Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ From the inside ❯ You remember how to scream ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

I do not own DBZ so please refrain from suing me.

Warnings: Rape! You have been warned ahead of time!

From the inside-Star Spangle Mistress

Darkness slowly gave way to dim shades of gray and black. The pain was all too familiar. The voice that seemed so distant just moments ago started to get louder and clearer.

"Looks like the purple fairy decided to wake up and join the party! Well good morning fag boy. Happy ten year reunion!" The last part punctuated with the pulling of Trunks' long lavender hair. His body felt weak, nausea turning his stomach into uncomfortable knots. There were other voices in the background, but none of the words made any sense, almost like they were speaking some alien language. He could barely see, large blurry objects moved in line of his sight, but he couldn't distinguish any details of the people.

"You know Briefs, we never forgot how fun you were the first time. We've all been waiting, biding our time until this moment. Got yourself shacked up with that trashy boy that you use to hang out with in school and his daughter. Makes you wonder if he thought of you when he conceived her eh Briefs?" His hair was yanked again making the demi prince grit his teeth and hiss out in pain. Trunks closed his useless eyes, tears starting to form in the corners. He was powerless to stop this attack, just like he was so many years ago.

"Lets get this party started right! You remember how to scream for us don't you?" The voice laughed next to Trunks' ear. He could hear clothing rustling and ripping.


"Oh god noooooooooooooo!"


The cell phone that lay next to the framed 'Joining' picture of Goten and Trunks rang several times before jolting Goten out of his sleep. His hair stood up more then normal, sweat making the tee shirt cling to every fine line and muscle of his chest.

"Ugh, Tru-chan?"

"This is your afternoon wake up call Goten. Do you know where your daughter is?"

"Dad? Ahh, what time is it?" Goten sighed, rolling over in the chair to work the kinks out of his back.

"It's one right now. Goten is everything all right? Leilani is over here with Vegeta and me. She came over when she couldn't wake you up.

"Yeah, I just over slept. I stayed up most of the night waiting for Trunks to call."

"Trunks didn't call? Maybe he had a late meeting and didn't want to wake anyone when he got in. Don't worry about it Goten."

"Yeah, you're right Dad. I just worry about the silliest things."

"No you don't. You're a parent. Parents do that even with their spouses. I got lunch over here if you want to join us."

"Thanks, I'll be over in a little bit." Goten pushed the end button on the phone and pushed himself up from the reclining chair. The young demi-saiyan loved sitting in that chair whenever Trunks was away. His lover's scent was embedded into the fabric, and it smelled wonderful and comforting.

Padding quietly to his bedroom, Goten stripped out of his clothes and pulled out fresh, laying them on the bed before he went to shower. He was actually relieved that his father had called to wake him. He was having a disturbing dream that he couldn't wake himself from. He shivered at the bits of the dream coming back to him. From what he could remember, Trunks had told Goten that he wasn't in love with him any longer and walked away taking Leilani with him. The thoughts in itself made Goten's heart ache. The ice-cold spray of the water snapped Goten from his thoughts almost immediately.

"He wouldn't do that to me. I love him and he loves me." Goten reinforced their commitment once again by looking at the joining scar on his upper arm knowing everything would turn out just right in the end.


The world felt like it was spinning at an alarming speed, his body trembled in weakness and with the cold. Trunks groaned loudly as he opened his blue eyes to the world around him. His face was planted in the beige carpet, his body was crying out in pain with each small movement he made. The memories of the night prior took only seconds before they past over his sub conscious. The young prince cringed, shutting his eyes tightly as he remembered what had happened to him again. At first he tried to deny it only to have his body protest against his movement and tell him otherwise.

"Oh Kami-sama why me? Why me!" He cried out as the tears slipped past the tight barriers of his eyelids. He felt shame wash over him, the feeling of hands touching him where only Goten was allow to. The taunting voices, his muted screams of terror echoing inside his tortured brain. This wasn't supposed to happen again. Goten had promised him that nothing like that was ever going to happen again and that they would be the only ones doing the most intimate of things with each other from now until the stars fall down around them.

He was able to pull himself up on his knees, almost afraid of the sight of what his body looked like. His head spun with ever movement, his eyes almost straining painfully to focus. He swallowed hard trying to keep the bile from rising from the stench that was all around him. The taste in this mouth had just made it that much more difficult to do so. Staggering to his feet, Trunks managed to get himself into the bathroom before collapsing in front of the toilet, retching violently into it.

He could feel them touching him. He could feel ever-damn finger that was touched to his body. His skin crawled feeling the stickiness to it. Blood, dark crimson blood trailed down his thighs in a dozen different rivulets. Their semen, their nasty cum was all over his body, his hair was matted in it, it coated his back and stomach, but most of all he could taste it and it made him retch once again. He remembered being forced to suck off every one of the men in the room and made to swallow every single drop or risk having the gun barrel stuck to his temple.

He was shameful and dirty. He was dirty before, but Goten had made all the hurt and pain disappear with his wonderful touch and none stop love and support, but now, he was soiled for a second time. How could he ever face Goten like this? After letting his defenses down and being brutally gang raped again ten years later.

He could go home and tell Goten exactly what happen or he could hide it away again like he did so many years ago and not tell another living soul what happened. He was scared; terrified to death that Goten wouldn't love him anymore. He was so scared that he would be alone once again. He was more scared of losing one of the best things to come into his life and that was the spunky little girl that looked like Dende had planned her after both Goten and himself with those huge blue eyes.

"I can't let that happen. I will not lose Goten and Leilani because I fucked up." Trunks hoarsely whispered, wiping the back of his hand across his mouth. Taking hold of the sink basin, Trunks managed to bring himself up on his shaky feet, looking at the reflection that greeted him in the mirror. What met him made him want to cry.


Lunch was good, but the outside air was even better as Goten joined in on the flying lesson that his father and father in law were teaching to his daughter.

"Don't give up sweetheart, I know you can do this." Goku said trying to keep his granddaughter away from the frustrating tears that were starting to well up in her eyes.

"Did I ever tell you the story about how your Daddy learned to fly?" Leilani shook her head before turning her big blue eyes up to meet her grandfather's deep ebon eyes.

"Well, it was your Uncle Gohan that taught him how to fly. And the day he learned how to get himself off of the ground, Gohan couldn't get him to stop. He kept flying around yelling 'Goten is a birdie, Goten is a birdie!'" This made the small chibi laugh while Goten cringed away from the memories, blushing profusely.

"Dad! You don't need to be telling her all of that."

"Sorry Goten. It was just a fond memory that I loved hearing from Gohan. You know I wish I was there to see it."

"Are we going to stand around all day gossiping and gaping over 'fond memories' or are we going to teach this brat how to fly so I don't have to carry her any more?" Vegeta growled out, growing impatient as ever with the family bonding.

"But Grandpa Geta, you don't love me anymore?" This little statement caused Vegeta to cringe visibly. He loved the small girl a lot, and wouldn't admit that she had the same effect on him, as did Bra when she was her age.

"Your father made a promise, a saiyan blood bond promise to my son. You will always be loved by the Royal House of Vegeta and don't you forget that."

"Royal House? Is that like a card game Grandpa?" This small comment earned a few snickers from both Goku and Goten as Vegeta preceded to give one hell of an evil eye to the pair.

"On that note, I think I'm going to go call Trunks." Goten giggled as he made a quick exit towards the house to grab his cell phone.


The lavender haired prince had called the office and canceled all the meetings that were scheduled for the day. He couldn't walk into a board meeting they way he was looking at the moment. Most of the bruising and cuts were luckily below the neckline, but his face was something left undesired. His lips were swollen and his eyes were puffy from crying. He could barely move without shooting pain ripping up his backside, making him cry out in pain and anguish.

Now he laid in the hotel bed staring up at the white painted ceiling willing away the thoughts of just ending it all. He couldn't just leave Goten and Leilani, but his fear of them finding out that he was dirtied again almost made it unbearable to live with himself.

The cell phone on the bedside table began to ring throwing Trunks out of his thoughts. He debated if he really wanted to answer it, and dreaded when the caller ID said it was Goten calling. His heart started to thud in his chest as he held the ringing phone with his shaky hands.


"Tru-chan! You didn't call me last night and I was so worried about you."

"I'm sorry Goten. Please forgive me, I was tied up with meetings and when I got to the hotel I just passed out." Trunks mumbled out, cringing with each lie he fed Goten with.

"It's alright, I'll forgive you this time. I just wanted to make sure you were all right and tell you that I miss and love you baby."

"I love you too Go-chan."

"Will you be back tomorrow?"

"I'm not sure yet, there are a lot of details to work on here still. If not I'll call and let you know."

"Ok then. I just really miss you when you're away."

"I know you do, but that's a part of my job. Look, I have to go, so I'll talk to you later alright?"

"Ok, I didn't mean to bother you while you were working."

"Not bothering anything Goten. Give Leilani a kiss for me will you?"

"I sure will. Love you Tru-chan."

"Love you Go-chan…" Trunks pushed the button to turn off his cell and threw it to the other side of the suite. He curled himself up into the tightest ball he could and started to cry. Not because he was in pain, not because of what the men said to him as they raped him. It was the sincere words that Goten had spoke to him. 'I love you Tru-chan' rang in his head as he cried harder.

"How could you love someone as dirty as me Goten? How could you?"