Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Life's Little Surprises ❯ Chapter 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Life's Little Surprises

As usual this fan fiction is an alternate universe story. This story revolves around many of the DBZ squad but mainly Gohan and Piccolo. This is not a romance b/w Gohan and Piccolo! But this is mainly a romance. If you've read my other stories, you will know exactly where this story is heading. But trust me… this story will have some interesting twists.

Chapter 3:

Questions… as long as I'm the one asking.

"How did you know about me?" I look at Dende, who continues to smile at me.

"Well, Avis… the wish that cursed you was made by the dragonballs. The dragonballs are created and maintained by the Guardian. I know of the previous wishes made over the years."

"Why didn't they just wish me dead?"

"The dragon cannot take life away. I want to know what you did to cause the princess to wish you to be a bird."

"And why torture me so? To make me a bird during the day and not the night as well?"

"The dragon's power is only so strong. I am truly sorry that the power was used against you in such a petty and callous wish."

"I do not blame you or the dragon. It was Princess Perna. (AN: Perna= Ham in Latin) Her jealousy caused her to wish me to be a bird. She then ordered every hunter in the kingdom to kill any red-crested hawks they came across." I sigh as I drink the water. I look up to see Piccolo looking at me with compassion.

"Why did she hate you so?" Piccolo asks, his voice intoxicating.

"Her prince found me more attractive than her. Not that I was interested in him. Such a man that would only be interested in physical beauty is a fool. He was not intellectually stimulating. Well, Perna ended up getting her prince. Once she convinced him I was dead. They had no children… he refused to share the same bed as her. The kingdom collapsed."

"It is peculiar that I never saw this kingdom." Piccolo says.

"Well it was destroyed by someone. I do not know who for I was long gone from that horrid place. Once the shield sheltering us from the outside world collapsed, I flew and the next day it was gone."

"Your father destroyed it, Piccolo. You should have that memory."

"Yes, I thought it was that." Piccolo grabs a glass of water but refuses the food I offer him.

Dende smiles, "You know, Avis, it was Piccolo that used the dragonballs to wish the regrowth of nature in the places his father destroyed. Hence all the beautiful forests and rivers, running there now."

"So these dragonballs can create life but not take it? It is ironic that the wish that the princess made to kill me has given me such a long life span, far past hers. But if it is possible to gather these dragonballs and wish me human… I will wish it a hundred times over this, being eternally young and half hawk."

"I'm sure Piccolo will take you tomorrow to help gather the dragonballs." Dende says as Piccolo growls.

"Have Gohan do it." Piccolo says with obvious anger.

I stand, "Is there a bed I can rest in? I will go with whomever will take me."

Dende stands and offers me his arm which I take, "This way, Avis."

"Thank you, Dende. I appreciate this. It is hard to believe after so many countless years… I will be human."

"Collecting the dragonballs is no easy task but it should be no problem for Piccolo."

"He doesn't seem too keen on escorting me." I say to Dende.

"Well, I know he offended you when you were a bird. I will talk to him as you sleep. Here we are. This is a nice room. Sleep well, Avis."

Dende opens the door and I am amazed at the beautiful room. I've been in the forest too long. "Thank you, Dende. If Piccolo doesn't wish to take me it is really fine."

I turn to see the young green man is gone. I have a feeling of ecstasy as I climb into the bed. It has been so long since I have been in a bed! No more sticks and twigs and dirt and… wait, what am I going to do?

I'm going to be human, but what am I to do? All the people I knew are dead… all the customs I was raised up in, are gone. I will be better off dead.

What am I to do? I can't impose on these kind people. But I cannot go back to the forest.

How will I survive in a world I do not even know? How will I be able to live in a society I know nothing about? How can I live without a friend or family member?

I hear a knock at the door, "Yes? Come in?"

I sit up in the bed as the door open revealing the tall silhouette of Piccolo.

"I will take you tomorrow. It may take awhile to gather the dragonballs. So don't expect tomorrow to be it." Piccolo says gruffly as he folds his arms across his chiseled chest.

"I know. And thank you for deciding to take me. To help a stupid, insignificant creature like me must be such a strain on your obviously busy schedule." I say with obvious sarcasm.

"It is and I trust you to be obedient to me. Your joking is just a way for you to conceal the disarray you feel."

"Disarray? Your choice of words is interesting. It is as if I am being reborn in a time I do not belong in. You have no idea what it is doing to me. Disarray is such an understatement."

He looks at me intensely. His obsidian eyes showing me no emotion, "I see. That must be hard for you. You have lived a long time as a bird. To be completely human again must be difficult."

"Again, words are an understatement to my dilemma. What am I to do? I have no idea how society works and my hatred for such things is too strong. But I cannot survive in the wilderness… I will be better of jumping of this tower."

"Don't be absurd. Dende can care for you. And if you do not like it here, Gohan has obviously taking a liking to you." Piccolo moves closer to me, shutting the door behind.

"Piccolo, they are both children. And I cannot depend on another for survival. Survival of the fittest, isn't that right? Only the strong survive."

"I do not believe in such human sayings."

"But you would have let me die in that forest, today. It was obvious you felt that only the strong should survive."

Piccolo raises his voice, startling me, "I wouldn't of-" He lowers it again, "I was trying not to let Gohan get too upset. He has had much pain in his life and by letting him get attached to you, when you looked unlikely to survive, could crush the boy."

I look at Piccolo, he speaks the truth, he would have never left me, hawk or not. His love for Gohan is amazing. I have never seen such devotion. My own parents would have left me, but they are dead, who cares about them. "You love Gohan, much. I wish I had someone like you who cared about me."

"You had parents, didn't you?" Piccolo makes his way to the desk and sits in the chair.

"Of course. But my parents didn't care for me. They were the type that would of sold me for the right amount of coin. Which they did by the way." I remember the day my suitor came and bought me from them. He tired of me and sold me to another… a guard for the castle. Then the prince who was visiting the princess saw me… that is how it began.

I hear compassion in Piccolo's voice when he says, "I am sorry to hear that. People like that shouldn't be able to have children. You have had a very painful life it seems."

"Yes, well I got used to it. Part of me wishes you did leave me."

"Don't say such negative things. You waste air by saying such absurd things."

"Oh, so I don't waste air by just breathing?" I look at the green man, I just can't read him.

Piccolo sighs, "If you would like… Gohan has grown up and is now more powerful than I. It is time I take on another student. That is if you would like to learn to fight and be strong."

I smile, "Are you offering me your friendship?"

"I am offering you a life." Piccolo says as he stands, "Think about it as you sleep. This life will not be an easy one and it is one you will have to work hard at… but it is all I can offer you."

"I will think about it, Mister Piccolo. Thank you."

"Do not address me as Mister Piccolo. It is Piccolo or sensei… you are too old to address me as Mister." Piccolo sees the anger, and I see the familiar sweat bead on his forehead, "The kid only gets away with it because I trained him when he was five."

"I can deal with that, Piccolo, if you address me as Ava." I smile, I much prefer my old childhood nickname than Avis.

"Ava, it is." Piccolo leaves without another word.

That man… he is so intriguing. I know barely anything about him and that makes him all the more wonderful. Just who is he and why does he act the way he does? He knows what I feel like. I just can't figure him out. I want to know just who Piccolo is.

****That's the end of Chapter Three. Let me know what you think. Give me some reviews.****