Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ But I Won't Say That ❯ WA TA! MORE COOKIES! ( Chapter 16 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

A/N: First entry by Bound2Hell, thanks for the nice review ;) Also, gotta give a shoutout again to Homestar for the cookies.


Gohan: Now that I've finally mastered this sword, do you wanna see my *OTHER* sword? (A/N: kinda reminds me of that famous pic with Goku holding the sword in front of him...you know the one...)


Gohan: Mom, can I talk to you?
Chichi: Eugh, I guess so, but I'm kinda busy making Goten some new fighting pants. They keep tearing in the back for some reason.
Gohan: That's kinda what I wanted to talk about.
Chichi: Goten's pants? Well, I know he's a growing boy and all, but his butt must be growing at an alarming rate if he keep splitting them like that. Maybe Goku's being too hard on him, but why the BACK of his pants? Is he taking the term, "kicking someone's butt" too literally. Just yesterday I--
Gohan: No no no mom! I meant I wanted to talk to you about Goten.
Gohan: MOM! You're not listening to me!
Chichi: Ohhh...poor Goten. I hope he's not lost. I should've packed him a bigger lunch...
Gohan: Goten is NOT lost!
Chichi: Why would you scare me like that?!
Gohan: Moth-ER! What I want to talk to you about is that...well, I can't help but think that you love Goten more than me.
Chichi: What? That's ridiculous. What ever made you think that?
Gohan: Well let's see...when I was his age, you never let me fight with father, you always made me study. I mean let's face it, Goten isn't the frothiest rootbeer at the float stand...
Chichi: That was a rather RUDE analogy, but continue...
Gohan: He has a later cerfew than me, AND he gets to watch the Simpsons with dad. I'm STILL not allowed to do that.
Chichi: Well...
Gohan: You worry about him constantly. If Goten is mentioned in a sentence you go ape shit, and start to have panic attacks.
Chichi: Hey, I worry about you too!
Gohan: Not as much! You just get mad at me whenever I'm out! I've NEVER seen you mad at Goten, you just cry when he's gone, and when he comes back, you hug him til he turns blue in the face!
Chichi: But--
Gohan: When I come to visit you hardly notice I'm here! It's always Goten Goten Goten. You make me take him places you never let me go to when I was his age. You let him have FRIENDS! All the friends I made, you told them to leave and chased them with a broom!
Chichi: It's not my fault the only friends you could make were with wild beasts.
Gohan: Ickeris is not a wild beast!
Chichi: He is so! He smells REALLY bad!
Gohan: You let him have girlfriends! The ONLY girl I brought home, you nearly scared off. Goten brings home girls for dinner all the time, and you never say anything about it!
Chichi: To be honest, I'm glad he brings home GIRLS...I was beginning to worry about him. He hangs out with that Trunks kid all the time, and we all know how HE is...
Gohan: Yeah well...
Chichi: Listen, I think you're over reacting. I love you both the same, Goten is just a special child. He was all Goku left me when he died.
Gohan: It's still not fair.
Chichi: Oh grow up, and go tell Goten and your father to come back in, I made pie.
Gohan: You made him PIE!!
Chichi: Well, you can have some of his pie too...


(A/N: You wanta sum mo fortune cookies? Yes? No? Maybe so? Ees too bad either way, cuz mo cookies is what yer gonna get!)

Goku: Ahhh...I could eat chinese food everyday...
Vegeta: Who the hell eats chinese food everyday?
Goku: About a billion chinese people.
Vegeta: Oh.
Goku: It's a shame Chichi and Bulma didn't wanna come.
Gohan: After those weird fortune cookies we had last time, I wouldn't be suprised if they never wanted to eat chinese food again.
Goten: Yeah, and I think Trunks is traumatized. He saw the dentist 9 times in the last month.
Trunks: Well at least I came! And my teeth have never been whiter.
Vegeta: You just came because Goku is here.
Trunks: No I didn't...(looks around)
Goku: Speaking of desert, let's eat cookies.
Gohan: No one mentioned desert, dad.
Goku: You didn't? Oh, then maybe I was just thinking it. Hehehe
Vegeta: Baka...
Goku (opens his cookie): "Your friends wonder if they met you now, would they still like you"
Vegeta: HAHAHAHA!! Oh, that's good..
Goku: (munch) Mmmm...yes it is good (munch)
Goten (opens his cookie): "There are some dishes under your bed that you should just throw away" Hmmm, well, that's probably true.
Trunks: These cookies aren't as bad as the last ones...(opens his cookie) "A true friend would tell you how stupid that shirt looks" (looks angrily at Goten)
Goten: What?
Trunks: Why didn't you tell me my shirt was ugly? *sniff* I'm never going out of the house again!! (starts to cry)
Vegeta: Oh Kami...(opens his cookie) "It's not illegal if it's hilarious" Hmmmm....how true it is...(begins to laugh to himself evilly)
(Goku gives Vegeta a weird look and reaches for Trunks' cookie)
Gohan: I guess I'm the last one....(opens his cookie) "Stop listening to country music" W-whaaaaa? I don't listen to country music!!
Goten: HAHA! That makes you even more of a dork!
Gohan: I am not! Dad! Tell Goten to leave me alone!
Goku: Shut up and give me your cookie!


Cha cha cha....Charmin. Am I the only one grossed out by the fact that those bears are pooping on TV, and selling you toilet paper? I dunno, maybe it's just me...