Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ A New Life ❯ Saiyan History ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
They remained jumping around and yelling with delight. But from all of them, Vegeta was the happiest from them all. When they got that out of their systems, Amy smiled and asked," Haven't you noticed something, Father and Vegeta?".
"Hmm? Uhhh.... Oh! Kakarot, you have a paper on your back..." Vegeta said.
"Huh? Really? Tell me what it says!"
"Don't you know how to read?"
"Yeah, but I want to see your reaction first."
When Vegeta read it, he broke into a fit of uncontrollable laughter. Amy took it out of his shaking hand and read it with Trunks. They ended up laughing on the floor with Vegeta. Then Goku snatched it from the floor and read it out loud.
"I think Vegeta's ass is nice!? WHO WROTE THIS?!" he said, glancing at Amy.
"Hey, it wasn't me! I wasn't talking about that."
"Then who was it?" he heard laughing outside and looked out of the window.
It was that annoying boy Tarake, Amy's ex who loved to play around with the family ever since she broke up with him'
Goku snarled and shot out a ki blast. They all heard screaming and crying.
"Dad!" Amy yelled. She pushed Goku down on the floor and got out on an all-out battle, both of them powered up to SSJ4. It seemed Amy had the upper hand. That was until Goku bit down on her arm, causing her to scream in pain when she felt his canine teeth rip her skin. She was screaming in pain and was only able to kick because one of her arms was numb and the other was trying to stop the bleeding. She started crying and screaming at the top of her lungs. She kicked and tried to power up even more, but she couldn't because she had already powered up to her maximum power. One final desperate kick and she could feel her ki disappearing. She felt tears drip down her cheeks without stopping. Then she felt Goku's weight disappear and a Senzu being pushed into her mouth.
She got up from the floor and held Goku up by his shirt collar. With her other hand (Which had been fixed with the Senzu Bean) she formed a ball of ki and yelled,"Tell me why you attacked me or I swear I'll shoot this ki blast!".
"I don't know! I just suddenly became enraged! I-I'm sorry!"
Amy growled like a savage dog and suddenly winced in pain. A long, furry, brown tail sprouted from her rear. It took a while to realize what had happened, and when she did, she giggled and chased her tail around like a five year-old. Trunks wailed in pain next, then a medium-sized tail sprouting from his rear, too. He petted it and tugged at it a bit.
''Oh! I know what it is now! Our tails grew back! But why?"
"Well, I'm just taking a guess. I think it's because when Saiyans go into heat, their tails grow back."
"Men too?!"
"Yes, Kakarot. Men are able to become pregnant. Um, you know. Saiyan men," Vegeta explained, a slight flush on his face.
Goku panicked a bit, remembering what he and Vegeta had done the night before.
"How do they become pregnant?" Goku asked, terrified at the chance Vegeta having made hm pregnant pregnant.
"Well, the only possible way is that two powerful Super Saiyan men mate, being able to fertilize each other."
"They both become pregnant?"
"In very rare cases they do. It depends on how long they mate,'' he said, laughing a bit.
''Oh, I get it.''
"Who wants to listen to Linkin Park?!" Amy asked, her large, purple, innocent eyes shining and twinkling.
Everybody laughed at the female Saiyan. They liked the way she looked, having developed Goku's eyes, facial featurea, power, and muscles. She looked more like Vegeta from the waist down, narrow shoulders and medium-sized thighs (Because you have to admit, Vegeta does have bigger thighs than most:) That doesn't mean I like him anyless) She developed Goku's innocence, but that itself was rarely shown because after Goku had sacrificed himself at the Cell Games (Which triggered Amy's SSJ2 transfomation) she had lived seven torturous years with Vegeta. That was how she had developed Vegeta's hateful, pissed, and impatient attitude. That rarely showed too, so it basically meant that she could be nice and mean.
Goku laughed and said," Okay Amy.'
She squealed and ran to her room. She came back with her stereo and three CDs.
"Let's see... Let's do 'majority wins' for this one. Okay... Fallen?"
Trunks raised his hand.
"One for Evanescence! Next.... Hybrid Theory?"
Goku and Vegeta raised their hands.
"Two for Linkin Park! ...Ahhh, why isn't this surprising?.... And last but not least, One X?"
Amy raised her hand.
"WOOOOOO! TWO FOR THREE DAYS' GRACE! IT'S A TIE! WOOOOOO!" Tarake called from outside.
"Why? Grrr..."
Amy shot a ki blast from her finger.
She slammed the window shut.
She growled and screamed,"I'M ENGAGED! LEAVE ME ALONE! I WANT PEACE!"
There was a long moment of silence.
"Drunken bastard..." she said angrily.
Trunks smiled and wrapped his arm around her shoulder.
"It's okay honey... At least he left.''
She laughed a bit
"Hmmm?" Trunks, Vegeta, and Goku said.
"Well, remember Launch?"
"Yeah! What about her?" Goku asked.
"Well, she told me that he works at one of those strip companies now. I'm not sure if it's true though..."
"Aha, that's must be what's making him insane."
"Nah. He just has a stick rammed up his ass, that's all."
"Hehehehe, that's what they say about Vegeta!"
"Don't you even dare, Kakarot," Vegeta growled.
"Haha, you know I'm kidding, Vedge."
"You'd better!"
Ammy sighed impatiently. "Let's listen to Linkin Park! C'mon!"
She put in the CD and hit play. They listened to One Step Closer, Crawling, Forgotten, My December, and In The End before Goku yawned and said,'' Ahhh. I'm tired...".
"Me too," Vegeta said.
"I am too..." Trunks said.
"I am falling asleep..." Amy said.
"*yawn* I think we should rest... Vegeta, there's going to be a fair tomorrow. Would you like to come with us?" Goku ask, his eyes pleading for a yes.
"Whatever, Kakarot.... I think it'll be fun..."
"Okay, I'll see you tomorrow..."
Goku gave him a quick peck on the lips.
"Kakarot! Not in front of them!" Vegeta yelled.
"Awww, how cute!" Amy and Trunks said.
"A-are you two okay with this?!" Vegeta exclaimed.
"Sure," Trunks said," I think it's really nice. You know, the way that you two have gone from mortal enemies to... uhhh... Lovers, I guess!"
"Well, that's good... I told Bulma that I was going to stay today, so I don't have to leave..."
Goku squealed.
"You can sleep with me! Let's sleep in the room!"
"I'm going up with Amy...." Trunks said.
They headed up to their rooms, prepared for tomorrow, a day that promised to be interesting.
Purple Ink: I still don't get it. How did you forgive Goku so easily?
Amy: Oh, I gave him a request...
Goku: *Comes down from the stairs... wearing a wedding dress*
Vegeta:*Giggles* How does it fit?
Goku: Tight!
Amy: Perfect! Now... put on the speedo *Laughs and throws a speedo to Goku*
Purple Ink: Uhh, I think I should stop this before it get's inappropiate...
Trunks: But the fic is rated X!
Goku: *Comes down the stairs with the speedo... and a large bump on his crotch area*
Purple Ink: Teehee, I forgot.
Vegeta: Hey, Kakarot, are you excited or something?*Stares at his crotch*
Goku: Huh? No... I'm not excited...
Everybody except for Goku: *Goes wide eyed* Oh God...
Purple Ink:*Sweat drop* Uhh, please Reveiw! Turn the camera off! Do it!