Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Kuro's Escape ❯ Chosen ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

He watched from the shadows, hunting the elusive, fragile chi-thread he'd caught and lost only a moment before. The blood-scent here was very strong, as was the odor of semen. His feral smile promised death to those who had hurt his chosen. Canines, unnaturally long and sharp, gleamed in the dim lighting. Dark, deadly eyes probed the shadows, searching for the thing he sought.

A moment later, he moved. A throat was torn, the cartilage dropped next to the still-spasming body. The head crunched under the heel of his boot, a satisfying sound. The whip the man had held was now in his killer's grasp, blood licked at by a swift tongue. A savage snarl echoed in the empty room, the hunter again searching out the scent of the blood, searching for the highest concentration.

Three more died on the stairs, each as swiftly as the first man. The hunter had only one thing on his mind now - his prey was close, and weak. He opened doors, disposing of the men easily as they came for him. He would not, this time, make the mistake of letting them live. Silent beams of light destroyed the guards at the last door. He approached, flung it open.

The bullets fired ricocheted off the sudden flare surrounding the now golden-haired warrior. Energy balls destroyed those not caught by the ricochets, his boots crushed the skulls of two in his path who'd had the poor luck to not die instantly. He stalked toward the bed and the men on it.

"Oh, did you tire of waiting for your turn?" The blond on the bed pulled out, stood next to it to fasten his pants. "He's not much of a lay right now, that last bit of dope knocked him out instead of stimulating him like it was supposed to. Disappointing, really."

The warrior moved, giving the body a cursory look. Rage boiled in his eyes, the blond shrieked as his genitals were evaporated by a well-placed shot. He kept screaming through the loss of his hands and feet, screamed as his eyes were dug from their sockets. The warrior pulled his limbs off, tossing them calmly to the corners of the rooms. "Your noise is annoying." A snap of bone, and the head rolled across the floor. The rest of the body was discarded, the golden warrior kneeling next to the wounded one on the bed.

Mangled flesh was put back into place as well as could be, then held in place with the warrior's chi. The wounded one was turned, the process repeated with his back. The warrior turned the wounded one again, pulled him to be cradled close against a strong chest. They exited through the window, pausing only to allow the warrior to release a brief burst of chi. The building exploded.

He carried his prize back to the apartment, laying the man carefully on the bed. A brief search through the small box yielded the treasure he needed, and the wounds were soon healed. Vegeta traced the new scars, almost in disbelief. It had taken him only a few minutes to determine where Kuroichi had gone, but in the hour and a half it took him to get there, the other's chi-signature had vanished. It had taken him three days to determine where the other had gone, but less than five minutes to release him.

Carefully, he removed the binders, incinerating them. The things would not keep his Kuro hidden from him again. He frowned at the dried blood - and other stuff - on his chosen's skin. That would have to go. He ran a bath, removing his own bloodied clothes. He gathered up the larger, still unconscious form, lowering him carefully into the tub before getting in himself.

The shampoo he rubbed in gently, loosening blood-matted hair. The water around them went from clear to a dark reddish-pink as he rinsed; he drained it and started the tub refilling as he began a second shampooing. Again, he was forced to refill the tub before continuing the cleansing. Kuro's washcloth was rough, he found himself wishing it was soft, but it was all that was available. He ran it gently over the other's limbs and body, carefully removing the last physical traces of the torture his lover had suffered. Not until every last trace was gone from his lover's skin did he turn to his own, and that was over quickly.

He removed them from the tub, grabbing a rough towel from the shelf. The wretched thing was put to use sopping up the water in his beloved's messy spikes; he pulled an old, soft t-shirt from the box to use to towel him dry. Not until he had the younger Saiyan tucked beneath the still dusty blanket on his bed did Vegeta tend to drying himself. He gave the dusty bed a scornful look, then crawled beneath the blanket to curl around his chosen.

It doesn't hurt. I don't hurt. He blinked, uncertain at first where he was, then sneezed. An arm tightened around his waist, he tensed involuntarily, remembering the pain, before looking over his shoulder to find Vegeta. He… came? For me? But… Master… he… I don't understand!

He blinked again, then looked around him. His room. His apartment. He slipped from the bed, touching his chest carefully, looking down to see only new, fresh skin. Senzu? Has to be… why… what is going on? "AAAHHH!"

Vegeta smiled from his position over the toppled Saiyan. "Going somewhere?"

His answer was lost in the brutally savage, possessive kiss the older Saiyan gave him. He thought about fighting, pushing the other away, and then Vegeta touched him, stroking hands down his sides to pull his legs apart, and he arched into the touch, giving himself to his Prince eagerly. Giving himself, as he always had. Even when it had been against everything he'd ever believed in, he'd given himself. Tears streamed unchecked from his eyes as he returned each thrust, one hand fisting in the older man's hair, the other clawing a trail down his back. His prince wanted him, right now, that was all that mattered.


V egeta: *looks insulted*

Goku: Um, what happened to that plot bunny?

Jewel: I think it isn't fully developed yet. *examines bunny*

Vegeta: Why does this keep happening to me?

Jewel: AH-HA! This bunny isn't mature yet!

Goku: What does that mean?

Jewel: Muse plans to use it later.

Goku: *pales* D…does he have to?

Muse: *nods*

Goku: *meeps*

Muse: *looks slyly at Vegeta, saunters up to Goku*

Goku: *meeps*

Jewel: *steps in front of Muse* I believe Sephfy-muse wants you.

Muse: *reaches past Jewel to give Goku a quick fondling and darts back to his room*

Goku: AHHHH! I want out!

Jewel: *hugs him* It could be worse. Could be Vegeta.

Vegeta: LIKE HELL!