Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Hearts together worlds apart ❯ 15 ( Chapter 15 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

AN:- Jesse searches for the lost saiyans.
Disclaimer: I don't own DBZ!
Hearts Together Worlds Apart
Chapter 15: You regret it?
A few days later I couldn't take it any more. I flew out towards their ki's. Immediately I knew where they'd be. The only other place they could go. The abandoned stable from when I first met them.
I headed there and found them sat lazily in the hay. They were clutching their stomachs and looked ready to collapse.
“Hey.” I said simply. “Come back to my house and I'll get you something to eat.” Nothing more was said. We flew back to my house. I knew they were in no position to refuse or argue. I went in and started cooking some food. They ate happily and Goten immediately grabbed me in a hug after eating.
“THANK YOU!!!” he wailed.
“Okay just please let me breathe or you won't get fed again.” I said. Trunks ate slowly and quietly. I sent Goten upstairs to wash and warm up. I now sat just watching Trunks eating his food. I had got scared and kicked Trunks and Goten out and now I needed to make up for it.
“Something wrong?” Trunks asked, warily.
“I just wanted to talk about...you know....that night....” My eyes fell to the floor as I began fidgeting with my hands.
“What about 'that night'?” he asked
“I'm sorry I reacted the way I did...I mean throwing you out...”
“Now you regret it?” Trunks asked softly, in an almost hopeful voice.
“I regretted it the moment you left.” I whispered, trying to hold back tears.
“Well when somebody tries killing you, the logical thing would be to throw them out of your house.” he said.
“But...but you didn't try killing me...” I stammered.
“You thought I was going to though.”
“I was scared...but somehow…I knew you wouldn't. I just wouldn't listen to that part of me until now.” I stood up and went to sit next to him. “I'm so sorry.” I sobbed. I leant my head against his shoulder. His arm slowly slid around my waist comfortingly.
“N-No…I was my fault.” He said quietly. “I was being cruel…unfair…”
“I…I care about you a lot Trunks.” I said quietly. “The fact that you were avoiding me hurt enough but when you grabbed me…and yelled the way you did…it shattered me.” Trunks hugged me so tightly then.
“I'm sorry. After that I could barely live with myself…taking everything out on you.” He said. “I'm so sorry. Y-you know…I am glad you're the one that's helping us. You're are strong and…you are stronger than both me and Goten put together…you just don't know it yet.”
“Trunks…I-I…I don't know…I keep trying to say so many things and it never comes out right.” I admitted. He smiled at last. Then he frowned.
“D-did you mean what you said?” he asked. “That we ruined your life?” I broke into tears and buried my face in his torn shirt.
“No. No. A thousand times no.” I cried. “You saved my life. I-I…I've tried to kill myself many times…I just got so lonely and the teasing got so much and I could take it and I kept trying to kill myself…but now you're here…when you and Goten arrived…you're the first real friends I've had in a long time. You saved my life. You're the best thing in my life.”
“Really?” he asked.
“Really.” I assured him. I got up and dragged him to his feet. “You're going upstairs, you're going to take a bath and warm up and dry off after being left outside in the freezing rain last night without food. Then guess what? I'm going to feed you again.” I pushed him upstairs. He wasn't really in the mood to argue so I just shoved him into the bathroom with a towel and some clean clothes and shut him in.
I sat downstairs with Goten waiting for Trunks to come down. We were eating again.
“I'm sorry for throwing you out Goten.” I said.
“That's OK. You're feeding me aren't you?” he said. “Besides…I think it was harder on Trunks than me. It's going to be hard for him to live with himself knowing what he did to you. He got really upset after doing it. He even started crying.”
“Trunks? Crying?” I asked. I couldn't believe it. Mind you…he was definitely more sensitive than Vegeta even if he did still have most of Vegeta's stubborn traits. It was then that Trunks came into the room. I went over and hugged him. Then went back to serving up food.
“What was that for?” he asked.
“Just…I missed you.” I said. Goten pouted.
“Don't I get a hug?” he whimpered. I laughed and hugged him too.
“Well, it's going to be warmer this afternoon…we can go outside.” I said. “I'll be outside when you're done eating.” I walked outside and went over to the large apple tree. I then lifted myself onto and fairly low branch. It was really big and was well hidden by the leaves. Thus I sat there and began my thinking.
So time later…nearly an hour actually Trunks came wondering over. I could see him and although he couldn't see me I knew he could sense me. Then his head sharply turned in my direction. Great he had spotted me. Well, I did want him to be here but this was my thinking time. He walked right over and lifted himself into the tree.
“Hey.” He greeted me, taking a seat on the branch.
“Hey.” I replied.
“What are you doing up here?” he asked.
“Walked the toaster.” I said bluntly. “What does it look like.” He grinned.
“Don't forget its leash.” He said. I hit him on the arm. “You know what I think you need?” He stood up on the branch.
“What?” I asked. He came and sat on the branch with each of his legs either side of me. I leant back against him to look over my shoulder. He was comfortably sat on the branch leaning back on another smaller branch behind him. I faced forward again and took his hands from the branch they were holding onto. I placed them around my waist and leant back to look at him.
“Trunks and Jesse sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G.” Goten chanted. “Literally sat in a tree…that's a new one.” Trunks and I blushed. He moved an arm to tilt my head back and leant down to kiss me.
Curse that song! I was literally in a tree kissing a boy! Literally! Wait…I love that song… I heard a crack which tore Trunks and I apart as we both fell backwards onto the ground.
I found myself led on my back on top of Trunks who was led on his back on the grass. I rolled off of him so that I was led on my back of the grass beside him. I laughed.
“That was original.” I giggled. Then Trunks suddenly rolled towards me and the next thing I know he was looking down at me. I reached my arm around the back of his head and pulled him into another kiss.
He grasped my waist and pulled me closer to him. I deepened the kiss which automatically got a response. He plunged his tongue into my mouth. I heard something that resembled a…purr…coming from the back of his throat. Must have been from the saiyan side.
Oh Kami…I was making out with Trunks Briefs in my back yard! I felt so warm and calm…so safe. I broke from the kiss panting. This was too fast for now. I'd best stop it for now. Trunks lifted himself up on his arms and continued to looked down at me. A smile broke out on his face and he rolled off of me falling onto the grass in laughter. I led on my side and watched him grinning and laughing on the grass.
“Was that real? Did I just do that or was it just my imagination?” he asked, still laughing. Goten looked at him strangely.
“Er…it was really Trunks.” He said. I started laughing too and soon all three of us were rolling across the grass laughing our heads off.
AN:/ READ THIS IF YOU WANT TO KNOW MORE ABOUT THE NEXT CHAPTER!!! There you go another chappie done. All is not perfect and happy yet. Jesse and Trunks aren't a couple yet. It's not all smooth sailing yet. And They only have less than three weeks left, time is running out and Jesse's not even super saiyan yet.