Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ But I Won't Say That ❯ No peanut butter! How can this be? ( Chapter 8 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Here comes another installment of insanity! ENJOY IT!!! Or else...

A/N: Still don't own DBZ...and most definately never will


Vegeta: I don't believe this!! We're out of peanut butter?! NEVER in my life have I heard of a house without peanut butter!!
Bulma: Would ya shut up, I'll go to the store later!
Vegeta: What's this? NO JELLY TOO??!! This is a mad house!! I DEMAND YOU LEAVE IMMEDIATELY!
Bulma: Shut your pie hole! I'll leave when I feel like it! Crossword puzzles are WAY more important than your loopy demand of peanut butter and jelly! If you didn't eat like a starving cow, we wouldn't run out so damn fast!
Vegeta: What's this about a starving cow? I don't know what you were on when you saw these insane cows eating peanut butter and jelly, but the last I've heard, they eat grass! Why, if I saw a cow in MY house eating a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, I dunno whether I'd run, or blast it into a BBQ utopia! (looks around) Bulma? Where did you go? YOU BETTER BE GETTING MY PEANUT BUTTER! And I want Guava jelly this time!! WOMAN??!!
(A/N: That actually happened to me...except for the yelling and crossword puzzles...)


Goku: I luv da fishes cuz dere soooo delicious! *crunch* Gone goldfishin'!
Goten: (looks in his fish tank) Dad, what happened to my goldfish?


Vegeta: "Mitchum, so effective you could skip a day"...hmmm, I like the sound of that. HOT DIGGITY DAWG! It comes in gel too!
Bulma: Hon, that's for women...
Vegeta: .....Curses.....


Vegeta: Vanilla Coke!? Tropical Sprite?! Has the world gone MAD?! What's next, DIET Coke?
Trunks: They have diet Coke, dad.
Vegeta: Well fuck me in the ear...
Trunks: Heh heh.
Vegeta: Dumbasses. What's the point of soda at all if you're gonna take out everything "soda" about it? The sugar, the caffeine, the TASTE! That's not soda, that's shit water that's been carbonated!
Bulma: Is he bitching about food again?
Trunks: No, it's drinks this time.


(Bra notices a book on the couch in the living room. She picks it up and begins to read it)
"Oh Goku, my love for you burns like the white hot intensity of a thousand suns..."
Bra: Whoa!
(Trunks comes walking in the room, looking for something)
Bra: Hey Trunks, I think I found one of mom's old diaries! She must've had the hots for Goku when she was younger. Hehehe
(Trunks goes pale and laughs nervously when he sees that the diary in question is really his)
Bra: Man, I know where you got your handwriting, hers used to be just as bad as yours!
Trunks: Uhh, ya don't say...?
Bra: Yeah. (flips through the pages) She must've had it bad, Goku's on every page. HA! There's also little drawings of him with little hearts all around his head. You think she still might be in love with him?
Trunks: Uhmmm...I dunno, maybe. Here, lemme see that book.
(Bra hands him the book, and he pretends to flip through it for a second, then runs off)
Bra: What the hell was that about?!


Goku: Isn't that supposed to be Silver?
Vegeta: ....I like beaver better....
(A/N: Don't ask just....don't ask...)


Welllllllll, that's all for now. Sorry it took me longer than usual. Cut me a slice of break! WA TA! ....uhm...yeah, more later!