Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Master and Slave ❯ Self control ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I do not own DBZ

Master and Slave

Self control

A week or so had passed and she was driving him crazy. She was EVERYWHERE, wearing nothing but short little skirts and shorts and he was going nuts. He knew she did it on purpose, trying to lure him in. But he was not going to take the bait. Every time she walked into the room or his gravity chamber to repair some imaginary defect his groin would tighten at the sight of her. He wanted to spread her out and fuck her senseless, but he had to control himself. He was the Sayian prince, he would not be so easily beaten. He had ungodly control and now was the perfect time to use it. He had to stop thinking of her while he was training, she made him lose his concentration and it just had to stop. He would ban her out of his thoughts for good and only think about her when he needed to follow his plan. He wanted to drive her crazy and make her submit to his will, so she would come to him. His plan wasn’t working so far. He was the only one who had the urge to hunt her, so he had to turn the tables fast.

He knew what to do, he would not be wearing his training suit anymore. No, he will only be wearing his jeans from now on. He knew it was some kind of obsession with the female race on this planet. She would go nuts at the sight of him and not the other way around. And she will be hearing the word slave a lot more these days. Yes it will all work out perfectly for him and things would fall into place.

She knew she had him, every time she came up with an excuse to be near him. Practically waving herself in front of him, begging him to take her. She had the upper hand, nobody had ever resisted her before. He would take the bait and come to her. She had one more trick up her sleeve and she just knew he would lose control at her tactic.

She had bought some clothes the other day, and she was going to wear them just for his private pleasure. She was no slut, but she knew how to work a man. It was a little black leather skirt with a see-trough top that only covered her breasts, leaving her midriff bare because of the material. She wore her most sexy lingerie beneath it, it would be her last chance to seduce him. After that all of her tricks would be gone and she would be lost. So she put on her clothes and when it was time for dinner she made her way into the kitchen, knowing that her parents were gone for the weekend. Her father would get a heart attack if he saw his precious little daughter in this kind of clothes. She snickered at the thought, poor father. He didn’t know he had a daughter with this kind of spirit, her mother knew and always told her to go for it and to go get what she wanted.

Dinner time was her only chance to see the prince today, she had no more excuses to go up to the gravity chamber. She had ordered the servants to dim the lights and get some oysters, they were an aphrodisiac right? She hoped it would work and help him gain an appetite. An appetite for her. So she proceeded down the stairs and into the kitchen to check up on things and to wait for the prince to show up.

She sat in the chair and waited for him to enter the kitchen. She had heard him come in and she heard the soft footsteps walking around the house. He entered the kitchen, her jaw dropped to the ground at the sight of him. He never wore jeans, but now he did. Her mouth watered at the sight of him. He wore nothing but a pair of jeans, riding low on his hips. She looked up and her mouth dried up at the intense stare he was giving her. This was so confusing, she had hoped to lure him and now here he was, in all of his masculine glory. She could do nothing but stare, her treacherous body didn’t help her one bit. His stare combined with his outfit made her instantly wet, and on that moment she hated her body. This wasn’t going according to plan. She was rapidly losing control of herself, she had to pull out her trump card.

He knew he would have this effect on her, he planned it all out and it was working. Again she was the one losing control. That was until she stood up and walked to the kitchen counter to get the dinner plates. Now it was his turn to be surprised.

Gods what was she wearing, this could not be called decent, could it? The little bitch, trying to lure him with black leather. She stepped up on her tip toes to check the cabins and he held in his breath. Her skirt rode even higher up her milky thighs and he couldn’t focus on anything else in the kitchen when he saw her panties. Quickly trying to gain the upper hand again he vanished and appeared right next to her.

“Let me get them slave, you aren’t even capable of getting some stupid plates”

“Why thank you Vegeta, so kind of you” She whispered seductively in his ear, ignoring his pet name for her.

She knew he would gain control if she let him anger her. He put down the plates and sat at the table. It was time for her last trick. She knew she had him if she said it, she would lose a piece of herself but gain a lot more. Gather up your courage Briefs here we go, she thought to herself.

“Would you like some oysters, master?” She said while licking her lips and batting her eyelashes at him.

That’s it.

Screw this. He couldn’t resist anymore.

In a flash, all of the plates were swiped off the table and she was laying on top of it. With him hovering above her, stepping between her legs.

“You bitch, now you’re going to get what you want, but I will not be gentle with you slave” He growled, while trying to gain control of himself.

“I don’t care, please, just take me” She panted, having lost all self control.