Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Boatworking Skills or Lack Thereof ❯ Daffodil Festival? ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own DBZ and I'm very sorry about what I said in my first disclaimer, it will never happen again.

Author's Note: Surprise, there are no notes for this chapter, I just thought I'd try something new on for size with writing a Bulma and Vegeta fic and…well…here I am, writing about the most famous couple in all of DBZ. God I feel so deprived writing about them. Also…they're both a little…okay, a lot out of character, but I'm trying for something original here.

Chapter Two: Daffodil festival?

Tapping on the top of the boat, Bulma tried to get the singer's attention then yelped in surprise when the girl turned her sander off and slid out from beneath the boat, a cheerful grin on her face.

"Hey! You must be the new neighbor huh?"


"Great, do you know anything about boats?" Smiling wider when the delicately exotic woman shook her head, Kathi set the sander on the ground then jumped to her feet and wiped off her pants. "Well then, that makes both of us…unable to help Veggie while he fixes his boat."


"Oh yeah, you probably haven't met him yet, hold on a sec and I'll get his attention." Grinning mischievously, she grabbed the edge of the boat then rocked it, bringing forth a string of curses that would have made a sailor blush and one very angry man.

"Dammit Kathi, I was almost finished painting that damn name and you screwed it up. How many times have I…whoa." Stopping in the middle of his tirade, he started at the blue-haired beauty in wonder and awe then looked over at his short friend in confusion. "Please tell me you're playing another trick on me and that I really didn't say all of that in front of her…please?"

"Nope, you said all of it and then some. If I remember correctly you said that if you got your hands on me then you would wring my scrawny neck until my face turned purple from the lack of air while beating my f**king head over the bow of the boat. Then you would…"

"Alright I get the point." Sighing, he looked over at the newcomer curiously then smiled weakly. "I'm Vegeta…and that is a pain in the ass."

"Well, aren't we bitchy today?" Rolling her eyes, she held out her hand to the taller woman then smiled warmly when she took her hand. "I'm Kathi, as I'm sure you picked up from Veggie and I live in that trailer over there." Pointing to a small white trailer in the middle of a fenced in yard, she shook her head then swore as well before releasing the other woman's hand. "And right now, I believe that Cowboy has decided to take all of the dogs out for hunting."

"Cowboy?" Confused by the outgoing and cheerful nature that the shorter woman projected, she looked over at the trailer as well then gasped in surprise when she saw a tall, lanky man lope down the driveway with several beagles on his heels. "Oh my…"

"Yeah, and that other dog is Calvin, he's my baby." Gesturing to the economy sized dog following at a lazy trot, she raised her level of happiness up another notch, causing her friend to snort and turn back to his boat, finally disinterested in what was going on. "Anyway, I didn't catch your name but I'm willing to learn it."

"Oh, my name is Bulma…and you were right, I am new around here. I still haven't gotten used to all of the friendly people around here."

Lifting a skeptical brow, she snorted as well then nodded back towards Vegeta. "Does he seem friendly?"

"No, not really."

"Don't let that fool you, deep down he's one of the best guys around here. Have you been up to that small store on the corner yet?"

"Yes…those men up there are very helpful…"

"Helpful when they want something and they all want fresh meat. Trust me when I say this, don't go near any of them unless he or I say they're safe. Cowboy doesn't talk to them anymore because of how they treated me when I started working at that store and I'm still not happy with them."

"Why do you call him Cowboy?"

"Would you want everyone to know that your fiancé's name is Carol?"

"I guess not." Running her fingers through her hair, she sighed then looked back at her house, wondering what she would do for the rest of the day now that she had met her neighbors. "Look, I've got a lot of unpacking to do before I can really get to know you but…"

"Hey, don't tell me about it, I've moved around a few times myself. Listen, if you want anything you can just come over and knock on my door…I'm normally there and if I'm not, I'm over here doing odd and end work for him since he can't seem to keep his house in the best of shape. I've never seen a man who could destroy stuff as quickly as him."

"He does seem a little…destructive."

Looking up from his painting, he glared at Kathi then pointed back at his house. "Speaking of fixing things, the microwave has blown up again and I need you to replace the front."

"Aw hell, what have I told you about sticking forks in there?"

"Shut up, I was hungry and I wasn't about to pay attention to what I was doing."

"I hate fixing microwaves." Grumbling under her breath, she started walking to the house then turned back and smiled one last time at the other woman. "I forgot to warn you that loud noises come from his house at all hours of the day and night. Just ignore them and you'll be fine here."

"If you say so." Smiling weakly at her, she hugged her stomach then bit her lip in thought, watching her open the door to go inside. "You know…I can fix a microwave."

"You can? Great, then you can help me fix this one and you can tell me a little about yourself while we're working."

"I like that idea." Walking up to the porch, she glanced at Vegeta one last time, marveling at his flawless features, then sighed wistfully and followed the shorter woman inside. "Where do men like that hide?"

The two had been working on the microwave for the last couple of hours, talking about nearly everything and laughing at stories they had to tell. Kathi had admitted that she had an affinity for working with animals and building simple things that were useful on the water while Bulma told stories about her inventions and life before she had moved to Gloucester.

Pushing a few strands of her blue hair from her face, she studied their handiwork then tested the door a few times, thinking of an event that she'd learned about. "So when is this Daffodil Festival?"

"This month…in fact, if I remember correctly, it's a few days from now."

"Why do you guys celebrate this festival?"

"Well…we're very proud of the number of Daffodils we grow out here and…just about everything we do. This is a small community and the people here like to get together and meet the newcomers. It's more of a welcoming ceremony since it's in the beginning half of the year."

"You said that there's a Daffodil queen…"

"Yeah, I actually applied for it this year but I'm not expecting to be chosen. I have to go against Tina and Cassandra before I even have a chance. Too bad you didn't know about it earlier though, I think you would have done great with your looks and build. There would be no competition."

"Well…I'm not sure I'd be accepted anyway."

"Trust me, the come here's are always accepted for anything they try out for."

"Come here's?"

"Yeah, the people who moved here and weren't born here. I'm a come here and trust me when I say that I'm glad I moved here. I'm sure you'll like it too. Despite the occasional explosion from this house, the neighborhood is very quiet and there are very few things to worry about…wait, I'm wrong…there's a lot to worry about in this neighborhood."

"Don't tell me, I can guess what those things are."

"I'm sure you could, are you guys done with my microwave yet?" Dropping his gloves on the table, he walked to the fridge, ignoring the looks he received, and grabbed a coke from inside before popping the top and taking a long drink from it. Noticing that they were still glaring at him, he sighed then set the drink on the counter. "What now?"

"Nothing, just wondering if you could be anymore rude?" Blue eyes flashing with slight anger and her glare intensifying, she watched him lean against the opposite counter then sniffed when he folded his arms over his chest. "Well, I guess I got my answer. Kathi, it has been nice getting to know you and I will take you up on that offer to come over on Saturday. I think I'll have fun learning how to play Pinochle."

"Hey, it's a game of strategy and I suck at it. I figured you might like to play against me before anyone else."

"Yes, I would like that very much. Bye Kat, I'll see you on Saturday and Vegeta, I hope I don't see you for awhile."

Watching her leave, he blinked several times in shock then glared at his friend when she started laughing. "What did you find so funny about that?"

"I think she likes you Vegeta."

"Shut up."