Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ dbz vacation ❯ chap 7 ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimers: we own nothing! Sorry for the long wait on this chap, hope you enjoy! And remember review please!!!! Thanks!

Chap 7- truth or dare part 2 and a spider attacks!

Noooo way! Unfair!" Bra said waving her hands about like mad and then kicking the large rock she was sitting on before.

"Ow!! No! It's not fair! Pann should do it… she thought up your dare!" Bra said angrily as she rubbed her hurt toe.

"I pick you dear little baby sister…." Trunks said sarcastically, this really wound up Bra even more.

"Oh and before you get any ideas, you can't pick the person that picked you straight away you'll have to wait for your next go!" Trunks said quickly before Bra picked him after her turn.

"Fine!" Bra huffed as she turned to face Pann, "I'll take truth…." She said closing her eyes and waiting for the question that would await her.

"ohhh a truth! Now what can I ask you" Trunks said thinking of all the horrible things he wanted to embarrass his sister about and get the truth out of.

"Do you truthfully….. And you have to tell the truth….." Trunks said slowly, as if he was on a game show like who wants to be a millionaire.

"Come on Trunks!" shouted Bra angrily.

"Do you have even the slightest crush on Goten here!" said Trunks smirking evilly and pointing to his best friend that was sitting on the rock next to him.

Bra blushed slightly then just came out with the whole thing; it was either that or kiss Hercule! (Hard choice not)

"Yes! There are you happy!" she said as she covered up her face with her hands.

Goten was amazed at this response, he knew that he liked he, but he never even guessed it would be the other way round!

"Woohoo! Go Goten! Bra has the hot's for you!" teased Trunks patting Goten on the back and sitting back down on his rock.

"Right now we've got that out of the way….." said Bra trying to avoid eye contact with Pann and Goten,

"I pick……. Pann!" said Bra pointing to Pann and then asking her the usual question,

"I'll take dare! I can handle it I think" said Pann as she threw a shell in the ocean.

"Ok then….. I dare you make out with Trunks for a minute and no stopping!" Bra said, she wasn't going to give Pann a bad dare, as long as Pann didn't give her a dodgy one when it was her turn;

Trunks then turned a strange shade of purple at this dare, he didn't want to admit it but he did have strong feelings for Pann but he never said anything before because he was afraid of what Gohan might say, he had heard that Gohan was really over protective of Pann and didn't even let her out after dark.

`So long for that rule' thought Trunks laughing to himself as he looked up to the cloudless sky above them.

The only source of light the teens had was the full moon and stars above them that were glistening over the ocean.

"Wow this place is really beautiful…." Said Bra awed at the beautiful scenery around them.

Then Goten came up behind her and pulled her down on the sand of her rock,

Trunks and Pann just ignored their friends' flirting and decided to `get down to the business'

"You can either look or you can flirt all night long!" Trunks said getting annoyed and stamping his foot on the sand.

Bra was in stitches at this point, she couldn't stop laughing it wasn't really helping when Goten kept on tickling her either!

"Let's just do this….." Trunks said him and Pann began snogging along to Goten's childish counting…

"1…2….3…." Goten continued right until they reached 60.

But they didn't stop their…. There was some reaction happening between the two teens and both didn't want to stop.

Goten was enjoying every moment by catching the whole thing on camera.

Bra was at his side and was constantly interrupting the couple with chants such as;

"Give my bro a chance to breathe! I don't think he's ever made out this quick before!"

Pann was just ignoring the remarks that Bra was constantly making until both Trunks and her looked into each others eyes and Trunks started to pull away.

He then blushed and apologized to Pann for the way he was acting,

"I am so sorry….. I didn't mean it… but…." For the first time ever the demi Sayan prince couldn't get any words out of his mouth.

He had been out with many girls and kissed so many girls, but none had made him feel this good…. He had even dated super model teens in the past but mostly they turned out to be more talk than action…

"Don't be…." Pann said quietly as she hushed Trunks by placing her fingers on his mouth.

"Well….. There's only been one person that hasn't done anything yet hasn't there!....." Pann said turning away from her purple haired crush and facing her uncle giving him an evil glare.

Goten didn't even have to think it through,

"Oh let the pain be over with dare" Goten said quickly, and then secretly he was hoping for one similar to what Pann had just had with Trunks…. Only he wanted the girl to be Bra.

Pann could see what he wanted straight away and so could Trunks; they looked at each other and nodded,

"Right…. You have to do exactly what me and Trunks just did but you have to do it with Bra." Pann commanded him as she sat down on Trunks' lap on the sand,

Trunks was keeping check of the time and once 60 seconds was up he stopped, and called for the couple to break up the kiss, but just like Trunks and Pann they didn't!

Also the whole thing was being caught on camera,

"Wow! Goten you are a good kisser!" said Bra as she pulled away and just laid their in his arms on the sand, dazing up at the stars.

"Not half as good as you though!" said Goten as he snuggled Bra up closer to him, to help keep them both warm.

Trunks and Pann were lying on the sand also and were just recapping on training skills that they had learnt recently.

"Wow! I wish I could go super…." Pann said quietly as she allowed Trunks to stroke her silky black hair, which for once wasn't tied up in her red bandana.

"Hey Trunks…. We outta be getting back now don't you think…." Said Pann as she stood up and dusted the sand off her bikini,

Trunks then did the same and dusted down his trunks, then turned round to face Bra and Goten.

"Yeah…. um I guess…. Hey you two! Are you coming back now or what?" Trunks said as he checked his hair to make sure it was still in place.

Bra looked at Goten then got up off the ground,

"Yeah... I am…I'm really tired and it's starting to get cold…" said Bra as she shivered, all she was wearing was her bikini and the sun wasn't out either!

"Well you ready then…." said Trunks ginning to Pann as he picked up the camcorder held it tightly,

"Yeah! Come on you two!" said Pann as she kicked Goten up the butt to hurry him up.

"OW!" he cried out in pain as he stood up and started to power up along with Pann, Bra and Trunks.

*5 minutes later*

They arrived back at the beach house and it was practically silent…..

"shhh!" Pann to Bra said as she tiptoed up to the front door and opened it,

"Shhh" said Bra to Goten then down it went to Trunks.

Then the breeze caught the door and it slammed shut with a bang!

"sugar!" cursed Pann as she just gave up going in secretly and just strolled up past Hercules room (the old storage cupboard)

Once they had gotten to there rooms they went their separate ways and said goodnight,

The girls in there room and the guys in there's.

"Hey I'm going to use the shower… is that ok?" Bra said as she grabbed two towels from the floor and went into the door on the left of there beds.

(all the rooms have showers in them except Hercules because he lives in the cupboard)

*Meanwhile in Bulma and Vegeta's room*

Vegeta had just gotten out of there shower and was pulling out the hairdryer from a drawer.

Bulma was already in bed and reading some romance book,

"hello honey…" greeted Bulma not even bothering to look up from the book she was reading

Vegeta just grunted in reply as he plugged in the dryer and turned it on,

"Vegeta! You can't use that this time of night! It'll wake everybody up!" Bulma protested as she closed her book and placed it on the dresser.

"yes I can I do at home so I can here! Besides I can't sleep with wet hair! So there!" he said as he turned it on and the sound echoed throughout the little beach house.

Bulma just sighed and put the pillow over her head to block out the din of the dryer, it was just too late to argue and she was still tired because of the time difference,

"Vegeta! Cant you just use your Sayan power or something…!" Bulma said angrily as she got out of bed and walked over to the wall and pulled out the plug.

"yes! But I want to use this!" Vegeta said plugging it back in,

"why! Everyone wants to get some sleep!" Bulma protested then as she started to argue again,

Vegeta turned off the dryer himself.

"there finished!" he said smoothing his shortish cut spiky hair style down.

"And now it's all soft like how you like it!" Vegeta said whispering into Bulma's ear as he slid into bed,

Bulma just gave Vegeta her `I just don't understand Sayans sometimes look' and got into bed as well,

"Bulma…." Vegeta said as if suggesting something.

Vegeta made a whimpering sort of sound,

"Don't even think about it!" Bulma said as she turned over to go to sleep.

"If you wanted that you should have come to bed earlier!" Bulma said turning over to face Vegeta again although she was smiling,

`good job she doesn't know about mine and Kakorot's fight tonight…' Vegeta thought smirking like mad to himself.

"Maybe tomorrow! Night night Geta…" Bulma said as she kissed Vegeta on his forehead and fell to sleep herself.

`I'll give it another couple of hours then the girls should all be asleep' Vegeta though hopefully as he put his head on the pillow and just dazed up at the ceiling, thinking of how he was going to beat Kakorot,

*With the guys*

Goten was getting his battling gear out and folded it up on his bed whilst Trunks came out of the shower with a bottle of hair gel in his hand.

"Why are you getting your clothes out now?... my dad'll get us when he wants out there!" Trunks said as he sat down on the end of the bed and started forming his hair style on his dry hair (^_^ he did what Vegeta did and used a hairdryer as well!).

"Because I'm getting ready to beat you!" Goten said as he laid back on his bed to see Trunks' reaction to what he had just said.

"we'll see about that! When I'll beat you into the ground!" Trunks said laughing as he finally finished his last bit of his hair.

I'm going to catch some sleep while I can anyways…" said Goten sliding into his bed and turning off his lamp,

"yeah I might do too…. After all we are going to be sparing all night aren't we?" he said as he got into his own bed and turned off his lamp,

*Meanwhile in Goku's room*

Goku was doing what Vegeta was doing and was just dazing up at the ceiling and counting how many dots he could see,

`man I can't wait for the tournament!' he thought as he did this he got a little over excited and kicked Chi.

"Goku!!!!" she screamed in anger as she kicked him out of the bed.

But Goku didn't care he was usually happy but this tournament idea was making him even more excited than usual.

He just got back into bed and then started thinking up his technique on how he was going to beat Vegeta.

*And….. in the girls room!*

Bra had just finished doing her hair and was now dressed in her Pj's and ready to go to bed; Pann was already in bed and was just about to start going to sleep.

She was awoken by Bra who was now screaming and springing on her bed,

"Bra what are you…..?" Pann said with a confused look on her face.

Her response was;

"SPIDEEERRRRRR!!!! AHHHHH! Help…..!!!" Bra was now proceeding in throwing small ki blasts at the `killer spider'

It was only a money spider but the fifteen year old was obviously petrified of them! (we don't blame her ^_^ all bugs are evil and scary!)

"Save me Pann!" Bra cried as she jumped onto Pann's bed, Pann just looked on in awe as she threw another ki blast and it hit the spider right on target!

"I never knew you could use ki's…." said Pann awed at the power Bra was letting off, she only thought that she could fly.

Then the spider somehow seemed to be immortal! It was still on fire but it was alive!

This made Pann scream as well when this fire spider came darting her way!

"AHHHHHHH!" they both screamed the house down, but then things wee about to get a lot worse……

The `fire spider' ran up to the highly flammable curtains…. And crawled up them!

"AHHHHH! A spider that's on fire and clever!!!!" Bra said as she started running around in circles.

Whoossssshhhhh! Up went the curtains!

They were just one streak of fire!

Then practically everybody came running into the girls' room at once!

"What the!!!!" said Gohan as he removed his glasses and looked at the curtains that were flaming a little more now.

"FIRE!!!!!!" shouted Goten as he came running in with a bucket of water, shortly followed by Trunks.

"kids!!!!! Your in big trouble!" said Bulma folding her arms after the fire had been put out.

Vegeta just looked at his daughter, he felt quite sorry for her and hated seeing Bulma shout at her, but then again he never shouted at her himself so somebody had too….

"But mum…. There was a spider…" whined Bra as she shuffled her feet on the ground.

All the guys were dressed just in boxers except for Gohan and Hercule who were both wearing PJ's. Bulma was wearing a night dress, and Videl and Chi the same. Vegeta's boxers were a strange colour of blue, Goku's were pink, Trunks' were green and Goten's were green.

Bulma's nightdress was pink, Chi's was peach, and Videl's yellow.

Gohan had on PJ's with red and blue stripes on them and Hercule was wearing green ones with his name embroided on the back.

"Pann!" warned Gohan as Pann started to protest.

"Well it's over now….." said Trunks shrugging his shoulders casually, secretly hoping that the parents would just `drop' the incident.

Vegeta was agreeing with Trunks surprisingly.

"No it's not over! The could have been a proper fire!" said Gohan getting angry and siding with Bulma.

"Well I'm going to bed!" gave in Pann getting into her bed and ignoring the arguing adults.

"Come on! You coming Goten?" said Trunks as he walked out of the door,

Vegeta and Goku were meanwhile in a deep discussion about something.

"Yeah so its arranged two hours time….. if no ones up if not I'll wait for the signal." Said Goku as he separated away from Vegeta, and went to inform Trunks and Goten of what they were going to do about the `tournament'

*an hour later*

Bulma was growing even more increasingly tired, Vegeta was standing propped up against the door frame and was quite clearly almost falling asleep with boredom.

Whilst Gohan was boring both kids to there deaths with what to do in an emergency, and how to put out a fire then how a fire starts…..

`blah blah blah' thought Vegeta irritably, as he was signalling for Bulma to go back to bed with him,

Bulma was just waiting for Gohan to finish his half hour lecture just to remind the kids not to use blasts again in the house…

"I'll see you kids tomorrow then... and behave! Night!" said Bulma as she excited the room and let Gohan get on with the lecture.

Bra was totally not listening though she was listening to her Discman which was hidden under her bedcovers and Pann was just dreaming with her eyes open,

Her and Trunks were running through a field full of roses and Trunks then they were on a sandy beach kissing….

"Pann, Bra are either of you two listening to me!" said Gohan getting slightly angry at the thought of being ignored.

Both suddenly jumped back to reality….

"Yes!" they aid sleepily in unison as Gohan closed the newly set up curtains and turned off the light.

"Well I'll see you two in the morning… night girls!" he said as he exited the room himself deliberately leaving the door open in case of any other fire incident.

"Man your dad is like as boring as my grandpa!" said Bra removing the earphone that was hidden in her right ear.

"Yeah I know! But I guess he is right…" said Pann defensively,

"Yeah whatever! Well I'm knackered! I don't know about you but setting fire to spiders sure does take the energy out of you!" said Bra laughing at what had happened that little while ago,

"Night Bra!" said Pann laughing as she turned over and fell asleep almost straight away.

"night! Pann!" Bra called back as she did the same.

Both girls were asleep in seconds after their heads hit their pillows, both were dreaming about the same type of thing (guys!) In Bra's dream she was shopping in a classy never ending shopping mall with Goten holding all her bags and never complaining.

In Pann's dream her and Trunks were sparring on a beach and Goten and Pann were there too…….

Disclaimers: how was that chap?

We are sorry!!!!!!!!!!! The tournament will be next chap! And maybe the wet t shirt contest if not it might be the chap after…. Sorry! But still that gives you guy's time to get reviewing with who you think should win the contest for the nicest looking wet t shirt guy! So get reviewing! P.S if we don't get at least one new review then we wont update so please review!!!! Thanks!!!! Next chap should hopefully be up some time this week! Better get going- bye byes!