Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ A New Life ❯ Engagements and Confessions ( Chapter 3 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
At the funeral, Goku stared at the coffin. He didn't cry, unlike Gohan and Goten. He just stared. Amy did the same.
Vegeta wondered why they didn't cry. They were both soft-hearted- even Amy, who had the extreme passion of fighting and getting stronger. It just didn't make sense.
"Hey Kakarot...'' Vegeta said. He rolled his eyes when he didn't turn around.
"What is it, Vegetable?"
"Tell Yams I need to ask you and her something. Tell her that Rice and Sky should just be left there to grieve for a while."
"AMY!!" Goku yelled.
"Vegeta wants to ask us something."
"Hmph, go ahead. We can go behind the tree if you'd like."
So they walked behind the tree. Amy leaned against in a Vegeta-like style, her arms folded across her chest and her face seeming annoyed. Her spikey brown hair blew wildly across her face.
"So? Did we come here so you ask us something or shall we play patty-cake?"
"No, it's just that I figured that your father and yourself would want some company at the house. It's going to be pretty lonely since Goten is moving out with Valesee."
"That would be nice of you, Vegeta."
"If Father is okay with it, so am I."
"So, um, would you like me to come tomorrow?"
"Whatever suits you, Vegeta," Amy mumbled.
Vegeta slightly blushed and said," See you tomorrow."
He flew off.
The next day...
It was raining hard, So hard that Goku doubted Vegeta would come.
There was a knock at the door.
Goku ran to the door, only to be disappointed when he saw Trunks instead of Vegeta.
"Hi Goku!"
"Hi Trunks!" he said happily, even though he wanted to see Vegeta, not Trunks.
"Goku, can I ask you something?"
He took a deep breath. ''Well, you know how Amy and I have been together for a while now?"
"Well, I'd like to propose to her. If you say yes, I'd like to propose tomorrow. What do you say, Goku?" Trunks explained, his eyes filled with hope.
A big smile appeared on Goku's face. He knew how much they loved each other. Goku couldn't imagine Vegeta's reaction when he finds out, but Goku was able to make his decision without a single regret.
"Yes you can Trunks!"
Trunks practically jumped on Goku and screamed with delight. No words could explain how happy they both were. Even better yet, they could already imagine Amy when Trunks would ask for her hand in marriage.
"Thank you Goku! I will really enjoy having you as my father-in-law!"
"I'll really enjoy having you as my son-in-law!"
As Trunks headed for the door, he turned back and said,"Dad's here."
Goku's heart leaped. Vegeta was really coming!
And sure enough, Vegeta was at the door. Trunks left without saying a word. The Saiyan prince sat down next to Goku and said nothing.
The silence they were experiencing was unbreakable. They just couldn't find anything to say.
Vegeta decided to break the silence before Goku said anything stupid.
"Hey Kakarot.''
"What's up, Vedge?"
"Well the other day, the day of your harpy's death, what was it that you were going to tell me?"
Goku choked a bit. 'Now's your chance. You can finally tell him.'
"Vegeta, when I tell you this, don't kill me."
"Okay," Vegeta said, his heart racing. He could hear it beating from his chest.
"Well, I was going to tell you-"
Amy's Linkin Park CD blared from her room.
''Let it be enough to reach the truth that lies across this new divide...''
"FORT MINOR? (Dude, Amy needs to start listening to modern music. Amy:You don't listen to modern music! Purple Ink:Hehehe)
An angry grunt was heard and she turned off the stereo. Vegeta chuckled.
"I'm so sorry, Vegeta.''
''It's okay, Kakarot. Continue with what you were saying."
"Well, this might sound weird, but here it goes. I like you."
Vegeta stood still. He couldn't believe it. Then without warning, Vegeta kissed Goku. His tongue attacked Goku's mouth. Goku grunted and moaned slightly when he felt his warm tongue tangle with his own.
"I love you too, Kakarot," Vegeta said as he unbuttoned his shirt. In no time at all, they were both naked. Vegeta purred slightly when he saw Goku's gloriously naked body. He stuck two fingers in Goku's mouth.He lathered them up with his saliva. Vegeta slowly stuck one in Goku's ass.
''Ahhhhh, Veeggeetta," he moaned.
He stuck the second one in his ass. He made quick scissoring motion to stretch out the tight muscles. He could barely wait to do what he was planning to do.
"Ready, Kakarot?"
"Yes, Vegeta-sama! Do it!"
He pushed his thick member in Goku's entrance. He could barely believe the sudden warmth that surrounded his shaft. He decided that it was time to move, so he shifted his hips a bit. He planned to make Goku scream out his name. He knew that Amy was here, but he knew the young Saiyan would understand. That or beat him to bloody pulp. He laughed with nervousy. She wasn't like the other females. She never nagged and always understood. And even better, she was three times stronger than Goten, who was even stronger than Gohan(I'm not too sure about that, but this isn't the original DB World, so it doesn't matter :) )
"Hey Vegeta, what are you laughing about?" Goku called from under Vegeta.
"Nothing," he said.
He started to make thrusts into Goku. At first they shallow, slow thrusts. But after a long time of thrusting, they finally became deeper, faster thrusts. In fact, Vegeta was moving so fast that it would have killed any human. He enjoyed feeling the tight warmth around his cock, but because of the sudden spikes in their ki, it was risky to stay in that position because Amy could walk in any moment.
~Amy's room~
Amy woke up to they huge ki spike that was coming from the livingroom.
"The nerve of those men..." she grumbled.
She would go down and see what's wrong if the ki spikes didn't stop in another half-hour. It just wasn't possible that they were sparring because the spikes were less then 40,000,000 in power, were they should have reached as much as 100,000,000 in SSJ4.
"Hope they're not doing anything queer..." she whispered.
~The living room (Where the passion happens! Goku and Vegeta: Hey! Amy:Hahaha...)~
Vegeta felt Goku's fingernails dig into his skin, causing blood to pour out. Vegeta, who was becoming utterly desperate in seeing Goku and himself cum, got the younger's erection, which was already leaking profusely with precum, and pumped it dangerously fast.
"Bejita-sama.... YES!!! HIT IT RIGHT THERE!!"
"Kakarot, shut up!"
"Hehe, got kinda excited.... Sorry..."
After a long tome of pumping his cock, Vegeta felt warm seed shout out on his hand. Goku's release triggered Vegeta's. Vegeta's seed shot out deep into Goku. He collapsed on the floor, along with Goku.
"Vegeta.... I love you..."
"I do too... Kakarot."
Vegeta cleaned himself first, then Goku. They fell asleep on couch together, both naked, Vegeta's head on Goku's chest, and Goku's arm hugging him close. They had a thick blanket over themselves because even though it was almost summer, it was a cold night,
Amy peered through her door and gasped at what she saw. Her father and Vegeta were sleeping on the couch together, their tails intwined together.
'Wait, they didn't have a tail before this.... Wait a second, Saiyans regrow their tails when in heat sooo... Oh my gosh they didn't! That's just.... amazing...'
She walked into her room and fell asleep on her bed.
~The next day...~
Trunks was at the table, smiling when he saw Amy.
''Hi Trunks," Amy said. She kissed him on his cheek and Trunks blushed.
"Sweetie..." he said.
Vegeta giggled. Sweetie? He had never heard Goku say that to his harpy.
"What is it Trunks?"
"Well... I love you Amy. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Heck yeah, maybe even raise a family. Will you marry me?"
Amy started screaming and hugged Trunks. She kissed him on his forehead and said,"Yes!"
They all started jumping and laughing, even Vegeta. He couldn't be happier at that moment.
R&R pleeeaaaasssee?
Vegeta wondered why they didn't cry. They were both soft-hearted- even Amy, who had the extreme passion of fighting and getting stronger. It just didn't make sense.
"Hey Kakarot...'' Vegeta said. He rolled his eyes when he didn't turn around.
"What is it, Vegetable?"
"Tell Yams I need to ask you and her something. Tell her that Rice and Sky should just be left there to grieve for a while."
"AMY!!" Goku yelled.
"Vegeta wants to ask us something."
"Hmph, go ahead. We can go behind the tree if you'd like."
So they walked behind the tree. Amy leaned against in a Vegeta-like style, her arms folded across her chest and her face seeming annoyed. Her spikey brown hair blew wildly across her face.
"So? Did we come here so you ask us something or shall we play patty-cake?"
"No, it's just that I figured that your father and yourself would want some company at the house. It's going to be pretty lonely since Goten is moving out with Valesee."
"That would be nice of you, Vegeta."
"If Father is okay with it, so am I."
"So, um, would you like me to come tomorrow?"
"Whatever suits you, Vegeta," Amy mumbled.
Vegeta slightly blushed and said," See you tomorrow."
He flew off.
The next day...
It was raining hard, So hard that Goku doubted Vegeta would come.
There was a knock at the door.
Goku ran to the door, only to be disappointed when he saw Trunks instead of Vegeta.
"Hi Goku!"
"Hi Trunks!" he said happily, even though he wanted to see Vegeta, not Trunks.
"Goku, can I ask you something?"
He took a deep breath. ''Well, you know how Amy and I have been together for a while now?"
"Well, I'd like to propose to her. If you say yes, I'd like to propose tomorrow. What do you say, Goku?" Trunks explained, his eyes filled with hope.
A big smile appeared on Goku's face. He knew how much they loved each other. Goku couldn't imagine Vegeta's reaction when he finds out, but Goku was able to make his decision without a single regret.
"Yes you can Trunks!"
Trunks practically jumped on Goku and screamed with delight. No words could explain how happy they both were. Even better yet, they could already imagine Amy when Trunks would ask for her hand in marriage.
"Thank you Goku! I will really enjoy having you as my father-in-law!"
"I'll really enjoy having you as my son-in-law!"
As Trunks headed for the door, he turned back and said,"Dad's here."
Goku's heart leaped. Vegeta was really coming!
And sure enough, Vegeta was at the door. Trunks left without saying a word. The Saiyan prince sat down next to Goku and said nothing.
The silence they were experiencing was unbreakable. They just couldn't find anything to say.
Vegeta decided to break the silence before Goku said anything stupid.
"Hey Kakarot.''
"What's up, Vedge?"
"Well the other day, the day of your harpy's death, what was it that you were going to tell me?"
Goku choked a bit. 'Now's your chance. You can finally tell him.'
"Vegeta, when I tell you this, don't kill me."
"Okay," Vegeta said, his heart racing. He could hear it beating from his chest.
"Well, I was going to tell you-"
Amy's Linkin Park CD blared from her room.
''Let it be enough to reach the truth that lies across this new divide...''
"FORT MINOR? (Dude, Amy needs to start listening to modern music. Amy:You don't listen to modern music! Purple Ink:Hehehe)
An angry grunt was heard and she turned off the stereo. Vegeta chuckled.
"I'm so sorry, Vegeta.''
''It's okay, Kakarot. Continue with what you were saying."
"Well, this might sound weird, but here it goes. I like you."
Vegeta stood still. He couldn't believe it. Then without warning, Vegeta kissed Goku. His tongue attacked Goku's mouth. Goku grunted and moaned slightly when he felt his warm tongue tangle with his own.
"I love you too, Kakarot," Vegeta said as he unbuttoned his shirt. In no time at all, they were both naked. Vegeta purred slightly when he saw Goku's gloriously naked body. He stuck two fingers in Goku's mouth.He lathered them up with his saliva. Vegeta slowly stuck one in Goku's ass.
''Ahhhhh, Veeggeetta," he moaned.
He stuck the second one in his ass. He made quick scissoring motion to stretch out the tight muscles. He could barely wait to do what he was planning to do.
"Ready, Kakarot?"
"Yes, Vegeta-sama! Do it!"
He pushed his thick member in Goku's entrance. He could barely believe the sudden warmth that surrounded his shaft. He decided that it was time to move, so he shifted his hips a bit. He planned to make Goku scream out his name. He knew that Amy was here, but he knew the young Saiyan would understand. That or beat him to bloody pulp. He laughed with nervousy. She wasn't like the other females. She never nagged and always understood. And even better, she was three times stronger than Goten, who was even stronger than Gohan(I'm not too sure about that, but this isn't the original DB World, so it doesn't matter :) )
"Hey Vegeta, what are you laughing about?" Goku called from under Vegeta.
"Nothing," he said.
He started to make thrusts into Goku. At first they shallow, slow thrusts. But after a long time of thrusting, they finally became deeper, faster thrusts. In fact, Vegeta was moving so fast that it would have killed any human. He enjoyed feeling the tight warmth around his cock, but because of the sudden spikes in their ki, it was risky to stay in that position because Amy could walk in any moment.
~Amy's room~
Amy woke up to they huge ki spike that was coming from the livingroom.
"The nerve of those men..." she grumbled.
She would go down and see what's wrong if the ki spikes didn't stop in another half-hour. It just wasn't possible that they were sparring because the spikes were less then 40,000,000 in power, were they should have reached as much as 100,000,000 in SSJ4.
"Hope they're not doing anything queer..." she whispered.
~The living room (Where the passion happens! Goku and Vegeta: Hey! Amy:Hahaha...)~
Vegeta felt Goku's fingernails dig into his skin, causing blood to pour out. Vegeta, who was becoming utterly desperate in seeing Goku and himself cum, got the younger's erection, which was already leaking profusely with precum, and pumped it dangerously fast.
"Bejita-sama.... YES!!! HIT IT RIGHT THERE!!"
"Kakarot, shut up!"
"Hehe, got kinda excited.... Sorry..."
After a long tome of pumping his cock, Vegeta felt warm seed shout out on his hand. Goku's release triggered Vegeta's. Vegeta's seed shot out deep into Goku. He collapsed on the floor, along with Goku.
"Vegeta.... I love you..."
"I do too... Kakarot."
Vegeta cleaned himself first, then Goku. They fell asleep on couch together, both naked, Vegeta's head on Goku's chest, and Goku's arm hugging him close. They had a thick blanket over themselves because even though it was almost summer, it was a cold night,
Amy peered through her door and gasped at what she saw. Her father and Vegeta were sleeping on the couch together, their tails intwined together.
'Wait, they didn't have a tail before this.... Wait a second, Saiyans regrow their tails when in heat sooo... Oh my gosh they didn't! That's just.... amazing...'
She walked into her room and fell asleep on her bed.
~The next day...~
Trunks was at the table, smiling when he saw Amy.
''Hi Trunks," Amy said. She kissed him on his cheek and Trunks blushed.
"Sweetie..." he said.
Vegeta giggled. Sweetie? He had never heard Goku say that to his harpy.
"What is it Trunks?"
"Well... I love you Amy. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Heck yeah, maybe even raise a family. Will you marry me?"
Amy started screaming and hugged Trunks. She kissed him on his forehead and said,"Yes!"
They all started jumping and laughing, even Vegeta. He couldn't be happier at that moment.
R&R pleeeaaaasssee?