Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Meant For It ❯ Chess ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: Hid yo kids, Hide yo wife. Also I don't own DBZ.

Warning: This story contains adult situations. So if you are a minor or do not wish to read vulgar shit, tap out please. This chapter also contains heavy cussing. Enjoy at your own risk


Chapter 5: Chess

“Woman. Let's go.” He turned to leave and started his pace, uncaring if she followed immediately, ultimately knowing that she'd eventually listen and follow through.

She rolled her eyes and huffed. So impatient. Couldn't he have at least waited long enough for her to properly excuse herself from the most polite Saiyan she had met yet and probably would ever meet? Annoyed at his lack of manners, Bulma composed herself, and smiled back at Daizu. She bowed to both Elder and king, “It was nice to meet you Daizu”, then turned to follow after Vegeta, slightly rushing to catch up to the haughty Prince.

“Bulma,” Daizu called after her, “Come back tomorrow at dusk. There is much still left to explain to you Lady Bulma.”

“Yes of course.” She smiled and waved off to both the King and Daizu.

They cleared their way through the royal palace and out onto a corridor. Saiyans be grateful that the royal palace, being a place for only the royal family, was void of passersby to witness the pair, as making any kind of contact with the prince at that moment would have been most likely fatal. Walking at an un-godly pace, Vegeta did not acknowledge her presence when she finally managed to close their gap down to three meters, nor did he acknowledge her when she questioned their destination. He advanced his wide strides and continued to ignore the blue haired wench.

“Vegeta, hell, can't you slow down.” What was his problem? Why was he ignoring her? She knew that he didn't particularly love what the Elder had to say, but Goddammit, it's not like she really did either. Mates. They were to become mates. They were to stay by each other side for all eternity. She really couldn't process the idea of all eternity. Never to be separated. Never to be without the other. Damn intense, but not surprising, after all the Saiyan race was an intense group of folk. She had a hard time imagining any type of stability, especially words like forever and eternity. Nothing in her life had been consistent and long term, other that the color of her hair. She had been considered for proposals here and there and moved around her planet for diplomatic proceedings often. She was used many a time as a bargaining chip for treaties of peace and protection among other races. Many other dignitaries found her intelligence intriguing and her status as Princess of Earth a benefit for their respective kingdoms, however, none of them came to fruition until the Saiyans for obvious reasons. One being the benefits of reproductions and the other being their astound reasoning very, persuasive, fists.

She was becoming increasingly irritated and annoyed at the fact the the prince acted as if he was the only piece to this fucked up game of chess.

“Look. I get it. I know that this eternity thing is a little hefty, and believe me I never imagined my life panning out this way but we have a duty to fulfill and I-”

“Enough.” His hand glided through the air between them, severing her train of thought, speech and coherent reposte. “I no longer wish to be plagued by your vexatious voice. Now listen you naive half-wit,” he hissed closing the gap between them ever so slowly. His eyes penetrated her deep blue pools and pinned her in her place. Bulma's heart started to race as his proximity grew closer and closer.

“We will fuck.”

Bulma's heart dropped to her stomach, as blood rushed to her temples. Oh god. She could feel the heat of his breath on her lips as they tingled with the same familiar electricity. He leaned in closer and lowered his voice, taking in her features.

“And we will fuck hard.”

Oh shit. He backed her into the wall of the hall way.

“Until you're swollen with child,”

Holy fuck, holy fuck. He lowered his gaze to her lips and growled. Her breath hitched and she held it there.

“But nothing more.”

He shoved her away along the smooth side of the wall and broke any connection they had in that moment. She barely had time to catch her breath and her balance before he started off again. She watched him walk away, yet became puzzled at the sight of him. He did not need to compose himself. Was he really so unaffected by what just happened? She knew he must have felt the electricity that time. She swore it was tangible.

He paused a moment to turn his head slightly to the side and threw over his final statement with latent frustration.

“We will not mate, Daizu's prophecy be damned.”

He continued on his way to a destination Bulma was still unaware of. Bulma was at a loss for words, angry and frustrated in the most wanton of ways. She tried to come up with a comeback, reverberation, any type of response but her mouth failed her. She could not motion not move towards him even if she wanted to. All she would do was stand there still, as she watched him disappeared into a room that she would not remember.

There in the empty Royal corridor, Bulma Breifs stood shocked, angry and most importantly alone.


Damnnit. What the actual fuck.

What happened back there was meant to intimidate the girl, not get himself riled up. He didn't know what the hell happened. One moment he was angry with her, with Daizu, with this fucked up situation and the next he had her backed up against the wall, pinned and all his.


All she had to do was moan and he would have thrown her to the ground faster than she could blink.

He had accepted that he would eventually lay with the woman. He wasn't daft. Though he would deny it to anyone who pestered to ask, he knew the attraction to her physical being was there. But damnit if he wouldn't put it off until he actually had to fuck her. He didn't know what came over him and possessed him to do that, but he did know that he was nearly powerless to back away from here. His control around her seemed to slip and there was no way she didn't notice as well. She had already caught him admiring her body at night and he was sure she felt the electricity between them just the same as he.

However, he meant what he said.

He accepted that they'd fuck but there was no way in the seven hells that he would allow himself to be mated and tied down especially to that of a weakling woman. He promised himself that he would put out the electricity, conceive the half-ling and be done, if only to appease him father. He knew in his bones that he didn't need the power of a mewling half-ling to succumb to his destiny, which he would do all on his own. He would ascend to the title of the legendary, cast away the blue haired wench. She would be of no use after all.

Maybe cast her away into my harem.

Shit. These thoughts. Yeah he was physically attracted to her alright, but that didn't mean she was allowed to wonder into his thoughts in such a lewd way. He had to get his mind right. The best way he knew how to do that would be to beat something to a pulp. Preferably Kakkarott.

Just as he was about to turn and leave to fly off back home, he remembered his blue fated companion. He left her alone in a territory she had never explored before. He smirked at the thought of her frustration from being left alone. Good let her suffer. He searched out her to ki to see just where she might have wondered in search of him. He pinpointed her measly ki in the athenaeum of the Royal palace, most likely being fascinated by the centuries of records left by the royal Saiyan monarchy.

He started his way towards the woman, until he felt another, stronger ki moving quickly towards her form the opposite direction.


He growled and bolted towards the woman at the speed light would envy. He busted through the hall doors and his eyes feel upon the woman, but she was not alone.

“Vegeta, how nice of you to join us. You know it's been quite a while since you've graced me with your presence.” The figure towering behind the princess implied in moderate annoyance.

Vegeta growled and raised his fist across his breast. He dipped his head in display of respect and raised to eyes meet ones darker than his.

“Hai, mother, so it has.”


MF: Hi. Okay so it's been a minute. But I'm back and here to stay! You guys are awesome and I hope you aren't too angry with me. Life is weird. Leave a review, and let me know what ya think! Smiles