Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ But I Won't Say That ❯ Trunks Walks Into a Bar and Says...Huh? ( Chapter 23 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
A/N: Ahhh...Coke is so good. Oh, people are reading...uhm I can't really think of anything to say except...I found a steel penny from WWII. It's nifty.

Just read the chapter...


(Trunks is sitting at a bar surrounded by 8 empty beer bottles and one half empty)
Trunks: *hic* Eugh....I can't see my *hic* hand...(lifts his hand)...oh, there it is. (Smacks it with his other hand) Don't do that again, you had me scared. *hic*

(Goku enters the bar and walks over to Trunks)

Goku: Trunks?

Trunks: BAH! Don't creep up on a bruttah like dat, yo!

Goku: Sorry.

(There's a long pause, Trunks drinks some more beer then burps really loud)

Goku: Uhm, your mom is really worried about you.

Trunks: Yeah, that sounds like something she'd do. *hic*

Goku: She asked for me to come get you and bring you home.

Trunks: Oh yes, that would be nice because you see....I've forgotten how to fly. (He finishes off his beer and throws it over his shoulder) Bartender, gimme another *hic*

Bartender: I think you've had enough sir.

Trunks: I will SO tell you..*hic*..when I've had enough, and now is not that time.

Bartender: *sigh* Whatever you say sir. (Opens another bottle and places it next to purple-boy)

(Trunks drinks)

Goku: Trunks, is something wrong?

Trunks: *hic* Tell me this. Why did YOU come to get me? Was daddy un-available? He doesn't care *burp*

Goku: Vegeta's just not good at expressing himself.

Trunks: Do you wanna see my ass?

Goku: Excuse me?

(Trunks' left eye blinks...then his right...A/N: he needs coffee)
Trunks: My ass. It's got a foot print on it from my father's foot. He kicked me for *hic*...for eating the last Vanilla Wafer. And you're telling me he's not good at expressing himself? HA! (drinks)

Goku: I meant, deeper emotions...he's always been good at expressing his anger.

Trunks: Why do I have parents like....my parents? *hic* A nerd and a short, angry ape....guy *hic*

Goku: I think you're asking the wrong person.

Trunks: I love you Goku. *sniffle* I love you so much. (hugs Goku and starts to cry)

Goku: Uh...O-Ok...(pats Trunks' back nervously)

Trunks: (still hugging) For years all I could dream about was how good looking our mongrel children would be.

(Goku's eyes get wide)
Goku: Meh??

Trunks: *hic* Father would never accept us though. He hates you and barely tolerates me. (blows his nose on Goku's shirt)

Goku: Uhmm....

(Trunks lets go of Goku and grabs his face. He squishes Goku's face so it sorta resembles a fish)

Trunks: Remember on the time machine I arrived in, it had "Hope" *hic* written on the side?

(Goku raises his eyebrow and tries to speak)
Goku: Nh-mmfhp

Trunks: The "hope" was that a piano would fall from the sky and land on Chichi, and then *hic* explode and we'd never *hic* be able *hic* to find all the pieces....And then you would come to me for comfort, we'd fall in love and I could whisper in your ear how much *hic* happiness you brought to me....And then you'd pet my hair and tell me I look like Nick Carter, but you still loved me anyway. *hic*

(Goku whimpers and looks both ways)

Trunks: What's wrong my belov-*hic*-ed? Am I hurting your beautiful face? I'm so sorry (starts to cry again)

(Goku rubs his face for a second)
Goku: Trunks....this only proves you've had WAY too much to drink. You're talking crazy talk. You're not even Mirai Trunks, you're present timeline Trunks.

Trunks: *hic* Oh yeah. (passes out)

(Goku sits at the bar for a long while thinking)

Goku: Who the hell is Nick Carter?


Uhm...*cough* I dropped my penny, and now I can't find it...

Whoever the person was that mentioned how the last chapter's title had nothing to do with the fanfic...DOI! Do any of my chapter titles make sense?? Well...maybe a few do...o_O....sorta

I like me dat Rocky Horror Picture Show. I had that song in my head so...chapter title it became! Tim Curry looks schway as a transvestite....if that's how it's spelled. Did you know he's Nigel Thornberry on the Wild Thornberry's? I can't watch that show without thinking of him saying "antisi.................pation". "Hellloooo...I'm Nigel Thornberrrrrrry, everything normalllllllll"

hehehehehehehe...ok, I'm just rambling now. I could go on and on about the shows and movies I like.