Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Kakkarot ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: Don't own them.. never will... am just a poor girl...




Part 1

Last time:

"You are a disgrace. You would rather be human than who you truly are." Anticipating a somewhat sound point, the prince added "I don't care if you hit your blasted head and forgot yourself. Over the years you have learned about your race and yet you can see nothing but savages. We were a beautiful, graceful, and brutal race. We were to have been the rulers of the Universe had Frieza not interfered. That monster destroyed out people and you did not even care about that. FRIEZA KILLED YOUR OWN FATHER AND YOU ONLY CARED ABOUT THIS PITTIFUL PLANET!" Vegeta powered up, but before he took off, he said in a hushed, eerie tone, "I wish you were a real Saiyjin Kakkarot." With that he sped into the sky.

"Gomen Nasai, my Ouji, but I don't think you could ever forgive me if you knew the truth." Goku said as he bowed his head.

A week has passed since Vegeta took off. Goku considered looking for him, but he knew the Ouji was physically fine. He was in no hurry to be berated again, so he decided to let Vegeta have his space.

'Perhaps then he'll forget about me not being Saiyjin enough.'

But Goku knew that would never happen. There were no other Saiyjins alive. Vegeta and himself were the last full blooded Saiyjins, and Vegeta would never truely be happy with him untill he could relate to him.

As Goku though about the Saiyjin Prince, the sky darkened in the west. Goku recognized the sky. "Shit!" He hissed before taking off at top speed towards the source of the darkness.

~~~~~~~~ In the West ~~~~~~~

"I'll show that Bakayaro." Vegeta mumbled to himself as he laid the dragonballs on the ground and proceeded to call the dragon from it's rest.

The dragon appeared before Vegeta. "What do you desire, mortal?"

"I wish Kakkarot's brain damage was reversed."

The dragon closed his eyes for a moment, and then opened them once again saying "It cannot be done."

"WHAT! What do you mean it cannot be done?"

"I cannot undo what is not there."

Vegeta turned that sentance around and upside down in his mind before looking at the dragon and asking, "The bakayaro has no brain damage?"

"Do you have a wish?"

Vegeta growled once more. "Hai, I wish-"

"Wait Vegeta."

Vegeta turned around to see Kakkarot walk out from behind a giant stone.

"What are you doing here Kakkarot?"

"I've heard enough Vegeta, I think we need to talk. You don't need to make anymore wishes about me."

"Fine then," Vegeta said turning back to the Dragon, "I wish we has our tails back."

The dragons eyes glowed for a moment. "It is done."

Vegeta then dismissed the Dragon, took a thoughtful glance at his tail and turned to Kakkarot.

"Well, explain yourself."

Goku dropped to his hnees and knelt before Vegeta. He bowed his head and said quietly, "Vegeta no Ouji, forgive me."

Vegeta stood there in shock. The Saiyjin before him, the Saiyjin raised on this backwater planet just bowed before his prince and asked for forgiveness. In the Saiyjin language.

TBC... let me know what you think.