Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ A New Life ❯ Breakdown ( Chapter 11 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Goku felt someone nudge him as he slept. After the reunion, the five were very tired out. Amy and Trunks had gone home, Bardock had gone into his temporary room, and Goku and Vegeta had gone into their own room.
Son-kun ignored the nudging for a while, just to focus on the weather change. From what he remembered, it has been about seventy-five degrees when they had gone to bed. Now it was a little under sixty. He shivered, not liking the sudden change.
The nudging conitnued, along with slight purrs. He sighed, then he looked down, to see Vegeta nudging him, purring.
"Veg...eta?" Goku asked, eyes barely open. He glanced at the clock quickly. 2:24 a.m.
"Kakarot..." he purred, kissing the younger's neck.
"Vegeta... what do you want?" Goku asked again, still extremely tired.
"I'll give you a clue.." the prince sighed, kissing Goku roughly.
The younger groaned, then pulled away. "Not now, Vegeta, it's cold, and it's so early in the moring.."
Vegeta frowned, then smirked slightly. "I could warm you up."
Goku grumbled to him. "That doesn't change the time."
Now, that annoyed Vegeta alot. "You'd better Kakarot," he warned, putting his hand on Goku's semi hard arousal.
Goku moaned slightly, then said after a while," Okay... I don't see why not..."
Vegeta smirked, then kissed him roughly again. This time Goku gave into the kiss, but wanted to have dominance.
Their tongues began a battle, wresting against each other, each wanting to win dominance. But Goku won out, as usual.
"Ahhgg... Kakarot..." Vegeta breathed.
"Vegeta..." Goku moaned slightly, pulling the elder into another deep kiss. This time their tongues didn't wrestle, but simply swirled around each other.
Vegeta pulled away once more, then smirked slightly. "Kakarot... ooh, looky there. You're hard."
"What do you expect you bastard..." Goku suddenly barked. That startled Vegeta to no end.
"Why excuse me," Vegeta replied, crossing his arms across his chest, turning away.
Goku sighed, it was just that he was so tired... "Sorry Vegeta," Goku whispered, wrapping his muscular arms around Vegeta's petite waist.
"I likes your figure," Goku purred into his ear playfully.
Vegeta started snickering slightly, as he turned his head around, both leaning in for a kiss.
They kissed sloppily this time, because of how umcomfortable Vegeta was in the position. The prince was the first to pull away again, because his neck started to ache.
Goku started to remove his blue undershirt, while Vegeta started to take off his boxers, because the elder did not sleep with anything else, unlike Goku.
But honestly the younger only slept with his undershirt and boxers.
When their clothes were off, Goku pounced on the younger, and kissed him deeply again.
Vegeta yanked away this time, then practically yelled into his ear,"Just fuck me already!"
Goku smirked slightly, then started to softly nip Vegeta's ear.
"Not this time. I'm going to suck you dry this time," he purred, in an almost animalistic way.
Vegeta shivered in slight fear.
Goku purred again, this time like a kitten. He started to lick Vegeta's neck, his tongue lapping at the prince's soft skin.
Then he sunk his fangs into Vegeta's neck.
He almost screamed when he felt Goku's fangs penetrate his skin. But instead he yelled in anger.
"Kakarot!!! You bastard!!!" he yelled.
Goku looked up at him, releasing his sharp teeth from Vegeta's neck, blood trickling down the wound.
"So I can't claim what's mine?" he barked again.
Vegeta just stared for a while, something was up with the younger. But he said," Sorry. Go ahead."
Son-kun smirked, then started to lick every drop of blood off Vegeta's body, reaching down to the elder's abs.
"Blood went a long ways down bastard," Vegeta said, almost a moan instead of a statement.
Goku said nothing, instead started to rub Vegeta's inner thighs while licking his abs.
Vegeta whimpered, as Goku ignored his hard arousal. "Kaka..." he moaned, bucking up a bit.
Goku smirked again, this time in a sickening way, as his warm hand wrapped aroung the prince's cock.
"Ohhh..." Vegeta moaned, almost ready to beg for more of the younger's touch. He didn't notice the way Goku was smirking, because it was pretty hard to miss it when you were about to be given a blow job by the one you love.
Goku stroked the hard shaft in his hand, snickering at the way Vegeta moaned, almost begged to get what he wanted.
Goku had full control now, and Vegeta knew it.
Son-kun lowered his head, his face facing the elder's erection. His tongue flickered out to touch the tip of Vegeta's cock, and when it did, Vegeta moaned again, bucking up again.
The younger smirked, then kept flickering his tongue like that, in a teasin way, and kept enjoying Vegeta's moans, until the elder started to whine.
That annoyed Goku, so he started to lick the shaft from the tip to the base, then back down again. Vegeta's moans got louder, as Goku prepared to take the prince's arousal into his mouth.
Vegeta could almost feel himself passing out from sheer pleasure when Goku took his cock into his mouth.
"Kaaakkkaaarrooottt..." he moaned, grabbing Goku's head, and brought him closer, forcing down every inch of his length down his throat.
Goku smirked, the ran his tongue up the stiff organ in his hot cavern.
Vegeta's moans became screams, as precum dripped into Goku's mouth.
"Kaka!! Oh my fucking Kami Kakarot!!" he screamed, his grip on Goku's head becoming stronger, as he reached orgasm.
Goku purred, the vibrations making Vegeta scream even more, making him hold back his climax as much as he could before he do so no longer. Then the younger began to suck the Saiyan no Ouji's cock, as his fingers went around the length of Vegeta's shaft he couldn't actually take in, and started to squeeze that lightly.
And that was it for Vegeta.
"OHHH MYYY FUCCKKKIINGGG KAAMMIII, KAAKKAARROOTT!!: he screamed, cumming into the youngers mouth.
Goku drank his hot seed, a bit of it dripping from his mouth from his chin.
And before Vegeta knew it, he saw nothing but black.
<font color= "purple"> Wake up, little whore.</font>
Vegeta's eyes fluttered open, to see that he had passed out from his strong orgasm. He turned around to see who had said that.
It hadn't been Goku, he was asleep.
"Not those voices again..." he groaned, gripping his head again.
<font color= "purple"> That's right, you sick whore.</font>
Vegeta groaned again, then said," Leave already. I'm already under so much stress."
<font color= "purple"> I leave when I want to.</font>
"Look, you're not real, you're just the gum at the bottom of a boot, got it?" Vegeta barked.
"Exactly," Vegeta smirked, as he got up, and dressed. The smell of sex didn't linger on him, luckily.
He walked into the kitchen, to see Bardock there, drinking coffee. When the man saw the younger, he smiled slightly, then said," Konchiwa Vegeta."
"Konichiwa, Bardock," Vegeta said, rubbing his forehead as he pulled out a chair, and sat down, in front of Bardock.
"You had a pretty interesting night yesterday.... I heard you moaning and screaming," Bardock said, sipping the dark, strong-scented lquid, as the prince blushed furiously.
<i>Oh fuck he had heard us!</i>
"Ya," Vegeta answered, hiding his blush by by bending his head down.
Bardock smirked, the said," No need to be embarrassed."
Vegeta sighed, then said," I know, I know, it's just... damn the baka was just insane yesterday..."
The prince sighed again, then nodded. "It seemed like something had possessed the idiot, making him so... demanding. Like a real seme. But it was really... just really disturbing. I swore for a second I thought it wasn't Kakarot," he continued.
Bardock's eyebrow lifted at that, giving the younger a questioning look. "Really? That's interesting... most times it would be considered a good thing, but I think you have reason to worry. I've been here for not long, but it's not like him. The change isn't good."
"Is he going to be okay?" Vegeta asked then, worried about Goku.
"Kakarot should be fine. I mean, he hasn't been freaking out or anything like that, or something. And mood swings are natural in pregnancy, or so the purple-haired on said."
Vegeta started laughing at that, then said," Alright, alright, maybe you're right."
"We should look after him though, you never know when things may change," the elder said, taking another sip from the coffee.
Vegeta nodded, then asked with a slight smile," Have enough coffe for two?"
Bardock nodded, then asked," Cream?"
"No thanks," Vegeta replied.
Bardock nodded again, then poured a cup of the hot brown liquid into a mug. Then he passed the mug to Vegeta, who accepted it with a smile, then drank some of the bitter liquid.
Hell yeah, they didn't even put sugar in their coffee.
They talked for a while, just of Planet Vegeta, how they had remembered it before, and how they wished it was back, just to get to know it all over again.
Of course, soon enough, they spoke until what they were saying started to make no sense, and both men laughed like crazy.
"Aiye, Vegeta, you don't know how good it feels to be alive," Bardock sighed, a smile across his face.
"I can tell by how happy you seem. You never were really the smiley type," Vegeta said, but before Bardock could answer, Goku appeared in at the staircase, startling both men.
"What's with the laughing?" he asked.
"Just talking," Vegeta insisted. Bardock nodded quickly in agreement.
"ABOUT WHAT?" Goku screamed.
Vegeta gasped, then said quietly," Kakarot, we're just talking about Planet Vegeta..."
"And do you know how left out I feel?!" Goku hollered at both of them.
"Kakarot... why are you making such a big deal out of this? It's just a simple discussion," Bardock insisted
"Leave me alone," Goku grumbled, as he walked up the stairs, back to his room.
"Kakarot! Wait!" Vegeta yelled, running up the stairs, but before he could catch up to Goku, the younger had slammed the door right in the prince's face.
Vegeta just stood there, startled and angered.
"Vegeta, you... you supposed something is wrong with him?" Bardock asked, eyes wide.
"I.. don't know... I'm... I'm actually trembling..." Vegeta said, eyes wide as saucers.
Bardock stood up from the chair he was sitting in, and walked up the stairs. Once up the case of stairs, he walked up to Vegeta, and placed a hnd on the prince's shoulder, slightly pushing him back.
"I'll take care of it," Bardock said, eyes narrowing. "You try to relax, you have, you're pregnant you know."
Vegeta nodded, took in a deep breath, then walked down the stairs, trying to calm himself down.
All whilst Bardock entered the world in which he would regret entering...
Purple Ink: OMFG! New chappy! :O
Goku: You haven't updated in months!!!
Purple Ink: You know how FATAL Writer's Block is?
Vegeta: LOL, sucks for you.
Purple Ink: -_-
Vegeta: Ha.
Purple Ink: Nothing much to be said, pretty short chapter, though I would like to thank a certain someone for reviewing. lol
Vegeta: Writer's Block....
Purple Ink: STFU! *throws a book at Vegeta*
Vegeta: -_-
Purple Ink: Lol, see ya in next chappy! ^^
Son-kun ignored the nudging for a while, just to focus on the weather change. From what he remembered, it has been about seventy-five degrees when they had gone to bed. Now it was a little under sixty. He shivered, not liking the sudden change.
The nudging conitnued, along with slight purrs. He sighed, then he looked down, to see Vegeta nudging him, purring.
"Veg...eta?" Goku asked, eyes barely open. He glanced at the clock quickly. 2:24 a.m.
"Kakarot..." he purred, kissing the younger's neck.
"Vegeta... what do you want?" Goku asked again, still extremely tired.
"I'll give you a clue.." the prince sighed, kissing Goku roughly.
The younger groaned, then pulled away. "Not now, Vegeta, it's cold, and it's so early in the moring.."
Vegeta frowned, then smirked slightly. "I could warm you up."
Goku grumbled to him. "That doesn't change the time."
Now, that annoyed Vegeta alot. "You'd better Kakarot," he warned, putting his hand on Goku's semi hard arousal.
Goku moaned slightly, then said after a while," Okay... I don't see why not..."
Vegeta smirked, then kissed him roughly again. This time Goku gave into the kiss, but wanted to have dominance.
Their tongues began a battle, wresting against each other, each wanting to win dominance. But Goku won out, as usual.
"Ahhgg... Kakarot..." Vegeta breathed.
"Vegeta..." Goku moaned slightly, pulling the elder into another deep kiss. This time their tongues didn't wrestle, but simply swirled around each other.
Vegeta pulled away once more, then smirked slightly. "Kakarot... ooh, looky there. You're hard."
"What do you expect you bastard..." Goku suddenly barked. That startled Vegeta to no end.
"Why excuse me," Vegeta replied, crossing his arms across his chest, turning away.
Goku sighed, it was just that he was so tired... "Sorry Vegeta," Goku whispered, wrapping his muscular arms around Vegeta's petite waist.
"I likes your figure," Goku purred into his ear playfully.
Vegeta started snickering slightly, as he turned his head around, both leaning in for a kiss.
They kissed sloppily this time, because of how umcomfortable Vegeta was in the position. The prince was the first to pull away again, because his neck started to ache.
Goku started to remove his blue undershirt, while Vegeta started to take off his boxers, because the elder did not sleep with anything else, unlike Goku.
But honestly the younger only slept with his undershirt and boxers.
When their clothes were off, Goku pounced on the younger, and kissed him deeply again.
Vegeta yanked away this time, then practically yelled into his ear,"Just fuck me already!"
Goku smirked slightly, then started to softly nip Vegeta's ear.
"Not this time. I'm going to suck you dry this time," he purred, in an almost animalistic way.
Vegeta shivered in slight fear.
Goku purred again, this time like a kitten. He started to lick Vegeta's neck, his tongue lapping at the prince's soft skin.
Then he sunk his fangs into Vegeta's neck.
He almost screamed when he felt Goku's fangs penetrate his skin. But instead he yelled in anger.
"Kakarot!!! You bastard!!!" he yelled.
Goku looked up at him, releasing his sharp teeth from Vegeta's neck, blood trickling down the wound.
"So I can't claim what's mine?" he barked again.
Vegeta just stared for a while, something was up with the younger. But he said," Sorry. Go ahead."
Son-kun smirked, then started to lick every drop of blood off Vegeta's body, reaching down to the elder's abs.
"Blood went a long ways down bastard," Vegeta said, almost a moan instead of a statement.
Goku said nothing, instead started to rub Vegeta's inner thighs while licking his abs.
Vegeta whimpered, as Goku ignored his hard arousal. "Kaka..." he moaned, bucking up a bit.
Goku smirked again, this time in a sickening way, as his warm hand wrapped aroung the prince's cock.
"Ohhh..." Vegeta moaned, almost ready to beg for more of the younger's touch. He didn't notice the way Goku was smirking, because it was pretty hard to miss it when you were about to be given a blow job by the one you love.
Goku stroked the hard shaft in his hand, snickering at the way Vegeta moaned, almost begged to get what he wanted.
Goku had full control now, and Vegeta knew it.
Son-kun lowered his head, his face facing the elder's erection. His tongue flickered out to touch the tip of Vegeta's cock, and when it did, Vegeta moaned again, bucking up again.
The younger smirked, then kept flickering his tongue like that, in a teasin way, and kept enjoying Vegeta's moans, until the elder started to whine.
That annoyed Goku, so he started to lick the shaft from the tip to the base, then back down again. Vegeta's moans got louder, as Goku prepared to take the prince's arousal into his mouth.
Vegeta could almost feel himself passing out from sheer pleasure when Goku took his cock into his mouth.
"Kaaakkkaaarrooottt..." he moaned, grabbing Goku's head, and brought him closer, forcing down every inch of his length down his throat.
Goku smirked, the ran his tongue up the stiff organ in his hot cavern.
Vegeta's moans became screams, as precum dripped into Goku's mouth.
"Kaka!! Oh my fucking Kami Kakarot!!" he screamed, his grip on Goku's head becoming stronger, as he reached orgasm.
Goku purred, the vibrations making Vegeta scream even more, making him hold back his climax as much as he could before he do so no longer. Then the younger began to suck the Saiyan no Ouji's cock, as his fingers went around the length of Vegeta's shaft he couldn't actually take in, and started to squeeze that lightly.
And that was it for Vegeta.
"OHHH MYYY FUCCKKKIINGGG KAAMMIII, KAAKKAARROOTT!!: he screamed, cumming into the youngers mouth.
Goku drank his hot seed, a bit of it dripping from his mouth from his chin.
And before Vegeta knew it, he saw nothing but black.
<font color= "purple"> Wake up, little whore.</font>
Vegeta's eyes fluttered open, to see that he had passed out from his strong orgasm. He turned around to see who had said that.
It hadn't been Goku, he was asleep.
"Not those voices again..." he groaned, gripping his head again.
<font color= "purple"> That's right, you sick whore.</font>
Vegeta groaned again, then said," Leave already. I'm already under so much stress."
<font color= "purple"> I leave when I want to.</font>
"Look, you're not real, you're just the gum at the bottom of a boot, got it?" Vegeta barked.
"Exactly," Vegeta smirked, as he got up, and dressed. The smell of sex didn't linger on him, luckily.
He walked into the kitchen, to see Bardock there, drinking coffee. When the man saw the younger, he smiled slightly, then said," Konchiwa Vegeta."
"Konichiwa, Bardock," Vegeta said, rubbing his forehead as he pulled out a chair, and sat down, in front of Bardock.
"You had a pretty interesting night yesterday.... I heard you moaning and screaming," Bardock said, sipping the dark, strong-scented lquid, as the prince blushed furiously.
<i>Oh fuck he had heard us!</i>
"Ya," Vegeta answered, hiding his blush by by bending his head down.
Bardock smirked, the said," No need to be embarrassed."
Vegeta sighed, then said," I know, I know, it's just... damn the baka was just insane yesterday..."
The prince sighed again, then nodded. "It seemed like something had possessed the idiot, making him so... demanding. Like a real seme. But it was really... just really disturbing. I swore for a second I thought it wasn't Kakarot," he continued.
Bardock's eyebrow lifted at that, giving the younger a questioning look. "Really? That's interesting... most times it would be considered a good thing, but I think you have reason to worry. I've been here for not long, but it's not like him. The change isn't good."
"Is he going to be okay?" Vegeta asked then, worried about Goku.
"Kakarot should be fine. I mean, he hasn't been freaking out or anything like that, or something. And mood swings are natural in pregnancy, or so the purple-haired on said."
Vegeta started laughing at that, then said," Alright, alright, maybe you're right."
"We should look after him though, you never know when things may change," the elder said, taking another sip from the coffee.
Vegeta nodded, then asked with a slight smile," Have enough coffe for two?"
Bardock nodded, then asked," Cream?"
"No thanks," Vegeta replied.
Bardock nodded again, then poured a cup of the hot brown liquid into a mug. Then he passed the mug to Vegeta, who accepted it with a smile, then drank some of the bitter liquid.
Hell yeah, they didn't even put sugar in their coffee.
They talked for a while, just of Planet Vegeta, how they had remembered it before, and how they wished it was back, just to get to know it all over again.
Of course, soon enough, they spoke until what they were saying started to make no sense, and both men laughed like crazy.
"Aiye, Vegeta, you don't know how good it feels to be alive," Bardock sighed, a smile across his face.
"I can tell by how happy you seem. You never were really the smiley type," Vegeta said, but before Bardock could answer, Goku appeared in at the staircase, startling both men.
"What's with the laughing?" he asked.
"Just talking," Vegeta insisted. Bardock nodded quickly in agreement.
"ABOUT WHAT?" Goku screamed.
Vegeta gasped, then said quietly," Kakarot, we're just talking about Planet Vegeta..."
"And do you know how left out I feel?!" Goku hollered at both of them.
"Kakarot... why are you making such a big deal out of this? It's just a simple discussion," Bardock insisted
"Leave me alone," Goku grumbled, as he walked up the stairs, back to his room.
"Kakarot! Wait!" Vegeta yelled, running up the stairs, but before he could catch up to Goku, the younger had slammed the door right in the prince's face.
Vegeta just stood there, startled and angered.
"Vegeta, you... you supposed something is wrong with him?" Bardock asked, eyes wide.
"I.. don't know... I'm... I'm actually trembling..." Vegeta said, eyes wide as saucers.
Bardock stood up from the chair he was sitting in, and walked up the stairs. Once up the case of stairs, he walked up to Vegeta, and placed a hnd on the prince's shoulder, slightly pushing him back.
"I'll take care of it," Bardock said, eyes narrowing. "You try to relax, you have, you're pregnant you know."
Vegeta nodded, took in a deep breath, then walked down the stairs, trying to calm himself down.
All whilst Bardock entered the world in which he would regret entering...
Purple Ink: OMFG! New chappy! :O
Goku: You haven't updated in months!!!
Purple Ink: You know how FATAL Writer's Block is?
Vegeta: LOL, sucks for you.
Purple Ink: -_-
Vegeta: Ha.
Purple Ink: Nothing much to be said, pretty short chapter, though I would like to thank a certain someone for reviewing. lol
Vegeta: Writer's Block....
Purple Ink: STFU! *throws a book at Vegeta*
Vegeta: -_-
Purple Ink: Lol, see ya in next chappy! ^^