Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ A New Life ❯ One More Ride ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
"HAHA what the hell is Goku choking on?!"
"I don't know!"
"Uh..... So that's 'The Fall'?"
"Huh? Oh yeah.... that's it.... Why?" Amy said.
"Oh, I just wanted to know," Goku replied.
"But you haven't answered our question. WHAT THE FUCK WERE YOU CHOKING ON?" Vegeta asked, a mixture of anger and laughter an his voice.
"Oh, well, you see, some of the fluff from the stuff tiger got into my throat. I couldn't swallow it 'cause my throat was too dry, so I started choking on it," he said, a childish grin on his face, his hand behind his head in a typical Goku pose.
"That's it?" Amy said in disbelief, her eyes widening to the size of saucers.
"Yeah, that's it!" Goku replied, laughing while still in his pose.
"Kami! Kakarot, you're a disgrace to the Saiyajin warriors! Do you see any of us choking on fluff?" Vegeta asked in a demanding voice.
"Heh, I guess not. But remember this, I'm your disgrace," he said. He kissed Vegeta on his cheek. Vegeta's face went pink.
The two had completely forgotten that the earthlings of the planet were not used to 'gay' couples, so 'Look at them!" and "Look at the gays!" was heard among the line of waiting people. Vegeta was angered, but could do nothing about it. It was more insulting to be called a 'gay' than a 'homosexual'.
"Eh, Goku, put the tiger in this," Trunks said. He threw Goku a capsule from Bulma's lab. Goku popped it open and put the tiger's tail near the entrance. The tiger was sucked into the capsule. Goku closed it then tossed it back to Trunks. "Thanks Trunks.". A simple nod was Trunks' reply as he placed the capsule into his pocket.
They walked near the entrance slowly. It was the longest line for any of the rides.
"Heh, ignore my father. He's just a bit uptight."
"Hehehe, Vegeta, you're embarrassing us..."
"Vegeta, if you be quiet, when we go home, I'll give you a big ol' lollipop or something...." Amy said. Vegeta rolled his eyes and stayed quite just for the heck of it. (Awww, didn't want the lollipop? *snicker* Vegeta: *slaps Purple Ink* Shut up)
~10 minutes later~
"Aw man a bird pooed in my hair!" Goku said in disgust.
"TEEHEE" Amy said.
~20 minutes later~
"We're next huh?" Trunks
Amy shrugged and looked around curiously
"ARE WE NEXT?" Trunks asked again.
"GODDAMN IT, I DON'T KNOW!!!!" she yelled loudly. Everyone stared at her.
"Next in line..." a man said dully. "Take off your shoes".
Apparently they were next, so the took off their shoes and placed them on the ground.
"Mother fuckers better not steal my boots!" Vegeta said angrily.
"What the fuck Vegeta, they're not...." Amy shot back.
They walked over to the ride. It was shaped like a square and had four seats on each of the four side. They sat on the seats and put some safety belt and a some sort of metal bars.
"Oooh, Veggie, aren't you excited?" Goku said.
"What? How is this fun? We're going up at the speed of a slug! No, slower than a slug!" he yelled.
They slowly rose, little by little.
"Amy, this is boring!" Trunks complained as they reached the top of the thick metal bar the machine was riding on (lol sounds like hentai)
"Amy what was the point of-"
Vegeta was cut off by them falling from probably 100 feet from the air.
"AHHHH!!!" they yelled in unision.
They reached the bottom and their expressions were a mixture of 'What the fuck' and 'That was awesome' but mostly they were surprised.
"Okay I take that back..." Trunks muttered.
"How about we look around?" Amy asked as they put on their shoes. So they did.
It was a beautiful afternoon. The sky was a bright blue and there were puffy white clouds scattered across the sky, but they were not rain clouds. There were tons of flowers on the ground. A squirrel could be spotted here and there among the tall trees.
"The ferris wheel!!! Let's go there!" Goku yelled.
"Stop yelling!!!!!!" Vegeta hollered.
Purple Ink was suddenly in front of them.
"AH! What are you-"
"Do you really want me to change my mind about the lemon in the middle of the story?"
"No!" Vegeta pleaded.
"Be good then!" and she disappeared. (Awkward moment)
Vegeta sweat dropped. "Okay, this is the last ride.... I'm kinda tired...."
Goku, Amy, and Trunks nodded.
The line was pretty long, so Goku and Trunks snuck off to play some games.
Trunk ran off to the booths of a water gun game. The goal: shoot water into a hole in attempt to pop a balloon before anyone else does. He sat down and paid this man in zenie instead of dollars. About 10 other people- including childern- sat down. The game started after a while, water spewing from the guns and some of it spraying on the man. Trunks put some force onto his squeezing and even more water spewed out. A girl besides him gave him a dirty look and he smirked. He heard a loud pop and look up. His balloon was gone. The man threw him a large stuffed dog and Trunks caught it.
'Amy's gonna love this!' he thought.
The little girl from before came up to him and punched him in the stomach, but Trunks obviously didn't feel a thing. He went off to find Goku.
Goku looked around and saw a game he could play. The goal for this game: grab a large, hammer-like weapon and try to make to weight go up by slamming the hammer on a cushioned surface. He took out his empty Senzu bean bag and pulled out some zenie.
"Look at the tough guy with his little purse!" some of the men yelled. "Nice bag!"
Goku obviously didn't get that they were joking. "Thanks!" he shouted back. The men facepalmed.
"Hey you!" a man dressed in a tux said.
"Me?" Goku asked, a puzzled expression on his face.
"Yes, you! Wanna press your luck and try to lift that weight up so you could win a prize for your gal?" he asked, shooting a weird look at Goku.
"Sure, but, you see, my mate is a man!" Goku said. The man sweatdropped.
He paid the man the zenie regardless of how awkward it would be to stay there.
"Good luck, little man!' the men from before said. Goku ignored their laughter. He lifted the hammer easily and slammed at down, making the weight fly up and the bell at the top ring when the weight hit it. The men stared in shock as Goku recieved his prize, a large stuffed monkey, and teleported to where Trunks was.
Trunks jumped back when Goku instantly appeared in front of him.
"Oh.... hey Goku," Trunks said, the shock slowly wearing off.
"Ready to catch up with the others, Trunks?" Goku asked.
Trunks nodded as he grabbed on to Goku's arm as he teleported back to where Vegeta and Amy were.
"Trunks... Wow! Where in the world did you get that?"
"Hey Kakarot, who's that for?"
"For you, silly!" Goku said, giving the monkey to Vegeta. Vegeta blushed slightly.
"Thanks Trunks! You're the best!" Amy said, pulling Trunks into a tight hug. Trunks smiled. "No problem..." he muttered.
They were next. Amy and Trunks had decided that they should each go in a different cart with their mate, which was fine by them. Amy and Trunks were in one cart and Vegeta and Goku in another. After a while of people getting into the carts one by one, the ferris wheel started, all of them slowly lifting and lowering in the sky.
~Amy and Trunks~
"Trunks, the view is beautiful..."
"Amy, we could see this everyday if we wanted!" Trunks laughed.
"Yeah, I know.... but it's different. You're here with me... We're all alone in this cart..." She scooted over, putting her head on Trunks chest. Trunks smiled and hugged her. Amy's spikey hair was blown to the right a bit.
"Hey Amy...." Trunks muttered.
Amy looked up at Trunks. "What is it, Trunks?"
He smiled and leaned down a bit. Amy lifted her head a bit more and let Trunks' and her lips touch. She slightly opened her mouth and Trunks' tongue slipped into her mouth. His tongue explored her mouth and she moaned into the kiss. Her arms went around his neck, which only made the kiss intensify. Amy pulled away and hugged Trunks.
"What we're you going to tell me?" she asked.
"I love you..." he said. They both smiled.
~Vegeta and Goku~
Vegeta yawned. "Kakarot, I don't get it. Why the hell are we on this piece of crap?"
"We're on it because I wanted to go on it." Goku shot back. "Can't you be nice for once, Geta?"
"HA! You ain't seen nothing yet!"
Goku huffed and looked away. Vegeta wanted to slap himself. 'Great.... that means I'm not getting any tonight...."
Vegeta sighed and said,"I'm sorry Kakarot..." Goku didn't turn. "If you want me to make it up to you, turn around."
Goku turned around only for Vegeta to crush his lips against Goku's. Vegeta licked Goku's lips, asking for entrance. Goku opened his lips and Vegeta's tongue went into his mouth. They began a tongue battle, their tongues twisting and wrestling with each other. Goku nipped on Vegeta's lip, breaking the sensitive skin. Blood trickled into his mouth. They both pulled away for a much needed breath.
"Ahg, Kakarot, you greedy bastard!" Vegeta hissed.
"What? I just nipped on your lip slightly and blood just started pouring out!" Goku said, a bit aroused from their kiss.
"Whatever," Vegeta said, rolling his eyes.
Everyone slowly started to get off the ride, one by one. When Goku, Vegeta, Trunks, and Amy were off, Trunks smiled. "What did you think of that last ride?" Everyone except for himself blushed.
"Uh, yeah it was cool..." they said. Goku put his index and middle finger onto his forehead.
"Everyone hold on," he said. Vegeta, Trunks, and Amy grabbed on his gi as he teleported them to the house.
Amy yawned and said,"I'm going to bed." Trunks followed Amy to her room.
Vegeta looked at Goku. "Yo Kakarot, mind if I take a shower here?"
"Oh, go ahead," Goku muttered.
He and Vegeta went into the room. Vegeta started to undress right in front of Goku. Goku got incredibly aroused by looking at the sight set in front if him, Vegeta's tight, virgin ass in the air. If it wasn't for him clinging to the bed Goku would have pounced on him. Vegeta turned around and saw a huge bulge in the middle of Goku's legs.
"Oh, it looks like we have a problem here, Kakarot." Vegeta said, his voice full of lust. "Would you like me to take care of it?" Goku could only nod as Vegeta untied his sash. Goku's pants fell to the floor. Seeing Goku without boxers aroused Vegeta even more.
"Heh, Kakarot, you never told me you didn't wear boxers," Vegeta muttered.
"Why should I? I don't really see a point in wearing them. I mean I used to but-"
"Kakarot, could you be quiet already?" Vegeta said. Goku nodded.
"Vegeta, let me be on top this time. Please?"
"What? Why should I let you be on top?" Vegeta aked angrily.
"Come on Vegeta, just once, please? I'll never ask you again, I promise!"
Vegeta thought about it for a second. "Hmmm, I don't see why not... But only this one time!"
"Thanks Vegeta! You'll enjoy it," Goku said. He smirked and patted his lap. "Come on and have a ride, my little uke."
'Oh you're just asking me to slap you, Kakarot' Vegeta thought as he sat on Goku's lap. Goku's hard cock pressed against Vegeta's tight entrance.
"Kakarot.... fuck me raw, don't worry about hurting me, I'll be okay..."
"Mmmm, but Vegeta, I'm not taking orders from my uke unless you beg," Goku said, his lips curving into a evil smile.
'That bastard!' Vegeta thought.
Goku positioned himself outside of Vegeta and slowly pressed into his entrance. Vegeta gritted his teeth as Goku filled him to the hilt. The pain was too much to bear.
Once Goku's cock was completely inside of Vegeta, Vegeta growled and said,"Go on, Kakarot. Don't wait for me to adjust, I'll be fine."
"I don't think so, Vegeta. I need to hear you beg if you want something."
'Was this the way he felt when I first fucked him? I can't take such treatment, I'm the prince!'
When Goku knew that Vegeta had adjusted to his size, he grabbed Vegeta's hips and slowly raised him off his shaft, until the tip was barely inside. Then he slowly put him back down.
Vegeta gritted his teeth harder. The pace was slow... Goku needed to speed up.... but he wasn't going to beg.
Goku continued the slow pace, barely able to control himself from just slamming into Vegeta at a ridiciously quick pace.
'I want to make him beg before I speed up'
Vegeta could not take it anymore. "K.... Kakarot..." he said through gritted teeth.
"What is it, Geta?"
Vegeta couldn't imagine doing what he did next.
"Kakarot please.... speed up... please!" Vegeta begged. Goku smirked. "That's what I wanted to hear," he said as he slammed into Vegeta. A moan escaped from Vegeta's mouth as Goku quickly pulled out, only to slam in once again in not even a second later. Moans escaped their mouths nonstop as Goku pounded into him mercilessly.
Goku's hand crawled onto Vegeta lap and found what it was looking for. Goku's large hand wrapped around Vegeta's shaft as he slammed his own cock into Vegeta. He stroked Vegeta's shaft from the base to the tip a few times before actually pumping it violently.
Goku's cock slammed into Vegeta's prostate.
Vegeta could no longer take it. He screamed at the top of his lungs and his cum shot out from his cock. Vegeta's walls were tightening around Goku's cock. Goku pounded into Vegeta a few more times before screaming out his own release. He came into Vegeta hard.
Vegeta breathed harshly for a few minutesbefore he climbed off Goku's limp cock.
Vegeta got up after a few tries and looked at Goku.
"Hey Kakarot..." he said as he put a towel over his shoulder.
"....What is it... Veggie-kun?" he said, each breath he took labored.
"I think I'd really like it if you were on top from now on," he said as he disappeared into the bathroom.
Goku smiled.
Purple Ink: We are finally done with chapter 7! I can really see the difference in my writing now!
Vegeta: What the hell is wrong with you? The prince is never uke!
Goku: Oh, stop being an ass Vegeta!
Amy: Yeah!
Trunks: So anyways, how long do you get to keep us here?
Purple Ink: I get to keep you as long as noone blows up my room!
Vegeta: *charges Big Bang*
Goku: *glares at Vegeta* Ahem
Vegeta: *hangs head in shame* I'm sorry....
Amy: Anyway, Purple Ink, any excuses for not updating in about a month?
Purple Ink: *glares at Amy* You better be good! Since I own you, I could easily take you out of the story and make you an emo once you come back into the story! And nobody will think you're OOC because I own you! Muhahaha- *cough* I hate evil laughter.
Amy: O.o
Purple Ink: Well, I haven't posted in a while because I'm finishing a few requests from my friends. You know.... yaoi comics....
Vegeta: *looks in drawer* Hmmmm.... there's one here called 'Fusion Gone Wrong'....
Purple Ink: O.O Give it back!!!!
Vegeta: *reads* Uh, you know this actually did happen?
Purple Ink: Yeah and it looked like a great moment for some implified yaoi!
Goku: So you're going to continue the fic?
Purple Ink: Yes, Kaidan-Chan really liked the idea of m-preg, so it will go on.
Everyone except for Purple Ink: O.o
Purple Ink: Come on, you'll enjoy it!
Vegeta: Oh yeah right!
Purple Ink: *ignores Vegeta* The next update should come no later than the begining of November.... hopefully. Please review! I really want to see what you think of my story so far!