Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Meow ❯ Summer of Secrets ( Chapter 11 )
Disclaimer: I do not own DB/Z/GT or any of the characters created by the all mighty manga Dende Akira Toriyama.
Author Note: This is my first time writing a real fanfic and I am not real sure about it. I would appreciate any input even flames at this point to help me revise this into what it deserves to be. And just to tell you the beginning is Pan's journal from her graduation (June 3rd) to the middle of summer because there are some minor things that can be addressed in like a paragraph and I didn't wanna make a lot of small chapters for them, so I thought the diary entries would be a bit easier. Also I didn't mean for this to be a lemon when I fist started out, but it just sorta happened. Anyway I hope you enjoy.
* * * Warning this is a lemon * * *
Chapter 11: "Summer of Secrets"
June 4th
No dream about that girl…thank Dende. But I wish I knew what that was all about. Passing out I can see, but that freaky dream? Anyway I can't wait to see Trunks today. We're actually going to go on your first official date (unless you count prom). It feels so good to be able to date him in the open now. Even though the press is going gaga over it. And now whenever I go to visit him at work in the morning (on the few days he works) I get looks that would kill a normal human. But I'm saiyan so yay! I know daddy knows we've been going out, but I wonder if any of them know just how far we've gone? I don't think my dad knows or he would of popped Trunks head off already, I know that's not nice but it's probably true. But I would never let daddy do that. It takes two to tango, and man he knows how to tango. *Note here she blushes madly* I really love him so much, and he loves me so much too. I mean I remember back on prom night, he didn't care about sex, he just wanted to do something nice and romantic for me and he probably put all that time and effort into it. I really don't think my life is could possibly get any better at this point in time. But who knows?
June 5th
Dear Dende WWIII is coming close, I can feel it. After prom Trunks had bought the little cabin in the woods as a secret meeting place for us, not just for THAT but a place just for us. But today we went out there and we were doing that and I guess I stayed out a little too late because I noticed my dads ki leave the house and start heading for ours. I was able to get Trunks and I out of there and dressed at that and get to a cinema before my dad got to us, so it looked like we just got out of a movie. I don't know if he bought it or not, but now I know he's suspicious. So we have to be extra careful. Speaking of being careful I just realized today that me and Trunks haven't been using any, well…protection. I told him to go out and buy some today and I felt extremely embarrassed asking him to, but I don't think either of our fathers would appreciate me getting pregnant right now (or ever). But we've only done it like 8 times, and I only get my period every 6 months so I think I'm ok. Anyway I guess we have to be really careful from now on.
June 8th
Alert! World War III has officially happened. I used Bulma's ki band today to try and hide me and Trunks ki, so we could go to our cabin today. But my father had thought of the same thing and I guess remembered the area we were in last time he went to track us down and found us. Not to mention at a rather bad moment as I had just orgasmed and was screaming Trunks name. Needless to say my dad tried to kill him but I held him off as he made his way to Capsule Corp. (naked I may add). My father got around me though and I followed him as best I could back to Capsule Corp. and got there just as Bulma was about to shield Trunks from my father. Eventually Vegeta came out of the gravity room and yelled at us to "Shut the Hell up!" Which my father didn't take well and went after Vegeta saying something about him and his son taking advantage of women which got him a frying pan upside the head from Bulma and a fight with Vegeta. Then after a few hours Vegeta won and Gohan gave Trunks an evil look, but left. I just hope he doesn't go after him in his sleep. I'm trying to stay alert tonight in case he does, but for once I wish he was just a normal father.
June 9th
It looks like the war is definitely over. I went over to Capsule Corp. today and checked up on Trunks and stuff and an hour later my father came over which got Vegeta out of the gravity room ready for another fight. But he said he just wanted to talk with Trunks. Once he reassured Vegeta he really only wanted to talk to him he let my dad take him in the other room while we waited for a while. After about 15 minutes Vegeta went back to the gravity room and Bulma went back to the lab. Then after a half hour Bra went upstairs to call a friend. About an hour and a half after they first went in there my father and my boyfriend both came out with a look of accomplishment on their faces. Trunks then asked me to go outside with him and we sat under a tree in his yard. He told me my father had made sure that he really loved me, made sure he wasn't using me, and he said there was something else my dad talked with him about but he wouldn't tell me for some reason. After that I guess it was ok with everyone. Especially after the big thing about Vegeta finding out about Bra and Goten and my dad had to save his brother. It would be a bit funny if it wasn't for the fact that when Vegeta said "I'm going to kill you!" he meant it and could carry through with that desire if he so wanted to. But what can you do?
June 11th
It happened again. I was about to get into bed last night I felt really dizzy and I passed out again. And I saw the little girl again. It was the same as last time where I could see her form but couldn't get close enough to see her face. This time though she said something else. I asked who and she said "They're coming, they'll be here soon. Please don't let them take me away from you." This time she said don't let them take me away from YOU. But I don't have her, I don't even know her. I'm not sure what to do besides wait for the next time and see if I can find anything else out. The rest of the day went on as usual; nothing at all out of the ordinary, so there's no real pattern to these dreams. But something inside me tells me I know that little girl and something screams inside of me telling me to take her in my arms and protect her. Maybe it's because I want to help those who can't help themselves. I don't know, all I can do is wait.
June 14th
Trunks is such a great guy. I don't know why I never noticed up until this year. I mean he's fun, he's sweet, he's strong, yet weak, and every time we part all I can think of is when am I going to see him again. The weird thing is he came over really early yesterday and was talking to my dad! They stopped as soon as I entered the room and again Trunks wouldn't tell me what it was about. I don't know, but I think maybe they're planning something special for my birthday, August 10th (AN: I made up her birthday because I don't know her real one). Maybe a surprise party? Only time will tell, but I had one of those visions happen again except it happened in my sleep. Trunks and I made love today and once we were done we lay there and fell asleep together in the cabin.
Once again it was the same thing with the little girl. I never see her face, just talk to her. But I got another clue. This time she said, "They're coming for you, they're ship is arriving soon. Please don't let them take me away form you." So I know whoever they are they're coming soon and coming from space and they want me. Maybe that little girl is like something in my subconscious that knows what's going to happen (like see the future), but it's my subconscious so it has to tell me some other way. Surprisingly that's the only explanation I can think of as of right now. But until I can figure it out I don't think I should worry everyone else with it.
June 27th
Man I haven't written in here in a while. But there's been nothing else to report until now. Something weird is happening, I am sick. Saiyans do not get sick. I mean right in the middle of lunch I had to run to the bathroom before I threw up all over Trunks. He asked if I wanted to go home, but I said I was fine and we kept going. The rest of the night was fine, but when I got home I felt a little woozy and just plain exhausted, something I hadn't felt in a while besides those nights I spent with Trunks which didn't happen tonight. And I've been getting this weird feeling, it's like I'm picking up some sort of new ki but I'm not. What is going on? Could it be whoever is coming from space?
Present - July 6th
She leaned over the toilet and threw up again, "Man I new I shouldn't have eaten that bread even if I did pick the mold off." Pan got up off the floor and washed her face and mouth out trying to get herself together for the date with Trunks tonight. He sounded really excited. They were going to lunch at these two nice restaurants and then to the beach and then Trunks was supposedly going to make dinner at the cabin and he then said something about a surprise. She fiddled with her locket and popped it open looking at the picture. Her and her locket were inseparable. The only time she EVER took it off was when she took a shower; otherwise that thing did not come off. She quickly hopped in the shower and hopped back out only 5 minutes later throwing a towel around herself and running to her bedroom where she argued for about a half hour on what to wear and decided on a pair of long blue jean shorts and a white midriff T-Shirt. With that she went out to meet Trunks at the first restaurant.
She landed in an alley behind the restaurant "Joe's Crab Shack." She went around the front to find Trunks pacing back and forth nervously. He must have jumped at least 5 feet in the air as she came up to him and said hi. He turned to her still looking quite nervous.
"Oh hey Pan, I've been waiting for you," he said and took her hand. "Well let's go shall we," he said and led her inside.
"Trunks are you ok," she asked noticing the collection of sweat forming on her hand from his.
"Yeah fine, come on this place has great sea food," he said taking her inside.
Two hours later…
Pan was getting really worried as Trunks had choked down half his food at lunch. Literally choked, she must have done the Heimlich maneuver at least a dozen times. But at least now they were at the beach and didn't have to worry about choking hazards. In fact they didn't have to worry about anything else as for some reason no one was at the beach but them. She walked into a changing area and threw on her red bikini and gathered her things together and went out to find Trunks. She spotted him a few yards away and called out to him, "Hey Trunks," she said and got his attention. She started jogging to him waving her hand and noticed the look on his face. This was the first time he had actually seen her this close to naked in public and he was, well pretty amazed. His eyes turned to saucers as he watched her toned body gliding more then jogging towards him. It wasn't until she snapped her fingers in front of his face that he realized she was standing right in front of him
"S-sorry," he stuttered and blushed a crimson red. "I've just never seen you in something that skimpy in public he said. This time it was her turn to blush.
"Trunks," she said in a somewhat whiney voice. "Come on, let's get down to the beach," she said grabbing up her things and heading for the water. He followed suit and helped her set up on the beach maybe 4 yards from the ocean. She stood up and was about to go running into the ocean when she remembered her tanning oil. She bent down and started spraying some all over her body and noticed Trunks was staring at her. With a little drool dripping from the corner of his mouth to boot.
She decided to play with him a bit, so she squirted some on her chest and started rubbing it into her skin and slid her hand into her top and rubbed some on her breasts, and noticed Trunks eyes, as well as his arousal had grown in size. She continued and rubbed some along her neck and arms letting the shine from the oil really show. She continued down to her stomach and began by sliding her hand under the bottom of her bikini top and rubbing a little on the bottom of her breasts. Her hand slowly working its way down to her bikini bottom which could have been considered a thong if it wasn't for the fact the back didn't go up her ass because of her tail, and slid her hand into it a little ways and rubbed it on her abdomen. Spraying the oil on her legs she rubbed from her ankle up to her inner thighs and took her time from her knees up and made sure she got her inner thighs very well.
She looked at Trunks and asked, "Can you please get my back?" His only response was a quick nod as she handed him the oil and turned around. She felt the warm spray of the oil on her back and his hands working their way over the back of her body. She let out a slight purr as his hands traced their way over her spine and along the back of her neck. She let out a light gasp as she felt his hands run around her sides and under her bikini top grasping her breasts firmly in his hands.
She sat back against him a bit more and felt his arousal stabbing her in the back in an uncomfortable way. She actually pulled herself up and sat on his lap careful of him and felt his legs wrap around hers. She purred wrapping her tail around his waist and snaking its way across his back. She felt her face turn a deep red as she felt the knots to her bikini top being undone and saw her top fall to the ground in front of her. She looked around to make sure the beach was still deserted. His growing manhood pushed against her ass as she started grinding it against him hearing him let out a soft gasp and started pinching her nipples.
She was on the verge of going crazy, she wanted it so badly right now. He always knew what she wanted and how she wanted it. She slid her bikini bottom off and let her wetness rub against his hardness and felt it somewhat enter her through his shorts. She sat up a bit allowing him to take off his shorts and felt his hands on her body and started pulling her down to him when she stopped him. "Umm Trunks," she started blushing furiously. "Do you have one?" He turned his upper body around to his beach bag and pulled his wallet out and pulled out a condom packet.
After about a minute of taking it out and securing it he once again let his hands roam to her body and took a breast in one hand and put his other on her hip as he pushed her back down onto his lap and began pounding himself in and out of her. He pulled himself all the way out and grabbed onto her and pulled her down hard slamming him back in even deeper, getting a huge animalistic moan from her. She slowly slid her arm around his neck and fell back against his body moving with him slamming him deeper into her over and over again. He was able to get his head around her body and get her breast into his mouth. Biting and licking her nipple hearing slight gasps and moans come from her as he continued her pace. She was so damn wet and tight.
Her body was so slick, a mix of tanning oil and sweat. It felt so good, bouncing up and down driving him deeper into her. She didn't know how much more she could take after the nipple thing. He then reached down with the hand that was on her hip and softly started running his hand along her tail. She moaned louder and was glad the beach was still deserted as she felt herself climax. A meow/moan mix filled the air as her body stiffened and her wetness dripped down her leg. She moaned "harder," to Trunks who continued pounding her through the orgasm.
Unfortunately for him it was too much. Pounding through her tight wetness while she moaned, every now and then moaning his name. He felt himself just stiffen and grab onto her waits pulling her down on him hard. "Pan," he moaned and felt his warm liquids fill the condom. She slowly leaned over and fell to the ground panting in the sand.
He took the condom off and through it in a trash bag a few yards away on the beach and lay next to her. "I love you Pan," he said lying next to her on the beach.
"I love you too," she said leaning over and kissing him gently. He slowly wrapped his arms around her nude form and held her close to him. 'Well this wasn't part of my plan, yet,' thought Trunks. 'But I don't really think either of us really mind.' He looked over at her tired sweaty form and just laid there with her, listening to her breathing slow down and her heart stop racing.
A bit later Pan got up and noticed no one was still around so she stood up and started walking towards the ocean.
"Where are you going," called Trunks.
"I'm all hot and sweaty," she called back smiling and continued running and dove into the ocean. He got up and followed suit diving into the ocean stark naked.
About an hour later
Pan was just floating on the water resting after that water fight they had seeing who could cause the biggest wave with a ki blast. She was finally relaxing with Trunks as they were floating together when she felt something. A small ki, not too near but getting closer. She floated a bit above the water and nearly screamed when she saw a bunch of teenagers unloading a car and starting for the beach. She grabbed Trunks and started for the beach while he was yelling about what was going on. But as they neared the beach her heard why and really pushed himself to get to their beach stuff. They grabbed their towels and wrapped themselves up just as the teens made their way over the hill where the beach started.
"Man that was close," said Pan a bit relieved.
"Yeah, well we should get going anyway," Trunks said looking at his watch. "It is about 7."
"Seven already? But we were only in the ocean an hour."
"Yeah but we were on the beach a lot longer," he said causing them to both blush. They got up with their towels and stuff and went to change. Once they were dressed they headed back to their cabin where Trunks went inside to take a shower while Pan sat on the bed feeling grimy from the salty water and stared out the window.
'I wish I knew what this weird feeling I had was and what that mini-me keeps trying to tell me in my dreams.' Her train of thought was broken as Trunks stepped out of the bathroom and yelled;" It's all yours." With that she hopped in the shower and he went outside and popped open a capsule that turned into a capsule dome about the size of a cabin which was really just a big kitchen. He jumped inside and started cooking right away.
About a half hour later Pan walked out of the bathroom feeling refreshed and smelled something delicious. Not just one thing, but many things. "Oh my Dende that smells good!" She went out to the little capsule dome and started to open the door when she felt it shut and almost knock her over.
"Not yet Pan, he said, this is going to be a surprise for you."
"But Trunks it smells so good, and I'm soo hungry."
"Juts give me another 10 minutes." She put on a pouty face but realized he couldn't see it through the door so she had no choice but to go in the cabin and wait. But the smells were so good. It was starting to drive her insane. It all smelled so good, there was turkey and chicken and a steak it smelled like. Not to mention some steamed rice, some fried veggies, some corn on the cob, it all smelled so good it was almost too much to bear. But she was a saiyan and she was strong and she forced herself to resist. That was until he opened the door to the capsule and called for her to come in. She was in before he could get the food out in "Pan the food is done."
She looked around the kitchen and noticed a table filled totally with food, that may be enough for her if she wasn't too hungry, but what about Trunks. "Don't worry Pan there's more, I had to capsulize it though so we may wanna get started. With that they sat down and began the eating fest known as dinner. They cleared the first table in a good 10 minutes when Trunks pulled out another capsule (at which time Pan noticed there were three more altogether including the one he had just pulled out). They continued going through the capsules. The first meal which had been on the table was where all of the meats had come from like the turkey, chicken, steak and stuff. While the 1st capsule he pulled out had all of the veggies and stuff in them, the steamed rice, the shish kabobs, the fried veggies. The 2nd capsule had a sort of mixing of the first two meals. It was once again veggies and meats, but they were meats and veggies they hadn't had in the other two courses like corn on the cob, salads, hamburgers, and even some spaghetti.
Then there was the last capsule. They were both pretty full at this point and didn't know if they could eat this last bit. But Trunks threw the last capsule on the table and out popped two small bowls with one scoop of vanilla ice cream in each. Pan sighed in relief and reached over taking the ice cream and slowly eating it one spoon full at a time. Trunks was in a bit of a hurry and decided to try and wolf this down too, but got a bit of a brain freeze. So of course Pan had to go over and comfort him until it passed. It was then that Pan noticed it was getting dark.
"Hey Trunks maybe you should light the candles." He nodded and they made there way over to the cabin and Trunks and Pan went around the room lighting the many candles since this cabin did not have electricity. Pan then looked over at Trunks who had that nervous look again. 'What is going on,' she thought staring at his face. 'Is he blushing?' She was sitting on the edge of the bed staring at his face. 'Yes he is blushing!' He turned to her and looked her strait in the eyes and then came down on one knee next to her.
"Pan," he said taking her hand in his and continued staring at her face. "I love you so much. I've loved you it seems like forever. And now that we're together I want to be with you forever." She saw him dig around in his pocket and pull out a dark velvet case. "Pan, will you marry me?" Her face turned a deep crimson and she let a tear trickle down her cheek. 'This is what he's been planning. This was why he was talking to my dad. That's what today was about. Oh Trunks.'
"Yes, I will," she said smiling down at him and felt his lips brush against hers softly. "Trunks," she said breaking the kiss. "I love you so much, please don't ever leave me."
"Never," he whispered in her ear and they lay back on the bed together holding each other and fell asleep in each others arms.
Pan found herself back in the dark place again. But this time it was different, she didn't have to go floating to her left to find the girl; she was standing right in front of her. Pan floated towards her and her eyes widened in surprise as she could now get close enough to see her face. She stared at that face and knew who she was. Her lips moved as she gave Pan a new message and Pan felt impending tears in her eyes as the child's words proved what she was thinking.
"Don't worry, I won't let whoever they are take you away. I promise," she said softly and the little girl stopped crying and smiled and slowly faded away. Pan felt warm this time as she woke up in Trunks arms. She rolled over a bit and stared out the window. Almost all of her questions had been answered. She knew who the little girl was, but it definitely wasn't her, she had been way off base. And she now knew how she was connected to her and blushed slightly. She knew everything now except why some people from space would want to came and take her away. She snuggled closer to Trunks and felt safe in his arms and drifted off into slumber thinking, 'I have to tell him soon.'
What did Pan find out in her dream? What does she have to tell Trunks? Why do those people from space want to take Pan? When are they going to arrive? In the next Chapter: "Too late, the aliens arrive."
AN: Would really like any comments on how my story has been in the last like 3 chapters, any comments at all.
