Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ From the inside ❯ A Son thinking could be dangerous ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

I do not own the rights to DBZ so please refrain from suing me.

From the inside-SDGP Star Spangle Mistress

*~3 days later~*

"Come on Leilani or you will be late for school!" Goten shouted down the hallway as he wrestled to get his own shoes on his feet. He had woken up late once again for the third time that week. With Trunks not around it made it almost impossible for Goten to function right. He wondered how he even managed to live on his own with out the lavender haired prince.

A grin spread across his face just thinking about Trunks. He was coming home today after spending half the week away from his small family. There was a lot to discuss when he arrived home as well. Goten had received a call yesterday morning from Leilani's Aunt Leigh. She was coming to Japan after dropping herself out of the music business to be near her niece. After a very long talk with her about the predicament of wanting children, Leigh had volunteered herself to play surrogate mother for the sibling of Leilani. Goten was walking in the clouds, excited to have another child around the house, especially one created by Trunks and himself.

"I'm ready!" Leilani announced, twirling herself around in an outfit that would make a blind man see. She had picked out the brightest green shirt to go with the overly loud looking pair of pants that Great Grandma Briefs could find with multicolor flowers on them. And to top the whole outfit off, a floppy brimmed hat with a huge sunflower pinned in the center of it.

"My don't you look like a runway model this morning. I bet your teacher will absolutely love you today." Goten snickered grabbing his car keys off the kitchen counter along with Leilani's overly stuffed backpack.

"Papa will be home today right?"

"That's what he said on the phone last night when I talked with him firefly." She cheered loudly and ran off ahead of Goten with Shadow barking and chasing her all the way to the car. Goten shook his head while he laughed. He couldn't imagine his life any more perfect then this.


Trunks arrived back hours before he had told Goten on the phone the night prior. He had a few stops to make before he could go home and face Goten. His first stop was his main office. He had always kept a small bag of senzu beans stashed in the top drawer of his desk for emergencies. His pain was subsiding, but the marring of his skin was a dead give away of what happened to him on his first night away. Mentally, he pushed the memories as far back into his mind as he could and locked them away. If he couldn't remember, then there was nothing to get upset about.

The main office was quite as Trunks strolled in with his briefcase in hand heading straight for his office. He had the occasional 'Hello Mr. Briefs' or 'Good morning' as he passed by, and he would mumble some sort of greeting in return, keeping his focus on getting to his desk before anyone important would see him waltzing in.

Sighing with relief, Trunks closed his office door and started digging around in his desk for the small burlap bag holding the beans in question.

"Thanks you Korrin." Trunks whispered out as he pulled one of the beans from its' bag and chewing on it forcefully. Without the pain, he could go about his normal routine and not be reminded of the terrible things that had happened.

"Hey Trunks!" The young prince jumped in his chair, his glasses sitting hap hazardly on his nose.

"Bra don't you know how to knock anymore?"

"Nope I sure don't. What are you doing back early today? I didn't think you'd be in until almost dinner time."

"Changed my flights. Is it a crime if I wanted to come back to see my family?"

"No, you just wanted to get back so you and Goten could get in some more of that wild monkey sex!" Trunks' face turned ten different shades of reds, tittering on embarrassment and anger.

"That's none of your business. I don't go around talking about your sex life do I?"

"HA! You wouldn't dare! I'd tell Daddy and he'd have your hide!"

"Could you just leave me alone Bra? I had a rough time in Tokyo and I don't want to have to listen to your big mouth." Trunks sighed out planting a hand to his forehead trying to ward off a headache of epic proportions.

"Sorry almighty prince of Capsule Corp. I'll leave you alone. Why don't you go home and rest? It looks like you need it." Trunks just gave a nod as his sister closed the door behind her. Yes he needed to rest, rest and feel safe in his own house.


"I'll never understand how to do this! I don't even know what I was thinking when I signed up to take this damn class!" Goten growled out in frustration as he looked over his sketchpad once again. He was trying to get the expression on Trunks' face just right, but always ended up tossing the page into the trash when it didn't turn out the way he wanted it to be. Goten never thought he'd be this frustrated with his college courses, but he wanted to make Trunks proud of him so he started a double major, one in art and the other in music along with countless other classes that he could probably use with out.

"What are you growling about in here?" Goten turned in surprise to see Vegeta standing at the kitchen counter looking at him with a scowl.

"Just a project I need to have done by next week or I fail the semester." Goten threw down his pencil and put his head in his hands. Vegeta snorted and came around the counter to get a better look at what Goten was actually doing. The saiyan prince cocked an eyebrow in amusement as the gray and black lines started to form figures. It was Trunks and Leilani under the old tree in the meadow, both looking towards the setting sun just beyond the house he was standing in.

"The loves of my life." Goten commented quietly as he watched Vegeta's gaze.

"Hn." Was the prince's only comment. There wasn't much else to be said. The prince wasn't the most talkative of people while Goten was always the one to keep to himself for the most part.

"If you're looking for Leilani, she's at Bulma's house. I needed time to study and get this done." Goten gestured to the drawing in front of him.

"I also needed time to think alone."

"A Son thinking could be dangerous." The prince snipped as he crossed his arms watching Goten close up his drawings.

"I would of thought by now that you would know that I'm not stupid."

"And your baka father isn't either. What's on your mind? You've been stewing about something for the past three days." Vegeta questioned. He knew when something was bothering the boy after all, both the boys spending so much time together since birth he knew each and every one of their quirks.

"Do you think Trunks will leave me?" Without even seriously thinking about what he was saying, Goten blurted out what was nagging him in his dreams the last few nights. Vegeta was a little taken back by the question at first, but slowly he smirked and settled himself against the counter.

"No more then you leaving him. Saiyans do not leave the ones they have chosen to spend the rest of their lives with."

"What about you and Bulma? Didn't you want to spend the rest of your life with her?"

"Hell no! What gave you that sort of idea? Now you're really aren't using your brain. I said saiyans, not these damn humans." Vegeta spat out before hearing the front door open and close quietly from the main foyer.

"Tru-chan?" Goten asked loudly as he got up from the table and looked at the clock. He was home atleast three good whole hours before he was suppose to be home. As Goten went to greet his 'husband', Vegeta slipped out the back door, not wanting to catch an eyeful of demi-saiyans molesting one another at the front door.

"Baby? What are you doing back so early?" Goten caught Trunks before he went up the stairs to their room. The demi-prince stopped in his tracks and turned his head slightly to see Goten standing at the bottom of the stairs.

"First you don't want me to go, then you're begging me to come back soon, and when I do get home you're asking me what the hell I'm doing back earlier then planned?" Trunks hissed out, his knuckles turning white as he held his luggage.

"I…I'm sorry Tru-chan. What ever I said or did wrong, I'm sorry." Goten stumbled out, his thoughts racing to recall if he'd done anything that would set Trunks off like he was doing now. Granted they had their share of fights, but Goten couldn't think of a thing that would have started this one.

"I'm tired Goten. Just leave me alone for a while." Trunks turned and proceeded on his way up the stairs and out of Goten's sight. Dark hair fell into Goten's eyes as he head fell and his shoulders slumped, he too turned away going back towards the kitchen to stay out of Trunks' way.


Trunks stayed in the bedroom, only coming out to use the bathroom or snag something to eat, then disappear with out saying a word for the remainder of the day. Goten had stayed away, fearful he would only set Trunks off again. Leilani stayed with her Grandfathers that night by request of Goten.

"Tru-chan?" Goten called quietly, knocking on their bedroom door before opening it. Trunks was laying in bed, his back facing the door staring at a picture on the nightstand of Goten, Leilani and himself. The dark haired demi saiyan slipped past the door, kicked off his shoes before climbing into the bed next to his lover.

"I'm sorry Trunks." Goten apologized again, reaching out to pull Trunks closer to his body. The young prince sighed, closing his blue eyes before turning over to look at Goten.

"Don't apologize Goten. You did nothing wrong. You never do anything wrong Chibi. I don't know what I ever did to deserve you." A smile crept across Goten's face that was the Trunks he knew. Good old Trunks.

"I really did miss you." Goten whispered out, inching himself towards Trunks' lips. It was soft, tender kisses that lead into deeper passion as Trunks laced his fingers through Goten's hair to push him harder against his lips. Goten moaned as their body heat started to rise together.

Trunks spent the rest of the night making love to Goten until they both collapsed into a sated sleep.


It was early morning, the faint colors of the sunrise starting to show on the horizon when Goten was woken up abruptly with Trunks stumbling out of bed in what seemed a panic, rushing to the bathroom and slamming the door. Goten yawned and ran his fingers through his hair before closing his eyes and snuggling down into the warm spot Trunks had left seconds prior. Feeling sleep pulling him back, Goten snapped his eyes open at the horrible sounds of retching coming from the bathroom. He tumbled out of bed, sheets tangled around his legs as he tried to get up. Giving them one last kick, he was able to free himself and walked quickly to the bathroom door.

"Trunks? You ok?" His ears were assaulted with the same sound that made Goten's stomach flip flop. He took a few deep breaths to calm himself before opening the door and going in. Trunks was sitting next to the toilet, legs pulled up to his chest with his arms wrapped tightly around them while his head was buried into his knees.

"Baby are you ok?" Goten asked, getting down on his knees in front of his lover. He noticed Trunks trembling, a thin sheen of sweat clinging to ever part of his body. He reached up to pull the curtain of lavender hair out of the way when Trunks flinched away from his touch.

"Please don't touch me. Please don't..." It sounded like a pleading whisper. Goten pulled his hand back looking at Trunks with concern.

"Trunks? Are you feeling better? Would you like me to get you anything?" Trunks didn't answer, keeping the same position that Goten found him in. He wanted to take him back to bed and lay him down. The cold tile floor was no place for him to be sitting.

"Come on Trunks, let's get you back to bed." Goten went to pull Trunks up by the arm when Trunks swung his other arm out clipping Goten in the side of the face. This surprised the dark haired demi saiyan making him fall back, his face catching the corner of the door.

"Don't touch me! God please don't hurt me…" Trunks cried out, his shoulders shaking as Goten raised a hand to his own face. He was pretty sure that was going to leave a mark.

"What is wrong with you Trunks?"