Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Kuro's Escape ❯ Forgive me ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

He packed quickly, careful not to take anything He had given him in their years together, stifling his sobs as he realized how long they really had maintained their strange relationship. It hadn't really seemed like that much time had passed, but it had. He'd been with the other five years.

Five years… wasted. Lost. I could have… I could have…. I couldn't have done anything else. I already proved I was a failure at anything else. I was even a failure at being the man I used to be. I am nothing more than a whore… an unwanted one. His thoughts churned, semi-chaotic, as he finished the hasty packing. He could still hear the singer stopping occasionally and going back over a bar or a line. The pots and pans were still rattling, but he knew to leave… to have to see Him as he left… would break what little was left of him. He opened the window quietly, slipping out.

Once on the ground, he wasn't sure what exactly to do. This place was no longer his home, and he knew his apartment wasn't truly safe. But, it was his. Closing his eyes, he groped for the signatures he knew in that area, and vanished. His speed kept him out of the sight of the man whose energy he'd used, and he darted up the stairs to his room. He closed it behind him, popping the capsule immediately. A moment later, the binders were back over his wrists, his energy dropping to the level of a normal human's.

Kuroichi put the rest of his things away, then pulled them down to tuck most back into the capsule. He'd been ready to fix their meal, but now found himself with no interest in food at all. He put the capsule safely away, and collapsed face first on his long-neglected bed. Not even the massive amounts of dust that rose from it were incentive enough for him to get up. Emotionally exhausted, he fell into the escape of sleep.

The weight of the cuffs on his wrists and ankles was beyond familiar, as was the voice whispering such evil promises in his ear. The familiar whistling of the whip warned of the lashes that followed, lashes that landed on a back already broken by a previous beating. He screamed, there was no one here to be strong for, only men who wanted to hear his screams… until he was reduced to pathetic whimpering from a voice too raw to scream.

If he saw me now… Rage and shame in the thought, despair in the cry as he tried to curl into a little ball and escape himself. Chi-bound and drugged, he wasn't able. He gave them what they expected, his body jerking and twisting with each new blow. They had broken him before, and this time, there would be no way escape. He no longer had friends; his protector had thrown him out. Tears of pain and remembered humiliation ran down his face. This time, when they broke him, he would be theirs forever.

The needles were in play too, had been for so long that he no longer flinched when they approached with them. His body ached with need, with pain. His vision was gone, all he could see were little whirling lights. Everything else was super-sensitive, the scents the sounds, the touch. A needle was trailing up his thigh, he knew enough to whimper slightly, knowing where the pain would be when they used it, knowing that whatever was in it would only make how he felt worse. He tried to get away, to be foiled by the bonds.

The whipping hadn't stopped, the voice promised that it wouldn't until he begged to be released. He howled when the needle pierced him, screaming as its load was pumped into his body. But there wasn't enough pain to beg for release. There wasn't enough pain to drown the awful emptiness, or the heartache. There wasn't enough pain to make him forget. Not yet.

His screams reverberated through the building, but in this area, no one would come to see what was wrong. They knew. He was raped, repeatedly, the whipping moving to his chest at those times. Fresh marks were carved into his body, and still he did not beg. He lost all track of time, his senses growing sharp or fuzzy depending on what drugs they pumped into him. And then, for a time, they did nothing except the whipping.

He hung limply from his bonds, whimpering from time to time as his hurts made themselves known. His mind grew less muddled, his senses sharper. He could smell the strong scent of blood now, and semen. Feel the true agony of the whip across his other wounds. Hear the user counting slowly to a hundred between blows, then the whistle as the lash cut through the air to score his ravaged flesh. His vision, still blurred, provided him with a mass of unpleasant movement headed his way. And he was so tired.

I don't want… no… stop them… please Master…. Master… what… what did I do wrong? His lips formed the words, but his voice was gone, screamed away long ago. Dimly, he heard someone talking, knew he was being moved. Fresh pain, intense, but softness beneath him. Uncaring hands hurting him as he was spread. Hands he didn't know. Master? Master! Where are you? Where are you? What did I do? Please Master! Stop this… don't let them hurt me anymore! I'm sorry, Master! Forgive me, please forgive me! "Masssster….?" he slurred, nearly unconscious. "Frrrrgvv?"

A husky chuckle from above him, and the fresh pain of a new rape. Tears slipped down his face. He was not forgiven. His Master was still angry with him. He felt another needle, the sting as a new drug was introduced. The one using him finally gave him the cue he needed, but by then, he was too far gone to use it. He slid into blackness.

The hunter paused, sniffing the air. Blood-scent, recent. His quarry. Snarling, he followed the trail.


Goku: That… doesn't sound pleasant.

Jewel: Nope.

Goku: Um… does it get over soon?

Jewel: That part does.

Goku: You mean there's more????!

Jewel: You have met my muse, right?

Goku: Um… yes.

Jewel: You realize he's still plotting revenge, right?

Goku: *blinks* Why?

Jewel: Vegeta hit him for fondling you?

Goku: OH! I remember! *looks nervous* Uh, where's the muse?

Jewel: With Sephfy-muse. Making a whole slew of lemon-colored plot bunnies.

Goku: *gulps* Lemon-colored… plot bunnies?

Vegeta: Oh hell.

Jewel: *grins, displays a bunny* This one is for this story.

V&G: *examine bunny. Turn white*

Goku: *squeaks* I don't want that to happen to MEEEE!

Vegeta: I am going to kill your muse. *eyes Kakarot* Then bring him back with the dragonballs so I can kill him again.