Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Maybe This World Is Another Planets Hell ❯ Chapter 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]


She walked through the halls of Capsule Corporation until she found the large steel door she was looking for. In one powerful motion she kicked the door off the hinges. Vegeta stopped his training and looked at her.

"Can I help you?" he asked.

"Yes I believe you can." She walked in. He stared at her with amazement. The 500x gravity didn't phase her one bit. "Why did you beat Trunks up so badly?"

"We were sparring. I guess training a little girl has weakened his skill." Her aura blazed around her as he finished his statement. She walked over to him and grabbed his arm. He was about to blast her to hell when he realized, they weren't in the gravity room anymore. They both backed away from each other.

"I'm impressed, brat. So, where are we? I'd like to know where to send the ambulance."

"We're about a mile away from your house and to tell you the truth, I'm not going to be the one who needs the ambulance."

"And why is that?"

"You watched us spar, didn't you? Trunks went super a few times and I didn't and I still beat him. So I think I'll use my little trick. You may not think its much now but just wait `til your kissing ground." Without further notice she flew at him. Vegeta just stood there like a rock.

`This is pathetic. A Saiyan prince fighting a little third class girl. I'll bet she doesn't even pack a hard pun…' Before he could register what happened he was on his back in a patch of thick grass. He looked up to see a super Saiyan standing in front of him.

"Congratulations, brat, you the first female to go super." He stumbled to his feet. "But it's still not good enough." He transformed, too.

"We'll just find out then, won't we." She flew at him again. After two and a half-hours of punches, kicks, and ki blasts, Vegeta fell to the ground. In a blind rage, Chiku powered up. "KAME…HAME…" she moved her hands to cup the large white energy ball that was obviously aimed at Vegeta. As she was about to say the last part and release the ball, someone grabbed her arms and pulled them behind her causing her to lose the ball.

"Chiku, stop." She turned after he loosened his grip, to see Trunks floating behind her in super Saiyan form. After a few seconds she calmed down and fell into his arms.

"Trunks, I'm sorry."

"You're so lucky he's been training all day. If he would have been at full power, you'd have been the one down here." She looked down to realize they were on the ground.

"Trunks I'm so sor…" out of the corner of her eye she saw a growing light. She looked past it to see Vegeta smirking. "Look out!" she threw Trunks up into the air and made a shield. Then, all of a sudden the light was gone and a dark figure was standing over Vegeta's still body.

"So, you've got a headache?" the person in the shadows said as he moved into the light.

"Gohan, I can explain everything."

"You don't need to. It all fits together now. Always following Goten and me around. I always thought it was loneliness, you know, not having any girls your age around."

"Are you mad?"

"Nope, Mom was always against you learning how to fight. She just wanted you to be a normal girl. I wanted to teach you but every time I would go to ask you, you never seemed interested."

"You did teach me something. Nine years ago when you were teaching Videl and Goten how to fly, I sat in the woods and watched." She walked over to Vegeta, flung him over her shoulder, and flew into the air. "Come on let's go inside." After they got back, Gohan and Trunks helped Chiku bandage up Vegeta and they walked into the living room.

"Come on Chi, it's 11:30, we should get home." Gohan said.

"Fine, could you go outside and wait for me, I'll be out in a minute." He nodded and left. She put her arms around Trunks' neck. "I'm really sorry about that." She said lightly grazing her thumb over the bruised cut on his forehead. He winced slightly.

"Don't worry about it. It'll be gone by tomorrow. I'm just glad you didn't get hurt."

"Don't worry about me, I'm stronger than you think." He put his hands on her hips and kissed her. She whimpered and pulled back as he ran his hands up her back.

"Did I hurt you?" he asked. She turned slightly and edged her way towards the door.

"No, I'm fine." He looked at her navy shirt and saw a dark streak across the midsection of her back. He walked over to her and pulled up the back of her shirt to reveal a rather large Ki burn. "It's nothing, I'm fine."

"Chi, it needs to be cleaned out right now before it gets infected." He took her hand and pulled her towards the infirmary.

"But Gohan's waiting for me."

"Well, he can wait a little longer." He said as he stopped and looked at her.

Realizing there was no way out of it she said, "Fine, but promise me one thing. No needles."

"Fine." They walked into the large white room. She took off her shirt and laid face down on the metal table.

"Hurry up, you know I don't like this." He patted the blood away, cleaned it with peroxide, and wrapped it with gauze.

"Here." He said throwing an extra Capsule Corp. tee shirt at her. "I don't think your mom would want you coming home in that." He indicated to the navy scrap on the floor. She put it on and they walked to the front door.

"Thanks for fixing me up."

"No problem."

"I… guess I'll see you later."

"Yeah." She kissed him and walked outside.

"Bye." She yelled as they flew away.

"Nice shirt." Gohan said.

"Thanks, Trunks gave it to me."

"What was wrong with yours?" she stopped suddenly. He stopped and faced her.

"Well, you see, we were about to have wild hot sex. He ripped my shirt off, but then I remembered you were waiting out here. Kami, Gohan, what the hell did you think we were doing in there?" He shrugged and looked at her. "When I was saying goodbye to him, he found a ki burn on my back. He fixed me up." She pulled up her shirt to prove it. "Give me your hand."


"Because I don't feel like flying anymore." He sighed and picked her up. "No that's not what I meant." She said laughing. She took his hand and instant transmissioned them home. "That's what I meant." His amazed look faded as he walked to her door.

"You like him, don't you?" Gohan asked.

"Like who?" he turned towards her and crossed his arms over his chest. "Trunks? Yeah, I guess so, why?"

"Don't do anything you'll regret. Your only 16 remember."

She stuck her tongue out at him and said, "Goodnight Gohan." He smiled at left.


A few minutes after Trunks clean up the infirmary, Bulma came home from the grocery store. Trunks walked into the kitchen to help her.

"Trunks, where's your father?"

"Umm… Dad and I were sparring again and a… he's up stairs asleep." Trunks said putting away the last thing. "I'm going to bed, goodnight Mom."

"Goodnight dear." Trunks walked up to his room and fell asleep.

*****2 days later*****

"Mom, I'm leaving." Chiku yelled as she walked into the kitchen. ChiChi was bent over the sink, washing dishes. She rinsed her hands and patted them dry on her apron.

"Ok, sweetie, tell your father I said hi." She said as she hugged her only daughter.

"Ok Mom, bye." She grabbed her capsule case and walked outside. She looked around cautiously.

"Are you going to leave without saying goodbye to your big brother?" Chiku turned to see Gohan standing behind her, concealing his ki.

"Damn you Gohan, I thought you were Goten."

"No, I made sure he was busy. I think he's getting suspicious."

"Don't worry I'm strong enough now, I think I can take him. So what's he doing?"

"Training with Pan."

"You better go make sure she didn't kill him on accident. Well I better get going, bye Gohan."

"Bye Chi." They hugged and she instant transmissioned to capsule corporation. "Hey Bulma, is Trunks ready?" she said as she entered the kitchen.

"Hey Chiku, I'm not sure. He's up in his room."

"Ok thanks." She said and walked to his room. "Trunks?" she said, knocking on the door.

"Come in." she walked in. "Hey Chi."

"Hey, ready to go?"

"One second." He moved swiftly around the room, first encapsulating his dresser and stopped at his bed. She noticed the rectangular, cardboard box with a bow on it. He picked it up and handed it to her. "I got you a present."

"Oh, you shouldn't have." She took it and opened it. In the box lay a sword, exactly like Trunks' but a little smaller.

"You kept saying how much you liked mine and how much you wanted to learn, so I figured I'd teach you while we're gone." She laid down the box and ran into his arms.

"Thank you so much." After a moment she loosened her grip on his neck and went back to the box on the floor. While she put hers on, he walked over to his closet and got his. After he put it on, he encapsulated his bed.


She grabbed his waist and pulled him up against herself. She started to giggle when she saw him blush. A few seconds later they were surrounded by darkness. Then they were in a field.

"Where are we?" Trunks asked looking around.

"We're about 20 miles away from my dad's house." She opened her capsule case and pulled out the one marked `M'. "We'll take my motorcycle." She pushed the button on the top and tossed the capsule. Out of the smoke appeared a sporty green Honda.

"Why don't we just fly?"

"Because I want to surprise my dad. If we fly, he'll feel our ki's." she got on the bike and started it. "Are you coming?"

"Fine but its going to take forever to get there."

"Whine, whine, whine, whine, whine." She said mockingly and floored it. They arrived a half mile away from Goku's house in less than fifteen minutes. The only thing that separated them was a forest. "Was that fast enough for you?" she said as she shut off her bike and put it back in her case. After walking for a few minutes they came to the edge of a clearing with a cottage in it. "When I say so, I want you to transform and charge up as much as you can without making a sound."

"What for?" He asked with a confused look on his face.

"Trust me, knowing my dad it'll be funny." She paused. "Ready… set… GO!" they both transformed, simultaneously. After a few seconds Goku came running out of the small cottage. She started giggling. He heard her and followed her voice into the woods. She saw him coming and jumped up into a tree, pulling Trunks with her. He watched her as she transformed back to normal and he did the same. Goku stopped right under them and looked around in bewilderment. At that point, Chiku and Trunks could no longer contain their laughter. Goku looked up to see two teenagers laughing at him.

"All right, get down here now." Chiku jumped down from the tree and ran into her father's arms.

"Daddy I missed you so much."

"I missed you, too." Trunks jumped down from the tree. "Hey Trunks."

"Who's hungry?" Both men said `yes' immediately and they walked back to the clearing. Chiku stopped and looked around the clearing. After guesstimating the distance between her father's house and the edge of the clearing, she spoke. "Just right." She pulled her capsule case out of her pocket and took the large capsule out. She pushed the button on top and threw it into the area beside her father house. After the smoke cleared, a house, larger than her fathers but not by much, appeared in front of them. She turned to her father and said, "I'm tired of sleeping on your couch." She, then, went into the house. When Goku and Trunks finally came in, Chiku was almost done cooking. "What took you so long guys."

"We were just chatting." Trunks said and sat down at the table.

"I was going to cook, Chi!" Goku said, sitting down.

"Don't worry about it, you can cook tomorrow. Beside dinners done." She turned from the counter with a tray in her hands. "Sushi anyone?" she sat the tray down and took her seat. In a matter on minutes it was gone.

"Wow, Chiku, that was great! Just like your mothers'."

"Thank you." She said, cleaning up.

"Who's up for a quick spar?" Goku asked.

"Ok, I have something to show you anyway." She said. Trunks smirked knowing that Goku was going to be in for a surprise. After she clean up, they flew to a clearing about 5 miles away from their houses.

"So, what did you want to show me, Chi?" she turned towards him and smirked. Within a few seconds she had transformed. Goku stared at the mirror image of himself in front of him.

"What do ya think?"

"Wow, the first female super Saiyan, the first Saiyan to go super in over a thousand years, and the youngest super Saiyan all in one family. Vegeta must be really jealous now."

"Don't worry, I put him in his place." She said, looking side ways to Trunks.

"So, who's ready to spar?" Goku asked. They spent the rest of the night and most of the next nine days doing that. On the morning of the tenth day, Chiku woke up to the feeling of something wrapping itself around her waist.