Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Kuro's Escape ❯ Caring ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Kuroichi smiled, but his expression was distant and still pained. "Me… or Kakarot?"

"Kakarot?" Vegeta helped him lie back against the covers. "I never had Kakarot, Kuro. He never truly existed after he got hit on the head. It's you I love."

"Do you… Goku?"

A moment of silence then, while Vegeta arranged the silky blanket. "I cannot deny that I miss the baka that you were, Kuro. Nor can I deny that I did not enjoy everything about the slave you became. That, baka-love, is why I fired you. So that we could be together on even terms, not together because I paid you to stay with me, and you felt you had to earn your keep. Not because I wanted who you used to be!"

But his words fell on deaf ears, Kuro had fallen asleep. Vegeta sighed, his fingers brushing lightly over the long scar that cut across his love's face. "Ah, Kuro… if I knew how to prove how I love you, I would. It seems telling is not enough. Every time I tell you, you run away." He stroked the scar one last time, and gathered up the tray. Kuro would need something more substantial than broth when he woke again, and Vegeta had an awful lot of dishes that needed washed.

At the door, he turned to look at the wounded Saiyan lying in his bed. "Ah, Kuro…" he whispered, then headed for the kitchen. His tail… no, that man… that thing!… who ordered that will not go unpunished. I will find him, and I will deal with him. In excruciating detail, to ensure both that he knows my wrath… and what hells my love has been through. The gods had better NOT help him, or I'll have Kuro IT me to them, and deal with them as well!

His tail thrashed angrily behind him, until he whacked a chair through the wall with it. Then he tucked it around his waist. What shall I do to him? Look at all he has done to my Kuro! How many times was he raped? Whipped and beaten? And the drugs, how many different ones did they use? How often? He's a mess! Oh yes, that man will pay. Skinning him alive would be too good for him.

I wonder how he'd like his dick run through a paper shredder, the way Kuro's tail was? Can't start with that though. Humans are so weak, he'd die of shock before he was properly punished. I am going to break every bone in his body. Sporadically, between other things. Like heated wires slowly pushed under his fingernails, and pulling out his toenails. Castration with a spoon. One of those rubber-coated things humans use to feed their infants with. A spell in the gravity room, hanging by his thumbnails with the gravity set at… oh, normal. And increasing over the course of an hour to 5. Wouldn't want the pain to not last. Hmm… and with one of the druids that fires at anything that moves… yes.

He went on, happily plotting the variety of tortures he could put the man through, to pay him for the pain his lover had been in. Was still in. To pay him back for his lover's loss of his tail. When he found the dragonballs, he would make two wishes. The first, for the return of Kuro's tail, and the second, for that man… or men… to be delivered to him.

The dishes were done. Vegeta checked the cabinets and the fridge, muttering at what he found. Kuroichi was a Saiyan, but he was a very, very sick Saiyan. Most of what Vegeta had managed to feed him had come back up, the battered body refusing to deal with it. So he'd switched to the very plain, bland broth.

Now, Kuroichi's worst pain was gone. With his tail removed, it was entirely possible the man would be able to eat something a little richer. Vegeta grabbed things from the cabinet, smashing all of it into a kind of thick pureed shake. He tasted the end result tentatively, then shrugged. It wasn't the best tasting concoction he'd ever made, but it was better than Nappa's cooking. Better than most of his wife's cooking, for that matter.

Vegeta poured the stuff into a bowl, grabbed a spoon and added a glass of milk to the tray. He had a vague memory of milk being good for broken bones, and besides, it was one of the things Kuro hadn't thrown back up. A napkin, too. He took the tray back to his room, to find Kuroichi still sleeping. He settled the tray on the bedside table, then sat next to his lover.

His tail whisked out, swirling over the other man's chest. Kuroichi was resting more peacefully than he had since Vegeta had brought him home, and he knew it was because the agonizing pain from his lover's tail was gone. He laid down next to the other, curling up against the larger form. A soft rumbling started in his throat, the purr a counterpoint to the swishing tail that stroked lavishly over the silk-covered body.

Kuroichi slept on, his rest seeming to deepen. Vegeta's purr was contented, he was pleased with this small sign of progress. Kuro hadn't slept for more than five or ten minutes at a time; and now, Vegeta was sorry he'd tried to save the tail. He'd put his lover through pain he didn't need to be in, but Vegeta hadn't thought of using the dragon. After all, the dragon was mostly called for important things, like restoring the world or someone's life, not returning an appendage that was capable of self-regeneration!

Kuro would heal. And then, Vegeta would tell him again that he loved him. Maybe this time, Kuroichi would listen to him. Maybe this time, he would believe. Because Vegeta was afraid of what might happen to his lover if he didn't.


Goku: I like having you take care of me.

Vegeta: I'm sure you do.

Muse: *pops out of nowhere*

Vegeta: What do you want?
Muse: *giggles maniacally, and holds up the last chapter of Unforgivable*

Vegeta: *chokes*

Goku: You better watch it!

Goku: *is somehow hiding behind Vegeta*

Muse: *smirks, displays the previously underdeveloped plot bunny*

Goku: *pales* Oh, no…

Vegeta: You don't really think you're going to use that, do you?

Muse: *smirks more*

Vegeta: Kakarot, maybe you ought to sic your wife on him. After all, he's the one who drew that picture.

Goku: *chokes* Erm…

Vegeta: What?

Goku: *mumbles* She liked it.

Vegeta: WHAT!!!!!!

Muse: *smirks even more*

Goku: Yeah, and she wants to practice on Muse. *points*

Muse: *looks, turns white and flees*

Vegeta: I do hope you're joking? *follows pointing finger, blanches*

Chi-Chi: *snaps whip*