Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Crossing the Dimensions ❯ What the heck? ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Crossing the Dimensions

By: Ryo_oh_ki

Pan stared at the starry sky expressionless. It had been 5 days since he left. Since he gave his life for the Earth. "Grandpa G…" Tears welled up in her eyes. Maybe he'll come back, she thought, like he did last time. He will just end up leaving again. Just like before. You remember don't you? Of course how could I forget.


4 year old pan tugged her grandfather's hand. "What is it pan." Her eyes glimmered with excitement. "Let's go have some fun Grandpa G!" Goku turned to his son. "Hey Gohan! How much time do we have till the tournament starts?" The young savior of the earth looked at his watch. "About 20 minutes…why?" Goku put his hands on his knees and looked at Pan. "Lets go!" They both disapeared into the crowd laughing and leaving very confused family behind.

~End Flashback~

Tears threatened to spill over her cheeks. Those were the good times. Do you not remember what happened that very same day?


The battle between Uub and Goku was fierce. Pan's Grandpa had gotten a few hard hits. In fact, her uncle Goten had to jump on her so she wouldn't run into the fight. The fight had stopped. Just stopped. For no apparent reason. Goku had saved Uub from falling out of the ring and held him in the air. Words were past between them. Without warning, Goku flew to where his family was spectating the tournament. Pan could hear the words "Sorry", "training", and "leaving". Her heart stopped. No! She refused to believe that her grandfather was leaving. Goku landed on the ground and spoke to Goten and Trunks. Pan sprinted in her grandpa's arms and sobbed. "It isnt true! You arent leaving are you?" "Woah! Yes I'm afraid so." He replied… almost sad. "BUT YOU CANT GO! YOU CANT LEAVE ME GRANDPA G!" He tried to calm her down. "I promise to come and visit only if your not sad ok?" Pan knew she wouldn't be able to convince him to stay. With all her might, she put on the best smile she could in this situation and replied in a sweet voice. "Okay!"

~End FB~

With her tongue, Pan licked all the tears off her face and tried to swallow the lump that was forming in her throat. Darn it! Why do those freakin little annoying voices in the back of your head have to bring you pain. She started to cry.

******************************************Meanwhile************* ******************************

"C'mon Hiei! You have to have fun once in awhile!" Yuske's voice rang through the demon's ears. "I refuse to go to such an obscene place. Besides, don't you have a girlfriend?" Yuske noticably paled. "She doesn't have to know…" Hiei shook his head. "I will never love a girl. EVER! And I am not going to a strip club." Hiei shuddered involontary.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~2 years later in DBGT time~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Pan had become cold and emotionless. She would fly over to Bulma's house everyday to train with Vegeta in order to become undefeatable. She had already reached super saiyen but she wanted to push farther. She wanted to test her limits.

While walking to the gravity room, pan heard voices. Deciding to investigate, she quietly crept to the stairs for better hearing. "Pan is such a brat." It was Bra. "She thinks she is too good for us." Bra? Is some kind of joke? "I agree. She seems to be tuning out the world." That was Trunks. "You know what? I hate her! She stole my father away from me. He always spent time with her instead of me. And when it was time for ME to got with my father to space, she ruined it. I hate her and Uub." Pan's eyes watered. Uncle? So this is what they thought of her? "Hey! Don't look at me! I never liked her!" Marron…Pan didn't know it but she was so into the conversation that she had walked up to the door of Bra's room to listen. The door suddenly swung open. Goten stood there opened mouthed. While he tried to form the right words, Pan looked at them before looking at the ground to hide her face. Tears fought their way to her eyes and fell to the floor. She blasted a hole into the wall and flew away, ignoring the pleading voices of her so called "friends" to come back.

Somehow, fate decided pan to see baba, Master Roshi's older sister. When Baba saw Pan, she greeted her enthusiasticly. "I have been expecting you! Come in! I need to show you something!" Baba produced a magic crystal ball and told her to look into it. Her Family! She saw them crystal clear. Videl and Gohan.

"Gohan calm yourself. I'm sure she has an excuse." Her husband looked like he was about to explode. "No. She has gone to far. How many suspensions from school this month? I lost count after 50." Videl tried to calm him. "She has gone through a lot. She is in emotional distress Gohan! Give her a break."

"You know, I always wanted a boy to be for my child. Pan just makes me realize that more."

Pan looked at the ball. Then back at Baba. Then back at the ball. Then back at Baba. You know, I always wanted a boy for my child. Pan just makes me realize that more. That was Pan's last thought before blacking out.

Pan woke up with a splitting head ache. "Oi!" She muttered. Her eyes slowly came into focus. Where the hell am I? She asked herself. I am definitely not in Mt. Pao or Satan City or any place on earth. Well…Maybe on earth. She looked up into the faces of two school boys around her age maybe a year older. She groaned and rubbed her head. "Who are you and what happened?" The black haired boy asked. "My name is Pan and…" Her memory flooded back to her. "I don't remember how I got into this predicament." She lied. She was lying through her teeth. The two boys were oblivious to that fact. "Where is your family?" The red haired one sure is nosy. "I don't have a family." It wasn't a exactly a lie. "Do you have a place to stay?" Pan shook her head. "You could stay at my house for a while!" She was beginning to like these 2 new boys. "Let me introduce myself. I am Yuske Urameshe and this idiot behind me is Kuabwara."

Pan's POV

I looked at Kuabwara closely while he, I might add, was scowling at Yuske. "Why is he an idiot? He seems pretty nice to me." Yuske shrugged. "You don't know him well enough." We started walking toward Yuske's house when I noticed the weird looks people were giving me. I looked at my clothing and slapped my hand on my face. "Im such an idiot. I shouldn't have ran off with my armor still on." Vegeta had given her a Saiyen outfit for her 15th birthday. She treasured it. "Huh? Armor?" Kuabwara voice boomed through her thoughts. "You can fight? Don't make me laugh." That set me off. Maybe showing off my saiyen heritage wouldn't hurt that much. Would it? "If you punched me right now in my face, your hand would shatter into pieces." Yuske raised an eyebrow. "Alright then! I challenge you to a fight." I sighed. I hate my life.