Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Kakkarot ❯ Introduction ( Prologue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]



By Rebs


Pairings: don't really plan to have any… maybe later… let's see where it goes… but it will set the stage for a strong friendship between K(g)/V

Warnings: none yet

Archives: If you want, but please let me know…

A/N: Hell, I don't know what I'm doing, but I am going to try to write something. I think the intro may be short, but my mind is being plagued and I have to get out what is there… so hopefully it will be good.. I have a little on paper and I'm gonna just add the rest as I go… let me know what you think.

As for when this takes place… future… Goku and Vegeta are older, wiser and probably stronger from decades of training. Kids are all grown with kids of their own. ChiChi left Goku, unable to deal with his happy go lucky/warrior self. Bulma died about eight years back and Vegeta got over it, but never let her out of his heart.


Vegeta and Goku paused in their training for a much needed food break. Both Saiyjins were beaten, bloody and bruised. Son Goku's gi top, now only tattered rags, lay discarded at his feet. Vegeta, the Prince of all Saiyjins, was no hentai, but he found himself taking in the younger Saiyjin. The earthlings called him Goku Son, but to Vegeta, he was only Kakkarot, son of Bardok.

Kakkarot seemingly denied his Saiyjin heritage, a fact that angered the Saiyjin prince. Oh, he accepted the blood that was in his veins, but not what went along with it. Aside form his appearance, the only the only sign of his true Saiyjin heritage was his incredible hunger for food and battle. Unlike average Saiyjins, however, Kakkarot was prone to showing mercy, preferring not to kill. He defended his wife and family, their planet and all they held dear. He only fought Frieza to defend the Earth. The Saiyjin before Prince Vegeta cared not about the fate of his own race. All of these things infuriated the Saiyjin no Ouji.

Without thought, Vegeta growled low in his throat. Goku understood this sign that the Prince was angry, but was unsure of what he had done to anger the man. Carefully, he went over the days events in his head wondering if he had said something out of place. For a moment, during his contemplation, he let his guard down, dropping all of his masks, before coming up blank and pulling his thoughts together once more.

"Vegeta," he asked when he noticed the moment of shock on the Princes face, "what is it?"

For just a moment, Vegeta could have sworn that there was a true Saiyjin hidden behind Kakkarot's eyes. For a moment he saw an impure glint in the other Saiyjins eyes. ~No, I am fooling myself,~ he thought ~Kakkarot is more human than his half breed brats are.~

"Nothing Kakkarot no baka!" He growled at the Saiyjin. "You are a disgrace to Saiyjins, you know." He was not sure why he said it, the other Saiyjin just made him so angry.


"SHUT UP BAKAYARO! I am your prince and I am speaking. Now let me finish!"

Goku stared dumbly at Vegeta, not sure what had gotten into the Prince.

"You are a disgrace. You would rather be human than who you truly are." Anticipating a somewhat sound point, the prince added "I don't care if you hit your blasted head and forgot yourself. Over the years you have learned about your race and yet you can see nothing but savages. We were a beautiful, graceful, and brutal race. We were to have been the rulers of the Universe had Frieza not interfered. That monster destroyed out people and you did not even care about that. FRIEZA KILLED YOUR OWN FATHER AND YOU ONLY CARED ABOUT THIS PITTIFUL PLANET!" Vegeta powered up, but before he took off, he said in a hushed, eerie tone, "I wish you were a real Saiyjin Kakkarot." With that he sped into the sky.

"Gomen Nasai, my Ouji, but I don't think you could ever forgive me if you knew the truth." Goku said as he bowed his head.