Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ A Trip to DBZ ❯ Drunks ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Piccolo is meditating above a waterfall.

Piccolo- /That new power was almost as strong as Vegeta. Good thing Goku stopped the fight...../


Gohan- Daddy, I'm back!

He walks into the kitchen and sees Goku sitting at the table with the girl from that afternoon.

Goku- Hey, son! (he gestures towards Nicole) This is Nicole. Nicole, meet my son, Gohan.

Gohan bows at Nicole.

N- Hi! We're eating rice balls!

She thrusts one at Gohan before he manages to back up.

Gohan- (sweatdrops) Ummm.... I think I'm gonna go do some homework before I go to bed.

Goku- Alright son.

Gohan disappears around the corner. Nicole stuffs another rice ball in her mouth.


Krillin is flying to Goku's house.

Krillin- /I hope Goku's been studying------/


Another flyer is just ahead of him. He can see they're wearing a Saiyan outfit. Krillin panics.

Krillin- /I--it--it's Vegeta!/

The stranger turns around, having sensed Krillin.

Krillin- /Oh, no! He's turning around!/

The stranger turns around......

Krillin- /He's a Girl!/

Amy flies up to Krillin.

A- Hi Krillin! Are you going to Goku's house too?

Krillin- Y--you know me? /Wow! How does a pretty girl like that know me? /

A-Yeah. So, are you off to Goku's?

Krillin- uhh, yeah I am. Who are you?

A- I'm Amy.(she extends her hand and Krillin shakes it)

Krillin- I'm Kri-- oh yeah. You already know my name.(laughs nervously)

Amy smiles.

A- well, let's get going.

Krillin- ok.

They resume their flight.


N- Look Goku. I can fit two rice balls in my mouth at once! ( note: foreshadowing maybe? yes, i'm a hentai.... QV)

Nicole proceedes to shove both in her mouth but the second doesn't fit all the way. Amy and Krillin walk in the door and spot Nicole.

A- Are we interrupting?

Amy starts to giggle. Nicole mumbles something while trying to swallow the rice. Krillin and Goku sweatdrop.

N- (yells)Krillin!!(mouth still full of rice as she runs over and glomps him)

Amy starts laughing and Krillin blushes.

Goku- Hey Krillin! Do you know Nicole and Amy?

Krillin emerges from under Nicole and brushes crumbs off of himself.

Krillin- uhh, Hi Goku. I just met Amy a few moments ago, and I guess that one's Nicole.(points at Nicole)

Nicole smiles and waves at Krillin.

N- Hi Krillin!

Krillin- uh, hi.

Amy walks over to the table and picks up the last rice ball.

A- Mind if I have this?

Goku- Go ahead.

She takes a bite. Nicole swallows her mouthful.

N- Good isn't it.

Amy nods and finishes her ball.

A- Where's your bag, Nicoldum?

N- I'm *not* Nicoldum. It's in Goku's room.

She points to her right. Amy goes to look for Goku's room. Krillin sits at the table, as does Nicole.

Krillin- Are you ready to answer some questions, Goku?

Goku- uhhh, I think so....

N- Questions for what?

Goku- So I can learn how to drive.

N- You don't need to DRIVE! You can fly! And you've got Nimbus, too! Why do you need to drive?

Goku thinks for a moment. He turns to Krillin.

Goku- She has a point. Why *do* I need to drive?

Krillin- Well....You got me there.

Amy turns a corner and finds 3 rooms. 2 doors are closed.

A- /Well, I know that one is obviously the bathroom, so I'll try this one./

She opens the door to her right and finds Gohan sitting at his desk, reading a book.

A- Oh, sorry.

Gohan looks up surprised.

Gohan- Uhhh, Hi?

A- Umm, I'm Amy.(extends her hand and Goahn shakes it)

Gohan- My name's Gohan. Are you friends with that girl?

A- Yeah. That's Nicoldum. Well I was just looking for Goku's room so I could get her bag.

Gohan- Oh. Well it's right over there.(points towards the other closed door)

A- thanx. sorry for disturbing you.

Gohan- That's ok.

Amy leaves the room and goes to Goku's room. She goes into the room and opens Nicole's bag.

A- /Come on. Come on. Where is---- aa-ha!/

Amy walks back into the kitchen holing a plastic baggy. Nicole and Krillin are sitting at the table with Goku. Amy sits at the table too and opens the baggy. She pulls out a little rum ball.

A- Who wants some chocolate?

Nicole stifles a laugh.

Goku- I'll have some!

He takes a ball from Amy and shoves it into his mouth.

Goku- Hey! These are really good! You should try one, Krillin!

Amy hands one to Krillin and another to Goku.

Krillin- Yum!

Amy and Nicole smile at each other and each take one.

A- You guys can help yourselves, we got a *lot* of these.

Krillin and Goku do just that.


Vegeta- /The nerve of Kakarot interfering with our battle. He must know something about her power....../


Amy and Nicole laugh hysterically watching Krillin talk to a tree outside. His cheeks are rosy.

A- I guess baldy can't hold his rum!

N- (laughs) Nope!

Krillin is drunk from eating too many rum balls. Goku joins them outside. He's a little tipsy, but nowhere near as bad as Krillin. He staggers as he walks over to Krillin.

Goku- Alright Krillin. Why don't you come back inside now?

Krillin- (slurring) Hey!(he addresses the tree) this, this here is the guy(he glomps Goku) I love you man!

He starts crying. Amy is laughing and Nicole is rolling on the ground in hysterics. Goku sweatdrops and sets Krillin back on the ground. He walks over to the girls as Krillin gets into a heated discussion with the tree. Their laughter has died down a bit. Nicole is still on the ground. Goku trips over his feet and the girls start laughing again. He regains his balance.

Goku- uhh, I think I'd better take him home.

A- You think you'll be able to get there alright?

Goku- I could always use my instant, my instant, ummm, what's it called again?

He makes a Goku face.

N- (laughs) Your teleportation thingy?

Goku- Yeah! That's it.

A- Maybe *I* should take him home, Goku.

N- But you don't know where he lives.

A- I'll figure it out. Besides, don't you want to be *alone?* (winks)

N- huh? Oh!(grins) YES!

Amy goes over to Krillin, who is now in a fighting stance, ready to kick some leafy tree ass!

A- ok Krillin, let's take you home now.

Krillin looks at her. Then at the tree.

Krillin- You're lucky she came along, otherwise I(incoherent).......kill you....(incoherent)

Amy laughs and takes Krillin's hand. The two fly up.

Krillin- Where are we going?

A- To your place.

Krillin- Oh. Do you know where it is, cause I don't. (laughs) Wait. It's that way.

He points to the left.

A- Alright, let's go.

They fly off in that direction. Goku and Nicole go back inside. Goku walks over to Gohan's room. Gohan is asleep at his desk. He picks up his son and tucks him into bed. Nicole is watching from the doorway.

N- Awwwwwwwwww!

Goku leaves the room and closes the door behind him. He and Nicole are standing face to face. Goku leans over and puts his hands on Nicole's shoulders.

He pushes her out of the way and runs into the bathroom to throw up. Nicole breathes out a bubble and sweatdrops.