sword and soon as he garbed it he was shot in the air.
Alan: Not again. Then Alan heard the sword speck to him inside his mind. P.H. Sword: "To earn me you must fight you're best friend". Alan: "My best friend, Jamie". Alan knew he had no choice, Alan looked down and saw Jamie training with Goku. Alan: "JAMIE!!!"
Jamie looked up and saw Alan at mid-air. Jamie: "Alan". The Tamers, their Digimon, Medabee and Ikkie came out from the house. Takato: "What's going on!" Ash: "I have no clue". Henry: "He must have his third chosen weapon". Alan landed back on the ground and the sword in his hand began to glow. Jamie: "What's going on". Alan: "You must fight me". Everybody: "WHAT!!" Jamie: "What!" "Have you gone insane". Alan: "No!" Goku: "Then why do you want to fight Jamie". Alan: "I need to fight him because the sword won't join my quest if I don't". Rika: "Makes sense".
Jamie: "Okay but am only doing this so you can have you're weapon". What Have I gone Insane too. Alan: Okay the fight with Jamie, this might be too easy for me. "One more thing Jamie, never hold back". Jamie: "huh". Alan: "Let's use our full power and see who's the stronger person". Jamie: "Okay we play it you're way". Alan took his digivice and brought out his power and speed modiafry cards. Alan: "Let's do this!"
Jamie stared to transform into his pure hearted super syain from. Jamie: "Am ready Alan". Alan: "Hang on I haven't swipe my speed card yet".
Alan: "Okay now am ready let's go". Alan charged at Jamie with full speed and prepared to attack with his sword. Jamie was prepared to block the attack. Alan: Bad" move Jamie!" Alan down slash at Jamie but Jamie caught the sword before touching him. Jamie: "Wrong Alan you did the bad move". Jamie kicked Alan straight thought a tree.
Guilmon: "Why do they have to fight like this". Juri: "This is pointless!" P.H Sword: "Alan if you lose I won't join you're quest". Alan: "Don't worry I won't lose". Then Jamie kicked Alan in the air and slammed him down straight down to the ground and a big explosion happened when Alan hit the floor.
Misty: "Do their know not to fight like this". Brock: "Alan must fight Jamie for his next weapons trust". Sakura: "This is stupid!" Alan: "Good moves Jamie but now it's my turn". Alan kicked Jamie and doubled punched him in the face, then punched him in the air. Alan then closed his hand and fire formed thought his fist. Alan: "BURN!" Alan shot a fireball at Jamie and Jamie slammed back straight into the floor. Jamie got up knowing that pain was rushing thought his arm. Jamie: "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" Renamon: "Alan made a come back". Goku: "And he broke Jamie's arm".
Jamie was in a lot of pain, he walked up to a tree and slammed his arm to the tree to fix his arm. Jamie: "OH GOOOOOOOOOD!!!!" Jamie looked at Alan. Jamie: "RIGHT THAT DOES IT NOW AM MAD!!!!!!"
Lee: "Alan might have an advantage if Jamie remains to be angry". Kenta: "But does anger make you stronger!" Jamie charged up at Alan throwing his punches at Alan, but Alan managed to escape each punch and kicked Jamie in the stomach and garbed Jamie's head and slammed it down to the floor. P.H Sword: Just make Jamie submit and you will win the fight. Alan: "Right!" Jamie got up and kicked Alan in the face and hit him in the air Jamie: I hope my kamahamaha that Goku taught me will work on Alan. Jamie: "KA MA HA MA HA!!!" Jamie shot out his kamakamaha at Alan, Alan saw this coming at. Alan: "There's no way I can win now, I've lost". Then Alan felt an unknown power going thought him.
Alan then saw the beam vanish and found himself in a bright light room. Alan: !Where am I. I thought I was fighting Jamie" ????: Did you really think that you will lose that battle. Alan turned around and saw a Renamon waring Ash's clothes, Medabee's gun arms and a Digivise, Pokeball and card carrier on to his belt.
Alan: "Who are you". ????: I am super Renamon. Alan: "Super Renamon, you're not a super hero who's trying to make a name out of himself now are you". Super Renamon: No am you're evolution, we met in you're dream when you got swallowed up by darkness. Alan: You knew about that, what am I doing here anyway. S. Renamon: "You about to lose to Jamie in battle and lose you're third weapon".
Alan looked at his sword. Alan: "I failed". S. Renamon: With my help you can win. Alan: "How!" Super Renamon brought out a card and threw it to Alan. Alan: "Digivolution card but am not a Digimon". S. Renamon: "Use it".
Alan was then suddenly back where the kamakamaha was about to hit Alan. Alan noticed that he had the digivolution card on him. Alan: "It's worth a shot".
Everybody: "Digivolution activate"
Everybody: "Super Renamon". Jamie: "No way". Super Renamon: "There's no way you can defeated me now". Super Renamon defected the Kamakamaha. Jamie: "NO WAY!!" Super Renamon landed on the ground. Takato brought out his digivise. Takato: "Super Renamon, champion level, special attack no different then Renamons Diamond storm". "So cool". Super Renamon brought out his pure hearted sword.
Jamie charged up to super Renamon but super Renamon smashed Jamie in the air and did multiple punches to Jamie's face, hen he used the end of the sword to hit Jamie in the stomach and kicked him down to the floor. S. Renamon: "DIAMOND STORM!". Lot's of diamonds hit Jamie then Exploded.
Jamie: "Okay I give up". Henry: "We have a winner and it's super Renamon!". Super Renamon devoled back to Alan. P.H Sword: "You are worthy, I shall join you". Alan: "All right!!" Guilmon: Now It's over let's get something to eat. Guilmon rushed back inside the house. Takato: "Guilmon wait up!" Goku: "Jamie we going to train twice as hard for now on".
Jamie: "Okay".
>> Meanwhile the hooded man was looking at Alan Vs Jamie fight from a distance <<
Hooded man: "The boss is not going to like this
Davis: "Man what a battle". "Will Alan find his next weapon, will Guilmon eat all the bread in the house and will Jamie beat Alan next time". "You just have to find out in the next chapter of The Adventures of Alan and Jamie"