Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ From the inside ❯ I'm as big as a house! ( Chapter 11 )
I do not own the rights to DBZ so please do not sue me!!
Thank you everyone for your reviews!! They mean sooo much!!
Warnings: Fluffy at times
From the inside-SDPG-SSM
A month shy of Trunks leaving to get himself better, Goten was going stir crazy at his home. He had every combination of 'babysitters' so to speak over the last month that he couldn't take it anymore. He could barely go to the bathroom without someone watching him. He just wanted Trunks back as soon as possible to end this madness. Tonight it was Panny and Bra's night at the house. They did wonders keeping Leilani entertained, but also ignoring the fact sometimes that Goten was even in the house.
Tonight was no different, there was boy band music being played on the stereo downstairs and he could hear all three girls trying to sing along. This only made him cringe more.
"The kitchen is probably a mess, and the den is probably littered with popcorn. Why Dende? Why me?" He groaned loudly, swinging his legs over the edge of the bed. Glancing at the full-length mirror as he pass by, Goten stopped and backed up.
"Oi! I'm as big as a house! I don't remember Bulma or Videl being this big with the girls. Just another two and a half months…if I can last that long." He whined out, rubbing his now very expanded belly.
"You're going to be a huge baby when you come out ne?" He questioned the squirming baby inside him with a chuckle. He still wasn't use to all the kicking and wiggling that the baby did inside him. He could only imagine what he or she would be like after being born.
"No! Leilani don't do that in here…" Panny's voice rang through the house loudly just before the horrendous sound of breaking glass melted into with the voices.
"They are destroying my house now!" Goten growled out, throwing on his not so fitting robe and exiting the bedroom.
There were more loud noises as Goten came down the stairs, one at a time to investigate. He was greeted at the foot of the stairs by ever-faithful Shadow; tail waging a mile a minute.
"What's going on down here?"
"Shit!" Bra squeaked out from behind the closed kitchen door.
"Nothing Daddy! You're supposed to be in bed!" Leilani opened the door, crossing her arms and tapping her foot as she looked at her Daddy.
"I'll do what ever I want in my own house young lady. What is going on down here?"
"Nothing my ass! If I find out the three of you have been tossing ki blasts in my house again, I swear to Dende I will make your lives miserable!" Leilani's eyes widened, she had been caught again. She really didn't mean it, she was just showing Pan what Grandpa Geta had taught her and it just got out of control.
"Sorry Daddy. It won't happen again."
"You said that before Leilani. How are you going to explain to Papa that you burned down the house he had built all because you were playing around inside?"
"Won't explain anything to him." She huffed out, a scowl breaking across her face.
"Really? And why not?" Goten inquired, raising an eyebrow to his young daughter.
"I hate him that's why!"
"No you don't Firefly."
"Yes I do! I hate him, I hate him, and I hate him!" She screamed, running back through the kitchen doors and out the back door with Shadow on her heels.
"Great! What else could go wrong?" He asked, placing his head in his hands. When ever someone brought up Trunks' name Leilani would turn into a totally different child. He didn't understand the reason why. They both got along so great before. The first time Leilani had called Trunks Papa, it put a huge smile on his face and warmed his heart. But now, now he didn't know what to do. He missed Trunks terribly and his daughter was being distant from him. Hell he was tired of being treated like a child himself, being locked up in the damn house all the time now since everything happened. He only put up with it now to give his baby extra time to develop, to be able to survive out side the womb. Gohan had said that the injections he was being given would help develop the baby's lungs incase he was to go into premature labor again.
"Nice way of sticking your foot in your mouth Uncle Goten."
"I don't want to hear it Panny. Just go find her. Hell just take her over to your grandpa's, that's where she would rather be anyways." Came Goten's mumbled response between his hands.
"All right, we'll be back in a little while then. Go back to bed Goten, we have everything under control!"
"That's what I'm afraid of." He muttered out, listening to the girls retreating footsteps. As soon as the backdoor latched, Goten came down the last step to size up the disaster that awaited him.
The kitchen looked like a war zone, broken glass and plates everywhere. The refrigerator door was left wide open, and oh Kami the smell of burnt food. Goten felt his stomach churn slightly as tears sprung to his eyes. This was going to take all night to clean.
"No time like the present to start. Why did they have to do this on one of the nights I don't feel good?"
Trunks paced his small bedroom that he had called 'home' at Maple Wood Therapy Center for the last month like a caged tiger. The doctors were pleased with his progress and were confident with continuing counseling that Trunks would be able to cope with the bad memories and not lash out at anyone.
But his heart remained heavy, guilty of all the pain he put Goten through in the recent months all the way back to when they were still teenagers. Goten, his koi chose to stick it out with him. Damn he loved that man to no ends.
"If you don't stop pacing like that, you're going to leave a rut in the flooring." Trunks snorted, turning around to see Dr. Warner in the doorway watching him closely.
"Sorry." Trunks said sheepishly, a small stain of blush worked its way across his cheeks.
"Nervous about tomorrow?" She asked, shifting her weight from foot to foot watching his reaction.
"No, well maybe just a little."
"You don't lie very well Trunks."
"Ok, so I am nervous. I haven't seen anyone besides my father this whole time. I'm not sure what to expect. Not sure how Go-chan is going to react to me."
"How do you think Goten is going to react to you?" Dr. Warner questioned, taking a seat on the bed.
"I wouldn't be surprised that he doesn't trust me to be honest, after what I did and don't remember it. The last time I saw him, he wouldn't say goodbye…I asked for his forgiveness and he didn't give it to me."
"He had a lot to think over as well Trunks. I'm sure if you were in his shoes, you'd be just as confused and hurt, and he has a lot of other things on his mind as well."
"It was my fault that he went into labor, and here I was, no where around to help him when he needed me."
"Trunks, do you know how we got those photos?" Trunks stopped in mid step, he hadn't asked where the pictures came from before.
"Trunks, Goten found those pictures the night you came here. Your father found him in your office cleaning up the mess that you had made the night prior.
"Goten saw them? Oh god no…"
"I wasn't there so I don't know what he saw or what he didn't Trunks. Your father found Goten crying in your office. He said that he noticed Goten had been cleaning and when he asked Goten why he was upset, that is when he saw the photos on the desk."
"They were in a manila envelope that Goten gave me. He forgot that I had a delivery while I was at work. He left the room and I opened the envelope…that's all I remember. I don't remember him coming back in to stop me. But seeing what I did to him…" Trunks clenched his fists tightly remembering what had happened.
"It was a flashback Trunks. You had no way of controlling that at the time. But I'm pretty confident that you can control that now." The doctor answered, getting to her feet, ready to exit the room.
"What happens if it happens again?"
"If you have another flashback?"
"No, if something happens to me again…"
Dawn slowly crept across the meadow, bringing the warmth of the sun into a new day. The snow was now gone leaving behind a fresh start for spring. The birds were singing happily as they gathered nesting materials from around the Son-Briefs house. Goten had stayed up the entire night cleaning up the disaster that the girls had managed to make in the short four hours they were all there together. After Leilani had ran from the house, Panny and Bra gave chase, all of them did not return back to the house.
"Ugh, I need sleep…so tired." Goten muttered out, climbing the stairs one by one towards the bedroom. His eyes were droopy, his hair stood in more directions then it normally did, and he felt like total shit. He had a few light contractions a few hours ago, but he brushed them aside as nothing to worry about. They didn't hurt at all, and he just blamed it on the drugs that were wearing off in his system. Gohan would be over later that afternoon to give him his weekly dose anyways, so sleep was the best option.
Goten scuffed his feet as he entered the bedroom that he had been cooped up in alone for a month. He could still smell Trunks in the bed linen, and see his smiling face in a picture on the nightstand on Goten's side of the bed. Without even bothering with his clothes, Goten slipped into bed, curling himself up amongst the pile of pillows and blankets, instantly falling asleep.
Trunks smiled as he arrived at his childhood home. Bulma had come to pick him up at Maple Wood Therapy Center, claiming that both Goku and Vegeta had their hands full with the demi saiyan girls that had camped out at their house last night.
"So who is watching Goten then Mom?" Trunks asked, taking a sip of his coffee, watching his mother shuffle around her lab.
"That's a good question. I'm not sure who is watching him. I bet Gohan is over there. Ah ha! I found it! Come here so I can take that horrible collar off of you now." Bulma giggled, waving around some sort of device. Trunks fingered the collar thoughtfully, having grown accustom to it over the last month.
"No, I'm going to keep it on until the baby is born. I don't want to risk it."
"But honey, you don't have to do that. I know you'll take good care of Goten."
"That's not the point Mom. The point is, what happens if I have one of those damn flashbacks huh? I can't afford another slip up, no matter what my excuse is for it. If I harm Goten and the baby…I'd go insane. I rather kill myself then hurt him again."
"Just let me know when you want it off. I'm not going to force you do to anything Trunks. You better get going, I know a certain demi saiyan who is probably going nuts at your house." Trunks gave a soft nod before pulling his mother into his embrace.
"Thanks for everything Mom."
Trunks' drive out to the meadow that was nestled deeply in the mountains in the east 439 district was long, but soon proved to be worth the time as the house came into view as he past tall trees on the winding gravel road.
"It's good to be home." He whispered, parking the car in the driveway. He sat in the driver's seat for a while, staring at the house as he pushed the nervousness down before getting out. He hoisted a small bag that contained his belongings out of the backseat, slamming the door before going towards the front door with keys in hand.
"Oi! Hey Trunks! Glad to see you back." Trunks held his hand up to block the sun so he could see who was talking to him. Gohan's shoes taped the sideway announcing his arrival.
"I thought you were already here Gohan. Mom said that you were probably watching Chibi today."
"No, I just came over to give him his weekly dose of medication. The girls were supposed to be here all night."
"The girls are all over at your father's house." Gohan raised an eyebrow at Trunks before walking towards the door. He entered the house with Trunks right behind him, both looking and listening.
"Goten?" Trunks called first, his voice just loud enough to carry around the first floor of the home.
"He's probably still upstairs Trunks. He stays in the bedroom a lot sulking." Gohan said gesturing towards the stairs.
"I wonder why." Trunks muttered under his breath, taking the stairs two at a time to reach his koi. It had been way too long since they've seen each other, way too long to go with out his touch, the taste of his lips. Damn too damn long to go without his love. The bedroom door was left open, the sun streaming through the windows inside and a big ball of pillows and blankets surrounded the most beautiful sight Trunks had seen in over a month. He shifted himself to the bed, sitting down lightly, not wanting to disturb his sleeping Chibi. Gohan stood in the doorway; arms folded across his chest with a smile hoping this would do wonders for Goten.
"Gohan, does he always look this way?" Trunks asked, breaking Gohan away from his thoughts at the moment. He pushed himself away from the door to get a better look at his baby brother. A fine sheen of sweat clung to Goten's face, plastering down the ebon locks across his forehead. Trunks brushed away the hair, his face taking on a more concerned look when Goten flinched, his face looking almost pained.
"Chibi-chan?" Trunks whispered, brushing his knuckles against his koi's sweaty cheek. The younger demi saiyan stirred slightly, eyes fluttering open briefly.
"Chibi? Are you in pain?"
"I'm right here baby." The young prince answered softly, leaning down to brush his lips against Goten's forehead.
"Good, I missed you."
"I missed you as well." Trunks answered back, gripping his love's hand, eyes raised to meet Gohan's that was on the other side of the bed, needle in hand.
"Owwww! Why did you do that?" Goten cried, hand reaching back to rub his sore behind. Gohan chuckled, recapping the syringe and leaving the room. Goten scowled deeply. He was so tired all he wanted to do is sleep, but was rudely interrupted by his brother.
"You feeling ok Goten?"
"Yeah, now that you're here. I love you." He squeezed Trunks' hand his eyes sliding close again. He was almost whole again when he felt Trunks crawl in bed, snuggling up to Goten tightly, a hand absently rubbing the baby bump.
"I love you too Go-chan…with all my heart and soul. I'm never going to hurt you again." Goten heard as he drifted off in peaceful sleep.