Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Bardock's Return ❯ Epilogue

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
---------------------------------Epligouge--------------------------------- -----------
6 months later

"Let's go!" Chichi yelled, waiting for the 2 saiyans to finsh eating.

"Please hold on Chichi..." Bardock said, eating as fast as he could.

"Yeah, we can't leave empty stomach can we?" Goku said, finshing up. "Ha! I win!"

"Aww..." Bardock said, finshing up his breakfast. "No fair..."

"Well, let's go already!" Chichi said, grabbing both hands of the 2 saiyans. Goku
then Teleports to the Out look.

"Here we are!" Goku said, in front of Dende. Everyone is already here too.

"About time Ka--Goku!" Vegeeta said, still having trouble with his name.

"Haha, sorry Vegeta... Shall we go? Bulma, got the radar?"

"Yep! Right here!" Bulma said, holding up the Dragon Radar.

"Okay, everyone hold hands that will be connecting to me..." Everyone did so.
"Off we go to Namek!"

"Wait!" Videl yelled.

"What is it?" Goku asked.

"Don't you recall that if you bring them back with the dragon balls.. then they would
die in about a week because of the YOuth forever? Should we wait for our Dragon
Balls to recharge? Then rivive them?"

"Oh yeah..." Goku thought about it.

"NOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Everyone yelled, sulking.

"Well... I guess you are right..." Trunks said, wiping his tears away.
Everyone sighs, hating to wait for another 6 months. Once again, everyone went
their seperate ways. "See you all later..."

Again, 'Nother 6 months passed

"Ready Trunks?!" Bra asked her brother, waiting for his meal to finsh.

"Moft oth Mra" Trunks said with his mouth full.

"Fine!" Bra sat down, understood what Trunks said. *translating: Hold on bra!*
Then Trunks finshed eating, and got in the plane with his parents. Even Trunks
got his own house and Bra too, but it got too lonely and stayed with their parents for

10 minutes later

"Ready everyone?" Goku asked, already got the balls together, first they'd had to
use the Namek Dragon balls to wish them back. They all teleport to Namek and
got the balls together. "Purunga!" The dragon came out.

"Who summoned me?"

"We did, and can you wish Pan back who was killed on this planet?" Goku spoke in
nemakian. Eyes flares. Pan is back from the dead, in Trunks arms where once layed
dead pan. (I know, it should be decaying! but let's pretend it wasn't.. or it'd be gross...)


"T-Trunks!" They both embraced, happy that Pan is alive. Chichi and Videl hugged
them tightly next.

"pan, you're back!" Videl cried.

All in the commotion, Goku had wished Goten and Gohan back. "It is time for me
to go. Farewell!" The Dragon Balls scattered across the planet.

"Gohan!" Videl ran to him, tears falling.

"Vi-videl!" Gohan yelled, running towards her and both hugged. "But, what happened?
I mean... what's going on?"

"Didn't you see what was going on after you died?" Goku asked.

"Goten!" Chichi ran to him, and picked him up, hugging him untill he turned blue.

"M-mu-mumm... a-air... need o-oxygen...." Goten tried to speak.

"Oh sorry Goten!" Chichi yelled, putting him down for him to breath.

"Okay everyone, Let's go back to earth!" Goku said. Everyone held hands, connecting
Goku. They are now back on Earth at the Out Look, Dende is there waiting.

"Welcome back you guys!" Dende said, cheerily. "Okay.." Dende looked at the
Dragon Balls. "Come FORTH Shenlong, and grant my wishes!" The dragon came

"You have waken me from my slumber, what are your wishes?" Shenlong said,
voice booming.

"I wish to bring back Vegeta Jr. from the dead!" Dende said.

"It is granted," Vegeta Jr. wakes up in Pan's arms.

"Mom!" Vegeta Jr. said, hugging Pan.

"What is your second wish?" Shenlong asked.

"I wish for everyone here to have eternal Youth!"

"It is granted, and it is time for me to go. Farewell!" Shenlong scattered across the

"Well, now everything is fix! Let's party!" Trunks said, music starting and lights came

Goten, Gohan, and Vegeta Jr. yelled.

"OH that, heh..." Trunk rubbed the back of his head.

"We defeated Raditz and kakarot, no more worries!" Goku said, laughing.

"Um.... so, everything is taken cared of?" Pan asked.

"Yeah, and check this one out! Hey dad!" Goku nodded towards him, Bardock got
the message. They both went SS11, then SS12, then Goku went SS13 while Bardock
is at SS12.

"Wha--" They said, gaping at their power.

"Kakarot was that powerful, I am at Super Saiyan 13, and he's at Super Saiyan 12.
But Kakarot reached Super Saiyan 11..."

"No way! Saiyans really are that powerful?! No limit, no ceiling in sight!" Krillin
said. Although, he knew that they went this powerful, but he still couldn't believe it.
Everyone laughed.