Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Life's Little Surprises ❯ Chapter Two ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Life's Little Surprises

As usual this fan fiction is an alternate universe story. This story revolves around many of the DBZ squad but mainly Gohan and Piccolo. This is not a romance b/w Gohan and Piccolo! But this is mainly a romance. If you've read my other stories, you will know exactly where this story is heading. But trust me… this story will have some interesting twists.

Chapter 2:

Mister Piccolo and Gohan continue to head straight up into the clouds. Then I notice there is very little time before the sun sets. I make every noise possible to make them hurry. My wing has been bleeding, please hurry, my saviors.

Gohan lands and hails to this Dende. I am in shock; a palace in the sky, atop the pole. Amazing, this could be heaven or is this just a palace in the sky that no one knows about.

Dende comes rushing out. He is a little green man, he looks to be Gohan's age. Fascinating, maybe this is where the green men live. Come on, little guy, heal me.

Dende takes me in his hands, "Give me your cloak, Piccolo, sir."

Dende lays me down on the cold marble floor. Piccolo hands over his cloak to Dende, reluctantly. His face is still scowling.

"Why do you care so much for a bird?" Piccolo asks Dende.

"This bird is not what all she appears to be." Dende lays out the cloak over me. He knows; I know he must know. He lays this cloak out for my change.

I see the last sliver of sunlight as the sun sets. The burning sensation fills me and the golden-white light surrounds me. I hate this.

My muscles begin to tug and pull as I change into my true form. True form? My body morphs and I let out a cry. I remember I used to let out a scream that would shatter glass. Now, I have gotten used to the searing pain that I only let out a yelp. Maybe another hundred years and I won't even squint.

I sigh, pulling the cloak to cover my nakedness. And I look up at my saviors, my arm still injured and in pain. I can't begin to describe the faces of Piccolo and Gohan. Piccolo's usually stone face is no longer stone. He wears no mask to conceal his shock. Gohan's look is more of a awe-struck look.

"H-h…" I sigh, it has been so long since I have used my human voice, "Ar-m."

Dende smiles, "Yes, of course. Hold still for me."

Dende kneels, his kind face… I trust him. He will heal me. Dende sets his hand on my wound and I shrink away from his touch. A light comes from his hand and my wound closes. "There you go."

"How the hell did she do that?" Piccolo says crudely, "And how did you know?"

"Later." Dende stands and turns to the man I did not notice before. He is a strange looking man that Dende addresses as Mr. Popo, "Mr. Popo, please go get some clothes, food and water for our guest."

"Right away." He hurries off into the palace.

"Is this-s heaven?" My voice gets a little better, I still look like a uneducated fool, though.

Dende chuckles, "No, no. I am the guardian of Earth. This is where I watch over Earth. This place is called Kami's Lookout. I am Dende. This is Gohan and Piccolo. They are protectors of Earth."

I bow my head, I mean how should I address the guardian, "Nic-e to meet you. Pardon me asking but you aren't normal and I have never seen anything like you."

"So just who am I?" Dende gives me a friendly smile, "Piccolo and I are from another planet. Piccolo was born here and I was brought here to replace the old guardian. We can discuss this all later. I hope you will stay."

"I don't know." I could stay for awhile. But I shouldn't trust so quickly. That's how I got in this situation in the first place.

"As Dende said I'm Gohan. You're awful pretty." The young man blushes but continues, "What's your name?"

"Avis." I say calmly as I clutch the cloak to my body; I hate my name.

"Strange. Isn't Avis Latin for bird?" Gohan scratches his head, "It's a nice name. Well see Mister Piccolo now you don't have to keep my bird."

Piccolo folds his arms, "I'm not keeping your girlfriend, either. And I am almost positive that your mother won't let you keep bird-girl."

"She will be staying here. Avis, now that we've found you, we will get you back to normal. My predecessor feared that you had been killed many years ago." Dende smiles and takes the items Mr. Popo brings.

"What do you mean, Dende? Kami, have you been hiding something? You know this girl?"

"Who is he talking to?" I ask Dende looking bewildered at Piccolo.

"Don't mind Piccolo." Dende sets the clothes and food down. "We will turn away as you dress."

And they all turn except Piccolo who seems deep in debate with himself.

Gohan tugs on Piccolo's sleeve, "Turn around, Mister Piccolo."

Piccolo turns away, scowling, "Women…"

I take the strange neon orange clothing and put it on. It's awfully baggy but I guess I can deal. "Alright. Thank you."

Dende turns, first, "It was all we had. It belonged to Gohan's father. It looks nice on you."

I see the sad expression on Gohan's face. His father must be dead, poor kid, but Piccolo makes a pretty good father, "I will wear it with pride. I have to ask, how did you know of my curse?"

"We will get to that. First, eat." Dende looks at the food, "We will have time. Gohan, you need to get home. Your mother will be very angry."

"I know. Hey, you wouldn't mind if I stayed with you Piccolo, um, for… let's say the rest of my life?" Gohan pleads.

"So Chi-chi will be angry at me? No thank you. The woman's wrath is not something I like to deal with." Piccolo folds his arms.

"Too late." I scowl as I tap my foot remembering how I said I was going to teach this creep some manners.

Piccolo obviously hears my statement for I see sweat beading at his forehead. Well, he should be worried!

"I guess I have to go," Gohan sighs, "It was nice meeting you, Avis. I will come by to see you after-school tomorrow."

"Thank you, Gohan. If it wasn't for you, I'd have been dead. No thanks to your friend, Piccolo." I give Piccolo a look that I felt would stir up a little more of that worry on his face.

"Oh, don't blame Piccolo." Gohan leans in and whispers in my ear, "He would have saved you if I wasn't there. He likes to act tough, but really I think he likes you."

I look back at Piccolo scowling, "Yeah, right."

"Bye," Gohan kisses my cheek as my head is turned and he is gone before I turn back to him. I place my hand on my cheek, blushing.

"Eat and I will answer your questions." Dende picks up the fruit, "So will Piccolo."

"My questions… I have so many. I don't know where to begin." I sit and begin to eat the food.

"For a hawk, you sure eat properly, unlike some people." (AN: Now who could Piccolo be referring to? I wonder…) Piccolo sits down in a meditative position.

"And for a protector you sure act like an ass." I quip, boy, where did that come from? He sure angers me easily.

Dende snickers, "Come now. Your questions."

"I'll let that one slide," Piccolo growls at me.

"Right… questions…"

****That's the end of Chapter Two. Let me know what you think. Give me some reviews.****