Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Kakkarot ❯ Chapter 5 ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Title: Kakkarot!

Part 5

By: Rebs

Archive: It's on FF.Net If you have a page and want to archive any of my fics, just ask me.

Pairings: None as yet





"Hey Goten." Trunks smiled and greeted his best friend as he arrived. "What's wrong Goten?" Trunks asked hi abnormally quiet friend.

"I'm not sure, Trunks. Dad is acting kind of funny. He says everyone is going to hate him and that he has no honor. I wish I knew what was going on with him."

"You will know soon enough Spawn of Kakkarot." Vegeta's voice broke in.

"What do you mean?" Goten asked as he spun around to look at Vegeta. He only found air, for Vegeta was already gone.




The guests arrived and after a while dinner was served. Goku Son, to the surprise of all those present, had yet to arrive. Vegeta growled at this as he finished his meal. 'That baka better show up or I'll kill him today!' He thought to himself. Just then, however, he felt his old rival's ki nearby.

Vegeta turned to the source to find Kakkarot, dressed in Saiyjin armor, walking up to him.

"Where did you get that armor Kakkarot?"

"I asked Bulma to make it, years ago. I told her I wanted it for a Halloween party, but I asked her to keep it secret because I wasn't sure Chi-Chi would let me wear it."

Vegeta nodded his understanding. "Are you ready?"

"Hai, Vegeta-Ouji, ready as I can be. I only hope they don't all hate me."

"They all hate me, it does not matter to me though, only my peoples opinion matters, and now that I have a people again, small as it may be," he sighed, "I have someone to matter to. And, Kakkarot, I don't hate you, nor will your children. That is all that should matter. And if you ever repeat this!" He left the threat there, though. Kakkarot knew what would happen, and he knew better.

Vegeta turned and walked to the front of the group. He looked around and noticed all eyes were on him, wondering what was going on. Vegeta never threw parties.

"Everyone, you are here today because of your friend Goku." He said Kakkarots Earth name with disgust. He has something to tell you all."

That said, Vegeta stepped aside and let Kakkarot walk to the front of the Group.

Kakkarot looked at all of his 'friends' and sighed before straightening up and hardening his features. He closed his eyes for a moment and when he opened them again, all the Saiyjin bloodlust and pride shone through him. He smirked, much like Vegeta, and finally began to speak to the confused looking people whom he had lied to for so long.

"I suppose you are all wondering what is going on." He stated flatly, showing no emotion. "Well, my Prince has requested that I stop my deception. Please don't think poorly on him for what I have done, for Vegeta-Ouji only just found out himself.."

"Goku, what is going on, why are you calling that bastard Ouji?" Chi-Chi snapped at her ex-husband.

Quicker that a normal human can see, Kakkarot had his hand around Chi-Chi's throat lifting her slightly off the Ground. "For decades I put up with your foolish, bitchy human ways, but now, I have come here to tell you I am Kakkarot. I have never been Goku." He growled for everyone to hear. "It was all a lie. A lie to make my life comfortable. And Woman," he spat, "you will never speak so lowly of my Ouji in my presence, or I will not be so forgiving."

He released the shocked Chi-Chi. "You, woman, are lucky to be my children's mother. I would have gladly killed you long ago, but you are the strongest female on this planet and I was guaranteed strong children from you." He spoke quietly so only Chi-Chi could hear the last part.

Kakkarot turned and walked back to his prince. He knelt before Vegeta and said, in his native language, "Vegeta-Ouji, I have done as you asked, do you forgive me?"

"Hai, Kakkarot, you are forgiven. In fact, I have decided to raise your class to that of Saiyjin Elite. You are far to powerful to be a third class. However, you must pledge yourself to me, your Prince."

"Hai, my Prince. I pledge myself to you. I'll do all you ask of me and give my life for you, if needed."

Vegeta nodded his approval and Kakkarot stood. He turned once again to face a varied crowd. His features softened slightly, for a moment. "I never meant any harm. The lie I have lived has kept all of you safe for decades. Though it may not be the Saiyjin way to take on friends, or weaknesses, you should know that I do have these weaknesses. I love my children and I'll love all of their children. I also think of many of you as my friends. I only hope you still consider me your friend."

That said he walked away from the group. He would let them decide where his station in their lives would be, but until then, he wanted to fight. He needed to fight. He knew his Prince would be with him soon enough to accommodate.


To be continued…..


Next time we'll find out what everyone thinks of Kakkarot now.