Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Dragon Ball Destiny: Training Hard ❯ Chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
By: SaiyanWolf-Girl 
Its back to training.
Chapter Two
The next morning Pan awoke to the sound of a heartbeat. She opened her eyes and smiled. She stared happily at Trunks’ sleeping body next to her. He had his arms wrapped around her and he was smiling. Pan looked at him for a long time before gently giving him a kiss on the cheek. He stirred for a second then laid motionless, a look of utter joy and satisfaction on his face. She gently eased out of bed taking great care not to awaken her sleeping prince. She quickly got dressed and headed out for some early morning training. Trunks woke up about 30 minutes later. He looked down expecting to see Pan lying next to him. When he saw that she wasn’t there he looked around. Then the sound of Pan’s training caught his attention. He got out of bed and walked over to the stairs (after getting dressed). He leaned against the column and smiled as he watched Pan training. She was running around with great speed finally landing after performing aerial kicks and punches. She then sank to her knees and avoided falling on her face by catching herself with her hands. Trunks gasped and ran towards her.
“PAN!” he exclaimed bending down over her.
Pan slowly rose to her knees and panted heavily never taking her eyes off the floor. Tears began to fill her eyes and she didn’t dare look at Trunks. Trunks felt horrible for her, believing that this was his fault.
“Are you ok?” he asked trying to get her to look at him.
Pan turned her head away and said nothing. Trunks bowed his head and sighed.
“I’m sorry.” he said sadly.
“For what?” she asked still staring at the floor.
“For hurting you.”
Pan closed her eyes. “No! …It’s not you Trunks…it’s not you…” she trailed quietly.
“Then what? …Please tell me Pan. You know you can always talk to me.”
Tears started to roll down her face and she began to cry.
“Oh Trunks!” she wailed flinging around and hugging him tightly.
Trunks hugged her back and did his best to comfort her. He stroked her head as she cried on his shoulder.
“I just can’t do it Trunks…I just can’t get strong enough to help. We just found each other and now I don’t want to lose you.”
“Shhhh…it’s ok Pan…it’s ok.” he whispered softly into her ear as he gave her a kiss on the head.
They sat in silence for a few moments holding each other. Pan’s tears finally stopped and she sniffled before separating to arms length and looking at Trunks. Her eyes were red and bloodshot from her tears but Trunks didn’t care.
“I bet I look terrible like this.” she said with a half smile.
“No you don’t. You look beautiful.” Trunks said sweetly as he gently rubbed away her tears.
The 2 chuckled and smiled at each other. Neither of them had ever been so happy in their whole lives. Pan leaned back into Trunks and he gently cradled her. She closed her eyes as his strong arms wrapped around her waist.
“You wont lose me Pan. I promise! I’ll always be with you.” he whispered closing his own eyes.
Pan’s eyes opened and she pulled away from him.
“I wanna help you fight…but I’m not strong enough to. I don’t want you to die Trunks!” she sobbed.
“I wont.”
“But how can you be so sure?”
“Hey, come on it’s our destiny to be together. And no monster is going to stop that.” Trunks said giving a half smile.
She couldn’t finish because Trunks pulled her to him and gave her a reassuring kiss. All of Pan’s doubts washed away and the only thing left was them. The rest of the world was nothing and the only person that mattered in the entire universe was him. After about a minute they separated and gazed lovingly into each other’s eyes. Trunks could see that Pan trusted him and believed what he said but he knew she was still a little unsure.
“If it makes you feel better…we can train together until you become strong enough to help.” Trunks sighed looking into her eyes.
Pan smiled and nodded. She was determined not to give up and to become as strong as could be. She wanted to be a Super Saiyan so she could protect Trunks and prove to her family that she wasn’t a baby. She knew that becoming a Super Saiyan wasn’t going to be easy especially considering that she was only ¼ Saiyan. But she knew that with Trunks’ help she could do it and she would.
*I have to become a Super Saiyan…for Trunks’ sake as well as mine.* she thought as she glanced at Trunks.
She and Trunks immediately got to work. Trunks and Pan spent many days sparing and training their minds. They hardly had time to sleep or eat as they continued training nonstop. They spent the days exercising their bodies and minds and the nights were spent with each other just enjoying being together. Soon another 4 months had passed and Pan was beginning to lose faith in her abilities, not believing she could transform.
*Maybe ¼ Saiyans really can’t go Super Saiyan. If they could then why can’t I?* she thought as she sparred with Trunks.
“Come on Pan focus! What’s wrong?” Trunks asked hovering in the air.
“I don’t know if I can do this Trunks.”
“Of course you can Pan! You can do anything you set your mind to. You can’t give up. …I believe in you.” Trunks said smiling.
Pan looked at him with big eyes. She knew that he was right. No matter how hard it got she wasn’t going to quite, she was going to keep trying till she did it. But she had to be pushed to the edge of her limits, and that meant that Trunks couldn’t hold back.
“You’re right but you need to come at me with everything you’ve got. You can’t hold back, no matter what might happen.”
Trunks frowned and then looked into her soft black eyes. Deep down he knew she was right and that this was the only way. He hesitated, and then became a Super Saiyan, floating up into the air. Pan looked on and smiled. This was it; it was time to find out just how tough she really was and 1 way or another she was going to find out if she really was a Super Saiyan. Pan nodded at Trunks.
*Oh man! Gohan is going to kill for this!* Trunks thought as he got ready to let loose his father’s Bieno-Blast.
He let it go and Pan countered with a Kamehame-ha. The 2 beams collided and Trunks’ quickly over powered hers. As the beam drew closer to her face Trunks’ words swerved around inside her head. *‘You can do anything you set your mind to. …I believe in you.’* they sang repeatedly inside her mind.
*I can do this! I can do this!* she thought. *I can! I have to…if I don’t then I’m going to lose TRUNKS!* with that last thought she lost control of her energy.
“AHHHH!” she screamed as Trunks’ beam surrounded her.
Trunks looked on in horror as she was completely enshrouded by the massive energy of both blasts. The energy compacted itself around Pan then exploded outward with a dazzling yellow explosion of fire. Trunks shielded his eyes from the blast. Trunks then suddenly realized that he could still sense Pan’s energy, only now stronger then ever. He turned and looked into the center of the yellow fire. He saw Pan floating slightly above the ground with her eyes closed and body limp. She was slowly spinning around in a circle and seemed unconscious. Her hair was golden blond and her power was enormous. Trunks flew down and landed in front of her. She slowly floated down still spinning slowly. She landed with her back towards Trunks and eyes still closed. In a split second her flame disappeared and her hair returned to normal. Her body fell backwards right into Trunks’ arms. Trunks sat on the floor with her in his lap as he held her unconscious body tightly. He gently kissed her on the head as he cradled her safely in his arms while holding her head against his chest. Pan woke up almost 3 hours later on her bed and in Trunks’ arms. She looked up at him weakly. He returned her gaze and smiled happily and lovingly at her.
“Are you ok?” he asked sweetly as he pushed a strand of hair out of her face.
“Yeah…I think so.” she said weakly. “What happened?” she asked hoarsely.
Trunks smiled. “You nearly got killed that’s what! …But you did it. I knew you could.”
Pan’s eyes shone and if she had been strong enough she would have jumped 10 feet in the air. She laughed happily and hugged Trunks tightly. He hugged her back and soon the 2 were sound asleep.
Now that Pan was a Super Saiyan their training increased and they were more of an even match. Trunks was amazed by how much stronger Pan had become since her transformation. At full power, she was only at level 1 but still stronger than him at level 1 and almost as strong as Goten at level 2. They trained hard and greatly increased both of their abilities. By the time the year was over Pan had become a Super Saiyan level 2 and was even stronger than Gohan at level 2, who was much stronger than all the other Saiyans at the same level, and almost as strong as Goku and Vegeta at level 3. That made her the 3rd strongest Saiyan without counting Gotenks and Vegito. Trunks and Pan had also decided to keep their relationship a secret until after they had beaten Kaimera so they could prepare themselves for their parents’ reactions.
Anime/Manga: Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction | Genre(s): Romance / Hentai / Action | Type: Continuation | Uploaded On: 10.14.2005 | Updated On: 10.14.2005 | Pages: 1 | Words: 143 | Visits: 888 | Status: Work In Progress

Its back to training.
Chapter Two
The next morning Pan awoke to the sound of a heartbeat. She opened her eyes and smiled. She stared happily at Trunks’ sleeping body next to her. He had his arms wrapped around her and he was smiling. Pan looked at him for a long time before gently giving him a kiss on the cheek. He stirred for a second then laid motionless, a look of utter joy and satisfaction on his face. She gently eased out of bed taking great care not to awaken her sleeping prince. She quickly got dressed and headed out for some early morning training. Trunks woke up about 30 minutes later. He looked down expecting to see Pan lying next to him. When he saw that she wasn’t there he looked around. Then the sound of Pan’s training caught his attention. He got out of bed and walked over to the stairs (after getting dressed). He leaned against the column and smiled as he watched Pan training. She was running around with great speed finally landing after performing aerial kicks and punches. She then sank to her knees and avoided falling on her face by catching herself with her hands. Trunks gasped and ran towards her.
“PAN!” he exclaimed bending down over her.
Pan slowly rose to her knees and panted heavily never taking her eyes off the floor. Tears began to fill her eyes and she didn’t dare look at Trunks. Trunks felt horrible for her, believing that this was his fault.
“Are you ok?” he asked trying to get her to look at him.
Pan turned her head away and said nothing. Trunks bowed his head and sighed.
“I’m sorry.” he said sadly.
“For what?” she asked still staring at the floor.
“For hurting you.”
Pan closed her eyes. “No! …It’s not you Trunks…it’s not you…” she trailed quietly.
“Then what? …Please tell me Pan. You know you can always talk to me.”
Tears started to roll down her face and she began to cry.
“Oh Trunks!” she wailed flinging around and hugging him tightly.
Trunks hugged her back and did his best to comfort her. He stroked her head as she cried on his shoulder.
“I just can’t do it Trunks…I just can’t get strong enough to help. We just found each other and now I don’t want to lose you.”
“Shhhh…it’s ok Pan…it’s ok.” he whispered softly into her ear as he gave her a kiss on the head.
They sat in silence for a few moments holding each other. Pan’s tears finally stopped and she sniffled before separating to arms length and looking at Trunks. Her eyes were red and bloodshot from her tears but Trunks didn’t care.
“I bet I look terrible like this.” she said with a half smile.
“No you don’t. You look beautiful.” Trunks said sweetly as he gently rubbed away her tears.
The 2 chuckled and smiled at each other. Neither of them had ever been so happy in their whole lives. Pan leaned back into Trunks and he gently cradled her. She closed her eyes as his strong arms wrapped around her waist.
“You wont lose me Pan. I promise! I’ll always be with you.” he whispered closing his own eyes.
Pan’s eyes opened and she pulled away from him.
“I wanna help you fight…but I’m not strong enough to. I don’t want you to die Trunks!” she sobbed.
“I wont.”
“But how can you be so sure?”
“Hey, come on it’s our destiny to be together. And no monster is going to stop that.” Trunks said giving a half smile.
She couldn’t finish because Trunks pulled her to him and gave her a reassuring kiss. All of Pan’s doubts washed away and the only thing left was them. The rest of the world was nothing and the only person that mattered in the entire universe was him. After about a minute they separated and gazed lovingly into each other’s eyes. Trunks could see that Pan trusted him and believed what he said but he knew she was still a little unsure.
“If it makes you feel better…we can train together until you become strong enough to help.” Trunks sighed looking into her eyes.
Pan smiled and nodded. She was determined not to give up and to become as strong as could be. She wanted to be a Super Saiyan so she could protect Trunks and prove to her family that she wasn’t a baby. She knew that becoming a Super Saiyan wasn’t going to be easy especially considering that she was only ¼ Saiyan. But she knew that with Trunks’ help she could do it and she would.
*I have to become a Super Saiyan…for Trunks’ sake as well as mine.* she thought as she glanced at Trunks.
She and Trunks immediately got to work. Trunks and Pan spent many days sparing and training their minds. They hardly had time to sleep or eat as they continued training nonstop. They spent the days exercising their bodies and minds and the nights were spent with each other just enjoying being together. Soon another 4 months had passed and Pan was beginning to lose faith in her abilities, not believing she could transform.
*Maybe ¼ Saiyans really can’t go Super Saiyan. If they could then why can’t I?* she thought as she sparred with Trunks.
“Come on Pan focus! What’s wrong?” Trunks asked hovering in the air.
“I don’t know if I can do this Trunks.”
“Of course you can Pan! You can do anything you set your mind to. You can’t give up. …I believe in you.” Trunks said smiling.
Pan looked at him with big eyes. She knew that he was right. No matter how hard it got she wasn’t going to quite, she was going to keep trying till she did it. But she had to be pushed to the edge of her limits, and that meant that Trunks couldn’t hold back.
“You’re right but you need to come at me with everything you’ve got. You can’t hold back, no matter what might happen.”
Trunks frowned and then looked into her soft black eyes. Deep down he knew she was right and that this was the only way. He hesitated, and then became a Super Saiyan, floating up into the air. Pan looked on and smiled. This was it; it was time to find out just how tough she really was and 1 way or another she was going to find out if she really was a Super Saiyan. Pan nodded at Trunks.
*Oh man! Gohan is going to kill for this!* Trunks thought as he got ready to let loose his father’s Bieno-Blast.
He let it go and Pan countered with a Kamehame-ha. The 2 beams collided and Trunks’ quickly over powered hers. As the beam drew closer to her face Trunks’ words swerved around inside her head. *‘You can do anything you set your mind to. …I believe in you.’* they sang repeatedly inside her mind.
*I can do this! I can do this!* she thought. *I can! I have to…if I don’t then I’m going to lose TRUNKS!* with that last thought she lost control of her energy.
“AHHHH!” she screamed as Trunks’ beam surrounded her.
Trunks looked on in horror as she was completely enshrouded by the massive energy of both blasts. The energy compacted itself around Pan then exploded outward with a dazzling yellow explosion of fire. Trunks shielded his eyes from the blast. Trunks then suddenly realized that he could still sense Pan’s energy, only now stronger then ever. He turned and looked into the center of the yellow fire. He saw Pan floating slightly above the ground with her eyes closed and body limp. She was slowly spinning around in a circle and seemed unconscious. Her hair was golden blond and her power was enormous. Trunks flew down and landed in front of her. She slowly floated down still spinning slowly. She landed with her back towards Trunks and eyes still closed. In a split second her flame disappeared and her hair returned to normal. Her body fell backwards right into Trunks’ arms. Trunks sat on the floor with her in his lap as he held her unconscious body tightly. He gently kissed her on the head as he cradled her safely in his arms while holding her head against his chest. Pan woke up almost 3 hours later on her bed and in Trunks’ arms. She looked up at him weakly. He returned her gaze and smiled happily and lovingly at her.
“Are you ok?” he asked sweetly as he pushed a strand of hair out of her face.
“Yeah…I think so.” she said weakly. “What happened?” she asked hoarsely.
Trunks smiled. “You nearly got killed that’s what! …But you did it. I knew you could.”
Pan’s eyes shone and if she had been strong enough she would have jumped 10 feet in the air. She laughed happily and hugged Trunks tightly. He hugged her back and soon the 2 were sound asleep.
Now that Pan was a Super Saiyan their training increased and they were more of an even match. Trunks was amazed by how much stronger Pan had become since her transformation. At full power, she was only at level 1 but still stronger than him at level 1 and almost as strong as Goten at level 2. They trained hard and greatly increased both of their abilities. By the time the year was over Pan had become a Super Saiyan level 2 and was even stronger than Gohan at level 2, who was much stronger than all the other Saiyans at the same level, and almost as strong as Goku and Vegeta at level 3. That made her the 3rd strongest Saiyan without counting Gotenks and Vegito. Trunks and Pan had also decided to keep their relationship a secret until after they had beaten Kaimera so they could prepare themselves for their parents’ reactions.
Anime/Manga: Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction | Genre(s): Romance / Hentai / Action | Type: Continuation | Uploaded On: 10.14.2005 | Updated On: 10.14.2005 | Pages: 1 | Words: 143 | Visits: 888 | Status: Work In Progress