Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Bardock's Return ❯ Chapter 16

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Dum..bumm duh bum dum I AM BACK!!!!!!! ^_^ How is everyone???
I don't own DBZ, or you'd get only my lint. Yeah, I have no money at all.
So, shut the hell up and read! There might be less than 5 chapters to go,
Out in the world

"Well, what should we do? For the next 7 days?" Krillin spoke up, after
a silence.

"I think we all will split up and train a bit on our own." Tein said.

"YEAH! Good idea, well, see you in seven days! Let's meet at the Dende's
lookout ok?" Krillin said. They all said their goodbyes and split up. For the
next 7 days, they all trained very intense, but not as intense as Goku is
in right now. They all do not know that Kakarot Manged to get in the first
and not so intensed room.

7 days later

"HEY!! DENDE!!! Long time no see eh?" Krillin said, "OH HEY! Yamucha!
Bardock! Oh wow... looks like I am last one to arrive, is that right?" he looks
around, and nods, "Yep, I arrived late... so have Goku come out yet?"

"Um, I am glad you all came here, because we have quite a problem, but not too
bad," Dende spoke up. Everyone is now listening to him. "Um, well you see, do
you remeber when Kakarot left you guys when agreeing to train for a bit so that
they'd be different? Well, um, Kakarot got here first, and tricked me into getting
into the Room of T&S."

"WHAT?! NO!!!!! ALL THAT TRAINING FOR NOTHIN'?!" Everyone hollered.

"Wait, there is more. Also, this is a great news," Dende smirked.

"How is that so?" Vegeta gruffed.

"Well, you see, after Goku joined Shenlong, I was bored and with nothing to do.
I thought, in case of emergancy, I built another room of T&S, but with 2 years in
one day, and much, much more intense. So, that means, Goku will beat Kakarot
with ease."

"ALRIGHT!! WE'RE GONNA WIN AGAIN!!! YAY!!!!!!" Krillin yelled for joy.
All of the sudden, the first room opened, they all decided to play along, just to scare
him. "Hey Goku! How was the training?"

"Very intense.... man, it's been way too long... 7 years is a long time! I can be
Kakarot with ease! HAHAHHA!!" 'Goku' rubbed on the back of his head. "Shall
we find him?" No sooner, another hidden door have opened.

"Ahem.... sorry, uh... Kakarot, Goku is right behind you. Heh..." Dende smirked.

"WHAT?!?!?! NO!!" Kakarot saw the door behind opened, and showed a bright
light and appeared 2 figures walking out of the room. One figure got really long
hair, that reached to her ankels. The other one, had torn cloths all over. But he
had taken a bath, so he looked cleaner, and it seems that he cut all the tears
himself. They are Chichi and Goku, smiling broadly, holding hands.

"Ok Goku, here's the day we all have been waiting for. Go get him!" Chichi
exclaimed and kissed Goku on the lips, who responded passionilty. It went for
awhile until Chichi broke the kiss. "I will be watching you! Come home safe!"

All in the while, Kakarot is too stunned to move, to speak, or even to speak, or
make a single sound. The only movement is made is his irirs/pupil (WHAT IS
THE DIFFERENCE, IT IS ALL BLACK!) is getting smaller and smaller.
Kakarot snapped back to reality when Chichi said her last words. "DIE!!!!"
With next movement, he had killed Chichi with his hand through her heart.
NOW Goku is stunned, his wife died in her arms, with the true last words.

"Come home safe, Goku... I love you..." Chichi whispered.

"Chichi... no, I love you too! NO!" Goku screamed, Chichi sighed with her
last breath. Goku shed a tear and landed on her eyelid and fell to the side.
"You must pay now... I will not hestiate to KILL YOU!!!" Goku went
super, while Kakarot patiently turned Super saiyan.

"Oh, oh, oh, feeling evil now are we eh?" Kakarot mocked.

"YOu will wish you have never said that!!" Goku yelled. Turning to
Super Saiyan 8. Which consist of Red/Orange hair, instead of spiky,
it is wavy, ending in spikes, his eyes has no pupils, his skin have
changed to reddish color. Kakarot is stunned, but then smirked.

"Ah, so you had some very intense training haven't you ne?" Kakarot
said, now turning to S.S.8. "You are not the only one."

The fight have begun with both hands and same in power, like the one with
Cell and Goku against each other, power kept increasing. Same thing with
both. The craters around them are starting to be made, and now they are
floating in air, pushing with all their might. They still have not left the
presence of Dende's and Popo's place. 5 minutes have passed and both
let go. "Well, I'd say we go somewhere from here... AND NO ONE
FOLLOWS!!" Goku said to the people below, and now taken aback.
Goku leaves and flies towards the ground and up, parallel with the
ground, some 400 miles later, which only took 20 seconds, they both

"Suitable place for your death Goku..." Kakarot smirked and laughed.

"Atchully, it would be yours Kakarot," Goku mocked reply back. Kakarot
stops laughing and got serious. "That was a good warm up, that I didn't need..."

"Me either, but a warm up for your last battle!" Kakarot lauches forward with
hand ready to punch. He punched Goku's face, which caused the viberation in
the air and didn't fazed Goku at all. "Hmph, so, I guess I'll take it to the next
level then." Kakarot powered up to S.S.9, Goku widened, but narrowed them
again, and went S.S.10. "I guess there are no end to both of us then..."
Kakarot went to S.S.11.

"So, you wanna play a game after all? Playing a game who has the highest form?
Hahaha..." Goku laughed and went to S.S.11."

"I guess that is as far we can really go then..." Kakarot stated. Goku only smiled.
"Shall we begin?"

'Hmph, I'll decieve him... then long torturous death, to avenge my wife... and my kids
and my family!' How much he wanted to go the next level, he increased his power
just a bit. Goku yelled, with his hand ready to punch, and screamed "DRAGON
FIST!!!!!!" The image of Gold Dragon came out and strangled Kakarot, who
struggled with the dragon for few minutes and broke free.

"Hmph, that was good one... Galic Gun!!!!!!" He shot it at Goku who blocked
them all but one last one. Which burned him a tad bit.

"I see that you used Vegeta's attacks... I don't think he would like that..."
Goku smirked, Kakarot smirked. They both jump in and enaged with attacks
of kicking and punching. They are going faster than speed of light, in fact,
they are going 5 times the speed of light. Goku kicked Kakarot's Stomach while
he punched Goku's cheek. They both stop for a minute, catching their breath.

"I didn't know that you'd last this long..."

"Heh... I'd say the same about you too Kakarot,"

"yeah, I trained 7 years very hard."

"Yeah, I had some really intense training." (Do you reconize this dialouge?? ^_^
YEP! It is the fight between Goku and Vegeta when Vegeta is a Majin! HAHAHA!!)
Goku said, smirking, the fact he had even more intense than he had and much
longer than 7 years. 'Heh... I can't wait to see the shock on his face!'
*^^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^* ^*^
Well, what do you think of the combat fighting detail? I hope I wrote them good.
I am proud of that peice... Man, that movie I saw earlier, 'Metropolis' gee, that
was soooooooo good! Good kami, it is so good! YOU HAVE TO SEE IT IF YOU
HAVE NOT SEEN IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ahem anways, as always, please

Rini Saiyan-jin