Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Kids Today, Adults Tomorrow ❯ Blah blah blah blah blah or... Good-bye Vegeta (sad scene) ( Chapter 19 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
And we're back with another chapter!!! ^_^ *waves hello* Hi hi!

Okay, there have been some complaints about not enough V/B action. I thoroughly apologize. From this moment on, I will concentrate on my original goal! ^.~ But it won't be that easy to bring V/B together. I do not own DBZ. I own this story though, lol.

Shout Out: Okay, I can't say any more personalized shout outs because I'm plum tired, but I do have a treat for y'all. You all get Vegeta's Funniest Bloopers: Season Three: Frieza Saga! starting ... now:

Vegeta laid down, with the blood gushing out of his heart. He raised his hand. "Eleanor! I'm comin' for ya, Eleanor!" He cried. Goku, Gohan, Frieza, Piccolo, and Dende stared at him. He sat up. "What? Isn't that my line?" He took out a folded script and skipped through a couple of pages.

Cut! Vegeta...get your lines right!

Vegeta smirked at the two short people. Krillian sweated as he held the "Ha! I just kneeeeeeew you had the dragonballs! Gimme! Gimme now!" Gohan and Krillain blinked at him. He blinked back. "what? Isn't that in the script?" He took out the same script and looked on page seven. "oooooh..." He looked to the camera and waved. "Sorry!" People groaned from around the camera and a person with a headset mic walked up to talk with the DBZ members.

Cut! ... Vegeta......

Goku solemnly picked up Vegeta then set him down, as he dug the grave. "I'm sorry, Vegeta. I didn't know." He laid Vegeta in the grave and started to bury him. He got up and then a hand stuck out of the ground, waving.

"MAIT! I'B STILB ABIVE!!" Came the yell from six feet under. Everyone anime fell.

Cut! Cut! Somebody go help Vegeta! *sigh* I need an anti-acid.

"I just want you to know that I care for you..." Vegeta held the blushing Bulma's hand. The Dragonball was at his feet. Krillain and Gohan sputtered. "I will always be there for you, Bulma. I love you." Bulma was red. Krillain was sweatdropping and shaking his head. Gohan blinked. The sound of the director's tears was heard of an, "I'm ruined!"

Cut! ... Vegeta ... Wrong Saga!

"Give me the dragonballs." Vegeta ordered holding out his hand. Krillain growled and held it while Bulma cowered behind him.

"Oh! Do what he says!" Bulma slapped Krillain upside his head. Vegeta smirked and started staring at her cleavage and just as she bent down to get the Dragonball, he leaned to one side, drooling at her butt.

"Say, Bulma, is it?" Bulma looked up. Vegeta smirked. "How about you and me, make Namek our loooooove shack?" He gave a cat growl, making a wiggling motion with his eyebrows and jerking his head to a secluded cliff. She blushed heavily and smiled, walking up to him, swaying her hips.

Cut! Vegeta, that wasn't in the scene! That wasn't even written! ...Vegeta? ...Bulma? ...Can someone go get a screen to cover that? Eh..*sigh* I need a vacation.

"AAAAH! LET GO OF MY HEAD!" Frieza yelled as Vegeta started pulling on it. Vegeta grunted and pulled harder. Goku, Gohan, Piccolo, Krillain, and Dende sweatdropped as Frieza ran around everywhere with Vegeta on him.

Vegeta... [came the Director's bored voice]



Cut! ... Can someone pry Vegeta off Frieza? And can anyone clean up Frieza's little "accident," please?

"Wow, he's cute!" Bulma sighed, oblivious to Vegeta's eye twitch. "GREEN'S MY FAVORITE COLOR!" She waved. His eye twitched more. Zarbon seemed to enjoy the attention and was smirking her way.

"I WILL KILL YOU!" Vegeta charged at the unprepared Zarbon and proceeded to beat the crap out of him. Bulma covered her mouth and winced whenever Zarbon was punched and kicked. "BULMA'S MINE, JACKASS!" Vegeta kicked more into Zarbon's side.

Cut! ... wait ... Yeah, better cut! I'm not going to say anything to you Vegeta. I'm not. It was going good until you blurted those words out. *sigh* Take 347! *mumbles under breath* Maybe we should rename this scene "Vegeta's Jealousy Scene."

"I'm ... too sexy for my spandex!" Vegeta sang to himself as he sat on the dragonballs. Shocks throughout the land from Frieza's ki blasts. But throughout it all, Vegeta sang. "I'm ... too sexy for Frieza's army.. too sexy for the dragonballs, too sexy for TV! Yeah!" Vegeta started dancing around.


"Rrrrraaaaaaaaaaaaaaah... ALRIGHT! ONE OF YOU IS GOING TO PAY!" Vegeta flew out of the window of Frieza's space craft. The scared Krillain, Gohan, Ginyu, Jeiyce, and Goku stared at him. "WHO'S THE ONE WHO TOOK MY BALONEY SANDWICH?"

CUT!.... Vegeta, no one took your baloney sandwich!

"My father and I... our people had..." Vegeta was silent as he laid on the ground. Everyone leaned in for what he was about to say. "...umm.. line?"

Cut! Vegeta... your line is "our people listened to Frieza and did what he ordered." That's it! I'm calling it a wrap for today, people.

...... And that was only a small taste, people! Enjoy Vegeta's Funniest Bloopers: Season Three: Frieza Saga! on VHS and DVD available near a S.U.W.L. near you! *sparkling smile* It will be sent to the following........

Princess Sapphire
Lady Katz
Empress Sarah-sama
Bulma Briefs^Yue Lover
Nishshongo Grohochari
Alien Crustacean

Thanks for reviewing! Y'all are great!! Enjoy your blooper tapes/dvds!!

Rating: PG-13 for adorable antics, adult language, and some sexual implications.

Kids Today, Adults Tomorrow
Chapter Eighteen
Blah blah blah blah blah or... Good-bye Vegeta (sad scene)

"Blah blah blah blah blah. Blah yadda blah blah blah. Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah. Blah blah blah blah blah. Blah blah blah blah blah. Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah." Dr. Briefs patted the Rejuvenation tank. "Any questions?"

The four stared at him wide eyed. Dr. Briefs smiled brightly. "Well, let's blah blah blah then!"

Vegeta, Goku, and Gohan blinked. Chichi started clapping. "Genius!" She continued to bravo him. "I understand!" The three boys: Two Saiyajins, one Demi-Saiyajin switched their shock to her. Dr. Briefs rubbed the back of his head as he lightly blushed and grinned.

"Why thank you-"

"HELLO?" Vegeta roared. "Have you forgotten your spawn so quickly, old man??"

"Oh! Thank you for reminding me, Vegeta."

Vegeta rolled his eyes and looked worriedly at the "sleeping" Bulma. His tail caressed one side of her cheek and unbeknownst to him, he was being watched. Man, she was beautiful, he mused, even when she was ten. He blinked and blushed heavily moving away from her, even as his tail did not. His tail tickled her chin fondly, making her smile in her "sleep." Vegeta had no clue what he was doing, but if he liked it and Bulma liked it, he wouldn't stop.

Gohan glared. Oh how he wanted to hurt Vegeta for even touching his Bulma. Yes, his. To Gohan, Bulma was his ever since the tutoring session (AN: O_o) and if Vegeta were to cross his property, then he would have some heavy competition on his hands. He clenched his fists and looked away. Soon, Bulma would realize. He gave a mental evil laugh. (AN: o_O)

"Now," Dr. Briefs moved towards Bulma, and Vegeta grabbed his tail just in the nick of time so he would not be noticed. Bulma was picked up and a mask was attached to her face as she was set into the chamber. The latch was locked and then green liquid filled the tank. Dr. Briefs punched some numbers in and stepped back.

"How long will this take?"

"Let me put it this way, Chichi. Do you have a pack of cards?"

-Thirty Minutes Later-

"HA! I win again..." Goku grinned as he shuffled the cards and brought in a load of paper clips and eclairs into his arms. His poker hat waved around a bit as he gobbled into the eclairs. Chichi sighed.

"I don't get it! How can you win three times in a row?? It's impossible!" She threw her cards down. "I'm out for the next game."

"Why said anything about a next game? My paper clips and eclairs are all gone." Dr. Briefs gave Goku a pointed look, who was oblivious to it and kept eating.

"Do you know where Vegeta and Gohan are?"

"Vegeta is..." Chichi pointed to an empty corner. She arched her eyebrow, "Well, he was there. I know for a fact that Gohan is-" She pointed to a place right by the Rejuvenation Tank, which was also empty as well. "AAAAAAAH!" Chichi screamed. "WHERE IS GOHAN?"

Vegeta growled at the pictures before him. Stupid, stupid, stupid Yamcha! All the pictures. There was Yamcha kissing Bulma, hugging her, giving another hug, holding her, giving another kiss, then another, then another, then another, THEN ANOTHER, THEN ANOTHER, THEN ANOTHER, THEN ANOTHER, THEN ANOTHER! Vegeta took a picture and bit off Yamcha's head.

"Arr...." He growled through mouthfuls as he bit off Yamcha's head one by one. "Heh heh heh.." He laughed evilly, with a Yamcha head sticking to his bottom lip. He took out a marker and some paper and glue and started to work. In each absence of Yamcha's head, there was a scribbly drawn Vegeta head puckering his lips to Bulma's. Vegeta nodded, happy with his work. Then his tummy rumbled. He smirked and left to get food.

Gohan was happily strolling the halls, looking at pictures *coughBulmaonlycough* when he spied Vegeta leaving a room. He hid and covered his ki as Vegeta walked calmly downstairs. Gohan looked after him, then at the door he had come out of and slowly sneaked in.

What he saw horrified him. All the pictures. Full of Vegeta kissing Bulma! Holding her, smiling with her, kissing, kissing, smiling, hugging, holding, laughing, loving, giggling.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!" He immediately went to a couple and chewed up the Vegeta heads. More chewing, as the drawn Vegeta heads became spitballs. Gohan smirked at his work and spotted a marker and some paper along with tape. There was a jar of glue but it looked run out.

"Mwahaha. ... Time to try out my art skills." He said cheerfully as he drew Gohan heads and taped them next to Bulma heads, always putting hearts between Bulma and him. When he was satisfied with his work, he got up, dusted his hands, and whistled as he went downstairs to eat.

Vegeta chewed on his three-hundredth sandwich when he spotted a whistling Gohan come inside. He narrowed his eyes. Something didn't smell right. His tail started lashing around.

Gohan whistled then stopped as he saw Vegeta glaring at him. He glared back. His rump started wagging almost unnoticeably to show his uncomfort. He strolled by and sat on the opposite end of Vegeta, taking his sandwich, all the while never breaking eye-contact.

Vegeta growled. The boy was daring him. He could sense it. Mrs. Briefs then interrupted the "happy" little moment.

"Boys, enjoying your meal? Oh Gohan, there you are! I've got some special treats for you." Gohan sent a smirk to Vegeta. "Do you want anything Vegeta?"

Vegeta stood up and strolled casually outside the kitchen. "No thanks. I suddenly lost my appetite. There's something disgusting in the air." Gohan's eye twitched dangerously but he ignored it. He turned around to eat.

Vegeta opened the door then his face fell. What the...? All the pictures. Gohan, Gohan, that brat! That stupid excuse of Kakarott's Spawn!


Imaginative lightning effect flashed behind him. Wait ... imaginative? He looked behind him and sure enough, it started to rain. "Wow, talk about matching the mood... Now where was I? Oh yes. DAMN YOU GOHAN!" He shook his fist to the ceiling. Then after a while he got tired of it and looked down, smiling evilly. He set to work and chewed off all the Gohan heads.

Then he taped up all the newly drawn Vegeta heads and looked around. "Now.. where to put them so Bulma can find them and not that idiotic brat?" He looked around as the photos threatened to overflow in his arms. He spotted a great place. Vegeta tossed them all into a box full of silky undergarments, grinning, as he covered the photos with a pair of blue boxers. He patted it.

"There. Now he'll never find it." He gave a maniacal laugh and left the room, wondering to himself if Bulma woke up.

-Inside Bulma's Head- (AN: The last time, I swear!!)

The fighting continued. Vegeta growled. Goku growled. Chichi eeped. Bulma groaned, holding her head, swaying slightly. The colors blurred around her. What was happening? Why did she feel so awful?

"This is for all the times you called me a carrot!" Goku punched Vegeta in the gut. He gasped and glared at Goku, grabbing him in a headlock.

"And this is for all the times you called me a Vegetable at school!" He gave an extra squeeze. Goku struggled to breathe but kept up with his comments.

"At least I'm not still a virgin!" Vegeta growled and tried to give an extra squeeze, but Goku slipped out and punched him in the mouth.

Vegeta stumbled back, holding his lip. "At least I don't sleep with a bunny called "Mr. Boogers"!"

"You leave Mr. Boogers out of this!" Goku yelled, feeling his body temperature rise.

"Oh I'm so sorry, Kakarott!" Vegeta gave a mock giggle and fluttered his eyes. "I didn't know I was supposed to be a mommy and be nice to you."

Goku gave a roar and headbutted him in the middle. "IT'S GOKU, DAMMIT!"

Bulma panted deeply, sweating. Chichi looked sideways and gasped, "Bulma? Are you all right?"

"I..." She suddenly lost all strength and fell. Chichi knelt down. "BULMA!"

The two men stopped fighting and simultaneously looked over. Vegeta felt himself turn pale and push Goku away as he ran over to Bulma. Goku couldn't speak or move as he stared. Bulma turned her glassy gaze at Vegeta. "Hi."

Vegeta furrowed his thick eyebrows. "Hi."

She smiled and held up a weak hand as she outlined his face, "You should shave. You look a lot better without it." Vegeta held her hand to his cheek, eyes stating clearly that he didn't understand.

"Bulma? Bulma? Bul-"

"Veg, what's happening to me?" She sighed and gave a weak chuckle. He gave a look over her body.

"Hold still, my dad can help." The crowd seemed distant from then. She caressed his cheek, eyes filling with tears.

"It's too late, don't you see?" He violently shook his head at her reply.

"NO! No. Just stay still, and then we can get help. We'll get help, baby." Bulma chuckled again, feeling everything flush through her. She realized, that she loved him. But now, it was too late now. He smoothed over his hand over her damp forehead, brushing aside stray bangs.

"I.., " She was unable to say it. She couldn't say "I love you," because she realized for a second time that day that he wasn't Vegeta. The Vegeta she loved. He was only a dream. "Good-bye Vegeta." She closed her eyes, never to open them again. He stood still for a second, still in deep shock. Then he screamed.

"BULMA!!!!" He shook her limp body and buried his face into her neck. He yelled, no, screamed: "Come back! COME BACK!" But she didn't move. He felt a hand on his shoulder, but he ignored it and kept shaking his lover. Then a tear fell. "Bulma..." he whispered, holding her quiet body to his. "Bulma..." Then, all turned black.

(AN: I hate the mushy parts... Sorry about that.)

-Out of Bulma's Head-

Down, down, down below the Earth's crust, was a place called, "Hole For Infinite Losers" or better known as HFIL. Look past the stinking pits of this Hell, and you can see two Saiyajins watching Goreball (a Hellish version of football).

One had brown flamed hair with a green foam finger that said, "#1 Of HFIL," stuck on his hair. He had a goatee and royal armor on. His friend next to him, had a scar across his cheek, a red headband, and wild hair. They stared intently at the screen. The one with a foam finger stuck on his hair leaned forward slightly. The other leaned forward as well.

"Come on ... come on..." The one with a scar heard the one with a goatee mutter. "Kick it into the hole, idiot..."

The one with a scar kept his eyes ahead, and then a troll with a referee outfit came on-view as he blew a whistle. The one with a scar pounded his fist into the table, "DAMMIT! THAT'S THE FIFTH TIME THIS WEEK!" He glowered at the television set before setting his glare to the foam-fingered man.

He smirked, and held out his hand, "Pay up, Bardock."

Bardock grunted and dug his hand into his pocket and got out a pixie stix. "My last one, like we dealed, My King." The King nodded and grabbed the pixie stix, sucking on it.

"I hope you learned your lesson today, Bardock."

"Yes, Saiyajin no Ou. I'll never bet on the Goblins again." Bardock grumbled and drank his drink.

"How are your sons? That Raditz and Turles?" The Saiyajin no Ou asked as he finished his pixie stix.

"They are fine."

"What about...the other one?" The Saiyajin no Ou did a small jerk of the head at that last part. Bardock sighed.

"Well, let's check the news then." He got a big remote and clicked the channels until the view was three people: an old man with a cat on his shoulder, a woman with raven hair, and a small ten-year old boy with identical hair as Bardock. They were around the table, with cards and strange looking pastries. "Well, it looks like he's ten again." He commented on it as if it were normal.

"Ah, that means my son is ten as well." Vegeta no Ou nodded to himself as he stroked his goatee. "Veeeeery interesting."

The two men were silent for a minute and then Bardock changed the channel back to Goreball. He leaned back and then started betting, "I bet you a tootsie roll that the Werewolves will win the next game.

"You're on."

(AN: I have no clue why I wrote this.)

She only saw green. She blinked. Green liquid was all around her. Nani? She touched the cool surface and saw her father talking to Chichi, with Goku...as..


She gave scream of surprise and stuck her face to the clear surface, staring. Then she felt a mask on her jaw. She looked down and sure enough there was a mask on her jaw. She blinked once again. Then she looked and saw everyone was staring at her. She stared back. They stared back. The silence was echoing all around them as they stared...at..eachother. O.o;;

Then she started banging on the glass. "LET ME OUT!" She screamed through her mask, infuriated that they weren't already doing so. Her father jerked and ran over there, pressing some random buttons.

Slowly the green liquid around her swirled downwards into a drain and she took off the mask as the door opened. Bulma stepped out, and immediately yelled, "WHY WAS I EVEN IN THERE? WHERE IS GOHAN AND VEGETA? AND WHY IS GOKU TEN YEARS OLD?" She looked down at herself. "AAAH! WHY AM I TEN YEARS OLD??"

Her father chuckled. "Now Bulma, calm-"


"Just rela-"

"Oh you want relax, do you? I'll show you relaxed! I'll..oh I feel dizzy.." Bulma held her head and sat down. "My head is spinning... or is that the room?" Goku crouched, waving hello to Bulma.

"Guess what, Bulma?"

"What, Goku?" She winced at the pressure in her head as Goku laughed nervously.

"I sort of...." He whispered the rest in Bulma's ear. Her eyes widened and her mouth went wide as she ...

"YOU TAMPERED WITH THOSE PICTURES AND I KNOW IT!" Vegeta yelled as he sent a ki blast to Gohan. Gohan dodged and stuck out his tongue.

"They looked better with my head! Your head was too big!"

"Why you little-" Vegeta sent another attack, "Galic Gun!" that Gohan dodged and sent back to the little prince one of his own.

"Kamehameha!" Vegeta sent another Galic Gun to counter it.

"Ha! Call that your best, weakling?" The flame-haired ten year old boasted as he put his hands on his hips, smirking. Gohan smirked and disappeared. Vegeta blinked then felt his hair getting tugged violently.

"Oooooooooooow! MY HAIR!" Vegeta looked up to see a smiling Gohan pull his hair hard. Vegeta returned the favor with pure delight.


"HAHAHA! NOW YOU KNOW HOW IT FEELS, SPAWN OF KAKAROTT!" Vegeta gave another tug and Gohan pulled some more as well.

"Okay, this isn't working, Vegeta. I say we count to three and let go, okay?"


"Okay.. One."


"THREE!" They both said, but didn't let go.

Vegeta glowered. "You let go, first!"

"No, you!" Gohan glowered.



"No, you."

"I said, you, stupid brat! Now let go!"

"Who are you calling a stupid brat, you Vegetable? You're shorter than me and I'm young!"

".......WHY YOU LITTLE! NEVER INSULT A PRINCE'S HEIGHT!" Vegeta pulled more. Gohan gave a yelp of pain and pulled back.

"I can insult..ow...whoever I wa-ow..nt!"

"And I can.." He gave a grunt of pain, "hurt whoever I," he gave another, "want."

"At least Bulma likes me more." Gohan stuck his tongue at him.

"WHAT? YOU! HA! YOU WISH!" Vegeta smirked. "It is me she desires..."

Gohan glared. "No, me."

"No, it's me, dufus!" Vegeta's eye twitched.




"WOMEN DON'T LIKE SMART GUYS!" He smirked, folding his arms, closing his eyes, despite the grip Gohan had on him. "They like men like me: strong, handsome, and-"

"Stupid." Gohan laughed. "Bulma's into smart guys. She told me so herself."

"Nani?" This caught Vegeta's interest. "when?"

"Ummm.. ummmmm... umm.. Some..time..ago." Gohan shifted his gaze somewhere else. Vegeta narrowed his eyes.

"You're lying."

"Am not."

"Are too."

"Are not."





A scream from the lab interrupted their bickering, and they simultaneously looked at the still-broken lab door and winced. "YOU WHAT, SON GOKU??? I'M GOING TO KIIIIIIILLLLL YOU!!!" Then a humongous crash. The two boys nodded to each other and ran towards the lab.


AN: Narrator: Well, it looks like all is well ... but what's this? BUNNI STOPPED THERE? BULMA'S ALIVE? SHE'S GOING TO KILL GOKU? VEGETA AND GOHAN ARE FIGHTING OVER THE ONLY *coughnotforGohancough* WOMAN THAT THEY WILL EVER LOVE? Oh the suspense!!

*Bunni walks in with torn clothes*

Bunni: You ain't seen half of it, Narrator guy. O.o;; *takes out remote control and the view switches to where there is a cage and two figures are in it*

*Somewhere in a locked cage in the depths of the S.U.W.L.*

Yue Lover^Bulma Briefs: *grumbles* Man, that Bra is tricky.
Krillain: *beside her* *waves his burrito* Can you cha-cha, pretty lady?
YL^BB: o.O;; *inches away*

*In S.U.W.L. living room*

Bunni: *looks at the unconscious Bra and Trunks* Man, this invention that Empress Sarah-sama gave me really worked! ^_^ Thank you all...! NOW I CAN LIVE IN PEACE! *evil laugh* MWAHAHAHAHAHHA!!
Chibi-Bra: *begins to stir* Wha-? *BONK* *THUD*
Bunni: *looks to reviewers as she puts away her bonking stick* Sorry, but I wasn't ready to face her...just yet. ^_~ Please review and Vegeta and Bulma just might get their freak on and Trunks will be born! WHOO! PAR-TAY!

*Somewhere in Alaska*

Android T: *talking to an eskimo* So, do you know where the frogs are?
Eskimo: Ego?
Android T: No, no, I said FROG, not EGO.
Eskimo: Waffle?
Android T: *eye twitch* No, I said FROG. Not EGO or WAFFLE, buddy.
Eskimo: Pancake?
Android T: *shakes him* THAT'S IT!
Eskimo: *while being shaken* Leggo of my ego! O.o;;

Review and get this limited edition black ferrari that VEGETA once rode in... *nods* Oh and Bulma was in the front seat. *grin* She left behind..er..something reeeeeeal interesting *wiggles eyebrows and nudges* If ya know what I mean. ^__^