Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Bardock's Return ❯ Chapter 1

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
::::::Warning::::: for the next couple of chapters, it will be in play script format.
Thank you very much!

Goku: *Sighs* Chichi, I'm gonna fo for a walk.

Chichi: Oh, you mean 'fly?' *Looks at Goku's sad expression* Uh, Goku, go ahead. Be careful Goku!

Goku: Haha, like what's gonna happen to me. *Thinks of aliens that possibly land here* Ok, I'll be careful!
*While later, Goku is walking* Oh, Earth is such a place to be dangerous. I wonder what my father really like?
Is he nice man like me, or is he mean as my brother Raditz? Oh I don't know... I really wonder if... naw, safe
than sorry. If he's mean, but then again, I am the legendary saiyan, and Freeza killed my father.
So... he'll probally have no choic but turn good... YEAH! That'll work. Just like Vegeta, Gosh, what a great
idea I'll Transmission to Bulma's house for Dragonball Radar!

Bulma's House, in the Labarotory

Goku: Hi Vegeta! Where's Bulma?

Vegeta: HEY! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE! Stealing Bulma or something??

Goku: HAHA! I just need something.

Vegeta: Fine, she's in the Kitchen.

Goku: Thanks, *Moment later, and now in Kitchen* Hi Bulma!

Bulma: Oh hi Goku! What do you want?

Goku: I just need Dragon Ball Radar.

Bulma: Ok! Here it is, but what wish will it be now?

Goku: Uh, that would be a surprise. And Thank you! *telports, and finds all 7 balls in 1/2 hour.* wow,
that was easy! Ok, gosh, their glowing, so pretty. Oh I don't know... if this is a good idea. I hope he'll be
glad to see me. Aw shit, here it goes! ARISE DRAGON! *A brillint scene came before him*

Shenlong: What do you want now?

Goku: I- I-- wish my father Bardock back alive.

Shenlong: Your wish is Granted. You have one more wish.

Goku: *looks around, Bardock is not here,* Ok, I wish I can bring Bardock here.

Shenlong: *Bardock appears, shocked* Your wish is granted, now it is time for me to go.
*Ball scatters to the corners of the Earth.

Bardock: What the hell... huh?? What's going on? HEY! You, who are you? Why you look like me?

Goku: Um... I am your son, I brought you back to life. My name is Kakarot, but people here call me Goku.
*He said nervously, seeing if he is a bad guy or not*

Bardock: K-k-k-k-k-Kakarot?? Wow, you're my son! *hugging him to see if he is dreaming* YOU brought me
back to life! WOW! Hey, did you beat Freeza??

Goku: YOU BET! But his father fixed him, so Vegeta's son officailly killed him. His name is Trunks.

Bardock: HUH? You mean Prince Vegeta?!

Goku: Yes, he's a big macho, too much pride, and crazy. He can't even surpass me! Hey, I could teach you a
trick later. Until I find out what atittudes you have, and who exactly you are. Ok dad, deal?

Bardock: Wait a minute, is this Earth?

Goku: Yes it is, and PLEASE don't go telling me to destroy it. Radditz, Nappa, and Vegat told me to do it, and it
ain't a pretty sight. So please don't force me Dad.

Bardock: *sighs* Okay, where's Raditz?

Goku: Um... I thought you knew, he's dead. I told my friend to kill me and killed him along with me. I
died sevearal times...

Bardock: Man! You died alot?!

Goku: Yes, I am the Earth's defender. I am probaly the strongest fighter in the universe. Hey, check this out.
*Transformed to Super Saiayn*

Bardock: You--you-- you're the legendary saiyan! WOW!!!!!!! MY SON'S THE LENGENDARY SAIYAN!!!
OH YEAH! VEGETA CAN'T DO IT! HAHAHHA!!! Nya nya nya nya!

Goku: Um... you mean the prince Vegeta?

Bardock: Yeah, why?

Goku: Well, we found out, that ALL saiyans of any time can do it. But first, you have to prove something to me.

Bardock: What qualities?

Goku: I am not going to tell, but I'll be watching you for 3 days ok?

Bardock: OK! Alright, man, I don't even rember what's like to eat! It's been.... how old are you now?

Goku:mmm... good question, lemme... wait, what year was I born?

Bardock: *sweat drop* 721 A.D.

Goku: So... that makes.... hmmm.... right now is 965 A.D. So... 244 years, I think.

Bardock: Whoa! MAN! I haven't ate 242 years then! No wonder, I am HUNGRY!!!!!!!!!!!! But... when I last saw
you, you had a powerlevel of 1 or 2. Man, I bet you had some great teachers or something.

Goku: Oh yeah, YOU BET I HAD! Ok, let's telport out of here.

Bardock: Wait! Who are they in the sky??

Goku: OH! they're my friends, good thing you stopped me! HAHA! *moments later, they arrive.*

Piccolo: So, Goku, it is you. What did you wish for.... *looks at 2 same people* wait a minute, which one is
Goku? One has scars like Yamacha.... so, *looking at RIGHT Goku* what's going on?

Goku: Um... meet my dad, Bardock.


Bardock: Uh... hi guys.

Trunks: YOUR DAD????? HE COULD BE EVIL! What are you thinking????

Goten: HE'S MY GRANDPA?? WOW! I have 3 grandpa's! But... no known grandmother. OH WELL!

Bardock: He's YOUR son? Wow, you mean there's saiyan girl here too??

Goku: Umm.... no... there's... no... more... saiyan... full... blood... saiyan... girl alive.Only you, me, and 'Prince'
Vegeta are only PURE saiyans left. Unless we wish more of them back. I don't want all to be destroyers.
So, that's why.

Bardock: REally... well, we got to wish my wife back!

Goku: Well..... I guess to bring some more pure saiyans to keep the Saiyan line alive.

Bardock: Yeah... it's all Freeza's fault. STUPID DAMN FUCKING FREEZA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *powers up, for one
milli second, he went super saiyan, but he never knew he did*

Goku: Hey, hey, cool it. We have to wait a year to have those wishes again.

Bardock: WHY??!?!!?!?!?!?

Goku: We can only use them once a year.

Bardock: Oh? Ok, alright then.

Vegeta: *arrives at last* HEY!!!!!!!! IT'S YOU! KAKAROT! WHAT DID YOU WISH FOR NOW?!?!

Goku: Well, Vegeta, Welcome our newest recruit to our Z Team. Let me introduce, MY DAD!

Vegeta: WHAT?! TURAS!? IS that him TURAS??????

Goku: Uh, no, it's not, His name is Bardock. Dad, this is 'Prince' Vegeta.

Bardock: So! It's you. Hello prince your highness! Kakarot! EVERYONE! BOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Everyone: HUH?!?!?! *comical falls, and sweat drop*

Bardock: Sorry highness, he didn't bow.

Vegeta: Bardock.... *blushing or so he thought* you don't HAVE to do that. Kakarot and I have known each
other for a LONNNG time now. So, mind you, STAND UP!!

Bardock: So, I can treat you like everyone else then????? *evil smirks*

Vegeta: *looking scared* Umm.... yes.. but don't make fun of me. *dangerous glare at Gohan and Piccolo*

Gohan: *whispering to Piccolo* WHOOPS! Heh.. heh.. *Picclo is laughing too.* HAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Vegeta: HAR HAR, *sarcastically*

Gohan: So, uh, can I call you what? Since you're my Grandpa, but is there another name you want me to call ya?

Bardock: Call me Gramps.

Goten and Gohan: SWEET! YEAH!

Gohan: So, gramps, what do you do?

Bardock: Well... it's hard to say. That fucking Freeza ruined my life, so I am a fighter then. But,
don't worry, I'll start my life anew here. Gee, I never felt this HUNGER!!!!!!!!! I AM HUNGRY!!!!!!!

Goku: HAHA, I guess it runs in the family! HAHAHA!

Bardock: LET"S GO ALREADY!!! I am hungry enough to eat this planet!

Goku: Ok guys, I am gonna telport, so hang on to me!

Outside at ALL-YOU-CAN-EAT Restruant

Goku: I hope somebody got money.

someone in behind: I HAVE SOME DON"T WORRY!

Bardock: What is this Place?

Goku: Where all the heaven Food is. We always come here for times we are not home. *They enter*

Cashier: OH NO!!!!!!!!!!!! IT"S THEM! AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *Runs to the kitchen,
yelling that the fact they are back and runs back* Hi guys! So, you're eating today eh?

Goku: YOU BET!!!! I AM VERY VERY HUNGRY!. So is my dad, he's even hungier.

Cashier: 'oh crap! I'll have to start running so I can run faster!' Right this way please. Go ahead...
*they all disappear and gathered food and back* and eat.... *sweat drop* 'they're going to put the Manger out
of buissness at this rate....'


Vegeta: Trust me, they are good, I came here about 40 years ago.

Bardock: Oh... uh ok. How about this? *Pointing to X-TREMELY SPICY hot dogs*

Vegeta: Heh, not unless you like it spicy.

Bardock: SPICY?!?! Thank Kami you told me! I am deadly allergic to it!

Vegeta: NOT THAT kind of spicy.

Bardock: Ok... I'll forget these. How about this? *Pointing to cimmon rolls*

Vegeta: DEFINETLY! My faves.

Bardock: *takes a bite* YUUMMMMMMMM!!!! WOW!!! YUMMY! HOW about this one? *spattie*

Vegeta: That too. *Bardock loves it also*

Bardock: YUM YUM!

All saiyans are eating it up fast. Cookers are running back and forth to fill thier hungry saiyan's stomach.
Everyone around the saiyans are staring at them unbelieveably.Goten: MORE!!!

*Everyone comically falls, minutes later, they are finally finshed eating*

Trunks: *sighs* WOW! That was GOOOODDD!

Cashier: Heh, well... buh-bye!

Trunks: Wait, lemme give you something. *hands him a grand* thanks for the chow! *Cashier is speechless*

They all telport again, with Goku of course to Goku's house.

Chichi: WHERE IN THE FUCKING YOU HAVE BEEN?????? I HAVE been worried sick! Sky darkening, high
powerlevels, and silence!

Goku: Heh... ChiChi, we have a new recruit to our ever growing team!

Bardock: 'Recruit? Why he keeps saying that? Oh well, must have not thought any other way to tell her.'

ChiChi: OH? And why you left so sad? Gohan left because Shenlong had come. Was that you wishing him??

Goku: Yeah, and meet my... dad.

Chich:OH!!!!!! where's my manners! I have father-in-law alive! Oh am so sorry sir. My name is Chichi, Goku's

Bardock: *hiss* I am not used to Goku. I perfer Kakarot. Mine is Bardock. Please to .... mee...t..... you. Wait a minute
... is you isn't?

Chichi: *changing the subject* so, since you're Goku's father, so that means you can turn into super saiyan?

Bardock: Huh? You mean Legendary saiyan. OF COURSE MY SON CAN DO THAT!!! Not anyone else can do it
until maybe 10,000 years or so. *everyone sweat drop*

Goku: Not... neccesarily. Vegeta, Gohan, Goten, and Trunks , *pointing to them all* can transform. I tried to
explain that earlier.

Bardock: WHAT?!?! Is that True??? *All of them easily transform, just to prove him* OMIGOSH! SON! CAN
YOU TEACH ME?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

Goku: *sweat drop* That is exactly what I have been saying. I am watching you for next 3 days of how you act.

Bardock: OH!!! I get it now. Gosh, Thanks Kakarot! Man you have your mom's smile....

Goku: I--I--do? What she's like? Is she nice??

Bardock: Ok, let's sit down. *entering the house and everyone sat down* So, which one of you are or is my
grandson? I know Goten is, he has our hair. Is Trunks too?

Vegeta: HOW DARE YOU!!!! *Struggles to fight him, but only pulled back by Gohan and Goten.

Goku: VEGETA! HE'S WHOLE LOT LOTS WEAKER THAN YOU! Cool it! If you kill him, I"LL MAKE YOU PAY!!!!!!!!
HE DOESN"T, for Kami's sake, do not know anyone or a single clue! Give him a break!

Bardock: Ah let him. *He punch vegeta at his max, and doesn't even hurt a single hair.* Uh-oh... I am sorry!
SORRY VEGETA! Just exactly HOW STRONG are you?!?!

Vegeta: Ok, what is yours?

Bardock: um... 2,304...

Vegeta: At YOUR max?

Bardock: Yes, it is. Tell me all of yours.The highest without turning super saiyan.

Vegeta: Uh, Kakarot, should I tell him? *he nods* 2 million.

Bardock: Wha-wha-wha-what?!?!?! NO WAY! Kakarot???

Goku: 3 million......

Bardock: NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What about you Goten??? Gohan???

Goten: 2,400--

Bardock: HEH! I can beat you!

Goten: You didn't let me finsh. I have 2,400,300

Bardock: AHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wait! I can shouldn't scream. All of you are my family. So... I am
HAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA! IN YOUR FACE Vegeta and Trunks! HAHAH!!! In your own Royal Blood,
and you are the weakest saiyan family existed!

Vegeta and Trunks: *EXTREMELY RED MAD FACE, Ready to explode*


Goten: Anytime Gramps. ha... *beating up Trunks and Vegeta, who's focus are VERY poor* Ok, what would
the blessing be?

Bardock: Ok you will be *seeing Goten's future by accident, and something good is going to happen...soon.*
be reviving the PURE saiyans back.

Chichi: OH! I CAN"T TAKE IT ANYMORE! *cries* I can't help it! *sobs*

Goku: CHICH! What's WRONG?!

Chichi: I...I... have to tell you. After SOOOO many years.... my father ox, is NOT MY FATHER!!!!!!! *sobs loudly*
I found out just... after you left Goten... *cries even harder* He... he... just... died. But he... told me the truth. *Sobs*
I can't even bear it! *cries*


Chichi: Please.... he died in car accident. He called me when he crashed. *sobs* OH KAMI KNOWS WHY!
*Sobs even harder* He... he... he... told me he found me HERE!!!! Also find out that I.... am... A
SAIYAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I DON"T WANT TO ADMIT IT!!!!!!!! He said I
had a tail and turned Oozaru! Then he cut if off, and I don't remeber anything past that POINT! So... that
means.... Gohan and Goten are PURE SAIYANS!

Goten: R-r-r-r-really??!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? WOW!!!!! I AM PURE!!!! HAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!! NO
WONDER YOU"RE a grouchie! HAAHAHA!!!! In your face TRUNKS!


Gohan: I--I-- am pure saiyan? Geez, all my life.... wow, ALRIGHT! Mom, I am so sorry how that must've felt
for you. Mom, you better get some rest. Today had been a stressful day for you. OK?

Chichi: Yes, I'll do that Gohan. Good night you all, and welcome back to life Bardock.

Bardock: Good night ChiChi. *She leaves* So, now, that tells me everything. I remeber her now. hehhehe....
When Kakarot and Chichi were babies, they both slept next to each other at the hositpital. I knew from that
moment. You'd get marry. They already had thier first kiss! HAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!

Goku: WE KNEW AND KISSED when we were a baby?!?!?! Geez, no wonder. But how did she ended up here?

Bardock: She was sent first. Ox king must've found her when she turned oozaru. Then about a month later, you
are here. I wasn't angry when you knocked your head, and forgot. That is EXACTLY what I wanted! Because bad
guys against bad guys who are stronger, loses. But good against bad, good wins. I am so glad you forgot your

Goku: *stunned* Gosh... man. But how did you know anything??

Bardock: You might not know but I am cursed to see the future.


Goten: Even in the dead?

Bardock: No, I NEVER knew I could be wished back. Not even before I died. But before I did, I saw you beating up
Freeza, and I died happy.

Goku: Wow... that's something dad. Really is, my gosh, it's all coming back to me. *remebers, at last, the mission,
Goku had really remebered* Alright Prince Vegeta, what the hell you are here?? GET OUT! EVERYONE!! Except my

Goten: What the fuck....

Goku: GET OUT! *fires blast at them to force'em out, or kill them if he had to, but he didn't kill any... yet*
NOWW!!!!!!!!!!! *Chichi enters* DIE LADY!!!!!!

Chichi: Wha--- AAHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bardock tries to protect her, but too powerful. Goten blows a blast to push it aside.

Chichi: HELP!!!!!!!!!!! GOHAN! WHAT IS GETTING GOKU?!?!

Gohan: I-I DON'T KNOW!!!! *trying to control Goku, and he is struggling, even at ss4, to kill her.* MOM!!!!!!

Goten: I"ll carry you! Piccolo, cover me! Gohan, can you handle him?! *He nods madly, as he struggles* OK

Goku: GOHAN!!! LET ME GO!!

Bardock: SHIT! His memory is rembered!

Gohan: WHAT YOU MEAN?! Oh shit! his memory before he knocked out!

Bardock: KAKAROT! STOP!!!!!! I command you to stop this instant!

Goku:*stops struggling* Yessir!

Bardock: Son, why become bad and want to kill your own wife who is last female saiyan?!?!

Goku: My feelings, over the years have bottled up with her. So did the villians. So now, I am able to LET IT ALL
OUT!!!!! DIE GOHAN! KAMEHAME......HA!!!!!!!!! *killed Gohan* up in the air, flying

Piccolo: OH SHIT!!!! NOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!! NOT GOHAN!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
DAMNIT GOKU! Damnit memory! DAMNIT BARDOCK! But Gohan...you are pure saiyan... so's your mother.
Man, what a shock isn't??

Goten: Oh yeah, tell me about it. *looks at her face, she had fainted the second 2 took off* Mom, what a shock...

*flying towards Kami's lookout*

Back at home

Bardock: I am sorry, but I am on your son's side.

Kakarot: GOHAN'S MY SON?! HAHA, like yeah right! All I remeber is the message dad sent me. I also remeber
Freeza. But YOU WERE NEVER IN THE PICTURE!! Let's go dad, to finsh the unfinshed mission. *grabbing his arm,
and telported before Bardock had anytime to argue*

Kami's place

Goten: Ok you guys! We're here! Dende!

Dende: I sense trouble! Goku had become bad?????

Vegeta: Yes.... he has. What in the world had gotten to him....

Trunks: Yeah, he's stronger than any of us together.

Shin: *appears, gives Vegeta earrings and disappeared*

Vegeta: WHAT THE FUCK! Was that Superme Kai????

Goten: It may be so. Oh look! It's the earrings! Alright! Turnks and I fuse, Vegeta
and piccolo fuse!

Piccolo: ARE YOU CRAZY?!?! *sighs* alright, there's no one else to fuse with. Vegeta,
I have no choice but to accept it. It better not be... pernement!

Vegeta: DID I SAY I WANTTED TO FUSE WITH YOU?!?! *sighs* oh fuck, I know this
is going to be stupid. Alrigh, let's do it, Now. Turnks Goten, fuse only when you see
Kakarot. *Vegeta and Piccolo fuses, very weird combo looks*

Goten: hehhehe..... Picogeta! PICOGETA!!!!!

Trunks: Wow dad, haha, green looks good on ya! HAHAHA!

Picogeta: Shut up Son/Trunks! Now we wait.... *sits down like piccolo does*
PICCOLO!!! I DON"T WAN TO SIT! I wanna stand like I usually do! No Vegeta, this
way is best. PICCOLO!!! VEGETA!!!! *this goes on for awhile, punching themselves*

Trunks: Heh heh, isn't this great or what????

Goten: OH YEAH! IT IS! HAHA! *Kakarot comes in unnoticely, covering Bardock's
mouth and take any blasts he throws.* So, now what Trunks? Mom fainted, Gohan
died, Picogeta fighting, and Dende is looking for Goku's Ki. Popo's out wih his
girlfriend from some team called Sailor Moon.

Trunks: I Don't -- AAAHH!!!!!!!!!! FUSE!!!!!!!!

Kakarot: I DON"T THINK SO!

Picogeta: LOOK! G-Kakarot is here! Let's go! *Pulls Kakarot away, letting the boys
fuse* GOKU! Er... KAKAROT! WE want you back!

Bardock: He doesn't remeber anything but the mission and the fight with Freeza.
He doesn't remeber or I think, anything about 'Goku's' side. Not even you Goten or

Gotenks: Shit, DAD!! Comeon! Why forget us! Why kill mom?!?!

family, but Radits,my dad and my mom. Right dad?

Bardock: No, you do have a family with Gohan, Goten and Chichi.

Kakarot: But I wanna destroy Earth, like you said! *whining*

Bardock: Son, I am not proud the way you are now. I have no choice, but to knock
your head to the ground.