Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Kuro's Escape ❯ Return ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Kuroichi lay quietly in his prince's relaxed embrace. The last several days were hazy in his mind, but he knew that the man was no longer his master, that he was no longer being paid to stay where he was. Except, he was in his own home, not Vegeta's, and he didn't remember how he'd gotten there - or how he came to be wrapped in Vegeta's arms.

Carefully, he slipped from the bed, gliding silently to the bathroom. He leaned over the sink, peering at himself in the mirror, looking for answers. He had a new scar ripped across his chest, though now it looked as old as the others. He'd healed, yes, but apparently that particular gash had been beyond the senzu bean's power of turning major wounds to nothingness. Then again… that had been carved into his skin and salted the first day, a reminder of what happened when he disobeyed.

He traced the jagged mark. Somehow, he knew that Vegeta had taken care of those men, that none of them would ever be capable of harming him again. He remembered being hurt, and thinking that the pain wasn't enough to drown his pain… his heartache.

Except, Vegeta lay in the next room. Had been wrapped around him when he'd finally regained sense enough to know who he was and where he was. Kuroichi reached out, touching the face in the mirror. Who he was…. The mirror shattered just before he disappeared.

Vegeta sat straight up, shocked out of a comfortable drowsiness when his chosen's ki suddenly vanished. He threw back the covers, arrowing in on the bathroom, smashing through the locked door. He regarded the broken mirror for a moment, but scented no blood to indicate Kuroichi had been wounds. Growling with frustration, tail lashing against his legs, he strode back out into the main room.

And stopped dead, his tail raising to be viewed by incredulous eyes. He blinked a moment or two before recalling himself and dragging on his clothes, finding others for Kuroichi to wear - once he caught up with him, that was. He took a moment to center himself, and then began the task of finding his lover. With no chi-binders to keep his chi hidden - not that the other couldn't lower his own level, but it wouldn't be so easy to hide now - it shouldn't take as long this time to find him.

Vegeta's eyes snapped open, he flew out the window. "I'm definitely going to make him teach me that little trick of his," he growled in exasperation. He'd finally located the man half-way across the continent. His hair flowed to gold as he powered up, pushing himself to his limits. He closed steadily with the signature he sought, only to have it suddenly weaken.

Vegeta swore, finding new reserves within himself, and pressed toward the nearby location he'd last felt Kuroichi. He landed, senses alert, and began to hunt through the town, looking for his lover. Vegeta knew Kuro could be very canny when he wanted to be, and wasn't entirely sure that his sudden energy loss wasn't some sort of a trick.

He was barely able to sense the other now, and stopped, trying to define just where that nebulous signature was emanating from. A sudden angry dismay lit his eyes when he realized he had been tricked - that Kuro had dropped his energy, then phased out to appear somewhere else, raising his energy so that Vegeta would feel it here at that same weakened level, then slowly dropping it.

"Clever, baka-love. But I understand your game now, you won't catch me that way again." An instant later, the hunter was airborne again, heading back the way he had come. This time, when Kuro's energy dropped, he slowed, searching. He'd moved again, Vegeta changed direction instantly. Five more times, this happened.

Vegeta was tired of the cat-and-mouse game, and getting tired of having to go the long way every time Kuroichi moved again. This time, when Kuro's energy dropped, he stopped dead. Except, Kuro didn't seem to have moved. Vegeta continued, wondering if perhaps the drugs in the other man's system had something to do with him staying put.

He landed a few minutes later, golden spikes becoming a dark flame, and walked quietly to the crumpled form in the grass. "Kuro?"

No response. He knelt, gathered the fallen man close. A few scrapes and scratches, and his chi was slightly erratic. Dark eyes opened, peered up at him. "Vegeta?"

"Yes, Kuro?"

"M' head hurts." Kuroichi snuggled up against him, shivering. "Fell out of the sky."

"Probably the drugs they gave you." Vegeta ran his hands over the other's body, checking for any other injuries he might have gotten. There weren't any. "You seem to be alright otherwise."

"Mrhm…" Kuroichi's tail coiled around his as he tried to burrow closer. "Mrph! Tail!"

"My tail's back." He used it to stroke his lover's bare thigh, to pull him closer. He ran it teasingly over Kuroichi's behind, slipping it between his legs to stroke his shaft when he pulled the larger Saiyan up to be thoroughly kissed. The other responded eagerly, his own tail making tentative strokes along Vegeta's legs.

Vegeta pushed the other back long enough to pull his shirt over his head, to yank his pants off. He laid back, pulling the larger man over him like a living blanket. His tail stroked the inside of Kuro's thighs, twitched teasingly over a point where he knew the other to be horribly ticklish. Kuro shrieked, his tail wrapping around the invader to pull it away. Instead, Vegeta tightened his tail around Kuro's, coiling both tails enticingly around his lover and starting a slow rhythm.

Kuroichi's tail jerked wildly, but Vegeta maintained the control until the larger Saiyan began purring and relaxed into the rhythm. Only then did he whisk his tail away, to make teasing strokes around his lover's tight entrance. His hands roamed the other's form, pushed him over onto his back. He entered the other slowly, his tail once again moving to stroke over the taut stomach.

He sent his tail exploring, delighting in the feel of his fur running over satiny skin. Vegeta went slowly - his chosen's recent experience clear in his mind - determined to use his skill to drive those three days from his lover's memory. He kissed each new scar, whispered endearments. Kissed away the tears, made promises he swore to never break. Rocked gently until Kuroichi begged for more, then gave it to him. They exploded together, Vegeta screaming Kuro's name to the wind.

After, he carefully dressed the other, then himself. He gathered Kuroichi, now soundly asleep, into his arms, carrying him across the small clearing to the trees. It would not be the first time either of them had slept in a bed of leaves. Vegeta laid Kuro down beneath one of the trees, then gathered together a great nest of leaves under another. He carried his lover there, burying them both in the pile. Smiling, he curled up and fell asleep.

Kuroichi was gone when he woke.