Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ A New Life ❯ The Plauge ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Goku and Amy were flying towards Capsule Corp. when Amy yelled,"Dad, wait! A HUGE power is heading towards us!"
"And who do you think it is?"
"You dumbass, how would I know?"
"Don't you dare call your father a dumbass!"
"I just did!"
Vegeta stopped flying to see Amy and Goku fighting.
'I swear, those two are like angry cats.'
"Hey! Kakarot, can you and Amy stop fighting?" Vegeta yelled.
Goku looked at the spikey-haired prince. His face went pale and he tensed up.
"You baka! Can you just hear me out once?"
"No, wait Veggie-kun! Let me say something first!"
"Many. But Vegeta! It's so... cute!!!"
"Cute?! I'll show you something that's NOT cute!"
"Can we just go on with what we were doing?"
"Hmph. As you wish, 'angry blonde'," Vegeta said with a chuckle.
Amy opened her mouth to speak, but Goku stopped her.
"Well, here goes. Vegeta, I umm.. well..."
"SPIT IT OUT!" yelled the enraged and impatient prince.
"Well I li-''
"I'm sorry to interupt, but Gohan is heading towards us!" Amy said.
'' SOMEONE BETTER BE DYING!" Goku yelled with anger.
"DAD! AMY! You have to come to the house with me! Mom's dying! She's down with the sickness, and she's not going to make it!" Gohan screamed (Oooh, Goku just jinxed himself!).
Goku's face went pale. The plauge was a horrible type of unknown sickness that almost nobody survived. Full-bred Saiyans were naturally imune, so Goku, Vegeta, Amy and Trunks didn't need to worry (Amy had wished for her and Trunks to be pure-breeds with the dragon balls). The plauge could hit so very suddenly, so you can be healthy one second and the next you'd be coughing up blood and saying your goodbyes.
"Wait up! I'm coming too, Kakarot!" Vegeta said.
"Okay! Everyone hold on to me!" Goku yelled.
Vegeta blushed at the thought of having to hold on to Goku, but when he saw Goku urgent face, he quickly obeyed (Wow, Vegeta never listens to anyone!).
Goku teleported to his house using his Instant Transmission trick. The second they got there they knew it was too late. The Ox King of Fire Mountain (Chichi's dad) was crying next to Chichi's gray body. She wasn't breathing.
"Mom!" Gohan and Amy yelled.
"Chichi!" Goku screamed. He helplessly dropped to his knees and cried. Gohan cried by Chichi's dead body. Amy stared at Chichi's body with a face of disbelief. Goten was in his room. He had the door locked and he was crying like crazy.
Vegeta felt that he needed to do something. He looked at Goku and thought 'Poor Kakarot. He lost the one he loved... Or at least it seemed like he loved her.'
He did something tha shocked everyone in the room, including himself.
He got Goku by the waist and helped him to his feet. He wrapped his arms around the younger's waist. Goku sunk his head on Vegeta's shoulders and cried.
"It's going to be alright, Kakarot,'' Vegeta said, "I promise you that with my soul. I swear it to you with my pride."
Everyone stared at him with wide eyes. He only continued to console Goku, patting his calloused hand on Goku's back. (Wow the soft side of Vegeta is showing! Vegeta: SHUT UP! Purple Ink: Eek!)
Amy suddenly knew that if Vegeta was willing enough to swear on something with his pride, he wasn't kidding on what he was going to do.
She knew that even though if it would be a long time before Goku recovered, if Vegeta was to swear something on his pride....
.... Everything was going to be alright.
Did you like it? Please R&R! I need to know if I'm doing something wrong.
Vegeta: I can think of 1,ooo things!
Purple Ink: *gets a paper and desperately scribbles on it*
Goku and Amy: *sweat drop*
Vegeta: *suddenly appears in a bunny suit* What the fuck?!
Purple Ink: I told you that you would pay!
Goku:*squeals and starts playing with Vegeta's ears*
Amy:*Stiffles a giggle but is unsuccessful*
Purple Ink: That's why you don't mess wiith me!