Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Hearts together worlds apart ❯ 12 ( Chapter 12 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

AN:- Today Goten takes time to talk to Jesse about Trunks.
Disclaimer: I don't own DBZ!
Hearts Together Worlds Apart
Chapter 12: Fallen for an angel?
I sat on my roof after dark. I was cold but nothing I couldn't handle. I hadn't done much all day. I hadn't seen much of Trunks…almost as if he were avoiding me which hurt me. Goten and I trained a while. I went a cooked while Trunks and Goten talked. I was worried about Trunks…I-I…needed him to be there and he wasn't…he's not.
After dinner I had come up here and here I had stayed. I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned to see Goten there.
“Hey Goten.” I said, smiling as much as I could.
“Jesse, I need to talk to you.” He said. I nodded and turned to face him. “Trunks is…well…he's a bit upset.”
“What? Why? What's wrong?! Tell me!” I panicked. Was something really wrong with Trunks? I wanted to help.
“Calm down. Wait.” Goten said. “He's jealous of me. He thinks you like me more than him and thinks we're spending more time together than with him.”
“Why would he think that?!” I exclaimed. “I would be spending time with him if he'd let me!”
“Jesse. Calm down.” Goten said once more. “He told me…that he's fallen for an angel.” I went cross-eyed.
“Er…in English…?” I enquired. He sighed.
“I think he's in love with you Jesse.” Goten said.
“Really?” I asked dumbly. “I don't think so…I wish he was but…I don't think he is.” I said. I wasn't going to get my hopes up and he wasn't exactly giving me the I love you messages.
“Do you love him?” Goten asked softly.
“I-I don't know.” I whispered. “I just don't know.”
AN:/ Short I know but there's another chapter being uploaded with it.