Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Dragon Ball Destiny: Training Hard ❯ Chapter 3 ( Chapter 3 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
By: SaiyanWolf-Girl 
Oh no the truth is out. Will Trunks actually live through it?
Chapter Three
“Hey look, Big-Bro and Pan are coming out!” Bra exclaimed as she clung to Vegeta.
Everyone turned to face them as they emerged from the chamber. Their clothes were ripped and torn and they looked much stronger. Everyone automatically sensed that their power levels had gone way up but they weren’t sure just how far.
“So how did it go?” Goten asked with a sly grin towards Trunks.
“GOTEN!” Trunks yelled in his ear.
“Well am I strong enough now?” Pan asked walking up to her father.
Gohan didn’t realize that she was now stronger than him so he simply smiled at her. He thought that ¼ Saiyans couldn’t transform into Super Saiyans.
“No you’re not. If you can’t even go Super Saiyan then you are definitely no match for Kaimera.” Gohan said smiling.
Pan and Trunks glanced at each other and Pan smiled evilly.
“Oh please! Check this out!” she said as she bent down and started to power up.
In an instant Pan had a yellow flame, golden blond hair, and teal eyes. Everyone’s mouths hit the floor as she unleashed an unbelievable amount of power. Trunks watched proudly as her power continued to rise and he smiled from ear to ear. When Pan had reached a high enough level she stood up straight. After catching her breath she made her flame disappear. No one could believe how powerful she had become in such a short amount of time.
“Well DAD! Seeing is how I’m as strong as you…if you’re strong enough to fight, then I am too.”
Gohan didn’t answer because his mouth wouldn’t leave his feet. Vegeta thought for sure this was a trick because he could tell that she wasn’t even at level 3 yet.
“Alright what’s going here? There is no way you can be that strong! You’re not even at level 3!” Vegeta bellowed.
“You wanna bet Vegeta!” she snapped looking at him. “I could kick your butt any day of the week or even RIGHT NOW!” she yelled raising a fist and shaking it at him.
“WOW! Got to admit that girl’s got spunk.” Bulma said as she stood next to Trunks.
*That’s why I love her!* Trunks thought smiling.
Bra and Goten noticed the smile on his face and the dreamy trance like stare he had on Pan.
“Yo! Bro! Hello!” Goten and Bra chorused.
“WHAT?!” Trunks shouted.
“You were making googley eyes at your girlfriend!” Bra shouted back at her
older brother.
“SHE IS NOT MY GIRLFRIEND!” Trunks lied in order to keep their secret.
“Ok whatever!” Goten shrugged.
Pan and Trunks looked at each other and smiled, trying their best not to tip anyone off to their little secret. However it didn’t work. For Bra’s statement had brought everyone back into the real world. Gohan looked between his daughter and Trunks and knew they were hiding something. He began to get furious at the 2 younger Saiyans.
“ALRIGHT WHAT’S GOING ON HERE?! START TALKING!” he yelled glaring at the 2 Saiyans.
Pan and Trunks cringed and instantly froze as they tried to figure out what to say. In the mean time Gohan was getting more and more furious and soon everyone was cringing because off the death glares he was giving the 2 Saiyans. Vegeta backed up not wanting to be anywhere near the half Saiyan when he was like this. His power was rising and he looked like he was about ready to kill someone. Trunks and Pan looked at each other nervously.
::Well what should we do now Trunks?:: Pan telepathically asked him.
::WHY IN THE WORLD ARE YOU ASKING ME?! HE’S YOUR FATHER!:: Trunks telepathically yelled back.
Pan and Trunks both gulped and did their best to remain calm. They gave sheepish grins and tried to explain before Gohan could blow up something.
“Well…he-he.” Pan started.
“You see…um…Pan and I…ah…” Trunks continued.
Gohan got fed up with waiting. “SPIT IT OUT ALREADY!”
“PAN AND I SLEPT TOGETHER!” Trunks blurted out without thinking.
“WHAT?!” Gohan and Vegeta shouted in unison.
Trunks’ hands flew to his mouth when he realized what he had just said.
Gohan was slightly more upset than Vegeta and it clearly showed in his eyes. Once Vegeta had gotten over the original shock of it all he returned to normal and looked unchanged as he smirked at his son (hey this is Vegeta we’re talking about). Gohan however only got angrier. While all the others were too shocked to do or say anything he moved forward.
“WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU SLEPT WITH HER?!” he shouted in Trunks’ face.
Now Trunks was beginning to get angry.
“THAT’S EXACTLY WHAT I DID!” Trunks shouted.
This pushed Gohan over the edge and he quickly turned Super Saiyan level 2. Trunks finally snapped out of his rage and saw a very angry Gohan glaring at him. Trunks backed up as Gohan went to Mystic level. The others finally came around when they sensed Gohan’s energy but Pan was still too shocked to move. Gohan marched towards Trunks ready to kill. Everyone was too afraid of being killed by Gohan to actually jump in and help Trunks.
“TRUNKS I’M GOING TO KILL YOU!” he declared while stomping towards him.
Trunks slowly backed up with his arms up in defense. Normally Trunks wouldn’t be afraid of Gohan’s approach because he would only be kidding. But this time he wasn’t and he was downright terrifying. Just as Gohan was about to grab and strangle Trunks, Pan jumped out of her trance and noticed her father looming over him. She quickly ran to his side.
“Dad stop it!” she said stepping between Trunks and her father.
Gohan glanced down at her but didn’t move. Everyone else watched the argument between the 3 without moving.
“But he made you…!” Gohan trailed angrily not believing his daughter would do that.
“He did not! It was just as much my decision as it was his! Maybe even more!” she said taking hold of Trunks’ arm.
Upon hearing this Gohan calmed himself slightly and dropped down into level 1. He still glared angrily at Trunks who remained close to Pan as Gohan loomed over him.
::WOW! You sure got him to calm down fast. Pan I’m going to let you take over from here…before I say something else that could endanger my life.:: Trunks telepathically told Pan as he gazed nervously at Gohan.
::Good idea! I would really hate it if my father rearranged that cute face of yours!:: she telepathically said back smiling.
Trunks smiled back and took hold of her hand. Gohan saw this and powered down completely. Trunks and Pan turned to look at him shocked. He gazed into the eyes of the 2 lovers and saw something familiar.
Gohan sighed heavily and then turned to Goten. “Come on Goten lets go get to work.”
Everyone looked at him curiously. They never expected him to take it that well. Trunks and Pan looked at each other with astonishment. They then turned back to Gohan.
“You’re actually ok with this?” Trunks asked mouth wide open.
Gohan glanced back at him with a frown and Trunks quickly shut his mouth. Pan stared at her father. She knew that he would never drop something like this that easily.
“You’re going to let it go that easily?” Pan asked suspiciously.
“We’ll talk about this tomorrow!” he said coldly.
He then headed for the Hyperbolic Time Chamber with Goten close behind. Trunks and Pan just stood there agape for a moment before walking over to the others.
Pan sighed the last thing she needed was for her grandmother to get involved. She looked at Trunks then at everyone else as if trying to find some way out, but found none.
“I wasn’t thinking Grandma.” she said looking at her. “But if you’re expecting me to apologize I wont! I’m not ashamed of what I did…in fact I’m happier then I’ve ever been in my whole life!” she stated hugging Trunks tightly.
Trunks wrapped his arm around her shoulders and hugged her in response. Everyone looked at the 2 curiously. No one knew exactly what think about the 2 of them. Chichi was a little frustrated and she quickly looked to Videl for support.
“Videl would you please talk some sense into your daughter.” Chichi exclaimed turning to her.
Videl looked at her daughter as she hugged Trunks tightly. Pan looked back at her with a sad and caring look. Videl noticed a familiar flame burning in her eyes. She glanced over at Trunks and saw the same flame as he held Pan tightly. She then realized why Gohan had let them off the hook so easily.
“Videl are you going to do something or not?” Chichi questioned again.
“What’s done is done. There’s no point in worrying about it now we can’t do anything about it.” Videl answered calmly.
Trunks and Pan smiled happily, it was nice to have someone on their side. Chichi and the others just stared at Videl, not understanding her calmness.
“Do you realize what you’re saying?” Bulma asked astounded.
“Yeah I do! I see something in them…something that I haven’t seen for a long time. I understand now why Gohan did what he did. He saw the same thing I see.” she said quietly.
Everyone was completely lost they had absolutely no idea what Videl was talking about. Videl smiled and walked over to Pan. The 2 hugged and smiled at each other. Trunks then walked forward and put his arm around Pan’s shoulders. Pan leaned up against him, hugging him once again. Videl took a step back and looked at them, smiling.
“You 2 remind me a lot of Gohan and I when we were younger. You 2 really do love each other don’t you?” she asked softly.
Trunks and Pan looked at each other and smiled. They nodded as Pan leaned into Trunks’ chest. The others quickly put the situation behind them and continued waiting for Vegeta and Goku to be ready to fight Kaimera. With Vegeta and Goku returning to work everyone sat around and waited for Gohan and Goten to finish their training. The boys talked in a corner about unrelated topics while Piccolo and Dende meditated. The girls gathered together and chit chatted, mainly about Trunks and Pan. Trunks walked away and sat down, leaning against a tree. Pan walked over and sat down in his lap. Trunks wrapped his arms around her waist and held her close. Pan wrapped her arms around his and leaned back into his chest. They both closed their eyes and began to snooze. Bra noticed this and quickly made everyone else notice it too.
“Hey look at Trunks and Pan!” she exclaimed excitedly pointing to them.
Everyone turned and looked at them. Trunks sighed and made a mental note to kill his sister for spoiling the moment he and Pan were having. Pan opened her eyes sadly and looked up at Trunks.
“Trunks! What are you and Pan doing?” Bulma asked sternly, crossing her arms.
“Nothing Mom!” Trunks shouted back.
*Wow I’ve never seen Trunks act like this before. He’s never this nice or affectionate to anybody!* Bra thought as she curiously looked at her brother.
Anime/Manga: Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction | Genre(s): Romance / Hentai / Action | Type: Continuation | Uploaded On: 10.14.2005 | Updated On: 10.16.2005 | Pages: 1 | Words: 218 | Visits: 818 | Status: Work In Progress

Oh no the truth is out. Will Trunks actually live through it?
Chapter Three
“Hey look, Big-Bro and Pan are coming out!” Bra exclaimed as she clung to Vegeta.
Everyone turned to face them as they emerged from the chamber. Their clothes were ripped and torn and they looked much stronger. Everyone automatically sensed that their power levels had gone way up but they weren’t sure just how far.
“So how did it go?” Goten asked with a sly grin towards Trunks.
“GOTEN!” Trunks yelled in his ear.
“Well am I strong enough now?” Pan asked walking up to her father.
Gohan didn’t realize that she was now stronger than him so he simply smiled at her. He thought that ¼ Saiyans couldn’t transform into Super Saiyans.
“No you’re not. If you can’t even go Super Saiyan then you are definitely no match for Kaimera.” Gohan said smiling.
Pan and Trunks glanced at each other and Pan smiled evilly.
“Oh please! Check this out!” she said as she bent down and started to power up.
In an instant Pan had a yellow flame, golden blond hair, and teal eyes. Everyone’s mouths hit the floor as she unleashed an unbelievable amount of power. Trunks watched proudly as her power continued to rise and he smiled from ear to ear. When Pan had reached a high enough level she stood up straight. After catching her breath she made her flame disappear. No one could believe how powerful she had become in such a short amount of time.
“Well DAD! Seeing is how I’m as strong as you…if you’re strong enough to fight, then I am too.”
Gohan didn’t answer because his mouth wouldn’t leave his feet. Vegeta thought for sure this was a trick because he could tell that she wasn’t even at level 3 yet.
“Alright what’s going here? There is no way you can be that strong! You’re not even at level 3!” Vegeta bellowed.
“You wanna bet Vegeta!” she snapped looking at him. “I could kick your butt any day of the week or even RIGHT NOW!” she yelled raising a fist and shaking it at him.
“WOW! Got to admit that girl’s got spunk.” Bulma said as she stood next to Trunks.
*That’s why I love her!* Trunks thought smiling.
Bra and Goten noticed the smile on his face and the dreamy trance like stare he had on Pan.
“Yo! Bro! Hello!” Goten and Bra chorused.
“WHAT?!” Trunks shouted.
“You were making googley eyes at your girlfriend!” Bra shouted back at her
older brother.
“SHE IS NOT MY GIRLFRIEND!” Trunks lied in order to keep their secret.
“Ok whatever!” Goten shrugged.
Pan and Trunks looked at each other and smiled, trying their best not to tip anyone off to their little secret. However it didn’t work. For Bra’s statement had brought everyone back into the real world. Gohan looked between his daughter and Trunks and knew they were hiding something. He began to get furious at the 2 younger Saiyans.
“ALRIGHT WHAT’S GOING ON HERE?! START TALKING!” he yelled glaring at the 2 Saiyans.
Pan and Trunks cringed and instantly froze as they tried to figure out what to say. In the mean time Gohan was getting more and more furious and soon everyone was cringing because off the death glares he was giving the 2 Saiyans. Vegeta backed up not wanting to be anywhere near the half Saiyan when he was like this. His power was rising and he looked like he was about ready to kill someone. Trunks and Pan looked at each other nervously.
::Well what should we do now Trunks?:: Pan telepathically asked him.
::WHY IN THE WORLD ARE YOU ASKING ME?! HE’S YOUR FATHER!:: Trunks telepathically yelled back.
Pan and Trunks both gulped and did their best to remain calm. They gave sheepish grins and tried to explain before Gohan could blow up something.
“Well…he-he.” Pan started.
“You see…um…Pan and I…ah…” Trunks continued.
Gohan got fed up with waiting. “SPIT IT OUT ALREADY!”
“PAN AND I SLEPT TOGETHER!” Trunks blurted out without thinking.
“WHAT?!” Gohan and Vegeta shouted in unison.
Trunks’ hands flew to his mouth when he realized what he had just said.
Gohan was slightly more upset than Vegeta and it clearly showed in his eyes. Once Vegeta had gotten over the original shock of it all he returned to normal and looked unchanged as he smirked at his son (hey this is Vegeta we’re talking about). Gohan however only got angrier. While all the others were too shocked to do or say anything he moved forward.
“WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU SLEPT WITH HER?!” he shouted in Trunks’ face.
Now Trunks was beginning to get angry.
“THAT’S EXACTLY WHAT I DID!” Trunks shouted.
This pushed Gohan over the edge and he quickly turned Super Saiyan level 2. Trunks finally snapped out of his rage and saw a very angry Gohan glaring at him. Trunks backed up as Gohan went to Mystic level. The others finally came around when they sensed Gohan’s energy but Pan was still too shocked to move. Gohan marched towards Trunks ready to kill. Everyone was too afraid of being killed by Gohan to actually jump in and help Trunks.
“TRUNKS I’M GOING TO KILL YOU!” he declared while stomping towards him.
Trunks slowly backed up with his arms up in defense. Normally Trunks wouldn’t be afraid of Gohan’s approach because he would only be kidding. But this time he wasn’t and he was downright terrifying. Just as Gohan was about to grab and strangle Trunks, Pan jumped out of her trance and noticed her father looming over him. She quickly ran to his side.
“Dad stop it!” she said stepping between Trunks and her father.
Gohan glanced down at her but didn’t move. Everyone else watched the argument between the 3 without moving.
“But he made you…!” Gohan trailed angrily not believing his daughter would do that.
“He did not! It was just as much my decision as it was his! Maybe even more!” she said taking hold of Trunks’ arm.
Upon hearing this Gohan calmed himself slightly and dropped down into level 1. He still glared angrily at Trunks who remained close to Pan as Gohan loomed over him.
::WOW! You sure got him to calm down fast. Pan I’m going to let you take over from here…before I say something else that could endanger my life.:: Trunks telepathically told Pan as he gazed nervously at Gohan.
::Good idea! I would really hate it if my father rearranged that cute face of yours!:: she telepathically said back smiling.
Trunks smiled back and took hold of her hand. Gohan saw this and powered down completely. Trunks and Pan turned to look at him shocked. He gazed into the eyes of the 2 lovers and saw something familiar.
Gohan sighed heavily and then turned to Goten. “Come on Goten lets go get to work.”
Everyone looked at him curiously. They never expected him to take it that well. Trunks and Pan looked at each other with astonishment. They then turned back to Gohan.
“You’re actually ok with this?” Trunks asked mouth wide open.
Gohan glanced back at him with a frown and Trunks quickly shut his mouth. Pan stared at her father. She knew that he would never drop something like this that easily.
“You’re going to let it go that easily?” Pan asked suspiciously.
“We’ll talk about this tomorrow!” he said coldly.
He then headed for the Hyperbolic Time Chamber with Goten close behind. Trunks and Pan just stood there agape for a moment before walking over to the others.
Pan sighed the last thing she needed was for her grandmother to get involved. She looked at Trunks then at everyone else as if trying to find some way out, but found none.
“I wasn’t thinking Grandma.” she said looking at her. “But if you’re expecting me to apologize I wont! I’m not ashamed of what I did…in fact I’m happier then I’ve ever been in my whole life!” she stated hugging Trunks tightly.
Trunks wrapped his arm around her shoulders and hugged her in response. Everyone looked at the 2 curiously. No one knew exactly what think about the 2 of them. Chichi was a little frustrated and she quickly looked to Videl for support.
“Videl would you please talk some sense into your daughter.” Chichi exclaimed turning to her.
Videl looked at her daughter as she hugged Trunks tightly. Pan looked back at her with a sad and caring look. Videl noticed a familiar flame burning in her eyes. She glanced over at Trunks and saw the same flame as he held Pan tightly. She then realized why Gohan had let them off the hook so easily.
“Videl are you going to do something or not?” Chichi questioned again.
“What’s done is done. There’s no point in worrying about it now we can’t do anything about it.” Videl answered calmly.
Trunks and Pan smiled happily, it was nice to have someone on their side. Chichi and the others just stared at Videl, not understanding her calmness.
“Do you realize what you’re saying?” Bulma asked astounded.
“Yeah I do! I see something in them…something that I haven’t seen for a long time. I understand now why Gohan did what he did. He saw the same thing I see.” she said quietly.
Everyone was completely lost they had absolutely no idea what Videl was talking about. Videl smiled and walked over to Pan. The 2 hugged and smiled at each other. Trunks then walked forward and put his arm around Pan’s shoulders. Pan leaned up against him, hugging him once again. Videl took a step back and looked at them, smiling.
“You 2 remind me a lot of Gohan and I when we were younger. You 2 really do love each other don’t you?” she asked softly.
Trunks and Pan looked at each other and smiled. They nodded as Pan leaned into Trunks’ chest. The others quickly put the situation behind them and continued waiting for Vegeta and Goku to be ready to fight Kaimera. With Vegeta and Goku returning to work everyone sat around and waited for Gohan and Goten to finish their training. The boys talked in a corner about unrelated topics while Piccolo and Dende meditated. The girls gathered together and chit chatted, mainly about Trunks and Pan. Trunks walked away and sat down, leaning against a tree. Pan walked over and sat down in his lap. Trunks wrapped his arms around her waist and held her close. Pan wrapped her arms around his and leaned back into his chest. They both closed their eyes and began to snooze. Bra noticed this and quickly made everyone else notice it too.
“Hey look at Trunks and Pan!” she exclaimed excitedly pointing to them.
Everyone turned and looked at them. Trunks sighed and made a mental note to kill his sister for spoiling the moment he and Pan were having. Pan opened her eyes sadly and looked up at Trunks.
“Trunks! What are you and Pan doing?” Bulma asked sternly, crossing her arms.
“Nothing Mom!” Trunks shouted back.
*Wow I’ve never seen Trunks act like this before. He’s never this nice or affectionate to anybody!* Bra thought as she curiously looked at her brother.
Anime/Manga: Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction | Genre(s): Romance / Hentai / Action | Type: Continuation | Uploaded On: 10.14.2005 | Updated On: 10.16.2005 | Pages: 1 | Words: 218 | Visits: 818 | Status: Work In Progress
Chapter Three
“Hey look, Big-Bro and Pan are coming out!” Bra exclaimed as she clung to Vegeta.
Everyone turned to face them as they emerged from the chamber. Their clothes were ripped and torn and they looked much stronger. Everyone automatically sensed that their power levels had gone way up but they weren't sure just how far.
“So how did it go?” Goten asked with a sly grin towards Trunks.
“GOTEN!” Trunks yelled in his ear.
“Well am I strong enough now?” Pan asked walking up to her father.
Gohan didn't realize that she was now stronger than him so he simply smiled at her. He thought that