Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ A New Life ❯ Breaking the Truth ( Chapter 10 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Authors Note: Teehee, now you can tell in that these later chapters will be more interesting than the first few.
Amy is pregnant.
Goku is pregnant.
Vegeta is pregnant.
Bardock is now a active character.
And when multiple Saiyans get involved, things can get ugly, fast.
Lol well enough of my rambling.
Just read xD

Sincerly, Purple Ink

About a week after, Bardock had become a welcomed resident in the Son house. Vegeta and Goku were so far doing well. They were in good shape and already starting to show small bumps. Goku had been quite excited when he saw his stomach one early morning.
"GETA! GETA! OMG GET OVER HERE!" he yelled, his shirt held just below his chin.
Vegta ran to the restroom as quickly as he could, fearing the worst for Goku.
'Bloody murder!' he shouted repeatedly in his mind.
The closer Vegeta got, the more excited the screams sounded.
Vegeta was utterly confused, weren't they supposed to be ones of fear? He ran faster.
He knocked the door down to see Goku staring at his stomach, poking it softly.
"Look Geta! It's a bump!" he said excitedly, a stupid grin on his face.
Vegeta sweatdropped. "What the hell Kakarot! I thought someone was murdering you!" he yelled.
Goku suddenly frowned. "I'm sorry Vegeta. I didn't mean to worry you."
Vegeta sighed. "Ahg, just try not to do it much, got it?" Goku nodded obediently.
Later in the day, Goku proudly showed his bump to everyone at the house, including Bardock. Amy and Trunks had come for a visit, so they got to see Goku's baby bump too. But Amy's was obviously showing a bit more.
"That's great Dad!" Amy said. Then she turned over curiously to Vegeta. "Vegeta? Have you started showing yet?" she asked.
Vegeta shook his head. "No, not yet. But I'm sure I will soon."
Amy smiled and nodded. "Yep, you'll show soon enough."
And sure enough, within a few more days, Vegeta was proudly showing his bump.
"Heheh..." he said. But he didn't want people touching him, though he was showing it off ever so proudly.
"Nice, Vegeta. You're starting to show too!" she said. "Ya think we should tell everyone else?"
Vegeta beamed proudly for a second and then shrugged. "I don't know, but whatever is best with Kakarot is fine with me."
She nodded. "Alrighty, let me find Dad and ask him if we should or shouldn't." She put two fingers to her head and closed her eyes, After a while of silence and concentration, she disappeared.
Vegeta smirked.

And with such pleasant, simple pleasures, there was a downside.

Morning sickness.

The next few days after the two males found out they were expecting, they started to randomly vomit and faint.
Amy sometimes thought that it was because they weren't eating enough and made them eat a bit more, but she never forced them to eat. She honestly could never do such a thing.
They ate as much as they could without over-eating, and Amy was pleased.
One day Goku refused to eat.
Amy asked him why he would not eat, and Goku told her that he was not hungry.
"Dad, you gotta eat..." she said. Goku shook his head and turned away. Her smile twisted into a frown.
Vegeta pulled Amy out of the room. "Is he going to be okay?" he asked worriedly. The younger girl nodded.
"Don't worry Vegeta, this is normal," she said, not too sure if it really was normal.
The rest of the day, Goku refused to eat. Amy looked at him worriedly, but said nothing. Bardock watched him too.
"He hasn't eaten a single thing all day..." he muttered to Amy. Amy sweatdropped.
"I know. But, I'll give him until tomorrow, I guess," she said.
Throughout the night, Bardock heard groaning and slight whimpers...
The next day, Goku served himself some omlets and ate with Vegeta. Amy sighed with relief when she saw him eating. Bardock sighed as well.
Later in the day, they were supposed to meet up with the others. Goku and the others got dressed for the event, not too fancily though.
Bardock looked at them.
"What if they think I am evil? What if--"
"Don't worry Grandpa, they won't. If they do, we'll explain everything to them, got it?" Amy said. Bardock shrugged and nodded.
"Fair enough."
They walked out. Trunks, Amy, and Bardock waited patiently for Goku and Vegeta, who were fussing upstairs.
"Kakarot! Why must we go? Those stupid idiots would never understand!" Vegeta yelled. Goku placed his hands on his hips and pouted. "Vegeta! Those 'idiots' are my friends!" he said. Vegeta snorted. "Whatever!" he said, stomping downstairs. Goku sighed heavily and followed.
The two appeared outside and flew off into the sky with the others.
"Where are we going again?" Amy asked. Goku turned over to her.
"Bulma's house. We decided on that," Goku told her. Amy nodded.
"Hai!" she said, flying just the least bit faster.
The five were quiet again, none of them making any comment as they flew over to Capsule Corp. The sun was harsh, the sky bright blue. It was the middle of summer.
Goku, Vegeta, and Amy's kids would be winter newborns, if everything went well. And it currently seemed that everything would be just fine.
But there was still about five more months to go.
Reader, I know you know that in such a crazy world our characters live in, everything can change suddenly. The fate of one here is never certain. Did we ever expect Bardock coming back? No. So what is out certainty that everthing will either go wrong or well?
That's right, Reader.
Nada. Nothing. Zilch.
But back to the story...
They saw the large building start to appear, first it was a small dot, then the dot grew larger until it took shape of a building, then the five of them knew that it was Capsule Corp.
They landed back on the ground. Amy and Vegeta looked around to see if there was anyone else that had just come, like them. No. Everyone had arrived before them.
"This is complete bullshit," Vegeta swore. Goku hit the back of his head. "No Veggie! Don't swear!" he yelled. Vegeta rolled his eyes.
"Awww, you guys get along with each other so well.." Amy said, a bit sarcastic. Vegeta gave her the death glare.
"Don't press your luck with me," he said. Amy only laughed.
"Sure I won't, Mr. Pregos," she said. Vegeta growled.
The five of them walked to the large building, Vegeta still slightly pissed off, Goku happy, Amy a bit pissed off as well, Trunks really was a bit emotionless, Bardock was just drop-dead confused...
They were greeted at the door by Bulma.
"Hey you guys! Wait... who's he?" she asked, pointing at Bardock. Goku smiled cheesily.
"Heheh, err, Bulma, that's my dad Bardock.." he said.
"Oh! No wonder! You two look very much alike! Err, nice to meet ya!" she said. Bardock mumbled his hello.
They entered the building, and there was all their friends and relatives. Gohan was sitting with Videl, watching young Pan play joyfully, Goten was with Valesee, chatting busily, Piccolo was meditating, Yamcha and Tien were talking, Puar and Chiaotzu by their sides, Krillin was with 18, watching Marron, and Master Roshi? Being the usual pervert.
Everyone seem to instantly notice when Goku and the others entered. A whole roomful of 'Hey Goku!' and 'Hey, Dad finally came!''s were heard, making the Saiyan feel quite comfortable and welcomed.
But it annoyed Vegeta alot, and Bardock and Amy slightly.
They were greeted with hugs and waves, and when Goku was being hugged, he silently begged for the hug to be over, because he feared that they were harming his child.
When they had all exchanged 'hello's and 'Imma kill you's, the party started, drinks and food were served, the kids played cheerfully, music was played, really everything that went on during a party was happening.
Trunks talked to Goten while Goku and Vegeta stuffed their faces with food.
And in all the merriment and even roughhousing, there was one thought that disturbed the happiness.
'How are we going to tell them that we're pregnant?'
So the party went on, Goku and Vegeta glancing at each other, each glance asking the same thing.
'How are we going to tell them?'
Vegeta honestly wasn't too worried, he didn't care of what they thought, they were mere humans, a race that was so arrogant and ignorant that they would never understand, because they were stupid enough to think that their ways of life were the same ways other life forms did.
But, it was Goku who was a bit worried and nervous, because he didn't want to loose his friends because they thought he was a 'freak' or because they were homophobes. He didn't want to freak out his family, especially not little Pan, because the small girl looked up at him.
But, the time came to 'fess up.
Amy coughed dramatically, then said loudly,"Um, Dad and Vegeta, wouldn't you like to share something with us?" Trunks rolled his eyes at her and hit the back of her head. "Amy!" he yelled in a whisper. She giggled. "It's now or never, honey."
They all turned to Vegeta and Goku curiously. "What? What do you want to tell us?"
Vegeta sweatdropped and glared at Amy, who shrugged and gave him 'the look'. Goku sweatdropped, not because of Amy, but because he was still unsure of how to tell everyone.
"Uhh, we're... ummm... mates..." Vegeta said softly. There was a sudden burst of laughing, and for some reason, clapping.
'Do they think this is a joke?'
"Nice! I always imagined you two together!" Vegeta heard them say. "Haha! Wonderful! Haha!". "Awww how sweet! Rivals gone mates! Ha!"
It angered Vegeta when he heard their laughter. He thought that they thought it was a sick joke, and they were playing along with it.
'It's not a goddamn joke!'
I know all of you have felt this. Maybe you've expressed a feeling, interest, or an idea, and people didn't take what you said seriously.
They laughed at you.
They teased you.
And yet, you tried to stand tall and take the insults.
That is what our dear ouji is trying to do.
Hang on to his dear pride.
Goku sensed that Vegeta was becoming angry. "'Geta, don't pay any attention. Just let them--"
"You DO get that Vegeta is serious, right?" Amy yelled, slightly agitated. They all nodded.
"But who would have guessed? Goku and Vegeta!" Yamcha laughed. Amy growled.
"Ohh, Yamcha, confined in your little world where everything is simple, so an idiot like you can understand, right? Well, wake up," she said.
Everyone seemed to stare at her, and laughed when they saw Yamcha blushing deeply, because what she had said was quite true.
"You just got burned by a girl!" Master Roshi laughed, then winked at Amy. She gasped and slapped him. He went flying to the wall and crashed into it.
"Ouch! Can't an old man have a little fun?" he asked.
"No!" she yelled back.
Everyone kept staring.
"Look, if you guys can't even get through that one thing without causing a problem, then why should we tell you the true confession?" she yelled.
They kept staring.
"Oh, you are all impossible! I don't know how to help you, Vegeta and Dad, but I'm just going outside for a while!" she hollered, storming out.
"Well, someone has a stick shoved up their ass..." Yamcha muttered.
The others seemed to agree with him.
"It's just mood swings," Trunks said. And, everyone agreed with him.
'God these pathetic humans agree to everything...' Vegeta thought, rolling his eyes mentally. Trunks nudged him slightly with his elbow. The older man glared at his son, who was smiling slightly.
"You were saying..." Trunks said. Vegeta scowled.
"Alright, you idiots better not say anything stupid, got that?" he asked. They all nodded.
Vegeta took a deep breath, his head spinning like mad. Goku felt butterflies in his stomach, and feared that he may randomly vomit any second now. Everyone kept staring, making Goku dizzier and paler, with so many faces just staring. The feeling grew stronger, until it felt like he would just pass out.
Goku felt Vegeta's hand go on his, and the sudden feeling of security from his kio calmed down the dizziness. He slightly thanked Vegeta.
"So, heheh...." Goku started.
"So much silence! Get it over with!" Bulma blurted out suddenly. They all stared at the blue-haired lady.
"OKAY! Geez..." Goku muttered. The two men took a deep breath. "Alright, heh, we're, er, uh, ehh.... pregnant..." they said.
Videl dropped the glass of water she was holding, the glass shattering to thousands of pieces once it became in contact with the ground, the water spattering all over the ground.
That one little event led to a disaster.
Bulma rushed over to clean up the mess. She appeared with a mop and started to mop up the the mess. She was slightly bent over, so Master Roshi knew that this was a good time to take a look at her ass. He walked behind her and slapped her bottom playfully. Bulma squealed in disgust and slapped Roshi. They started a big fight over the whole thing, inanimate objects being thrown at the old man. Bardock sweatdropped, wondering how his son put up with such insanity.
Vegeta facepalmed and glanced over a Goku.
"Let's get out of this fucking madhouse!" he yelled in a whisper. Goku nodded and in seconds, Bardock, Vegeta, Trunks, and he where gone. Everyone looked around and wondered where they had gone.
"Great! The pervert scared them off!" Bulma yelled, pointing an accusing finger at Master Roshi.
"Nu-uh! You scared them off!" he said. Then the fight started all over again..
Goku, Vegeta, Bardock, and Trunks returned back to the house, where there was no quarreling, no violence, no noise.
Complete silence and peace.
The two Saiyan men dropped to their knees. Bardock and Trunks thought that there was something wrong with the two because they were silent and listless.
"Oh God we are never going to any of their renunions!" Vegeta yelled to the ceiling. Goku did the same. Trunks and Bardock sweatdropped.
Amy came from out the kitchen, arms across her chest.
"I was expecting all of you to return. Especially since those people are just impossible to deal with," she said.
And everyone seemed to agree with the girl. She plainly smirked, then yawned.
"Fucking insane day..." she said. And, obviously, everone had to agree with her.
But there were still more days to come...
Purple Ink: Finally done! *looks exhausted*
Goku: Took you a while to update....
Purple Ink: Yeeesss I have so many essays and wooorkkkk.... next year is university time....
Goku: Ohhh..
Purple Ink: Where's Vegeta and the others?
Goku: I dunno.
Purple Ink: Well, I'll just have to do the rest with you Goku.
Goku: Yay! I get to spend time with one of my not-so-crazy fangirls!
Purple Ink: Goku I'm a Vegeta fangirl.
Goku: Ohhh :'(
Purple Ink: But you're cool too!
Goku: Yay! I feel loved!
Purple Ink: Hahah of course Goku.
Please review this chappy, yadda yadda yadda, oh you get the drill.
Reviews help get a faster update *hint hint* ^^